All experiences of today shared below are equally interesting.
Sai Baba Helped Me When I Needed It Most
Sai Brother Deep Ji from India says: Jai Shree Sai Nathaye Namaha !
I and my wife came back from Honeymoon (from Kerala to Mumbai). Because our flight was 3 hours late, our train from Mumbai to Surat was missed. We even manage to get a TATKAL ticket in next train too. But there was too much traffic at evening time in Mumbai (i.e. from Airport to Borivalli railway station). Our train was schedule to come at 8.22 PM and will leave at 8.24 PM. Because of too much traffic, we were feeling that will even going to miss this train also (TATKAL Ticket). I was praying to Sai Baba that it’s Your hand to get the Train or not. We were getting even more late because of too much traffic and some work was going on. My wife indicated me towards the watch and it was like 8.20 PM and there was even 10 minutes to reach railway station. I called my friend to know if the train is right time or there is any delay. The friend checked and replied that the Train is on RIGHT TIME.

My wife lost all hope to get the train, but I was keeping my hope on Sai Baba. We reached the station on 8.35 PM and I quickly grab our luggage and went towards the platform. I never lost my hope even I knew that the train must have gone as it was on right time and we reached railway station on 8.35 PM. The departure time was 8.24 PM. I then ask a kooli if the said train went or not? The kooli replied me – “Aane ki tayari main ha” (The train is about to come). It was like I hit a Jackpot. I somehow pick both the suitcase and started climbing the platform. As I was about to reach my platform No.4, I saw a train arriving. I asked the people is it Lok Shakti Exp? One person replied Yes.
I don’t know how it happened? I ran like crazy with both the heavy suitcase and was searching for my coach. I then realize that I was running to wrong direction. The 3-AC Coach was on opposite direction. I then again ran to the opposite direction with both suitcase and my wife was following me. I was finally able to see the 3-AC Coach. My wife got too much tired and she was out of breath running with me. I asked her to step in any 3-AC Coach and I went to our coach (i.e. B3). I finally got the B-3 Coach (AC Coach) and after stepping inside- It was like I was out of my breath and energy. I even was not able to get up to go inside the coach. In the mean while my wife also reach the B-3 Coach (From interconnecting coach).
It was nothing, but a MIRACLE from Sai Baba. We both realised this even after the train was on right time, the train got somehow late and we got there on time. People told me that you are lucky to get the train as it just got late before Borivalli. I was thanking Sai Baba to help me. My wife asked me why I never lost any hope to get the train even we knew that the train was on right time and we were too much late. I said her because I kept my all hope on Sai Baba. I asked Sai Baba that it’s all on You now to make me suffer or let me get the train. She was so happy realizing Sai Baba Help us and she also experience the MIRACLE.
When I reached Surat, I lifted the suitcase, but I was hardly able to pick the one suitcase. But while I was trying to get to the train in Borivalli, I climbed the ladders of railway platform and even managed to run to the correct coach without much trouble. It was nothing, but a MIRCALE from Sai Baba. Thanks SAI BABA for helping me and please always keep Your Daya and blessing on us.
Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal
My Second Experience
Sai Sister
Nisha Ji from Kuwait says: Dear Hetal Ji, Thanks to you and your team for this wonderful blog. Only blessed souls are called by our Lord Sai Baba and do His work. May Baba bless you, your pregnancy time and have a cute healthy baby. This is my 2nd experience and my first experience is
Sai Baba Is Always with His Children-Sai Devotee Nisha.
- Smooth Delivery:
My 2nd baby’s delivery date was given on 10th Sept 2011, but inside me being a firm believer of Mother Mary and in remembrance of HER had desire to deliver during the feast time (i.e. from Sept 01st to 8th Sept). But my condition grew worse two months before as I became weak due to long working hours and not much rest. Everyone did say delivery will be early. But I prayed to Baba and Mother Mary to please bless me on these dates and would bear anything till then. My Prayers were heard and I got admitted on 6th Sept 2011 early morning. My parents, hubby insisted to go for Cesarean as my 1st delivery was Cesarean. But my Doctor was adamant for me undergoing normal. I just said to Baba it’s Your wish as to what I should undergo. No companion was to enter the labour room and I stayed there for a whole day and night with pain and feeling tired. Baby used to make a move every inch after 2-3 hours only.
On 7th morning, growing very weak and tired, many doctors came for rounds and found no improvements and I prayed to Baba “It’s Your time to do something, and do whatever you can. It’s all up to You and You are the best”. The next minute approx 9.30, a lady doctor came again and checked me and said to the nurse to give me an Injection and left. Within minutes, my time started and a nurse came for my help. She was very nice and by 10.45 AM, I delivered a healthy baby girl and thanked Baba. Sept 8th was the end of the Mother Mary’s Feast and I got my Baby on Sept 7th. Mother Mary visited my daughter one day in advance as she would be busy on 8th. I put her name as Kripa and my elder son’s name is Kristen. This all happened due to Baba’s blessing and He knows the right time.
- Paper Works:
Due to my previous experience of getting the paper works done to stamp residency for baby I got it done early this time and submitted on time. But as usual, little hassles was there. In Kuwait the rule is kids sponsor should be the Father. In my case, my husband made all legal papers from Dubai as he is working there.
