Following are few more interesting experiences of devotees with Lord Sai Baba of Shirdi.
Sai Baba Blessings And UDI Mahima
Anonymous Devotee from USA says:
Hetal Ji, you are doing a wonderful job by sharing all the devotee experiences. May Sai bless you with good health and wealth. Please do not disclose my name and e-mail ID. I have 2 experiences in this post today.
One day I came from my work with severe nausea and started feeling belly ache. I tried to sleep but within 30 minutes, I started vomiting. I was vomiting very severely and with the belly ache, I was terrified and was thinking of going to the Emergency. But then I thought of mixing Sai Baba’s UDI in water and drinking. I drank the water with Baba’s UDI and to my surprise no more vomiting and I slept well and was all fresh next day morning and was able to go to work. Thank You Very Much Baba.
The second experience shows how Baba protects His children and saves them from disasters. On a rainy day, I was driving to my work in the morning. I was late to work so I was driving fast. I had to take a left turn to get onto a faster route. I did not want to miss the signal and so I drove fast and turned to my left. As it was raining my car skid and it totally turned around like a circle and stopped in the next lane. To my surprise, there were no cars at that time in the next lane. Usually at that time that intersection will be with lot of traffic. If there was a car in that lane, then it would be a disaster that day. I was totally safe and nothing happened to the car. Even now if I think of that incident, I get scared. Baba protected me from the disaster. Thank You Baba. You are always with me protecting me.
Do not be disappointed, when Baba does not fulfill any of your wishes. Baba will stretch His hands, when you are really in need and protects always. Just have Faith in Baba. Sorry Baba for the delay in posting these 2 experiences.
Experiences of Baba and His UDI
Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Hello Hetal Ji, I am a small devotee of our father Sai. I can say that I cannot live even for 1 second, if I feel that I do not have His affection and love for me. I want to write an incident, which took place yesterday, showing the power of
Baba’s UDI.
My mother and father both are suffering at once from some un-describable pain in their hands and legs. Both were not able to sleep at all as they are feeling very severe sensation of their hands and legs getting pained and stretched. It was around 12.30 in night, and I due to some personal problems drenched in tears was sleepy and not in mood to get up. But I knew that they are in pain. A thought crossed my mind that at this points of time nothing, but Baba’s UDI will be best medicine for them. Just then in few minutes, my brother got up and took Baba’s UDI and gave a little mixed in water to my parents and applied a little to their forehead. My mom informed me that after applying UDI and drinking UDI water, she was relieved of pain and fell into sleep soon. I was at corner of my heart in terrible fear that if my parents are getting any paralysis attack and I prayed Baba not to throw our family into such a dire situation. Koti koti pranam to His lotus feet as He has saved my parents.
I am penning down another experience of mine, please do not disclose my name. One night I was returning home from office at 9.40 PM. I was standing in Bus stand with the hope of getting bus, which comes in that time daily. I usually take only bus to our home as it is safer than any auto rickshaw. Not sure, what happened that day, but I did not get any bus till 10 PM. I thought it is ok. There will be another bus at 10PM, so I can catch it. But thought the time was passing by, there was no trace of bus and the traffic was also getting low and eventually it is getting too dark. I was praying to show me His grace and be merciful to me and send me one bus. I was literally on tears as there was a man standing some distance away staring with me and roaming around me. I prayed Baba a lot and was in tears out of fear. I thought I will wait till 10.30 PM and if bus did not come I will return to office and stay back. In that half an hour, I just can’t say how many bad thoughts have crossed my mind. I apologize in front of all for those thoughts Baba. It was 10.30 PM and there was no bus at all. I was really so dull and was crying and praying Baba to be merciful to me and started walking towards my office looking back after each step for bus. Then there was a turning and when I turned back again for bus before I could get into my office, I saw that there was a bus which came. I ran to the bus and got into it immediately. I thanked Baba while running to the bus. Then as soon as I entered bus, I heard one uncle playing song of Baba in loudspeaker and the line goes that I will be stars, Sun and moon and all the time I will see your benefit, I am Baba and I will bear your burden. After these lines were over, that uncle stopped playing song, though much remained to be played. I felt Baba gave me a message that not to fear and I am here for your help.
