Three more experiences are shared.
Shirdi Sai Baba Is Always With Us
Anonymous Devotee from France says: I am a Sai devotee from south India, but I live abroad. I am married and was waiting for a child for 3 years. By Shirdi Sai Baba’s and Garbarakshambigai Amma’s grace, I am pregnant. As you know in south India, there are lots of traditions to be done by the Parents of the pregnant lady.
First one is around 5 month of pregnancy. My Parents have to invite all family and conduct a kind of ritual. At the beginning, I was happy, but some members of my in laws change the date, my Parents have decided. First they agreed for the date (April) and all of sudden they changed the date (March). My Parents had to reorganise the function in 4 days. I prayed Sai Baba to help them and also that nobody should find any faults.
Then there is another function, the Baby shower, which is done in the 7 or 9 month of pregnancy. As usual, my Parents decided the date (June) and in laws agreed. They said as per her Family rule the function should be held on the 7th month and not in that 9 month because it may happen that the delivery can be on the ninth month. My Parents started all preparation. My in laws said the date is not correct and they postponed one month later (July) and said it will be held on the 9th month of pregnancy. My Parents and I told them that it is my 8 month and not 9 month, but they said we know nothing about that. My Parents said ok leave it; we’ll held the function on July.
My Parents said we want the function to be held correctly and without problem. I was so sad because My Parents have always to listen what my in laws said. It’s very difficult for me to see that because My Parents always ask my in laws before doing something. First they agree and then they said it is not ok. I prayed Shirdi Sai Baba to help us. I ask Sai Baba why are they always doing like this, My Parents and I can’t enjoy any function because of them. Every time there is a function I am always afraid about what will be her reaction.
I prayed a lot Our Sadguru Shirdi Sai Baba please be always with us, guide us and protect us Baba.
On my routine checkup, I went to the doctor on my 6th month and she said that I have to stay bed rest and get up only to go bathroom. I was afraid I didn’t know what to do. I told about this to nobody even to my husband. I was scared and prayed Baba what should I do because if my in laws know that they won’t let me go to My Parent’s home. The function is in 2 month. I was totally lost. I said my husband I have some back problem, I would like to go to My Parents home to take rest and he said ok. Then I said to Baba “Baba I am going to plan something and You have to be with me, Please Baba Help me and Do not leave me in the middle please”.
When I was at My Parent’s home, I said I want to go to the doctor and the doctor ask me to stay in hospital for 5 days. He also said I have to take bed rest. I inform my husband about that. Then my in laws said ok as she is weak it is better to held the function in June as you said previously. I thanked Shirdi Sai Baba from the bottom of my heart. The function happened happily by Baba’s grace. I am still praying Baba to be with us as He knows who is right or who is wrong. I am always at The Feet of Our Shirdi Sai Baba to help My Parents. My Parents have to do a function once the Baby is born. I am begging to Shirdi Sai Baba to arrange and conduct the function from A to Z. I don’t want my in laws to take over our decisions.
I don’t understand why people behave like this and think they are superior to other. For me it’s not because some have house, jewels that they are superior to other. Shirdi Sai Baba knows everything. I leave all problems to Him and said Baba I have total Trust in You please Don’t Leave us. I can’t see My Parents suffering because of me. You know I was waiting for this Baby for a long time and I am not able to enjoy my pregnancy because of the behaviour of some people. I am praying Baba to help us to conduct well all next functions without any problem. Please, Shirdi Sai Baba, help us. I know I am not the only one to face this kind of problem, be always there for us Baba. Shirdi Sai Baba please forgive me all my faults and forgive me if I made any mistake while writing my experience.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Im Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Baba – A Powerful And A Positive Force In My Life
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, I am a regular reader of your blog. Each experience posted in this blog reinforces my firm conviction that Baba besets our lives in all directions. I experience His presence every single day. He has addressed all my spoken and unspoken desires. I don’t have enough words to thank Him. I will narrate one of my most recent experiences. Hetal Ji, please don’t publish my name and e-mail ID. I would like to remain anonymous.
