Anonymous Devotee from USA says:
This site is a wonderful portal that brings all Sai devotees together and encourages us to share our experiences. I know this is not an easy task to commit oneself to maintain a portal and update it every day. God bless you Hetal Ji for maintaining this wonderful site. You are truly a Sai devotee. You can call me Sai’s daughter. Please keep my name and email anonymous.

I am grateful to my mother, who instilled the Bhakti rasa in me and taught me that one’s prayer with utmost faith will never go unanswered. As a child, I always believed and chanted Ganesha’s name. I got introduced to Shirdi Sai and HIS miracles in the year 1999. I am grateful for my friend for that introduction. I can say that it was my Lord Ganesha’s intent to show me a Guru. And I can say that Shirdi Sai has worked constantly inside me to even change the way I think in my day to day life by reminding me the stories of Sri Sai Satcharitra. Sai has given me so much in my life that I was indeed leading a contented life. I had a good job too. But for the past couple of years, somehow I had the feeling that my job would be outsourced and it is better that I find a new job. Since this thought came to me about three years back, I decided to put chits in front of my Baba, one saying to ‘Apply for a new job in another company’ and the other saying ‘Not to apply’. The answer was always to ‘Apply for a new job’. I indeed applied and tried for six months, but nothing worked out for me.
At the same time, I got a promotion in my current company and I stopped applying. Everything was going on well for the couple of years and I again got the same feeling this year to apply and picked the chits again. Baba again told me to ‘Apply for a new job in another company’. I looked at my Baba’s picture in my pooja room and prayed to HIM to help me in my application process. And after taking Baba’s blessings, I started to apply again. I knew Baba had something in HIS mind since HE has consistently indicated me to apply for a new job. I started to see positive signs as my resumes got forwarded to the hiring departments. I did get phone interviews for a couple of job positions, but nothing worked. I also did get the opportunity to attend personal interviews for a couple for job positions. The interviews went well, but I did not get the job offers. This was very disheartening. Only people, who have gone through the interview process can relate to how one feels to get rejected after doing well in a job interview and getting so close to getting a job.
I have cried and prayed in front of my Baba’s picture. At the bottom of my heart, I very well knew that Baba has a plan for me. In addition, I had some other issues too with my mother, who had to undergo two major operations. I was constantly praying for my job and my mother’s surgery. I had to go to India for my mother’s surgery and I tried to go to Baba Mandir every day, but seeing Baba’s Moorthi, I was so much enwrapped with HIS love that tears automatically flowed from my eyes. HE is everything to me. I just asked HIM why HE is testing me like this. I made up my mind to do Nav Guruvaar vrat after I am back to US. After my India trip, I came back to US with a decision not to worry too much about my job and a firm belief that Baba would not take away my current job.
I landed in USA on Tuesday and went to my work as usual on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, I got a call from my prospective employer to come for an interview the very next day or the after – that is either Thursday or Friday. Is it a coincidence or did Baba want me to start the actual process after my mother's surgery and India trip. I couldn’t think of anything, but thank my Sai for this phone call. I prayed to HIM mentally and asked if I can come next Wednesday since I had just come back from India and in addition our family had plans of going out of town that weekend. The HR called me back and said next Wednesday would work just fine. All the time, I was praying my Sai not to break my heart this time with the job interview. I was constantly praying HIM and preparing for my interview simultaneously. We came back from our weekend trip and on Tuesday (Sept 4), the day before my interview, while I was doing namaskarams to HIM, a flower fell from HIS idol. My joy knew no bounds. My eyes were filled with tears just thanking HIM for the very fact that HE consoles us in times we need HIM the most. The next day (Sept 5) the interview went very well and by God’s grace I impressed the employer.
After the interview, I was thinking of the references I need to provide if my prospective employer asks about it. I wanted to ask one of my ex-coworkers to be my reference as I had worked some big projects with him, but I did not know how to approach him as he had left our company and I had not seen him for a long time. My husband and I decided to go for an evening walk on September 6th evening. We normally do not go for walks in the evening and that day, I don’t know why we decided on that. And on our evening walk, we met my ex-coworker, who was also taking a walk that evening. Is that simply a coincidence or is it Baba’s way of getting things done. While I was talking to my ex-coworker, I did tell him that I would quote him as my reference and he gladly agreed to do so.
I have been carrying a key chain that has a metal frame of Ganesha engraved on one side and Baba engraved on the other to my current job from the day I started my current job, which is more than 9 years ago. I have never come to work without this keychain. With this key chain in my pocket, I always have a feeling that Baba is with me all the time. On Wednesday Sept 12, I got out of my car to go to my office and while I was walking in the parking lot, I realized that I had just the keys with me but the metal picture of Ganesha and Baba that was attached to the keychain was not there. With a sad mind, I retraced the steps back to my car only to find that the picture was on the car seat. Although I felt very sad that this broke after so many years, I again had the feeling that Baba has a message for me telling that “I looked after you this many years in your current job and now is the time to move on to a different one”. I kept that metal frame in my pocket and started that day’s work at my job.
The next day, Thursday Sept 13, I started the Nav Guruvaar Vrat. The same day afternoon, I got an email from my prospective employer asking me to provide them references. I was constantly praying my Sai and thanking HIM at the same time for taking the process to this level. I try to watch Live Shirdi Sai Darshan online every day and that day, Baba was wearing a green shawl. Again, I felt Baba is sending me a message that everything is going to be OK. Next Wednesday Sept 18, on Ganesh Chathurthi, when I was getting ready to do Ganesha pooja, I got a phone call for a job offer. Shirdi Baba wore light green for Shej Aarthi that day again. My joy knew no bounds.
I am sorry that I have a very long post. But this experience and many more experiences of mine have again and again reconfirmed my faith in my Sai. In fact, my current job also was blessed by my Sai. After exactly 9 years and 9 months in my current job in which I have been very successful, I will be starting my new job in mid-October. I ask Sai to bless me in my new job and give me HIS Darshan in some form to make me realize again and again that HE is with me. Om Sai! Peace be to all!
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai shri sai jaya jaya sai
baba give me pace of mind and help me fight this loneliness.thanks baba
Om Sai Ram
Beautiful experience… Om Sai
congratulation jai sai ram baba meri bhi manokaamna puri karo aanant koti brahmaand nayaak rajadihraj yogiraj parbrabh sri sacchidanand sai maharaj ki jai… jai ho ..jai ho.. baba teri jai ho…..
Nice experience. Sairam please help my father, guide him and help him to become a better person and bring peace into our house
all the best for ur new job…baba pls keep blessing us sai ram
such a wonderful experience. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
very nice experience even i was thinking about new job for my husband.May the blessings of Sri Sai be with all
please help pk to find a good job baba.He is very needy for job.
om sai ram
om sai ram
may sai bless me in admission
sai bless all the devotees and their families
om sai ram
Nice experience. Om Sai Ram.
it wa s a very nice experience has been shared by you… iam jobless for a year… iam taking it as the sign of baba that iam going to get a job in avery company very soon… jai sai matha…
Very nice experience.OM SAI RAM.
Om Sai Ram.
This is such a nice experience sister. Congratulations to you and best wishes always. Baba is always there with you. May you be very successful in life and may Baba keep blessing you and your family always.
Baba, thanks for the respite in the problems at my Husband's job. It is better now. But please Baba, guide my husband in his career and in all aspects of his life. You please be his Guru and make him devoted wholeheartedly to you. Take good care of all of us and may you keep blessing us and all your children always. Please keep my Mother and brother happy.
Baba please bless us always with good health, log life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. Make us do good karma and make us to be worthy of your blessings. Love you a lot my sweetest and dearest Baba. Thank you so much for everything.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
om sai naathaye namah…baba kal mera b'day hai aur mujhe aapse gift chahiye apko pata hai mujhe kya chaiye m waiting..baba
Om sai ram
Very nice experience.Usually i read this blog when i am heavyhearted in struggles.To day i came to pray Lord Sai with tearful heart to avoid my mental tension and fear about my examination for job.It is The Lord sai
show me your experience to give me what i want. Jai sai ram. I am very thankful to Anil Gupta,Hetal Ji for providing this wonderfull platform to share Experience with Baba.
Jai sai ram
om sai ram..
very nice experience..sai will always be with us…
Dear Sai sister, Jai Sai Ram. Nice experience and inspiring too to others to keep faith duing hard times. BABA is always there with you. It's up to devotee/s to SEE the signs of HIS helping hand even though at that time it seems like BABA is not listening to our prayers.
