Sai Brother
Shaishav from India says:
First of all I want to thank Hetal Ji for doing such a great work to mankind. Her blog helped me a lot in difficult times of my life. Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am not a writer, but just a common man, who has a very average writing skills. But I will try to write as simple and clear so everyone can read and understand my story and can see how our faith and patience on Baba help us to fight the problems and come up in life.

I was a very average student in my school. I was very poor in almost all subjects, but my family had lots of expectation on me. During school days, I was finding lots of difficulties in reading and understanding. I was not able to read for more than 30 minutes and hardly remember anything. Just to remember small lesson, I had to read it many times because of that I was very slow in my studies compare to my classmates. Even the simple math problem was very difficult for me to solve. I used to sit in a corner of my class and also in tuition class and hence I was always treated as a below average student. Despite of all these problems, only one thing was strong in my mind that I don’t deserve to be treated as below average student. But at the same time, I knew that the realty is far different then what I was thinking in my mind about me. I had problems and that was the reality.
I was also belong to the family, who comes from the village and mother was a house wife and father was a government employer and working day and night to support family. In this condition, it was never thought to see some medical doctor for all these problems of mine (learning disabilities). Only thing I could do is just sit and spend maximum time on studies with whatever capacity of my mind. During my 8th or 9th class, I came in contact with my cousin, who is devotee of Baba. Somehow I develop faith in Baba and started praying Him in my mind. In year 1998, I was in tenth class and cleared 10th exams with 64%. I was disappointed because I wanted to join science stream and with that percentage, it was difficult to get admission in even average schools. Many people advised my father to not keep in science stream, but my father wanted me to become a doctor, which was not possible without science subject in 11th and 12th. Somehow with Baba's grace, I got admission in one of the school. My studies were again started and with that all those problems, I have mentioned above. In 11th, I got 45% marks and got a grace marks in math and promoted in 12th standard.
My whole family was again disappointed and I am also. I was doing everything I can, but I was not seeing any growth in my studies day by day. I was losing my interest in studies at the same time. I also left the old school and joined new school for the 12th class. In this new school, just after few days, I was punished by one teacher badly and so I have decided not to study any more. When I told this to my mother, she cried and first time I saw my mother crying for me. She had lots of expectation on me and she was doing her best to help me. That point of time, I have decided to just study and leave everything on God. Those days, every day I used to go to temple and prayed for my studies. Day by day, my exams came closer and one day the result came that I was failed in three subjects in 12th board exams. But still I had a faith on Baba and again after one year I appeared for 12th board exams and this time I got 60% in total and on management seat I have admitted in bachelor of dental surgery course and that was the first time, my family has enjoyed some happiness after a long time.
But now, to do this course, it was again very difficult for me because until this time I was studying in vernacular medium and this was the first time I was learning in English, which was never before used for learning by me. Now the challenges were doubled and I was the same guy. I know that in this condition only Baba can help me. I have started prayers in my hostel room and slowly I have started studying. Initially it was very difficult for me. I used to read 1 page in 3 hours because I have to first read it in English. Then I have to understand meaning of each word in my mother tongue (Gujarati) and then the meaning of the sentence. But with Baba’s grace, day by day, my learning speed was increased after almost 8 month. I could read 1 page in one hour, but at the same time my final exams were coming close so the speed of mine was still very slow and I was not able to cover my half of the syllabus.
Just two month before my exams, my uncle called me and said that my mother is serious and she is admitted in hospital. I was shocked and started crying. Immediately I left for my home town. When I came, I saw she was on ventilator and fighting for her life. Next day afternoon she left us. I was in a deep shock and depression after 15th day of her death, I again started my studies and after a month I appeared for final exam. And I was failed again. For next six month, I was staying in hostel and preparing for the exams. Now only two things were left in my life: one is Sai Baba Bhakti and Study. Those days I had to study and pray to Baba. Again after 6 month, I appeared for the exam and this time I got 65 % and first class I was leaving the happiest movement of my life, when I reached to my college after long time with the result in my hand. I came to know that I was first in this batch. I told this to my father and sister, they were very happy then after I have never looked back in studies. I graduated as a dental surgeon in 2006 and joined MDS later in 2008 and finally in 2011, I have graduated as a Master of dental surgery.
