Following is an experience shared by a devotee from New Zealand who came to India for cure of deadly cancer and how the cancer left her body with grace and blessings of Lord Sai Baba.
Sai Sister NICOLE Ji from New Zealand says: Through the grace of Sai Baba, I was healed from cancer. In 2008, I was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus. The only option offered to heal by medical doctors was a complete removal of the uterus. Before this diagnosis, a large cyst was in my left ovary, which was eaten away and was removed. This cyst opened during the operation in my stomach. After this incident, a chemo most likely was needed. I connected to what was the intention to be done to my body and I knew I was going to leave my body in 3 months. I prayed and begged for healing and I was guided to India.
I was invited to stay in a small ashram, not devoted to Sai Baba, near Chitor in Andar Pradash. This family was very kind people and they took loving care of me. We traveled from temple to temple to gather ingredients for a big Puja that was going to be done for me.

I wish to explain that I was raised in no religious context what so ever, in my childhood. At a young age, I realized that living without God, or any higher aspiration is a very sad deprived and empty life. But it set me free from ritualistic behavior more or less. Maybe this is a blessing or maybe it is not.
The focus was almost fully on material life, so heaps of great generational karma was in the working. I realize now that somehow I must have stood at the beginning of it, when it was created. God is funny and always manages to give both sides of the experience. So when I was in India, the leader of this small ashram took me to a temple that was being build for Sai Baba. Up until then it had been like a spiritual Sherlock Holmes for me, getting this here and that there. I managed to do everything wrong in the temple yet the patience with this inappropriate behavior was fantastic. I felt very blessed to be taken into the temples.
So this particular hot day (53 degrees Celsius), we climbed up the stairs of the temple, which was way into its construction. The host spoke with a priest and I was given permission to touch the golden feet imprint. I understood this is normally not for woman to do, but because I was sick this was OK. From then on , every time I closed my eyes, any time I went into meditation, I saw HIM and only Him. The Love just gushed in.
We went the next day to a small and remote temple that was dedicated to Shakti. In the Temple, we had to climb down in a hole in the ground under a tree. A snake lived there. A Puja was done and I was asked to ask what I wanted. I read the night before in book that belonged to my host spiritual purification. So I asked for that. I saw the black sculpture of Shakti light up in a bright magnificent purple light.
Well I got what I asked for, one hour when we had left the temple I got very ill. Clearing my stomach so to say, frequently. A high fever arose. This stayed until the last day, when the big Puja ended. After that it was completely gone. During the fever and bodily discomfort, I kept seeing Sai Baba. My hosts were worried, but I knew all was good. I was happy to burn inside even though the body was not well. At one point, I sat up and I felt all this love in a way that I have never experienced before, yet it felt so good that for 100% sure this is what all of us truly are. Right there and then I knew the cancer had left my body. There were no more questions about it. Love had taken over and it was the lack of this Love, or better says, me letting it in completely, that had caused this imbalance to begin with. The pain and the traumas had managed to close me off in certain parts of my body and soul. Now this opened up and I returned to my original state once His Love had entered me. It was and is all very sweet and I wept with joy. There was no more doubt, no more fear. All had been taken over and filled with His Grace.
I went home, at that time it was in Belgium. Two months later, I went to the doctor, scans were taken, blood samples the whole enchilada and nothing was found. Medical professionals tend to be skeptical. The doctor said he still had to complete the operation because he was sure it was still there, the cancer. I said to him I knew when it started two years before it was found and I also knew exactly when it left my body. The man, in his own misconception (bless this man) told me that I had no knowledge about what goes on in my body and that I was going to die for sure. I told him only God knows when we will die. Thank You Sai Baba for Your Blessings.
Dear Sai Baba, please help me to me to overcome ignorance and arrogance. Help me to be more kind to my family, near and far. All beings are blessed with Your eternal kindness and giving. After the physical cleansing, they made me special steamed apple. I must say that India is a delight for a vegetarian. The best food ever.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Baba is truly amazing!!
Amazing experience..I got an answer from sai that I need not to worry about my health.Actually I'm suffering with the uterus problem.I guessed it might be a cancer and I can't have children.Tears are rolling down..what else I can describe.Sai answered my prayer and assured me that HE is with me.Thank you so much for sharing this experience.I really needed this badly.Hetalji thank you so much for posting this exp.I'm so happy..This is the second time sai answered me in a day..I love you sai.. without your presence I can't imagine my life..
