Anonymous Devotee from Australia says:
I am narrating this part of my life and how my Shraddha and Saburi on Shirdi Sai Baba stayed firm. I have experience many Sai miracles, some of them you do not even noticed, but Baba has His hand in everything and is always watching upon His devotee.
Hi Everyone, I would like to share how Sai helped me in every way and still is. I got my first IT job. All was well till I started having issues with my Team leader. I am a person has always worked hard. I was always eager to learn. One day I was escalating an incident, I accidentally called the second level instead of the first. I apologies to that person and re-escalated the incident to the proper channel. My team leader looked at me and said why you called the wrong person. I said it was a mistake and I have rectified the situation (all is good now).
Next day, he had a meeting and said we need to discuss. In the meeting he mentioned that I am doing very well (one week before he cancelled my contract). On Diwali day, I finished work at 11 pm. My team leader came up to me and said that he will need to review my performance. Astonishingly I asked why! He said my performance is not good. I re-iterate what he said last week. Not knowing what is going to happen to me in the coming week, my mind was started wondering. I just bought a new car (loan and rental to pay). All of the sudden, I realised that if my team leader does something like cancelling my contract, I should have a backup plan.
SAI, I always had faith in Him. On that Diwali day, after finishing work at 11 pm, I thought to myself why not to go to Baba and ask why bad things are happening to me. I went there. Temple was closed. I could see Baba in there from the window. I prayed and then went home. I arrived home and I parked the car on the street. I had a pizza box and can of Pepsi in my hand. That was for my dinner at work. But I could not swallow due to all these tensions!! When I got out of the car, I saw an old man sleeping in a corner, was very cold. I thought to myself why not give him the pizza & Pepsi. He needs this more that I do. So this is what I did. I left the pizza box and drink for him and went home, thinking possibly next week may be the last week at work.
Eventually, week after Diwali, was my last week at work. I did not get to know this until Friday, when they called me in the meeting room and said we are cancelling your contract and you will get 1 week of salary. I was about to burst into tears. I left work without saying goodbye to anyone. I have always worked hard and devoted myself to this work. I went home, and told my girlfriend how all this unfolded. She said to have faith in Baba and everything will be alright.
The very next day, I got a job interview and went good by Sai’s Grace. They asked me if I could provide references from my previous job. I positively said okay, I knew some mates from my previous job that can assist. Unfortunately, my mates did not help. I called them numerous times, left voice mail and no one responded. In the silent I thought of Baba, then I got a call from a friend-“shafiq” and he was shocked to hear that I was sacked. He said do not worry, he will give you reference.
After 1 week at home, I had lots of interviews, it was like the employers were presenting themselves. I had difficulty to choose the job. Finally I chose to work for Boeing airlines as an IT support and luckily reference check went good. 2 weeks after, I got a call for a permanent job and with a good company. I thanked Baba wholeheartedly for helping me. I am still working in this company, got promotions (Sai Kripa) and one day I saw the HR person that sacked me, she was coming with my present manager and my manager said this is me. He has been with us for long now and we appreciate his work.
I quizzed my manager about the HR person; he said she just joined here. Further down the Track, I saw the Team leader in the Car park basement one morning, when I parked the car and was going to work. He was struggling to pay for the Car park (does not know how to operate the ticket machine). I was in the queue and did not realise it was him at that moment. I politely asked can I help you. He turns and was shocked to see me. I helped him and he asked me what am I doing here? I smilingly answered that I work in this building now. Sai does not let anyone down. He keeps all His promise

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I want to share this small incident which happend yesterday…my 4 year old little nephew came our home yesterday for vacation…everyday we watch baba's aartis…yesterday after sej aarti i told my nephew to ask baba to bless him to study well…to my surprise immediately he did namskara with his 2 little hands to baba and said baba please bless me to study well…we all were shocked after seeing this because at their home they never see any baba's aartis or he even clearly doesnt know who baba is….this is all happend because of baba…we are happy that baba's blessings are there for him from his young age…thank u baba…thnk u so much for this…baba you know very well how much we love the little one…please bless him with good studies & health and make him a good & responsible human being….please please please be with him through out his life baba…OM SAI RAM
to all devotees
today is my 9th week of nav guru var vrat…am planning to cook parvanam(rice pudding which is cooked with rice,jaggery & milk)and feed it to poor people…can you people please clear me can i do like this as it is there to do annadaan to 5 poor people on 9th week of puja…please please please clear ma doubt…waiting for your answer…thnk u…OM SAI RAM
am also planning to distrubute 9 books as i completed 9 weeks…but in the process it is there to distribute either 5,11 or 21…what should i do….please please please help me…thnk u…OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Devotee, Baba bless you always. You can cook the rice pudding and donate and you can distribute 9 Vrat books. No problems with either of it. Just do as your Heart says, since Baba never set any rules and regulations and all he needs is just pure FAITH and DEVOTION and LOVE.