What I learnt in my life is no matter whatever difficult you come across, but if you are determined to bring the change in your life you can, just remember two words of my life: “SAI BHAKTI AND PURI SHAKTI” MEANING STRONG FAITH IN BABA AND HARD WORK = SUCCESS! Now I am running my private practice in Surat and last week I have completed my 1st year in practice. How I see my life. I was born in 1982. That year more than 17 Lakh children were born. After six year, 14 Lakh entered in 1st standard, and then after 10 year 10 Lakh students appeared in 10th exams. Out of them only 5 Lakh were cleared, and out of them only 50 thousand student appeared for the 12th science board exams and only 25 thousand student were cleared and out of those 25000 student only 1000 were admitted to dental science and out of those only 25-50 people became MDS and I was one of them in Gujarat state. What I want to say is that we might not see the progress, but it is there just have strong faith in Baba and Hard Work!
This is my story and I wish it will help all the students facing similar problems in their life. Om Sai Ram. Baba, please help me and my family and all your devotees in their life. Hetal Ji, you can discolse my name and my e mail add if anybody want to talk to me, they can send me mails. Thank you very much!
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai ram
Great experience. Hats off for you determination with your studies and faith in Baba. Jai Sai Ram
very nice ,you did well on study. baba bless you with lots of success in your life. om sai ram. shri om sai nathaya namaha.
Am facing similar issues regarding my education. I just hope I would make it big one day in my life with the help of Sai Baba. Your experience gave me the courage to fight against all the odds I keep facing everyday when am studying. Thank you!
Sure u will also succeed like this brother.
All the best to u.
Instead of calling this an experience I would say this is the lesson each and every humanbeing should learn. A lot of them think that just by praying to God and sitting idle they would be blessed with their desires and later complain that God did not bless them. Very few understand that we need to put in our hard work and then leave the rest to God. Then God will finish the rest to our heart's content. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. This is a lesson that each of us has to take to heart.
Dear Shaishav Bhai….I am speechless….How humble true Sai children are..really the way you have written your experience is amazing and the faith, patience and determination you've had is truly inspiring. I had tears as I read about the loss of your mother which turned into tears of joy when I continued reading about how you picked up yourself (or Baba did) from such grief to a first class student is truly inspiring. Wow…You never gave up!!!
Thank you..thank you so much for sharing your experience. I wish all students read this. I'm very thankful to Baba for giving me such good education, job, good family and luxury. But seriously people like me who have everything still complain to Baba to give us more & more without working hard enough. I really intend to put that extra effort in and do the best I can in everything from now. Atleast I will try & pray Baba to be with me.
I don't know about others who are reading this..but it has really inspired me a lot…Love you Baba.
By the way your writing skills are impeccable. May Baba be with you and your family at all times & bless you health, wealth & joy and continue to help you inspire others.
Jai Sai Ram
Dear Hetal ji & Anil ji
With Baba's permission I wish to request you to help with this.
Recently I have been reading a lot of experiences in regards to Baba 41 days Pooja and 40 Days candy Pooja. I have also seen few devotees' comments requesting to provide detailed information on the procedure. Many devotees including myself were unaware of these wonderful ways of praying Baba until recently and I have found some information on the net about it.
41 Days Vrat
40 Days Candy Pooja
Can I please request you to post these procedures (if they are accurate) on the resource page or anywhere you consider appropriate so that all of us can have access to it.
I hope Baba would consider this request.
Om Sai Ram
Sai child
very nice experience…om sai naathaye namah.may baba bless me with same determination and bhakti
Jai Sai Ram!Your experiences makes motivated me ….I am in deep baba's grace i am running all my days ..after reading your story …I feel baba definitely there to help me..please continoue your studies all the best
Wonderful experience.
O Deva, be with us as we begin a new week. Help us be fruitful in whatever we do and help us be good human beings.
Jai Sairam
OM Sai Ram,
Very inspiring story. I totally agree – "Strong faith in Baba,, a lots of patience and hard work can give you all the success in life."
We need to keep Baba in our thoughts always, follow his teachings and rest everything will be taken care by Baba.
Jai Sai Baba.
om sai ram!
such a wonderful experience. baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Om Sia Ram . Om Sai Ram.
Nice experience Sai Brother. Baba bless you and your family immensely.
Baba.. am soory for the bad thoughts and actions. Baba, only you can stop these bad thoughts .. os please help me .. suppress all the negative thoughts and encourage good thoughts please .. please forgive me for all the bad things i am doing .. Bless us ,.. help me with my office work .. Bless my Husband too .. Bless all of your Devotees with good health, long-life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. We seek your help, blessings, guidance and advice in all aspects of our life .. Love you Baba and many many thanks for everything.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai .
Your experience brought tears to me. This is such a nice and inspiring experience.
I hope you achieve great success in your life with baba's blessings.
Dear Shaishav bhai,
thank you for sharing your experience! You wrote well!
I got a lot of strength from reading this simply because I am going through a similar phase of what you went through.