In my present events in my life too, I was getting very few work hours compared to what I was told when I started the work at job which was frustrating to begin with, than my health issue caused go on medical leave since last 5 months with no pay, you can imagine how stressful that is! But not loosing faith I kept trying other options to come out of this financial crunch!
You won't believe that I got a new apartment, getting me qualified in this specific Housing scheme "JUST because" I do not have enough income.
This is surely BABA's way of working in our life. We don't know what each situation is going to play part in our future developments.
This new place is exactly what I was dreaming all my life, to have an apartment on the corner plot, with EAST and WEST opening so that I can enjoy sunrise and sunset everyday. Not only that but coming over to Sierra Vista, which has mountain ranges 360 degrees surrounding this town, I wanted a place where I can see these mountain ranges from my windows! This one has exactly the same type of floor-plan where my apartment is on the top floor,EAST side of it has 5 large windows and a balcony and 2 large windows facing WEST. I can see the mountain ranges from all windows with no high structures blocking my view!
The Apartment Manager showed me the sample 3 bedroom apartment. When I accepted the offer of available 3 bedroom apartment, I had no idea that it would be like this one. But while coming out from the apartment office I did wished to have the corner one apartment and looked in the direction of this particular apartment. WOW…BABA must have said "TathaasTu" at that moment.
May you be blessed and the same I pray for others who are in great need of BABA's blessings to fulfill their dreams.
Jai Sai RAM.
Really a faith boosting for me at the right time.thanks for sharing it
Om Sai ram,
I miss my wife who is angry and separated from me,i know baba that we will get back together since u got us married ,but this loneliness is killing me , I love my Wife and dont want to get divorced from her as she was second to mother to me .i am relying only on u baba….When i return to india i am planning to visit u in shirdi plz make this happen…Love u Baba
This is very sad, Sai Devotee Brother, I hope your wife will calm down. If there is some one who can tell her to create a log book and write done good qualities and bad qualities in both of you.
In this World, no one is perfect. Even if she leaves and want to start her life anew with some one, she would have to deal with some other issues that were not there while staying with you, though she may find whatever she was thinking missing in you!
Mature people always have thinking of "Bird's eye view". That gives looking beyond certain reality factors making us angry. Even Psychiatric Specialists also try to tell their patients to count 10 when arguments between the two concerned parties' discussion go out of control.
What to say! My brother is also facing the similar situation, and had to let go Mom to live by herself to please his tantrum specialist wife!
May be it was your intention to say that you love your wife as much as you love your mother, but the way you use words " I love my Wife and dont want to get divorced from her as she was second to mother to me " makes me think that THAT IS THE REASON your wife is angry!!
In this society I have come across many incidences where mother is jealous of her son's wife and visa versa. Both being immature not realizing that mother and wife , though are very close to one person, have completely different roles in that person's life. There is no COMPETITION and NO COMPARSION among the two. In such cases we just have to pray BABA to grant wisdom to both women! 😀
Hope you case is resolved by BABA. We pray for your happy married life.
Dear Sai Brother,
Praying for your wife to calm down and join you to enjoy life that BABA has gifted you.
Jai Sai RAM.
Nice experience…thanks for sharing with us…..OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT BABA….
Om Sai Ram,
Very wonderful experience. Thanks for this. Baba is everything for me too.
Baba, please bless all of your devotees.
Om Sai Ram.
Many congratulations Dear Hetal ji,
Baba shower all his blessings on u and our cute nephew 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Baba Maalik
om sai ram
may baba bless all
nice experience thanks for sharing
sai sai sai sai
Nice experience. May He always be the side of the troubled and help them across to safety.
Jai Sairam
Really a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing. May Saibaba be with everyone always and bless everyone with immense happiness. Happy New Year to all Sai devotees. Om Sai Ram !!!
when u want to talk to us..u choose ways to talk to us baba..just just amazing and u r imposing confidence again and again in me for my career..when u r here..why should i fear..JAI SAI RAM..JAI JAI SAI RAM..
Baba plz bless me a nice job.. You know my condition
plz baba help me
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mailk sab ka raksha karo
Malik sab ka raksha karo
om sai ram
Dear Sairam,
Kindly bless me with a good job soon. You know how many disasters I have undergone so far. Kindly help me.