Today’s post covers few more experiences of devotees with Lord Sai Baba.
Exam Results And University Admission
Sai Sister Misha Ji from Singapore says:
Sai Baba has done a miracle for me and given me what I deserve. Through my hard work and prayers, my effort in my studies has not gone to waste.
Despite studying very hard for my “A” level examinations (equivalent to 12th grade), which are very tough in my country, due to family problems and stress issues, I was not able to perform well in the national exams. I prayed very hard to Sai Baba for some miracle to happen, so that I get good grades. But on the day of the release of the results, I was very disheartened, when I saw that my grades were not good. In Singapore, there are only two local government universities that I can attend for the course I want, because it is a small country. Therefore, competition is very high and the grades must be very good in order to get accepted.
Despite my bad grades, I continued to pray very hard to Baba, remembering His words Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience). I told Baba that in all my 12 years of education, I have worked very hard and if I do not get admission into the university, all my years of hard work will go down the drain. I will be ruined and my parents will also be put to shame. My parents could not afford to send me to an overseas university. I told Baba to please give me what I deserve. I have been observing fasts for Baba every Thursday for a long time and have done Sai Baba's Vrat. And with Sai's blessings, I got into the university and course that I wanted. It is such a great happiness that Baba has given me. Had He not helped me, I would not have gotten in as my grades were not good enough. But I kept faith in Baba. Thank You Baba. I wish to tell all Sai devotees to keep faith and if you fail once, do not give up and do not turn away from Baba. After all, you need Baba, not Baba needs you. Put Baba in front of you in everything you do.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Baba Experience
Sai Sister
Neha Ji from
India says: Sai ram to all. Today I want to share that how Baba is always with His devotee. Whenever we forget something than Baba makes us realize our mistakes. I am going to share same experience with you.

From last two days, I have started lighting up 2 diyas in front of Baba. One is in morning after having bath and before taking breakfast and second is in evening before taking dinner. But yesterday I started having my dinner and in between it came in my mind that today I forgot to light lamp in front of my Baba and without doing this I had started my dinner. Then I thought after having food, I will light lamp and I lighted lamp after finishing my dinner. But it was in my mind that it’s my mistake and I should have done this before taking dinner and I felt sorry in front of Baba. Than before sleeping, I started reading Sai Satcharitra and you won’t believe that the chapter I was reading was containing Baba's saying in which Baba said we should remember our Guru before having food. Suddenly it came in my mind that through this Baba said I should not repeat this and always light lamp in front of Baba before having my food I should remember my Baba. It was a miracle that the particular chapter I was reading was about the same mistake I committed.
I am so grateful to Baba for this. This is how our Sai Baba always helps His devotee to be on right track.
Jai Sai Ram. Allah Malik.
Sai Dham Visit
Sai Brother
Vikram Ji from
India says: First time, I visited Sai Dham with my Guru Ji and how Baba called us in SAI Dham Kopergaon.
I was in Indore and just got married. I lost job because of health reason. It was Thursday, I and my friend visited Guru Ji's Place and suddenly I said that I want to go to Shirdi on Saturday with my Guru Ji. Every one said yes and we departed on Saturday. We were about to reach Kopergaon Pravin Ji (My Guru Ji) told us we have to visit Chavan Baba's Ashram in Kopergaon. We went to Chavan Baba's Ashram and took his blessings and went to Shirdi. I met with my younger sister in Shirdi and asked her to visit Chavan Baba's place at Kopergaon. I was going for KAKAD ARTI in Shirdi with My Guru Ji, I saw a MALA with lots of Roses in. It was so beautiful. I told Guru Ji that we should take this for BABA's Samadhi. But then decided not to take because of rush. My younger sister managed to reach Kopergaon in morning. When we came back from Kakad Aarti, I saw her missed calls. I called her back. She was in Kopergaon and told me Chavan Baba told her to inform me, who came from Indore last day to bring MALA. We were shocked how could Chavan Baba came to know about my wish to offer MALA. We rushed to that shop and purchased that MALA and reached Kopergaon at 12. Pandit Ji was waiting for us took that mala from us and we attended AARTI in Kopergaon.
I had so many miracles in my life after that and it's my biggest luck I could see Chavan BABA and took his blessings with my entire family.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Once you are a devotee of Baba, He makes sure of His wishes are communicated to you. The above experiences show the same. May he shower his blessings on us. Om Sai Ram..
All three are nice experiences, thanks for sharing it.
Nice experiences. Thaks for sharing. Om Sairam. Love you Baba.
Very nice experiences. Thanks for sharing them.
@Vikram ji- You are blessed that you had Chavan Baba's darshan and such a mircale.
May Baba bless you all
Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram,om sai sai sai ram
Om sai ram,om sai sai sai ram
BEautiful experiences,Sai Ram
Nice experiences.Thanks for sharing.Om sai ram.
Vikramji i am planning to visit shirdi next week and i really want chavan baba's blessing i dont anything about him and his location where i can meet him, Can you please guide me and help me i am a stranger for him is it ok to go and meet him , he meets the strangers or only the known people can visit him.
Let me know if you can .
Thanks & regards
very nice experiences.OM SAI NATHAYA NAMAH.
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences
Love you so much Baba.
Very nice experiences. Thanks for sharing.
Recently, my brother visited Shirdi and kopargaon & he told me that Chavan Baba is no more. Very sad!
Om Sai Ram.
such a wonderful experiences. baba bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Very nice experiences! Misha Ji, it is due to Baba's blessings that He helped you get through and succeed at your examinations and I'm sure Baba will be there with you to help you in your future career also. Neha Ji, Baba always reminds us if we forget to do something for him and also to teach us something, so this experience must have been a way for Baba to teach you something as well. Vikram Ji, your experience also helps to show how Baba is everywhere and knows everything since He asked for the Mala that you wished to give. Baba, please continue to bless all your devotees with your love and help them overcome the obstacles in their lives! Om Sai Ram!
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram