Few more experiences to share.
Sai Baba Blessing In My Life
Sai Sister Sujana Ji from India says: Hello Hetal Ji, This is the first time I am sharing my experience on this website. I must say that you are doing a very good job. I am not that much good in narration. Please correct me where ever you feel.

After completion of my graduation, I went to Hyderabad for job searching. In Hyderabad, I stayed in hostel and there I come to know about Sai Satcharitra Parayan with the help of my roommate. Before this, I heard about Baba however not that much. She told me how to do Sai Baba Parayan and immediately, I decided to do Parayan. That was the first Parayan in my life. I started Parayan on Thursday. One day I’m reading one of the devotee’s experiences with Sai Baba, who got Baba in their dream for doing Parayan. I also prayed Baba: “Baba, if You are satisfied with my Parayan, then please come in dream and bless me”. That night I was thinking about Baba and praying to come in dream and bless me. To all of my surprise, that night I got a dream. In the dream, I was sitting outside my house and playing. One old man came to my house. He wore one long shirt (like Baba’s dress), one plate in His hand and He has mustache also. He was asking me about something. I am not able to recollect what exactly He was asking. I was scared and so ran away. He came near me and asked, “Can you come with Me”? I said no. He told that –okay, now if you are not coming with Me, then you never come near to Me”. I said okay. Then He left my house and He was walking into one Ashram. After some time, I realized that it was Baba. I was shouting like, “Baba, I’m sorry. I want to come with You, please wait”. But He didn’t stop and He just kept walking and went into darkness. After that I was not able to see Him.
I suddenly wake up and I realized that it was my dream. I was very happy for my dream and I can’t express my happiness that time. If I could say yes when Baba asked me to come with Him, what would have happened? I don’t know. Maybe He will take me to Shirdi. I felt really bad for saying NO, when Baba asked me to come with Him. Maybe because of this reason, I went to Shirdi after 3 years of this dream.
I want to say thanks to my friend, from whom I come to know about Baba for giving her book to do my first Parayan. Thank You so much Baba for Your blessings and please be with me in my life. Please show Your blessings on all of us.
Sri Samartha Sadguru Sainatha Maharaj Ki Jai.
UDI Mahima
Sai Brother Harish Ji from New Zealand says: Jai Sairam Hetal Ji, you and your team are doing really great job. Thank you very much for that. I am reading this blog from last 9 months. I am from New Zealand. I am sharing my first experience in this blog. My experience is very small, so post with other experiences. Hetal Ji, don’t display my email id.
Here is my first experience. I was suffering from severe cough from last 3 months. I tried lots of medicines and syrups for 3 months, but there was no relief from cough. I was unable to sleep at night times. One day, I ordered UDI online and I got it after 3 weeks on Thursday with Saibaba photo. Immediately I mixed UDI with water and drank it for 3 days. Now I am completely relieved from cough. It was really a miracle. I tried different medicines, but my cough has not gone. But after taking UDI daily, cough has gone. Jai Sairam Sairam.
One more experience:
After coming to New Zealand for study purpose, I didn’t have any job for 6 months. I finished my studies and searched for job, so that I can clear my debts. I was praying Saibaba every day for job purpose. Then Baba blessed me with two jobs one in the morning time and other at night time. Baba, please be with my family and bless them.
One day, I was driving my car so fast to deliver the pizza with in time. Suddenly one dog came on to the road and I could not control my car. I hit the dog at 60 speed and praying Saibaba nothing should happen to that dog. I hit the dog and stopped the car to watch the dog, but dog got up and running into the park.
Baba, You are always with me and bless me forever. Baba, I am trying to get good job and settle in life. I am trying to do business. So Baba, please help me to do business and settle in life.
Jai Sairam.
Need Sai Baba’s Blessing To Make My Love Successful
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I have started reading your blog recently and I’m very much touched by Sai Baba’s miracle. I am going through a difficult phase in my life and started to devote myself to Sai Baba as I can’t handle this alone. I have been to Shirdi once and started praying Baba only recently.
I am in USA for last 3 years, but I visited India to solve my personal problems last month. I stayed there for a month hoping to get my problems solved. I have been praying to God every minute to solve my problems, and my hope was decreasing day by day. But I was seeing Sai Baba’s photos and images often. I was seeing Sai Baba’s photo in magazines, facebook, youtube video, in TV. In one way or the other, I was seeing Sai Baba though I didn’t want look for Sai Baba. I was seeing His flashes almost every day. That’s when I started praying Sai Baba. I had visited Shirdi in 2008, but I didn’t talk to Sai Baba after that. Maybe all these are Baba’s play to tell me that He is watching me.
I started going to Sai Baba temple near my home and as days passed the problem got worse. I came back to USA and I am praying Sai Baba daily. Even after coming here, I have been seeing Sai Baba’s flashes often and started reading about Sai Leelas. I completely believe in Sai Baba and waiting for Him to solve my problem. I have very less time and if the problem is not solved before June 1, I have to regret for my whole life.
I completely believe in Sai Baba and doing my prayers daily. After reading your blog, I have planned to start the fasting for 9 Thursdays as a sign of my devotion to Baba. This Thursday will be second Thursday. I have very less time, but I believe in Baba and will wait for Him to answer my prayer.
I am writing this email to share my problem with you and hope you all will remember me in your prayers.
Om Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Nice experiences…i too did sai vrat 9thursdays..i'm succesdully done with vrat…on my 8th thursday..while i'm sleeping…i thought next thursday is my last thirsday for vrat…i should feel you presence before or on next thursday…just now i remembered the dreAm i got..i guess i got the dreAm on wednesday…thanks baba!!
such a wonderful experiences. baba will solve all your problems soon. dont worry. just woship him with complete devotion. baba bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Om sai ram………thanks alaot hetalji for sharing the real experiences of devotees…. I am very much tensed and frustrated in my life…..please baba accha job diladijiye baba…..om sai ram
Karma & Bhakti are the key to the throne of peace and greatness.Karma is key to sustenance of life and Bhakti removes the tension associated with Karma.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Sai baba why you not listening to me.