Each time I had to run for my baby’s work and felt very bad the way they treat us ladies as though we are illegal. At the time of stamping my baby’s residency, I left home at 8 am, and the counter lady in the ministry was so rude. She referred me to go to the Top management and get permission. I ran here and there to each place they referred and got all necessary papers and details while others were not. I ran to all the places with Sai Ram in my lips and tension on my head. I was worried if my baby’s residency was not stamped, I had to leave Kuwait with my kids leaving everything. With all these struggles the top management approved and I came back to the counter for process. But still the lady was reluctant to do it and rudely told me to see the manager again. I went and his secretary said the process cannot happen and mother cannot sponsor, my heart stopped beating for a second and tears in my eyes. Then the top manager asked what is the matter seeing me again. All is this time I was begging Baba to help and he cancelled his signature and I lost my senses and grew so weak. In a fraction of moment the Manager asked why it’s not possible as she has all the paper and abides the rules and he called the lady from the counter and told me to stand out. I was almost in tears and prayed to Baba not to test me again. The lady came out smiling at me and said to come to the counter and I got the work done by 12.30 pm. I thanked Baba for his generosity and help made me understand He is with me.
Baba I love you so much for being with me at all times.
Sai The Saviour
Sai Sister Pallavi Ji from
USA says: Thank you Hetal Ji, for doing a wonderful job to the community. Please do not disclose my email id. I had to write my experiences with BABA today as it is his day. Baba was there in my life from a long time in some way or the other, but I became His ardent devotee only 1.5 years ago. As everyone says I am also a mortal being who thinks of GOD only at difficult times.
I live in the USA and was working for one of the biggest retailers till Aug 2011. I was asked to move to a different project to a different town due to political issues. That is when I prayed to Baba sincerely to move to a place I wished. Fortunately Baba too had the same plans for me, normally it is very difficult to get a project in a place that I wanted to move, but with Baba's grace I was able to get a project in the place that I wished and the relocation happened without any issues. There is a Baba temple nearby the new place and I visit it every Thursday.
I also got my GC without any issues by Baba's grace. He is the almighty who is ever full of love and blessings for His devotees. The recent miracle that I experienced is again related to job. I was looking for a new job for the past 3 months and I did get some interview, where I did well, but somehow I never got the offer. I started the 9 Thursday Vrat and today is my 3rd week and I just got a call from the recruiter that I am selected and they will be sending out the offer letter shortly and the wonder is they wanted me to join them on the Thursday. Who else can do this miracle other than our SAI.
Koti Pranams to His lotus feet.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
wonderful experiences…today one alliance is coming to see my sister please wish her all the best.
Such uplifting experiences…. Thanks for sharing.
Jai Sai Ram! Wonderful experiences thanks for sharing it
Om Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai !!!
Baba, thanks for curing me. I had a severe stomach pain last evening. The pain was too much to bear, as if someone was twisting my stomach. I believe in my lovely Baba and prayed him to cure me and drank a little UDI mixed with water. Then i had to go to the bathroom twice and had severe loose motions and bad vomiting. Somehow Baba made me tolerate the pain and due to the loose motion and vomiting all the food came out and i felt a little better. Still my stomach was paining a little and so my husband gave me lime juice and asked me to try to sleep. I did lie down on my bed but was finding it difficult to get some sleep. Somehow i was remembering Baba's name in my mind and i did not realize when i dozed off. When i woke up today morning, i was feeling fine as if nothing had happened. Baba cured me with his UDI only and i did not take any medicines. I was just remembering Baba and he made me tolerate the pain and he rescued me. Love you Gurudev Dattatreya. Baba's UDI is always the best medicine.
Be with us always Gurudev and help, bless, guide and advice us in all matters of our live. We need you always. Be with all your children and may your bountiful blessings reach everyone. Thanks for blessing me with such a wonderful family and in-laws.. they are so so caring. It is all because of your blessings.
Baba, i pray to you to please help us in our overseas job search. It is a cherished dream and i feel this is the right time for it. SO please guide us and get us a really nice opportunity. Made us do good deeds and help us to deserve your Grace. You know our dreams and i am sure you will fulfill it soon at the right time.
Love you a lot Baba and many many thanks to you for everything.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram.
Wishing your sister the best of Baba's blessings ! He will do the best for her.
Jai Jai Sainatha.
All one needs to do is call out to Him and He will come to our aid.
Oh Deva, I do not want to fall sick again, please help me.
Jai Sairam
very nice experiences…thanks for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU ALOT BABA…
wishing ur sister lots and lots of gud wishes…may baba bless her with the best she deserves and gets married to a nice person,,,om sai ram
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Swami Forgives you for you know not what you write or what you do.
May He Bless you and hopefully some day sense will dawn upon you. For its Never too late for a child to return Home. Famous temples in Chennai
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
sister ji, I asked baba to bless you on question and answers site..the answer was "Do not be influenced by imitations. Think properly and act. There are people who know what is good and bad. Remember Shree Sai, proper way will be found."…It is a direct answer.. All you need to do is remember Sai. He will bless you.
Nice experiences! Pallavi Ji, it was Baba who arranged for your new job and made sure you got a good new project to work on. Nisha Ji, Baba was the true doctor who made sure everything went well and also who helped with your residency papers. Deep Ji, it was Baba who held up the train so you and your wife could make it in time and Baba was the one who gave you the strength to carry the suitcases and run to make sure you got on the train on time. Baba is the one who gives us strength during times when we feel weak and scared. Om Sai Ram!