May Baba bless us all always. Love you a lot SaiDeva.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
yes u can do it no problem may sai fulfill ur desire..
om sai ram
you can provide both for poor people
thnk u all for the information…so kind of u….
Nice experience. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
mere baba pleas esa hi sabka madat karo…jay sai jay sai jayajaya sairam
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Om Sai Ram
Baba pl forgive and bless our family
Beautiful experience.. may baba bless each and every soul who long for his precious blessings.. Jai Sai Ram.. 🙂
Om sai ram…. Baba helps alot in every moment of life….
he is there to help u…
wat r u doing…just remember sai…. he will show his presence… but we should have faith that he will do everything alright…
om sai ram…
baba today is my 3rd sai guruvar vrat for my husband.i had lots of shradha and saburi on u.plz bless me and my husband a blessfull married life.plz chnage my husband's mind and remove the negetive things fron his mind and appp ka biswas bhar do baba unke whole body and mind main.m waiting for ur blessings baba.thank u for the job u have given me after along a long time.i hve accepted bcoz its ur wish i thut.
OM SAI RAM baba ji when will you help me out with all the problems in my life. Main bahut pareshan ho everyday starts with one or other problem pls pls pls help your daughter baba ji…..
baba today is my 3rd sai guruvar vrat for my husband.i had lots of shradha and saburi on u.plz bless me and my husband a blessfull married life.plz chnage my husband's mind and remove the negetive things fron his mind and appp ka biswas bhar do baba unke whole body and mind main.m waiting for ur blessings baba.thank u for the job u have given me after along a long time.i hve accepted bcoz its ur wish i thut.
om sai ram..
wonderful experience….om sai ram
On Sunday early hours (5AM or 6AM) I had a dream which I want to share with everyone. Baba showered lot of leelas on me from which few of them are shared before. I can feel baba always on my side.
Before starting my dream let me give a brief intro about me. I got married in 2008 and I am not blessed with baby yet . In Oct 2011 I am diagnosed with a chronic disease and Doctor advised that I should not have kids for another 2 years. I use to worship baba from my childhood but not in the same way as I am doing today. In Oct 2012, I had first dream of baba that's when baba entered into my life. Baba in that dream said that I will conceive in that month. His words are always true then why I am not getting conceived. I went to Shridhi in Nov 2012 and also did Prayanam and 9 Thursday's Vrat Puja but nothing was working out.. Baba has given me everything which I asked for, he has shown his presence always . From few days I was asking baba why I am not getting conceived when whatever you say will come true. He is giving me everything which I asked for but why is he not blessing me with baby. I got my answer for this question in the form of dream.
On Sunday(26th May 2012) I had a dream. I was in a get together (my cousins wedding is in Aug probably that) with all my near and dear around. Suddenly I would see something in the sky. I was wondering what it was and to my surprise it was our Sai Baba with a big smile on his face. He was coming closer to me and It was as if he was walking down the stairs from sky. Next minute he was before me. I feel on his feet and took baba's blessings . As there were many people around baba and me went inside the house. We had a big conversation in Telugu my mother tongue which I don't remember what it exactly was but in short I was questioning about my future. I asked him if I would study further and Baba said No. Then I asked him about baby. Baba said "Nuvvu adigina appudu nenu neeku baby icchi vuntey ippudu nuvvu devudu dagara vundey danivi" (If I(Baba) would have given baby when you (I) asked me, you would have been with God now) then I asked baba does that mean I would have died if I had baby. for this baba just gave me a smile and said don't worry and gave me “Ruddraksha malla”. and he also gave me 2 other things which I am not able to recollect what it were. Then I went inside to save them in a box. My mom entered the room at the same time and I said to her that Baba is not telling me when would I have a baby you go and find out. Then my mom said that you will be blessed with baby after my cousins wedding. The next moment I woke up
Now when I think of this dream I feel that baba saved me by not blessing me with baby. Doctors said I should not have a baby in this stage but I was caring a damn for my health and praying baba for a healthy baby. But see my baba's leela he is true father who knows right time to fulfill all our wishes. We should have patience and Faith. I have seen many posts about kids .Baba knows for right time to bless us with healthy child. We are thinking only about our child but Baba is taking care of both (Mom and Kid). Love you a lot baba and sorry for questioning you baba. Thanks for saving me baba.