Good experience.. thanks for sharing. Om Sai Ram.
Hi Nicole,
This experience is just other worldly and the way you wrote about divine love and that curing your cancer beautifully ties both the spiritual and materialistic aspects of our life. What and where was the ashram you stayed and the Shakti temple because they sound fascinating to just visit. Thanks for sharing your experience.
The experience leaves me speechless…Om Sai Ram
such a wonderful experience. baba bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
May Said continue to shower his blessings on you and all of us.
Jai Sairam
Very nice experience. Thankx a lot for sharing this.
Nice experience.Thanks for sharing.Om sai ram.
amazing experience…thanks for posting it…OMSAIRAM
Nicoleji, nice faith boosting experience thanks for sharing it.
What a phenomenal experience Nichole.You are truly blessed. Baba surely works in mysterious ways.You are a protected daughter of Baba.May Baba continue to shower his blessings on you always. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience. It is indeed very encouraging.
Dear Nicole…what a beautifully narrated experience. It feels really glad to hear that you are in good health now.
Can I also please request you to post information on the Ashram and Shakthi Temple, the truly sound amazing.
May Baba be with you at all times.
Om Sai Ram
Sister Nicole,
Jai Sai Ram. Very glad that you are cured of cancer. Nothing is impossible to Sai. We just need to call Baba from our heart. This experience of your's reminds me of another devotee called "Usha Rani" in Andhra Pradesh (Tirupati) who was diagnosed with Cancer. She was all alone and no one to attend to her. A muslim lady nursed her and took care of her and she was completely cured of cancer and finally the muslim lady disappeared and she was none other than our "deva" Shri Sai Samarth" in return for her Gratitude. Usha Rani built a small temple inside her house and now she dedicates her time and life to "Shri Sainath".
Let's keep our faith on Baba and be patience for end results, there is nothing more we can do. After all, we are just his instruments.
Jai Jai Guru dev, Jai Jai Parabrahma.
Allah Mallik.
Servant of Baba.
Very Very Blissful experience.
Baba is great and loving..
Sainath Maharaj ki Jai..
nichole ji om sai ram.u r blessed child of baba and it was nice experince.always keep faith on him he never left his/her devote's hand .m alsosuffering alot mentaly bcozof my marreid life and m sure baba is working on that and very soon baba will rteurn back my husband to me after removing his all negetive thigs from his mind and body.
its my prayers to baba to bless all his chidren who r suffering and holding his feet with shradha and sai ram……
Really a very nice and great experience!!!
Beautiful Experience.. When i hear to experiences I like this, I am more motivated and confidant that prayers get answered . BABA is truly great.. BABA , I am waiting for the miracle to happen in my life..Please bless me with a child soon…
Om Sri Sachidhanandh Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jaiiii
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram…Beautiful miracle….Baba bless all….
May SAI shower HIS blessings on Nicole for sharing her wonderful experience, for, it has re-newed our faith in SAI. my wife was also diagnosed as suffering from thyroid cancer & was advised complete removal of thyroid gland. but we have faith in SAI & have not gone for operation. Jai Sai Ram!
Dear Sister,
What a heart throbbing experiance. Sai blessed you…
Saima please bless everyone in this world. Thank You baba.
Om Sai Namo Namaha Sri Sai Namo Namaha Jaya Jaya Sai Namo Namaha Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha
wondrful experience..thanks for sharing..may saima always bless everyone with good health peace and sairam..
What a great exprience.Please bless all of us with good health Baba.
Good experience,Thanks for sharing it ,Jai sai ram
Amazing Experience! Om Sai Ram.
Wonderful experience!!
Jai Sai Ram!
Very nice experience Nicole Ji! It was Baba who called you to India because He saw something special about you and wanted to help you. Baba was the real Doctor who removed your cancer and helped give you a new perspective on your life filling it with Love. Baba calls us to his side for many reasons, and when we are brought near him, all bad things that pull us down vanish in Sai Baba's presence. Om Sai Ram!
Wonderful experience. May Baba bless everyone with good health and instill the much needed Shraddha and Saburi! Thank you for sharing Nicole.
Om Sai Ram.. Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sairam
May The Lord of the Universe Shri Sai Baba bless, guide and protect His devotees throughout the world on this divine Thursday.
Jai Shri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Anesh Buldeo
Centurion, South Africa
Om sai ram