Devotees are sharing their blissful moments with Lord Sai Baba in following few experiences.
My Experience
Sai Brother Vijay Ji from India says:
Put your whole trust in Lord Sai, He will come to you. My all Sai Devotee, I would like to share my real experience and blessing of My Shirdi Sai with me, which have been taken place in year 2010.

It was the incident of year 2010, when I was perusing my MBA degree from Nasik. The distance between Nasik to Shirdi is around 80 km, 2 hrs journey. But because of my college burden like assignments and exams, my period for going to take Darshan of my Lord Sai became extended. Around six to seven months period, I had not gone to Shirdi. One day, I met one of my friends from my town (Gujarat), who used to go to Shirdi on foot every year in the month of monsoon. He told me the exact date after coming by feet. We would reach to Shirdi on Saturday Morning. I didn’t remember the exact month, but the date was 14th and the day was Saturday.
I told him that I had been deprived from Darshan of Lord Sai since last six to seven months. So I had committed him that on his reaching day to Shirdi that was Saturday, I would be there in morning and we both together would take the Darshan of Lord Sai. But because of certain circumstances his plan for coming Shirdi postpone and by the time I was engaged in my daily college scheduled and had became impossible to go to Shirdi because of no money. Trust me friends, on 13th Friday Night, one of my friends from Nasik phoned me around 11 pm and told me to be prepared to come Shirdi with them in the Morning. Friends I would like to divert your attentions on that specific date, which I promised in one month ago to go to Shirdi to my friend. The same day and same date and without money, I took Darshan of Lord Sai.
Isn’t it miracle? I believe my Lord Sai is always around me to care. The thing which we need to offer is His remembrance forever.
Baba Heard Our Prayers
Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Hetal Ji, I sincerely thank you for publishing my previous articles
Shirdi Sai Baba Saved Me From Calamities - Anonymous Sai Devotee and
Sai Miracle. I request you to keep me anonymous. Please don’t disclose my name and email ID. I experienced another miracle of SAINATH. I am truly very thrilled by experiencing this and writing it down in the blog for all the SAI DEVOTEES.
Hetal Ji, we were on our family way and I requested all SAI DEVOTEES to pray for me and my husband to have a child. I had promised to post this miracle. By SAINATH’s kripa and all the devotees’ prayers, I am 5 months pregnant now. I sincerely apologize for the delayed posting. By BABA’s grace, I don’t have any complications so far. I have no diabetes and no blood pressure. It has only happened because of His grace. I never dreamt of such a beautiful living. I truly devote my life to Him. My baby shower function is scheduled for November 30th 2012. I pray, I deliver a beautiful, healthy baby with no complications. So far my experience has been very smooth. I only pray it would be a smooth one in future also. I promise I will post my miracle after my child is born.
I also pray for my sister, who lives in Australia. She is also expecting her second child. She has attained this joy life after lots of ups and downs. Request all of them to pray for her also. All of us in our family believe in SAI BABA. It is because of BABA we have got out of any troubles. I request SAI DEVOTEES to always believe in Him. Though, long awaited you will be best deserved.
Saibaba Brings Back My Love
Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Hi Everyone, I am 23 yrs young girl. I am very greatest devotee of Saibaba. I love Saibaba a lot lot lot. In everything, I believe only in Him. I hope all of you, who are going to read this, are Saibaba Devotees. It is really a big opportunity for me to post this
experience and I thank Saibaba for giving me such an experience. I do not want to share my personal details, mail or name.
Dear Sai Devotees, Hope all are doing well. As we Sai devotees have problems do not ever think that why Saibaba is giving so many troubles after praying Him like something. It is the work of Sai Baba to destroy all our past birth and present birth sins by giving all the troubles. Even though He is giving lot of problems and troubles, He will not let us down anywhere at any situations. Here comes my experience also through this I can give you a method of doing a pooja to get our wish fulfilled.
In my life before 6 months, I was undergoing such a troubles everything was going against me. It is through a website, I became Sai devotee. Now I am great devotee of Him. I was involved with a guy, who is very innocent very truthful to me. But a situation happened and I cheated him. But at one time, I realised everything and I want to marry him. But as he came to know that I cheated him, he said there is nothing between you and me please. We can keep a full stop for our relationship. I cried to my greatest surprise. I became Sai devotee and suddenly a thought rose in my mind. I prayed that.