sai is really great
Om Sai Ram……………..
Lovely dream and see how Baba guided you in dream………………All will be well now,,,,,,,,,,I am 110% confident that Baba will definitely will bless you with healthy baby very soon……………….. We will be waiting to hear that good news from you Sai Devotee………..
Om Sai Ram…Very nice dream..You will definitely have a healthy child by Baba's blessings and will soon post the miracle too…
Keep faith as you have now…
Om Sai..Shree Sai..Jai Jai Sai..
Love you Baba, you are the best and our sweet FATHER. Love you a lot. And grateful to you for everything you have been giving us.
We surrender at your Lotus feet.
Om Sai Ram.
I completed my nine weeks fasting last Thursday and sai satcharitra within seven days. I am waiting for the baba’s blessings to flow on me and to see my family members again with happiness….
Please baba do as soon as possible as I am leading very sorrowful life at present…. Hope you know it.
Please sai thaya karo…
Om Sai Ram.
Baba bless you always. Best Wishes.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Dear sai devotees,
Today is the day baba sent me down to this earth 24yrs back,to sing his glories and praise his deeds. This year,after taking baba's permission,I am taking up the job of translating sai satcharitra from english to tamil. Baba has assured me of it's outcome and promised to take this job on his shoulders. It's certainly no joke to translate and I am leaving it on his feet.When it should be started and completed is his duty.Pl pray and bless for me on this day!! My holy pranams to all of you and my mata,pitha,guru and sarvam-baba!! Jai sairam!!
Sai will be with you always and forever
All the Best. … I am sure you will be able to complete with the help of Baba.
Baba is always there with his Children.
Love you a lot…Please be with us and guide us.
Indeed, Sai never lets his children down, nicely narrated experience…Om Sai Ram
Yesterday I had a very strange dream. It was very dark night in my dream and i was on corner of the road of my house. I was in fear as I could sense something negative, something bad like someone is trying to hurt me in my dream. In my dream i started running toward my house. There was only one light near my house (In my neighbor house) . I just wanted to reach there as there were some people standing there near the light. It was appearing as safest place for me. I started running very fast and that danger was also following me.
Then I reached near my house and felt safe. In my dream after 2-3 min later, i realized how can i reach here without falling. I looked back on the road. Actually there are some sever work going on in my colony and road condition is really very bad. It was like impossible for anyone to run on such a road without falling. In fact walking is difficult. Suddenly in my dream only i thought of sai. I thought that he saved me from falling. When I was running in my dream road was appearing very smooth to me. I did not realized that it is in such a condition.
When i wake up in the morning I thought baba wanted to say that he will not let me fall. Please advice me Friends.
Om Sai Ram.
You are blessed Dear Sai Devotee. Baba is always there for all his children. He is the best FATHER to all of us.
We love you Baba, a lot. Be be there for us always and guide and help us in all spheres of our lives.
We surrender at your LOTUS feet.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram
From Comment side
Dear sister, how lucky u r to have wonderful darshan of baba in your dream. Tear rolling down while reading. You are blessed soul and you are blessed one. Baba will fullfill your wish with healthy baby
Om SAI RAM…………
Nice experience and thanks for sharing…………………
I'm going through hard time since feb.. Life has never been easy earlier also but this is the worst time i have ever had.