Baba, today I pray You wholeheartedly. I want to walk in path of love, devotion, goodness. I am very weak to control my mind from wrong and bad thoughts. Please Baba come for my help and make me walk in the path of truthfulness. I love You Baba and I cannot live for a moment also without Your affection and grace. Bless me to be the dust of Your feet always oh Sai.
Sai Baba Blessing

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says:
Om Sai Ram. Please don't disclose my name and email. There are many experiences, when Sai Baba held my hand and guided me. He is always there for Bhakts. You are a true Sadguru, friend, philospher and guide.
In our family everyone has full faith in Sai Baba. We all believe in Him. Since my school days, then college and then after graduation, Sai Baba has always guided us and showed us the way. He is omnipresent and omniscience. He always listens to His Bhakths requests and fulfills their wishes. The latest one is I am mentioning here. I moved to Australia recently and things were not going as planned. I prayed to Sai Baba to help me. As it is good income to drive taxi in Australia. I wanted to apply for taxi driver authorization. But because of my previous traffic accident, I was afraid to apply. As they ask for clean traffic record. I prayed to Sai Baba and applied knowing that Sai Baba will guide me and everything will be alright. I also started 9 Guruvar Vrat Katha. Now, just today I got my driver Authorization approved and got letter to start the process of getting my taxi license done. It is with Sai Baba's grace that my driver application got approved and Thank You Sai Baba. Please always have your Kripa Drishti on Us.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram..Wonderful Experiences Thanks for sharing it
sai please bless all…dont ever leave me alone
Here it is my experience also with UDI miracle.4 days back, I got stomach pain..At that night, I have taken coconut water, feeling sme wt better & slept. Then again at the morning, I'm getting pain, taken coconut water..but its not subsiding. Then I prayed Baba & requested Him, I'll take UDI with water. Please cure me. I'll post this experince & in comment section also..After taking that, no one can believe within 1min, my pain gone. Not having any trace of pain after
that. I really amazed by Baba blessings..Even while writing this one,
I got a u knw,my ring tone is baba's song. So, He blessed & feel happy for this..
Thank you baba..
Wonderful experiences.
O Deva, forgive me for my sins, known and unknown. Help me lead a good and righteous life and help me not judge others. Be with me O Sai.
Thank You
Jai Sairam
nice experiences.. thanks for sharing.
dear baba, just be with us always and help us to purify our thoughts and mind.. pls baba call me to shirdi soon.
Om Sai Jai Sai. Thank you baba for everything. Always bless all of us Deva.
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sai Ram
Baba, today I got my PF without any problems..Thank you so much sai..luv u..
om sai naathaye namah
om sai raam…
SAI RAM, I am doing nav guruvar vrat. To complete it I have to distribute the vrat katha. Sairam can you please give your mail IDs so that I can mail it to you? OM SRI SAIRAM
nice sai ram.
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experiences.baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Nice experiences! Devotee from India, Baba sent the bus for you and also showed you that you should not fear, when Baba is here by playing the Baba song once you got into the bus. Devotee from Australia, Baba made sure you will get that taxi job and even if you had any blemish in your driving record, Baba removed it because it was Baba's plan for you to get that job. Om Sai Ram!
Devotee from USA, very nice experience about the power of Udi. Udi can cure even the most powerful diseases when combined with faith in Baba. Om Sai Ram!
Dear anonymous devotee from india,thank u very much for ur experience..baba forgive me for the bad thoughts and lack of shradha on u..pls protect this wavering mind and keep me in ur lap always..for without u there is no life…pls pls forgive me for all my sins..JAI SAI RAM..JAI JAI SAI RAM..JAI SAI NATH MAHARAJ KI JAI..
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Om shree ram, baba ki palkhi ki jai