- 1. For one week starting from any Thursday I daily I will go for Sai Baba temple.
- 2. Round the temple 108 times.
- 3. Read the Sai 9 Vrat book .
- 4. Offer 11 ghee lamps and 11 red and yellow flower daily. (Every day the lamps should be new)
- 5. Pray for our desire.
I prayed like this. Baba I will do the above mentioned prayer for one week with morning (one time) fasting. Please accept my prayer. Let the things change. Let my boy who is avoiding me now comes back with true love like before. Let him forget all the things. For my great surprise, I completed this prayer and now my boy is back. We are happy now. Sai Baba brings back my love. So if anyone have any problem, please you can do this prayer and it is Saima, who inspired me to post this experience and share this prayer. This is the indication of Saibaba to all those, who are reading this blog that they can do this prayer. Do this prayer with faith for sure you will see the desired results. Only Saima can do all the greatest things in our life through miracles. Thanks Saima. I LOVE YOU SAIMA.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
nice experience
nice experiences but m not lucky as u guys.baba loves u but he does not listen to everyone.i wonder how ur pooja for one week is accepted by him but mine of 7 years is just in vain.he said about faith and saburi.he knows that i dont hv anyone except him to ask from,he knows dat he the only hope and only reason dat m alive but still he doesnt care how long i hv been crying for…i hv also lost my love.i never cheated and waiting for him from last 6.5 years as he left me 6.5 years ago by saying dat his parents wont be agree to our relationship as m from different religion.i did sai satchariter parayan so many times,did 9 sai varat so many times,uasualy i pray to him each and every breath i take to send him back to me.m 33 now and hv lost all d hope.dont want to live anymore.just ask him to take my life from me bcoz he listen to all of u not me.plz pray for me for my death.
Dear Sai Sister,
Dont lose heart and hope.Trust me either u will definitely get back your guy or you will get a guy sent by saima who will love you and make u love him the same way.Surely you are going post that happy love story soon.Im saying it from my own experiences.Even i had suffered a lot in life lost many things,have prayed to him,visited his temple,did parayan and fastings everything first nothing happened i was just crying now life is changing.Now im praying to him to give me life to live.So even u'll b pushed to that state soon.So dont worry pray to him and wash his feet with tears your prayers will be answered shortly.I'll pray for u as well.
Sai Sister.
I can perfectly understand your pain sister have been in same boat and even i really fail to understand baba's ways at times. Its really heart breaking to hear your story and I would only pray to baba to please bless you with marriage soon whether it is your love or anyone else who loves u but just that baba should answer you now and bless u. I will pray for u dont worry etal and really hoping that u wud also share your happy experience here with all of us.
om sai shree sai jai jai sai
Sai ram, I am in the same situation as the 3rd experience. From the past 1 year I am doing every thing but baba is not listening to me. Only baba knows my pain. I am 30 years now and I don't see any sign of my guy forgiving me. I am loosing faith. Maybe baba wants me to alone for rest of my life. Please pray for me.
O Deva, a soul that I know has departed. Please take care of his family and give them comfort. Help me to help them in whatever way possible. May he reach Your lotus feet.
Jai Sairam
all experiences are very nice.our baba is so kind.only pray baba with full faith.jai sai nath
such a wonderful experiences. baba pls bless all of us.
Om sai ram. Baba pls bless ur daughter and my family. Baba pls resolve all my office and personal problems baba. Baba meri sister ke liye jo bhi decision ho woh aaj hi aa jaye baba. Pls help us baba. Om sai Ram
Nice experiences.. Thanks all for sharing
Om Sai Ram
Baba Maalik
@Devotee in the last experience:
I am really happy to know that sai baba brought your love back to you and you both are happy.
I have been waiting for my turn to see some good days in my personal life and just hoping that sai baba brings back my lost love relationship marriage and really bless me with a happy and peaceful secure life.
Please pray for me I have been suffering for more than 6 years now for my settlement and marriage and beacause of this problem I have not been able to concentrate and achieve my full potential on the career front also though baba has blessed me now with more opportunities and work but will be really happy if he resolves this most important and critical issue of my life for which i have been praying to him for last 3 years.