Today i completed my 9 week virat. I prayed baba to bring back my husband and i wanted to give annadana with his hands, also i asked baba to come as a person and take the food. But both didn't happen. Today I heard my husband is seeing another girl, which is his ex.. Earlier when i got to know that he started talking to her, i asked why he is doing such a thing. But he said that her marriage is broken because of him so he wanted to be her support and he will stop it little by little. I believed him completely and let him talk to her. Because as a girl i know the pain of another girl and i knew how it will hurt to know the marriage has been cancelled as it had happened to me several times. But oneday my husband said he can't live with me as i'm not suitable for him or his family and went away when i didn't do anything wrong. But today i got to know that my husband and his ex are together now.
I cried alot while taking the food parcels to the sai temple. I was about to fall on the street and the coconut which i took with me to offer for sai slipped out of my hand and fell in to mud water. I could not find any poor person to give the food even after roaming on the roads around 30min. I could not stop myself from crying while walking. At last i found 2 poor people and gave them the food parcels. One i gave it to a street dog. The remaining two i gave it to a trishaw driver and asked him to give it to somebody.
As soon as i reached the temple i fell at baba's feet and cried loudly. I could not bear the pain. Because i love my husband alot. When everybody rejected me for marriage he loved me for what i'm and took my hand. He took me out of my worst life and gave me a happy life. Took care of me like a baby. I never wanted to hurt him by anyway. I never questioned him or spoke harshly. I never even tried to talk to his ex as it may insult him. I left everything to baba and kept quiet thinking baba will take care of it. But at last everybody hurt me more than i deserve.
Then the cleaning lady of that temple came there and asked me why i'm crying. I said nothing and joined with her in cleaning the temple. After finishing suddenly i thought i should give her some money. i gave her 100rs and fell at her feet asked her to accept it thinking i'm her daughter.
Then i saw she started crying. She asked me to tell all my problems to sai and he will take care of it, also asked me to write Om sai baba, shri sai baba in a paper 100 times.. She said that she took the coconut which i brought, kept it infront of sai and prayed for me as soon as she saw me crying(when i was cleaning the temple).She blessed me saying all my problems will be solved and everything will be succesful by sai's blessing.
I felt its my sai who came with the form of servant and blessed me. Thank you baba. Please be with me always. I love my husband alot baba. Please take care of him. If that girl can take care of him with love and if he is realy happy with her, then make them together baba.I want him to be happy wherever he is. But if he realy loves me and if you think that i can look after him than that girl bring him back baba. Please bless that girl with a good life, i'm not at all angry with her. I know people do mistakes without knowing. Please forgive her sai.
I don't have anything else in my life except my husband. Please bring him back soon baba. Om sai ram…
Om Sai Ram…
Tears were rolling down reading your pain…You have such a good heart..Baba will definitely bless you…
Om Sai..Shree Sai..Jai Jai Sai..
Heart wrenching.. I hope that Baba is taking great care of you.. Peace to you…
Om sai ram.
Felt like crying after reading your experience. I have got a strong feelings that baba is there with you.Just wait and watch what is happening.May be he wants to prove to your husband that you are better than your husband's EX.Good thing comes to good people and you are one of them.Why fear when baba is there.I am praying from the core of my heart to baba to make your husband return to you.Baba bless you always.
Om Sai Ram.
DEar Sai Sister, Baba will take all good care of you. Please do a lot of Food donation (biscuits, fruits etc to poor and bneedy or even animals ) . It will wash away all past karma and bring all happiness soon to your life. All will be well by Baba's grace. Please do read a chapter from 'Sai Satcharitra' daily. Best wishes to you.
Om Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram ji ki dear Sai sister,
You have a heart of gold. I felt very sad upon reading about your miseries. Have faith in Our Sai. Remember He will give you hundred fold. All I can say is chant His name day and night.I hope that by now your miseries have at least reduced if not ended. Just like we have to pay for our misdeeds to Baba ji similarly our good deeds too never go unnoticed. He will surely shower His blessings on you.
May Baba ji give you so much happiness that you forget all your miseries.
Shree Sachidanand SatGuru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Why dont you speak with that girl and take out solution. As a women you to can understand each other and one thing its not ur fault nor the fault of that girl its fault of ur husband. being married he is doing all this things. if he really want to settle with that girl why dont he take divorce( i know this will hurt u) but dont blame that girl as u mention that its bcoz of ur husband her marriage has broken down. ur husband should be guilty not that girl nor you. so be happy and make ur self better person and try to meet that girl
really ur great my sister..i don't know why am i filling to say you that your problem will be solve within 30 days partially and within 45 days complitly…may my sai bless you a peace full feuture you my sai sisster..amen..omm sai ram..
