Sharing few experiences in today’s post.
Love Of Baba
Anonymous Devotee from USA says:
I have known Sai since I was 18. Immense experiences have happened. Everything I was determined to get was given by Him. And there have been times, when my heart would run after things that would not be for me, I would have Baba come in my dreams and tell are you sure you want to have it? I was speechless and realized that Baba knows what our heart wants and also what we will be happy with in the future. And when you love him so much and he loves you too and then when a devotee gets egoistic, Baba has His ways of making sure you stay on track. I twisted my ear, when I was getting egoistic and realized that we as devotees should not forget Him or get egoistic.

Currently, I am at a point in my life, where I don’t know what will be good for me in the future. But I saw Baba in a picture of flowers at someone’s place. So I don’t know what that means. If He has chosen the one for me, but looking at the current situations, things look just the opposite. My heart is sometimes peaceful, but at times gets very disturbed. I hope He will help me like he has helped all of you and takes all my worries away and loves me unconditionally and blesses me with Lots of Love, Happiness, Health, Success and His Blessings. Love You Baba.!
Om Sai Ram
Anonymous Devotee from USA says:
Baba has always been with me and guided my steps. I feel His love in abundance and that gives me solace. I had this strong desire to see Baba in my dreams. On day while praying I said to Baba please come in my dreams as that would tell me that You are there. Within few days He fulfilled my wishes and came in my dreams. This has made me so happy and has consoled my heart to such an extent that cannot be expressed in words. Om Sairam!!!
I Make My Friend Happy
Sai Sister Swati Ji from India says:
I am from Jharkhand, India. I am an art teacher and I have lots of unfulfilled dream in life, just waiting and praying to Baba please bless me also like my friend. I am here to share my experience about Baba. One of my friend started Sai Baba Vrat for some reason and I heard from her the story of blessing from Sai Vrat. I started my Vrat for a wish and coming Thursday is 9th Thursday and still I am waiting for Sai Baba’s blessing. But the story is not about me, but it’s about my friend. I have a friend and she was very sad for having no baby. She consulted many doctors and spend lot in treatment, but there was no fault and no positive result. When I got to know the story of Baba’s Vrat, I told her to start the Vrat for their baby and during this period of Vrat, she got the good news. We are so happy for her and wish to Baba that keep her and her baby well.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
OM sai ram.. Baba please come in my dreams and give me your darshan..
Om Sai Ram
Baba you came in my dream just once, it was not dream, it was real, you stole my heart, Now I am your diwani, but not seen you back again, you are such a chit chor.
Please make me surrender at your feet.
Love you Deva,
Om Sairam. Love you Baba.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
LU Baba
Jai Sai Ram! Wonderful experiences thanks for sharing it
Dear Hetal Ji
I dont know how much to thank you for your blog and also all the other devotees.
Our baba has brought us together to share what we all have in heart gets thrilled with joy every time i read the experiences and so does of other devotees.
I wanted to know that how do we go about the SAI VRAT. As i know that our SAI MAA is not fond of upvaas much, as she doesnt want her children to starve.then iam curious about the 9 GURUVAR VRAT. please do help me with this and iam sure many other devotees would want to know.
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Devotee, i would like to share the process i followed for my '9 Thursday Sai Baba Vrat'. You can go through it.
First of all, best wishes to you, since you have decided to start the Vrat 🙂 Baba will bless you immensely ! This is a wonderful and simple puja of Sai Baba and he is very loving to all his children. So, do this Vrat with simple and strong Faith in Baba, and you will be blessed for life, and experience his Blessings in your life 🙂
I am writing below the process i followed for my Vrat. You can read the Vrat book instructions also before you start, and can add those steps also if you wish to 🙂
My process:
1> I used to do the Vrat in temple, you can do it at home, and see if you can visit the temple. If you can't also no problem. Just remember Baba in your Heart.
2> Offer yellow flowers and 5 / 7 bananas to Baba. Any other food items can be also offered as Prasad, like til laddoo, dry fruits, coconut, any sweets, biscuits, chakli, chocolates , fruits, home made rice – dal, any tiffin items cooked at home . basically you can offer to Baba anything fresh that you have at home.
3> Read the Vrat book completely.
4> Do 9 Namaskars to Baba by kneeling on the floor.
5> Give some money as Dakshina. ( you can give Dakshina at home also, if you are not going to temple. Keep that money every Thursday at home and at last
Thursday whne you visit temple, you can take it to temple).