My association with Baba dates back to 1997. It was a chance visit to Shirdi, thanks to my sister-in-law who was keen on having Baba’s Darshan. Since then, knowingly or unknowingly, He has been guiding and protecting me from all the adversities of life. My faith in Him was confirmed, when He made the impossible possible in the year 2009. I will write about this incident in another post. As I mentioned earlier, I would like to narrate a recent incident that made me realize that He is besides me all the time.
My parents were visiting us from India. They were to return back to India towards the end of January. Unfortunately in the first week of January, my mother tripped from the staircase of our house and suffered a knee bone fracture. One of the doctors mentioned that it was a major fracture and the knee had to be operated upon. We were directed to a county hospital that had all the facilities to test and operate her knee if necessary. I was very depressed and dejected. I didn’t want my mother to go through this ordeal at her age, that too in a foreign country. In all these years of my life I had never seen my mother in such a painful state.
On the fateful day, we went down to the county hospital and had to wait until midnight to get all the tests done and await the results. All the while I had a small picture of Baba in my hand. I was reciting His name and praying to Him ardently. Towards 1:00 am the resident doctor pronounced that my mother had a minor crack on her knee and it could be treated without any surgery. The doctor discharged my mother and asked us to see him after 2 weeks. We were so relieved at this unexpected turn. But when we met the doctor after 2 weeks, we were informed that my mother may have to be confined to bed for at least 3 to 4 months as her condition was being treated non-surgically. This was an utter disappointment to all of us as my mother has always been a very active person.
The next 2 months were extremely traumatic for all of us. My mother was on a wheel chair and was losing all her confidence. She had sleepless nights and was in deep pain most of the time. Notwithstanding her state, I started praying to Baba feverishly to relieve her of this misery. I also decided to read Sai Satcharitra regularly. As soon as I started reading this holy book, my mother progressed from a wheel chair to a walker. I felt even the more resolute to seek Baba’s help. I continued my Satcharitra reading and also started the 9 Guruvar Vrat. Week-by-week my mother started showing progress. By the seventh Thursday, my mother was able to walk independently, but still lacked confidence. By the time I completed the Vrat, my mother was able to climb the staircase up and down and also cook a little on her own. Baba’s intervention proved the doctors verdict wrong.
I would like to mention that the doctors at some point had declared that it would be at least an year before my mother could lead a normal life. In just about 4 months, my mother had recovered to an extent that she was able to fly back to India with little assistance. It is only due to Baba’s grace and blessings that she has started resuming her regular routine and is also regaining her lost confidence. I pray to Baba to always remain with us and continue to shower His grace in every situation. I also pray to Baba to bless the readers of this blog with bliss and happiness and fulfill their innermost desires.
Ananta Koti Bramhanda Nayaka
Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma
Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!!
My Baba’s Miracles
Sai Sister Anu from India says: I am Anu from India working as software engineer and for me Sai Baba is my life even more than that. I would like to share my Baba’s blessings. 7 years back, I came to know about Baba’s miracles through one of my friend, when I was searching for a job. Gradually, Baba came to my life. Whenever I asked from even a small thing, it is just manifest then and there.
Last year I went to one of the Sai Baba’s temple, and I found Sai Satcharitra there. I was going through a very depressing mode those days. I always asked God, that please give me death, there is nothing left, thousands of people die like without cause and I do not want to live anymore. And I do not know why I am every time saved. And with this thought I opened the book, on the same page in the bold it was written in hindi, “Jitni Baar Tum Marne Jaoge, Mein Uti Baar Tumhe Bachane Aaunga”. This is how Baba started answering me through Sai Satcharitra.
There are so many questions for whom I got so direct answers at the same time. My words and experience are less to share Baba’s grace, blessings and love. If in my whole life I would say that, I love “Sai Baba” then at the same moment the truth will come that Baba loves me more. Baba’s love and blessings are always there. I love Sai Baba and Baba loves me more. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences all of them
First devotee & all those in blog- we should take firm stand against all the rituals which are making a girls' parents to spend so much. changemust start from us.
Second devotee- lvoely expereicne.
third devotee: loveliest experience, as you say Baba ji loves us more than the love we feel for him.