Dear Sister Pls offer puja to shibpur sai baba and see the results.For this pls visit and get Amitji's contact number and talk to him to offer prayers and puja for you.I know you will get immediate results.Rest keep it on sai's feet.
Forgive me Sai if i am wrong but i dont know why my heart says to suggest this to this sister.My heart says shibpur baba have solved many cases like this and am sure this time he will bless this sister too.
I hope baba gave your husband back to you
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Dont worry you will get ur husband back
Just trust in baba… he knows what is good for us…
Om sai ram … may baba fulfil all your wishes and give you a happy life
Om Sai Jai Sai. Thank you for sharing nice experience with us. Saiji never leave his children.Deva There are many children going through a bad phase of life please bless them enough strength to bear the pain and bring them out successfully from their pain.Saiji I have started 9 guruvar vrat by your grace please accept it as you know I am not doing many rituals according to the vrat book because I believe that shradhha n saburi is the only quality you look for in your devotees. Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Dear sai sisters, I have one doubt ..can we read these experiences during monthly ladies problem??
Om Sai Ram.
Of course you can. I read 'Sai Satcharitra' on my computer during periods. I do not do Puja or touch the book , but i read everything on my computer. Just FAITH and Devotion in the heart is important. Baba bless us all. Om Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ram.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
dear sai devotees, I don't know wat to say n how to say, just few weeks ago I started my beliefs in sai…. 'm in real most need of my baby… past 3 n half years wit various methods I had really wexed, I cried to him… n nw 'm on vrath n heavy beliefs… plz mere baba show ur miracle over me… plz plz plz… make me with my good news this month itself mere baba…. aapki beti
dear sai sister, dont worry, our baba will bless u with nice baby…om sairam
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all
Such a mesmerising experience. My eyes welled up. May Baba ji always bless you dear Sai brother.
Sai reham nazar karna
bachchon ka paalan karna
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
Very nice experience! I had similar experience with losing my job and then asking Baba to help me get another job and finally Baba gave me another job in a better working environment with better pay. Like me, Baba probably wanted you to work as IT support for Boeing because something else bad was going to happen at your old job or He knew this would be a better opportunity to grow and develop in your career. Baba always has a plan for us, so we should not worry about things in life, Baba is there to protect us and in the end He will make sure everything turns out okay. Om Sai Ram!
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Wonderful leela of Baba and nicely narrated.Really Baba never let his devotees down.
Baba tomorrow is my son's result Baba he is very tensed ,Baba please take care of him and let him clear all papers.Baba that is possible only by your grace.
Baba koti koti pranam at your lotus feet.
Thanks for everything 🙂
Jai Sairam.
To the anonymous devotee from Australia : What a wonderfully written experience. I love the way it ended, it is a true reminder of how good things happen to well deserving people at the end. Baba surely blessed you and hope he will be with you and your family at all times.
To the anonymous devotee in the comments : Your story is really heart wrecking…felt really sad but I am sure that this sadness in you won't last long. As one of the other devotees suggested do as many good deeds as possible to wash away previous karma and just have faith and try to keep calm. I would suggest stayig away from the other girl as it might make your husband go away from you and feel that you are approaching her secretly. If not anything else be nice to your husband and let him see how wonderful you are. Sooner or later he will get back to his senses and realise that his EX is an EX for a reason. Pray harder than ever…I am confidant that Baba will surely bless you. Baba please inka bhala karo..i love you loads
Om Sai Ram
Thank you. Thank you all very much for your blessings and prayers. I feel so happy to see how many are there in this world who care about the other person when they don't even know him/her.
I know when all of your prayers and blessings are there for me, i don't have to worry thinking i'm all alone. I have so many loving brothers and sisters here. Thank you thank you very much for your kind words and support..
I feel that my husband will realize his mistakes, understand my love completely and come back to me soon..i'll share that happy news with you all very soon. Thanks again..
May sai and Allah bless you and be with you all.
Om sai ram.. jai sai ram..
Dear Sai
Please shower your belssings on all..
Love you SAI.
om sai ram