6> This is the most important part of the Puja : Donating Food to some poor people / animals. Baba loved to distribute food to all , be it poor people, children, cats, dogs, cows , etc. So do try to give some food on your Puja day. And not only on Thursdays, you can make this a habit and try to donate food anytime of the week, throughout your life. You will feel very happy, and Baba will be pleased with you too.
Thats it. This is Baba's simple Vrat. Am sure you will get lots of happiness in your life. DO try to share this good thing of the Vrat and Baba's Leelas with more people, who can also be benefited by Baba's blessings. Let us share all the good things in life 🙂
May Baba bless all all always with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. We love you a lot Dearest and Sweetest Baba. We surrender at your LOTUS and HOLY Feet.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
thanku so much.i loved the way you told about the VRAT.
iam sure SAI will really bless you or you are indeed blessed.
Your reply has given me so much strength and smile dear devotee.
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram.
Thanks a lot for your wishes Dear Sai Devotee. Am glad you liked my process of the Vrat. And yes, I am grateful to Baba for all i have got in life today. I take this opportunity to Thanks Baba once again with immense gratitude in my heart. He has saved my life and has given me a second chance to live, 2 beautiful families, good health and lots of joy. I Love you Baba a lot and a big Bear hug to you. I will always be indebted to you for all your blessings.
I pray for your happiness Dear Sai Devotee as well as all the people here. May Baba keep blessing us all always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences thanks for sharing.
Love you baba make my family to achieve success
wonderful experiences…om sai ram
Sai Ram, Please lead my life in your own way… i may have many thoughts and dreams about my life but i feel they are nothing before your master thoughts and plan!! Sai maa.. please save me from all the bad thoughts and let me only think of you and your holy name.. sai deva.. please be with me always and guide.. irrespective of my ego and intelligence… baba your ways are always eternal and wonderful.. lead me to your sacred feet and let me find bliss in your holy name.. give me the strength to love and believe you.. Love you deva… bless each and every soul 🙂
om sai ram
baba please cure me. and keep me, my family, friends and everyone happy and healthy.
Om Sai Ram.
Baba, please bless all your children with good health and all the happiness in this world.
Love you SaiDeva.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Jai Sai. Deva thank you very much for everything. Saiji Please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
sometimes it didnt possible to know his miracles for some questions why something is happened
Wonderful experiences. Believe in Him and He shall be with you.
The experience of the first devotee resonates with me. It is as if it is my own experience except, for that bit about Deva coming in the dreams.
O Sai, do shower Your grace and blessings on me too. Hope I too get a sign or a darshan of You. Thank You for a magical day Sai. Let the love and peace flow like this forever O Sadguru.
Jai Sairam
om sairam, even me doing sai navrat to fulfill my hear. I have faith in baba that he will hear my prayers. Om Sairam.
Very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Baba Baba Baba Baba
Sai Ma Sai Ma Sai Ma
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences! Swati Ji, don't worry, Baba will grant your wish just as He helped your friend have a baby, just trust Baba's timing (as He will grant your desire at the correct time). Baba is always there guiding us and watching over us to make sure we are protected and things go well for us, Baba ensures that we stay on the right path and will help us whenever we call out to Him (Baba will help us at the right time and bring things we want when it is the right and best time for us). Om Sai Ram!
sai baba!! i need u , please blesss me, my family, my love and friends.i need your guidance, i want u to come to my dreams too, show me the right path, whatever im trying in life and getting is just because of ur support and love. please take care of my mother's health. today i was really scared with my own thoughts, and i want you to make me stronger. remove all the negativity from our surroundings, bless all. i love you sai baba, just help me to be more close to you , and to know and understand the right things in life . om shri sai nath namah 🙂
om sai ram i love u sai please bless all of us
I love u Baba…lots lots lots… I know You love me too… thank u for everything You have given me in life… coz I know it is way more than what I deserve… really need You to help me once more… pls come
last year sai baba came in my dream (p) and took rs 200 as dakshina.. can somebody pls explain the meaning.. om sai ram x-) (h)
Omsairam jaisaram hare Hare Krishna Radhe Radhe Shyam
I am an ardent devotee of SAI baba and I live in Dubai . From past ten years I'm baba's devotee and baba has been my father mother guru and everything to me. Infact baba has been saving me from so many problems every time I call his name he makes sure the problem is solved .
Baba my baba please blesse pass my driving test as early as possible as it has been one of my long awaited wish and also it is very difficult to get a license and also is expensive . Please baba bless me get my license . I promise baba will post ur miracle as soon as I pass and get license
Om sainath maharaj ko jai