Few more experiences are shared here.
Unconditional Love
Sai Sister Sanjeev Ji from India says: Hetal Ji, you are very beautiful soul as Baba has chosen you for this noble work. I sincerely pray to Baba to bring in abundance of peace, harmony, love and health
for you and your family. I am devotee of Baba since 2008, when He saved me from death. Since then I have faced millions of experiences from Baba. In fact I believe that I am myself a miracle. I used to be arrogant, irritating, overconfident, stubborn and ugly at heart, but since Baba has entered in my life I am completely transformed. Now I am beautiful, loving, caring, simple and down to earth girl.

I used to be coal, but Baba made me diamond. People used to hate me, but now people want to be with me. It’s not that I am praising myself. By narrating so I want to boost your faith in Baba. I am not going to narrate particular experience, but yes I am going to express my feelings for Baba, which will automatically indicates that I have got miraculous experience and it will surely boost your faith hundred times.
I started doing mediation on Baba and slowly with the time Baba started appearing in front of me (eyes closed between my eyebrows, the place where ladies put there bindi). Whenever I used to be very upset and cry, after crying my heart loud in front of Baba’s photo, when I got stable and fine, Baba appeared and said, “don’t cry my daughter, I have created your beautiful soul and have given you my sanskars (values). Whenever you cry, it gives me pain and feeling that my sanskars are not worth. They are not sufficient. Don’t say that you are not good, I am father of your soul. If you are bad, then I am also bad as I am your creator. Trust me and have faith, everything will be alright”. Since that day I am melting in Baba’s love.
My sincere requests to Sai devotees that keep strong faith in Baba, never ever cry because if crying gives you ‘x’ amount of satisfaction by crying your heart loud, then it gives ‘x^infinity” amount of pain to Baba. You are crying because of your past karma and Baba cannot interfere with the cosmic laws as He is equally loves all. Pray to Baba too give you strength so that you can bare the fruits of your karma instead of crying so they do not appear bigger to you. Make Baba as your strength and support, then everything in life will seem to be beautiful.
He is our father. When you doubt yourself that means you are doubting love of Baba, which is a biggest sin ever can be done. He is “Brahmand Nayak”, creator of this universe, being father of the universe, He can do anything for His children to make them happy, but this can happen only if you have strong faith. Your faith can shake the world. Baba’s LOVE for you is unconditional. Baba is not for nourishment of your worldly desires. He is there for the nourishment of your weak souls. He accepts you, loves you and appreciates you without any terms and conditions.
Most importantly, our destiny is not predetermined; it is in your present karma, thoughts, love and faith. Keep yourself pure and engage yourself in the thoughts of love, happiness, health and success and give as much blessings as you can to people around you as these will be returned to you in compounded values (double, triple….). Love Baba more than yourself and trust Baba more than yourself. Make your cries so expensive that you cannot even afford them. I wish whosoever is reading this post, it will bring in abundance of complete harmony, love, peace, health, wealth and success as a gift from Baba. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.
My Experience With BABA
Sai Brother Haresh Ji from India says: I introduced with Chawan Baba from last 5 years as Sai devotee. Whenever I go to Shirdi, I always meet CHAWAN BABA. Baba always says “Pahle Shirdi Hoker Aao” (“First go Shirdi). And always keep the hand of blessing on me and my family before getting Samadhi. He gave me a stone called PUKHRAJ from his bag and before taken Samadhi, Baba spent 2 hours with me and my friend JESWANI and told him that now I will meet you in your dreams. But we can’t understand that Baba will going to get Samadhi and same day Baba sent his son Suresh to his sister and then lonley he talks with Shirdi Sai. CHAWAN BABA always loves Sai devotees. He told the solutions of all the problem to the devotee. So many people from all over the country comes to meet Baba always say to us Beta Mein Nahi Bhi Raha Toh Kya Meri Dua Hamesha Tumhare Saath Hai (“Whether I am here or not, my blessings will be always with you.”).
Sai Baba Answer My Prayers
Sai Sister Batma Ji from Malaysia says: Hi my name is Batma and I am from Malaysia. Every body got problem and struggle. If you want to relieve from that, please pray to my Sai Baba. Om Sai Nathaya Namaha. Om Sai Ram. First thing I want to thank to my GURU SAI BABA. Because He is doing a good job for my life become a prefect and what as I think and I ask with Him every day. Everybody got struggle in their life and like that also in my life. Myself got a lots of problem, but I didn’t know what to do? And what I do, I always tell to my BABAJI and ask with Him and what I needed.