Love you babaji, Love to all, Shanti to all.
u r very lucky dat baba came to u..happy birthday.may baba bless sai naathaye namah.
om sai ram
Very nice experiences…thanks a lot for sharing with us…OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA…..:):)
Om Sai Ram!!
Thank you all for sharing…Baba bless all of your children,we're nothing without your love…Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
Sai pls bless me with job
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Sai Family,
Please read the book 'Sai BABA is still alive' by 'Jaya Wahi'. It will boost your faith and show you numerous ways to do good deeds. You can buy the book online from Flipkart or any other online store. Here is the link. And the book gets delivered in a days time. You can gift this book of BABA to your friends and relatives too.
Please read this from a post on FB by Mrs JAYA WAHI :
Sai Baba Is Still Alive
Liked · September 19
Baba Sai has taught, "Give, give, give & receive manifold in return. Wealth used for personal enjoyment is wealth wasted. Whereas wealth shared is wealth created."
Remember… If you or anyone in your family is suffering due to a physical or mental disease, if you are in trouble at your work place, if you are unable to pay back loans, if you are in a broken or painful relationship, if there is any problem however big… There is ONE sure-shot solution given by our Baba Sai… 'CHARITY & SHARING OF WHAT WE HAVE'. So, give in abundance, give with faith & love & get back a million fold of that abundance.
My Day 2 of charity completed beautifully with my Darling Baba's grace… Made Thandai… an almond, pistachio, cardamom flavored chilled milk concoction, along with biscuits & then went out with my lovely Maa & my lil maid girls & we made every possible person working hard on the warm streets & sweating it out, sip into Baba's Prasadam. In Bliss Supreme. Hope your Day 2 of Charity is going good too Sai Family.
May BABA bless us all always.
Love you BABA and many thanks you for everything. May you keep blessing us all always with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth, joyous relationships and happiness.
:d sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam
BABA THANK U VERY MUCH U TOOK ME OUT FROM MY HUSBAND'S home today.completely im surrenrded my sely on ur lotus feet,jo karna hai kijiye mere zindegi ke sath baba.main thak gayee hun.
After a long waiting time i read pregnancy related miracle.Thank u so much dear devotee…….Wish u a safe delivery..Thanks to all devotees for sharing their wonderful experiences of our beloved baba……Baba pls bless us with a baby……i am waiting for it from 7 years…………..
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,
Sai Sai Sai
Sai ve saddi fariyaad tere tahin
Sai ve baahon phad beda banne layeen
Sai ve mereya gunahon nu lukayeen
Sai ve hazran hazoor ve duayeen
Sai ve saadi fariyaad tere tahin
Lord Sai we pray to You
Please hold my arm and make me cross the ocean of life
Lord Sai please hide my sins
Lord Sai please let me have your darshan
Lord Sai we pray to You
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
(h) nice experiences Baba love is immense (h)
Om sai ram
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice experiences and I am sure Baba is smiling on all of You 🙂
O Deva, help us as we navigate our way through the maze that is this life. Be with us at each and every step O Sadguru, so that we do not falter.
Thank You for all the Love O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Very good experiences! 2nd devotee, it was Baba who was your mother's doctor after she had this knee problem, Baba helped her recover faster than expected and your experience shows the power of 9 Thursdays vrat when done with faith and devotion. Anu Ji, even though at times we may feel like it is better to die than face bad things in our lives, dying won't remove the bad karma, we must be born again and suffer again, but if we just endure (with Baba's help) for a little while longer, the bad karma will be burnt away and our sufferings will end; I am sure that is why Baba has brought you into His fold and keeps you faithful. Devotee from France, although your in-laws family wanted to keep changing your functions to other times, Baba made it such that things happened as you and your family wanted; don't worry if others treat you badly, they will have to face someday the actions of their bad karma (just ask Baba to give you the strength to face these things). Om Sai Ram!
sai i love you keep my family happy and bless them thank you for every thing jai sai ram
Sai Ram to all,
Thank you fellow devotees for sharing their wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Nice experiences thanks for sharing. On SaiRam.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
JAISHRIMAASAI Why you are not posting experiences from past few days ?