Nice experiences. thanks for sharing it.. @Devotee3 Don worry as you said Baba is always watching you when the right time comes he will surely solve all your problems..
Sai Baba iam too want to share ur miracles in this blog…doing ur vrat also…please please solve my problem before 24th August……you only can save me from this tension….please do some miracle……
Sai Ram…
nice experiences.Dear devotee 1 i want to know to which state u belong?As i had a friend during my school days whose name was also sujana.
om sai naathaye namah
Dear Sai Devotees, all experiences are nice and supporting FAITH. Dear Anonymous ji from USA, I would like to keep faith in BABA and SABOORI too. One should not bind BABA's "taking care" feature with our expected result in a particular time frame. Our time limit may not be BABA's! So some result that you expect before June 1st, if it does not turn out to be what you expect, perhaps BABA has some better solution to your problem at a later time. Do not loose faith!
May you be blessed with PEACE !
Jai Sai Ram.
wonderful experiences……..sujana ji no words to say about your experience..you are really fortunate………
Om sai ram
Very nice experiences! Devotee from USA, don't worry, Baba will help you through this difficult time. Baba has been showing you his photo to say that He is there with you and soon your problems will be over; just have Faith and Patience and your problems will soon be over (Baba will bring you great things at the right time). Harish Ji, it is wonderful how the Udi cured your cough though no other medicine worked, and also wonderful how Baba made sure that dog was ok (miracles of Baba). Sujana Ji, it is nice you got the nice dream of Baba and Baba will have you come with Him when you are ready, but don't worry Baba will destroy your doubts soon and your faith will grow very quickly and very soon. OM SAI RAM!
Hi All,
The last experience was shared by me> I shared it in May but I'm happy that it's shared now. I thought Baba hasn't accepted my prayers and that's why it was not shared. Actually I thought that it will never be shared but I started following this blog. I will read the experiences posted first thing in the morning. I wanted Baba to do a miracle before June 1 and till the last moment I was in Baba temple pleading him to do something. I failed and nothing can be changed now. I'm just living with guilt and nothing can bring back the happiness or life that I asked for.
Ok, enough of my story. I'm glad to see other devotees encouraging me though it all went wrong for me. Thanks everyone for your comments.
Om Sai Ram
Jai SAI RAm,Wonderful experiences
Dear anonymous devotee from USA.. i agree to watever Meera ji said… Baba definately has plan somethng else for u.. he knws wat is good for us… now u might not be in a position to understand this becoz of watever is going on in ur life… just have faith don't loose hope… always remember bad times never last forever, after the darkest of the night there is always a new bright morning… good things coming to u very soon
Dear Arun ji,
I am sorry you failed in your exam. It might have been a great disappointment and perhaps lot of financial loss too
! I know exam fees and tuition fees are very high in USA! Wishing you another trial if you could afford. Wishing you all well, PEACE in BABA's protection and prosperous career.
Jai Sai RAM.
Nice experiences. Arun Ji, Have faith on Baba, may be He has better plans for you in His store.
Om Sai Ram.
Dear USA Devotee, May baba solve ur problem asap.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Hi Meera ji,
Thanks for your concern. I didn't mention explicitly where I failed, it's was my life. I failed in my love. Her parents didn't accept and they arranged for her marriage on June 1. I tried to convince everyone but my 6 year relationship came to an end on April 1 and completely died out on June 1. Better things will happen in my life but no happiness can replace her or her memories. that's the truth, but life will go on.
Dear Arun ji, Sorry for your heart-break! You never know, may be "she" was not a right person in your life! And BABA took care of that! And another person destined in your life would enter at the right time! Past LOVE does make life harder to enjoy the present, but ask forgiveness from BABA and ask for grace to "forget" her in a way that it does not become a hindrance when you find a new life partner. Because, it is not the new person in your life's fault not to have you 110% when she joins you in your life. So wishing all the best to your past love, forgive her for her inability to BE WITH YOU and wishing her all the best in her life, lead on to live YOUR LIFE with PEACE. Not letting this event make you upset, not to enjoy the life that BABA has granted you.
Keeping BABA first in everything, try to live your life and I am sure you will be the happiest person in the world!
Jai Sai RAM.
i also want to feel the miracle or blessings of shirdi sai baba, but i am not lucky like you guyz.infact my problems are rising and rising, and baba is not helping me.i did all that i could, but problems are still arising. sometimes i feel that god is only for some people like u, my heart asking me that where is my sai baba, unfortunately i dont have answer.i am feeling like god is a myth, i don't want to feel this. My mother and father facing problems for last 20 years and they are devotee of baba sai, but still the problem is continue, where is sai baba ,where are you, this is limit baba, plz give us happiness like your other lucky devotees and show your miracles to also to us baba, we are very tired sai nath, very tired.
Dear Anonymous Sai Devotee ji, So far you have shown SABOORI with FAITH, please do not give up! Shree Sai also is not going to give up on you. May be you all are paying your debts of past Karma and with BABA's grace they are reduced at a great level. soon you will see peace around you and problems will bring good results. We pray for your PEACE and happiness.
Jai Sai Ram.
Sairam ! i have done so many bad things in my life…as a result my marriage was stopped..i'm totally confused pls give me some peace of mind sairam…if he is destined to marry me pls give him back to me…i gave al my love to him..i cant see him in pain..i dont want to see my parents also to suffer…pls make our marriage happen as planned
om sai ram