One day I was very tired and very sleepy and I pray to my BABAJI and went to my bad. Suddenly I got a dream that I was driving my car to work and it was very heavy raining. And I saw there was one old man with a white colour dhotti was sitting at the road side in the raining. And I stopped my car and got near to the old man with Umbrella and I asked him that Ayya why are you sitting here. And He said I am waiting for someone. I said Ayya you no need to wait here and you can wait at that bus stop there because very havy raining and that man said that ok Ma you drop me to that bus stop. I also dropped him to that bus stop and tell him “Ayya don’t go anywhere. Wait here until they come”. The old man said “ok Ma” and also call me “Amma “.
I asked him that why Ayya you need anything uh? And the man said “No Ma can you call this number and inform them that’s I am here waiting for them “. I said ok and the man give me a piece of paper. I opened the paper and saw the was only six digit number’s only. I ask that man back Ayya are you sure this is the number? The man said “Yes Ma”. I told him “Sorry Ayya I can’t call this number because its only six number”. The man said to “No Ma you call the number and sure you will get”. I also a bit confuse and ask him back the man Sai ” trust me and your prayers shall be answered” and then I also said ok Ayya its very late. I have to be ready to work and later I call them and inform them.
Suddenly my mobile was ringing. After I answered the call, I remember the dream again and wash my hands and go to my prayers room and sit infront of my BABAJI and pray and I write the number and put infornt of Him back to my bed. The next day I went and bought the number. Oh MY GOD what a surprise. The number which I was given by that man was come to first place. I was very happy and thank to my GOD. Then I come to know the old man in my dream is my BABAJI. Now I settle my entire problem and get a prefect life. Next month I am going to Shirdi to thank my BABAJI. Babaji, thank You very much for Your help. Shirdi Saibaba, please be with me always. You are the great person and very important person in my life. Again thank You very much Sainath. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram , Om Sai Ram, Om , Ai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Very nice Experiences all of them. :))
Dear Sai sister Sanjeev, I think on the same terms, If we spread love, happiness, positiveness, we do get back in manifold.
Love to all, Peace to all.
Sai pls bless me with this job
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Om sai ram. . First experience it was really nice reading your experience …whenever every we fo thru such experience oir faith becomes stronger thank you for all the precious words that you ve said its really true we need to make oir heart so pure where our sai resides … how uncomfortable it wd b for him to live in a heart which is full of worldly desires and hate rate for people around. ..wish u lots of happiness always may u b always blessed by our sai ram. Sai malik. ….
om sai ram!!
Very nice experiences.
Thank You O Deva for a wonderful life that you have blessed us with and all the wonderful people you have surrounded us with. Thank You O Sadguru for giving us the opportunity to serve You and spread Your name to those in need.
Thank You for all the Love and Happiness O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
baba mujhe ab kuch nhi kehe na hai.apko sab kuch pata hai baba. Mein apki bachhi hoon na Baba. Meri sanman ki rakhya karo. Mujhe maaf karodo baba. mujhe us dunia se le jao baba. Mujhe khusi hogi baba ki aap mujhe mukti de.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Dear Sai Devotees-
I am requesting for prayers on my behalf. Please pray for my peace of mind and happiness. Please pray that God forgives me for whatever sins I have committed that causes me so much unhappiness. Please pray for his divine intervention in my life to end the tears and dread and to bring into my life light, hope and happiness. Please pray for me to have the courage to face my life till the time that He decides to make it all ok again.
Thank you so much.
om sai ram
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
OM SAI RAM First Devotee we take inspiration from your experience to have firm faith in our Shirdi Sai Baba. OM SAI RAM
🙂 om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om saiiram om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om airam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Om Sai Ram…Wonderful Experiences. Baba Love you all…Baba always be with us… I love you…Om Sai Ram
Dear sai devotees pls help me i had a frnd of mine we wer very close to each other….. my happiness and sorrow is my frnd alone as i lost my mom i used to c her in my frnd…….. during feb my frnd left me alone due to some issues and started to walk in a wrong path as i came to hear….. so i prayed to our baba to get my frnd back and also my old happiness………… i even did sai nav guruwar pooja but i dono that we shuld use oly yellow clothes i'm sorry baba 🙁 i asked baba if my virat has been completed in one full stretch then my desire wil get ful filled and i completed my virat as in full stretch ,,,,, but ther was no changes in my life it was still the same then one fine thursday i asked baba to wear violet colour dress which means a sign of confirmation that i will get my wish ful filled on or before diwali and to my surprise on that particular day baba was in violet colour dress and he also full filled my wish before diwali OM SAI RAM THX APPA ….. but after 2 weeks went again everything went back 🙁 i lost my mental peace again and find it very difficuilt to spend each and every sec 🙁 baba pls help me,,,,, but last thursday while i was gng to sai temple something forced me to think that if baba is in sky blue dress then everything will be alright but he was in pure yellow,,,, in that temple they have a tv which telecast baba dharshan from shirdi in which baba was completely dressed in sky blue,,,, but things happening around me are very negative…….. dono wat baba is trying to say to me is he saying that i will get my frnd and life back or not,,,,,,,,, any way i wan my frnd before dec 10 🙁 baba help me pls appa……….. DEAR SAI DEVOTEES pls tel me wat baba is trying to say i cant understand,,, first he gave me then now i'm suffering a lot again wat am i suppose to do help me pls
Dont worry ji..baba jnows everything that is happening just have shraddha and saburi and baba will help you in all ways remove all your sorrows..read satcharitha and be in nav vrat..