I was crying in front of baba and asking for help, to show me a sign. this is when I read your exp. I am a doctor(MD) from usa but without residency I cannot do anything here. I also failed my boards(usmle-license exams). Unfortunately, this is hindering me from getting a residency spot here. I was hoping baba would do a miracle..but it has been two years now and this was my third year applying. I got no interviews. Today i am almost loosing hope, i have worked really hard to get here and now not getting a residency has completely made my life to pause! I guess I will continue to have faith in baba and see what is next…
om sai ram
Sai brother saishavji very nice experience..very well narrated..i really enjoyed and amazed reading your experience…actually now a days i am also preparing for some exam..i am also facing some difficulties in understanding the subject(its related to finaces)…i was also thinking that i may not clear this exam…but today your experience made me to get some confidence…i was in dilemma whether to take the exam or not..but i think baba is giving some indications to take me exam through your experience…so he made me read your experience when i am in a very confused state of mind…Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us…please pray for me..baba's leelas are amazing..OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Jai Sai Ram
Hats off to your firm determination and faith on baba.God bless you
Om Sai Jai Sai. Bhai shaishav very nice experience. Pure faith on baba can make anything possible ,just anything.Saiji thanks for everything . Deva always bless us all and increase our shraddha n saburi by each passing day.
Grt work ….felt proud to read your story….if each of us goes no like this…nobody can fail in any aspect of life…keep it up…With baba's grace each of us can sail through the ocean of life very easily.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram. Reading your experience brought tears to my eyes. Baba always blesses His children and does what is best for them.
Om Sai Ram. Baba pls pls pls help ur daughter and her family. Baba pls help me overcome all the office problems. Baba pls bless ur child. Pls baba help us….
om sai ram
may sai bless you and your family always
shaishav bhaiya
Really wonderful experience.My son is also going through such situaion.He is little lasy and playful.He puts his effort only when exam nears.So i pray to Baba to help him.Baba please take care of him.Baba i want to see him as a good person and a staunch devotee of Baba.Baba as sai devotee shaishav also make my son realize strong faith in Baba and hand work always pays.Baba please make him little serious towards his life and studies.
Thank you Shaishav for sharing this experience of your which gave me peace of mind.I really feel Baba have consoled me through your experience.
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Brother Shaishav,
Thanks for sharing your experience. It shows how we have to be faithful with our Sai.
Jai Sai Ram!
Beautiful experience, thanks for sharing…Om Sai Ram
Om sai Ram…Thanks for sharing…jai sai ram…
Great to know that BABA blessed U with MDS , Congrats and May BABA bless you and your family with all that you need in future
Thanks for sharing your experience.Baba proves again that he is walking with us in the form of experience.Sai is great!!!
dear brother your story lit a hope in me and i am sure for many others to. hats off to your faith and you great determination.
Om Sai Ram…
Really great experience or teaching to every other person who is sitting idle and blaming Baba for not granting the desires. One or the other way, I am also there. The way you narrated is simple and clear. I could imagine everything you said as if I am seeing it before my eyes. Your hard work and dedication is really paid off. Hope Baba keeps you blessing.
Om Sai Ram..Shree Sai Ram..Jai Jai Sai..
very well narrated Saishav. Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience.Let it be a motivation for all students.
Jai Sairam
Wonderful Experience.
Congratulations Hetalji.
Happy to know that you are blessed with baby boy.
I guess I came to know the news late,sorry for wishing late.
Hi Shaishav Ji, nice reading your experiences.Its really amazing to hear from you that you have become a surgeon from being a below average student.Hats off to your hardwork and God's grace.May our sai always bless you and wishing you even more success in the future as well.Im of your age but a female.My story is different.I was a good student from that i kept coming down in education.Became a non performer and still so in my career as well.Though i perform work very well i dont get appreciated for work in means of promotion or hike but they do praise me with excellent/superb etc…only in words.Still i feel i will achieve something in this beautiful life with our sai's help and blessings.I have faith in sai but very little but from all your experiences iam get trust more n more.And to all the sai devotees who are going through bad times i wish good luck and pray to baba to recover you all soon.For sure each one of your problems will get resolved soon.Wait and watch our sai's miracles.And to people who have scolded others saying without doing hardwork people expect things to happen,please dont blame them may be they tried n tried or they didnt know the correct way.Saideva pray to you for such people may be the way they approach things are not correct or they didnt know the right way.As said in satcharita with guide the path is easy.So u be our guide show us the way and save us from all bad things n evil doings,failures,problems etc….
May sai bless each one of us.
Sai ram.