Once again all the best for ur future with ur love and make sure that you dont hurt him ever its very difficult to get innocent and truthful people in this world.
om sai ram
Sai Deva,
Iam very happy now after a long time.I know that i have not achieved anything big or extra ordinary but since last three years i was like a dum doll just now got my life.Thanks for giving me this job sai deva.I got the offer letter on thursday feeling happy for that also.The designation printed in the SC made me feel good and was consoling if the same gets printed in my HC i would really be happy and relaxed.And yesterday u were with me the whole day.What can i say about the dharshan and ashirwad you gave in temple.The prasad which i got was really a miracle.Normally we dont get that food as prasad but yesterday i just thought in mind u gave me that as prasad.The whole day u were with me.Thanks a lot lot baba.I should really perform well in this new job should not do any mistakes which i did in my past and previous job.Should get good name and positions with your help.Be with me and guide me deva.My current request to u is give me good health deva.Earlier i asked you to take my breath and give me diseases so i die soon but only now im getting interest to live so give me good health and mental strength baba.Iam under weight help me to gain somw decent weight deva my aim is to put on 15 more kgs.U decide and suggest me how much i should gain.I should eat food properly especially healthy foods without seeing tastes and it should stay in my body,should not suffer from indigestion or diarrhoea any kind of problems.I know people reading this may laugh at me or get angry towards me for bothering you even for this but according to me u r my only support and i can share everything only to you without any hesitation.Hope u understand.If/ i have done any mistakes please excuse me,guide me and be with me always deva.Please.Thanks a lot lot lot my dear appa.
Sai Daughter.
To the first devotee, indeed baba helps us to keep our words, or how else you could reach Shirdi on the specified day and date. Second devotee, may Sai bless you and your child. Third devotee, Thank you for sharing about your prayers to Sai. I don't have a temple of baba in my place, but I will pray to baba to bring back my love.
Baba koti koti pranam on your lotus feet.Baba please take care of my son.He has got some insect bite.Baba always be with him.
om shridi sai baba ki jaya bless everyones wish.
om shri sai nathaya namaha. shridi bless you, your wish. plz pray for me I lost my original documents passport and visa since 2 months .I am in deep trouble, i have been praying baba from the bottom of heart still i have not found my documents.baba please help me to get back my documents soon. its unto your lotus feet.
om sai ram. peace to be all.
Om Sai Jai Sai. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Thank you Saiji for everything. Thank you for your reply. Deva please bless us all always and increase our shraddha n saburi by each passing day.
Very nice experiences! Baba can help with us with any problems in life, such as having a healthy baby, helping to bring a lost love back into our lives. We should have faith in Baba's method and follow His teachings. When Baba calls us to Shirdi, as He did for Vijay Ji, Baba always finds a way to bring us nicely there to Shirdi. Om Sai Ram!
I got my job due to blessings of SAIBABA
I got my job due to blessings of saibaba
Jai Sai Ram..Please be with us
Sai Baba… I love you.. you have always been there and supported me and my family in toughest of times… I am glad to read you are with everyone and bless them all… Please Sai be with us all the time… share our happiness and bring back the good days.. baba yes I am also waiting for him.. I know you will bring my love back, I am just waiting for that lovely hour and the minute…. Om Sai Ram!
om sai ram
jai jai sai
jai dwarka mai
Love you so much Baba.
Baba please all your devotees with your blessing hand Baba.
We always need you Baba.
om sai ram
BABA is always with us…OM SAI RAM…
god bless everyone wish jaya sai ram .om sai nathaya namaha.
Baba….pls bless evryone. Baba pls help us to get project for my company otherwise evrything will be shattered and evrything will b finished. I have been waiting for months, doing….evrything with complete faith on you, but baba no positive response. Pls help baba, u know my problems. Pls help how will i achieve my dreams and how will i fulfill my parents dreams. I dont want to listen that being a girl i cannot fulfill my parents dream. Pls help me with any good project for my company. Any sai devotee who could help? pls sai devotees pray for me.
Jai sai ram..jai jai sai ram..