om sai ram.good morning baba.after reading the book "sai baba still alive" by jaya wahi i want u only baba.please show me darshan.i want to see u.i love u baba that u know very well.since how long i have been suffering in my life but it was u who never fall me down and have been supported me all the time.i very well know u wil solve my problem soon and bless me a happy married life with my husband.
Today is my husband's birthay baba.i can't talk to him tht u very well know.today morning i sent a birthday sms to my husband and lit diya for him and prayed for him infront of u and cried alot by holding the book to fulfill my wish.bless him along life on his birthday.
today i started drining udi water on behalf of my husband to purify his mind,body and soul by ur udi water.i am his ardhangni so if i will drink the water means it will touch his body baba.with full shradha i am doing it plz udi water unke body ko touch kare.
i can't ask u why im suffering like this.when u r there to take care of me thn i don't hve to ask.give me more streangth to tolorate the present sitution going in my lif without my fault.my only prayer to u till my death that is bless me and my husband a blissful happy married life.om sai ram.
om ai om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
om sai naathaye namah
Sai Ram to fellow devotees,
Thank you all for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Nice experience, very touchy and TRUE words, first devotee. Your lines " make your tears so expensive that you can't afford them" were beautiful. May Sai baba bless U with all the happiness…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Jai Sai. Sanjeev Ji you said very nice and inspiring . Deva these days I am becoming very irritating n unhappy person please help me to walk in right path and correct by behaviour. Saiji please help those wicked mind people and divert them towards you so that they know how beautiful life could be without tears. Saiji thank you for everything as you know as a mother what is best for your children. Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
baba please forgive me
baba my visa is having some prob , please baba they shouldn ask any eveidence to me. my immg team itself should handle
i know i made big mistake .next day itself i got this prob
baba it will nevr happen again
i understood it shouldnt be playful.please forgive baba
please help me to get visa without any hindrance. every day is like wat will happen
im sorry baba
all the experience are beautifully narrated but I am sorry didn't understand the last one…what was 6 digit about? then what did you do with the 6 digits number? Did you play lottery and won? I am sorry please clear my confusion..Sai Ram
I also did not get the 3rd experience. What do u mean by u bought the number?
seriously…even i din't understand the last experience…i read it 2 to 3 times still i could not understand it.
even I could not understand 2 and 3rd experiences , both. Anybody pls explain me clearly abt 2nd experience. who is that CHAWAN baba. who gave stone to whom.?
even I had read thrice , the 3rd experience, but didn't understand .
Om sai ram !!!
om sai raam,
all very nice experiences..really i was crying too much today.and asked baba to take me with him as i am not able to bear more and today i opened experiences and oh my baba..how sweet you are you told me your advice through first devootee ji…thank you baba..
Dear devotee sanjeev ji thanks for writing this one..i really had tears of joy and peace of mind after reading it.i felt as if baba was telling it to me..
om sai ram
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sarvam Shri Sainatharpanamasthu.
Love you so much Baba.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful experiences.. Baba I thank you with lots of love and gratitude for answering my questions via these experiences…..I truly believe that you wanted to send me a message in this way….
To Sai sister Sanjeev ji.. What a wonderfully written experience..Whatever you said is so true…I will think about this experience if I ever feel like crying in the future..and try even harder to be positive…I am very optimistic but faith trembles when nothing is going right but Baba with your blessings I believe I can overcome this stage and make myself a better person..
Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram
Nice experiences! When we have Baba with us there is nothing we need to be scared about, and although we may have to go through difficult times due to past bad karma, Baba is with us always to help minimize the pain and help us endure the pain, but once that debt has been paid, we just have Baba's love and blessings for us. Om Sai Ram!
om sai ram!!!
Om Sai Ram…
I think this is the first time I am writing comment just after reading one experience. 'Make your cries so expensive that you cannot even afford them' I really loved this statement. I really liked the way you narrated… Baba bless everyone…
Om Sai..Shree Sai..Jai Jai Sai..
First devotee……beautifully narrated……………………LOVE U BABA
Sai sister Sanjeev Ji… It was indeed beautiful experience and very nice message to all sai devotees. It really boosted our faith on you BABA. I have also started practicing meditation for a while now. Please be with us always Deva.. Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Jai shree Ram! On namah shivayA