Very nice experience! You have had to go through a lot, but Baba has been there with you by your side to help you through all the tough times and helped you to become the success He always knew you are. I know you will continue to have success as a dentist and Baba will always be there with you (as He is with all of us) to help you be happy, healthy and successful in life. Om Sai Ram!
What a inspirational story. Hatsoff for your determination. We all are proud of your accomplishments and so is our sai. om sai ram.
I am literally in tears reading your post. Sai has well dwelled in you just because of the faith you had in Him. It is absolutely marvelous to see the way you have risen in your life. Hats off to your determination. Hope Sai stays with you forever and with everyone who has got firm faith in Him. Your post has served as a boost for me when I am down with my personal issues. It has given me a great strength to keep faith on Him and believe in Him. I whole heartedly thank you so much. Om Sai Ram! Jai Sai Ram!
Great story!what a way of looking at life!Amazing,applaud your every stem in such difficult times.
Nowadays it's become so easy to approach doctors if one has learning disabilities.
I am myself a doctor MBBS from India…currently in Australia…even qualified the Australian Medical council part 1 exams that qualifies one to work here in Australia,but facing very very challenging times with no job…
Continuously applying,but in vain…
Almost loosing hope in everything…
I beg sai baba for grace and bestow his grace on such noble professions
Sai devotees please pray for me as baba might listen to you thru me
Jai Sai Ram,
Your experience is inspiration for everyone. Appreciate your dedication and determination. Felt very happy the way you have climbed all hurdles one by one and became Dental Surgeon. I am looking for job change, but having fear in my heart to face the interview. Lost confidence on my technical skills, due to not implementing all techniques in my current job. Baba please give me courage to go ahead and get into permanent job soon. These type of experiences are required now and then to boost up everyone.
Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai
Really Great bro.hope BABA always with you.
jai sai ram
Your story is more or less like mine..Thank u for posting..i would love to mail u email id is
om sai ram
om dai raam..
Wonderful experience. The details provided are astounding. Looking back on your hiccups on your delay in getting through the exams in the first attempt shows that Baba was preparing you for higher achievements for later advancement in studies and brighter career. Om Sai, Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai !!!
a heart piercing experience brother……thanks for posting..
Dear Sai Brother,
Very Beautiful Experience.. I feel very proud about your achievement. Its truly BABA's miracles and your hardwork. All the best in your career. You are very brave and dint lean back after failures too.. which is something everyone should learn..
truely very nice experience, had tears while reading since i was in need of courage and hope for the problems i am facing now. thanks a lot sai baba and thanks a lot to the person who shared his experience…
Great experience.
Om Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram,
Brother Shaishav, Beautifully narrated experience. The composition was really good. I was moved to know that your mother passed away when you still needed her.
Mother is the Greatest Gift to every child and every child is a Greatest Gift to Mother.
At last, you have own over the world. This is what I keep saying to every one. Do not think of failures, do not be negative. Be positive! work hard and have complete trust on Sai. One needs to wait for results, until then relax and calm your mind. Do not panic when things are not on your favor and do not bother what people talk about you.
Sai always make the impossible, possible. But keep complete trust on Sai and carry on your life.
My Prayers to all people who are going through sufferings.
Let's bow down to the holy feet of Shri Saisamarth, the most compassionate one! the master for poor and down trodden.
Allah Mallik,
Servant of Baba
Tears rolled out from your experience shaishavji. May sai bless his evry devotee with such a courage and faith in him. OM SAI RAM
literally in tears..OM SAI RAM..that is great brother..
Dear Brother,
Great experiance….i was shocked after reading this experiance. When your exams are near, even after your mother's death you put your full hard work with full FAITH in Saima is wonderful.
Now a days in schooling they are studying in their mother tongue but after entering into college they are facing much difficulties. You have overcame from that. Keep going saima bless you always.
Speechless after reading ur experience shaishav ji..what a determination and persistence..cant imagine such stubbornness when facing so much difficulties in life.Baba's blessings and presence is completely with u..Very much inspired and u've instilled great encouragement and enthusiasm with all of us..thank u very much shaishav ji..JAI SAI RAM..JAI JAI SAI RAM..
Om Sai Ram,
Shaishavji, really good narrated experience. What can I say about your Shraddha and Saburi. Hope I can keep the same.
I would like to contact you. It is bit late but better late than never.
How do I contact you?
Baba always bless you and your family.
Jai Sai Ram
this is my e mail add you can mail me . i ll happy to your mail.
thank you
Om Sai Ram..!
thank you every one for your kind words i am glad that my experience was appreciated by everyone .many devotees also said that they wants to contact me…. this is my mail add .feel free to contact me
Om SaiRam….!
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s sai bakthi n hard work will give everything to us
very inspiring post ;-( om sai ram