Few more experiences are shared here.
Baba Hints You About Your Future Happenings
Anonymous Devotee from Germany says: I am living in Germany since long time. I have a daughter, who is jobless now and brother in India, who is mentally and physically sick, but somehow Baba is there to help us in this bad situation. Om Sai Ram, Hetal Ji, Thank you so much for this wonderful site. It has given us the opportunity to read and write about this wondrous saint and deva. It is like second Sai Satcharitra .May Baba bless you. Please edit it wherever you feel like. I knew about Baba since 2005, but was worshiping Him as a saint.
It is in 2010 when, my mother was little sick and I being far away, very sad. In internet, I was looking about something, I found the blog. Shirdi Sai answers your question. I clicked it and gave number 302, since I have to choose between 1 and 720. The answer came – to avoid premature death, please keep awake whole night. I did not believe in it, but still was awake till 12 o’clock in the night.
I was feeling some fear. Next day early in the morning, my brother from India rang me up and said suddenly mother is seriously sick. She has gone in coma. It all was untimely unexpected. This morning, I looked for another question I think it was 311 or something like that. The answer was death is postponed. She died after one week. Then I came to know if I would have believed Baba’s words and was awake whole night, my mother would be living still. Because of 12 o’clock awakens, she died one week later.
Since that time, I started believing in Baba. He really helps us if we call Him with full devotion and faith. He has helped me in many things. Now I believe that He is Brahma; He is Vishnu and Mahesh too. I lost my parents. Baba is my mother and father both. Without Him, I am an orphan. I respect Him a lot.
Now please pray for my sick brother and my daughter, who is jobless since one year. Baba knows it and He will help. May Baba bless all of us. Om Sai Jai Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Sai Baba Our Loving Father
Anonymous devotee from UK says: Dear Hetal Ji. Jai Sai Ram. Thanks for all your efforts for bringing together all the Sai devotees. We all are blessed to have you, helping all the devotees to seek Baba’s blessings. May Baba bless all. I wish to share my experiences due to our beloved Baba’s grace. Kindly keep me anonymous and post it when possible.
Baba has been very kind to me always. He likes testing His children as well, but in the end He pleases them with what they want. I always try to follow Baba’s teachings in every possible way. I love keeping peace and always strive that relationships are well maintained. In UK, we do not know many people so it’s quite important to maintain relationships as if you do not, you will be left alone.
My husband’s cousin and his wife used to share house with us. We stayed together for good three years. While all this, I tried my best to maintain peace in the house by avoiding things. They shifted to their house in Feb 2013. My sister in law and I maintained a good healthy relationship and I wanted to keep it that way. One day I called her to ask if they wish to celebrate Rakhi together and she did not pick up the phone. I expected a call back and she did not instead she texted back asking if there was something urgent. The tone was very rude.
I did talk to her few days back and she was normal. I was worried what happened to her that she is behaving like that. I was upset as I wanted to know the reason. I prayed to Baba please make things normal as I thought I have upset her and felt bad. Let me tell you my worst scare is that I should not hurt anyone because I believe if I hurt anyone, I am hurting Baba. After this, I prayed to Baba please make things normal and I got an inner voice that you are not the reason. I was relieved, but not fully, but Baba always solves His children‘s problem. On Rakhi day, both my husband’s cousin and his wife came and we celebrated Rakhi together. From her behavior, it seemed nothing had happened. I thanked Baba a lot that He listened to me.
Another sweet incident with Baba happened few days back, when I went to Baba’s temple in Leicester. I reached around 8 am and Kakad Aarti was going on. Then after that, it was Mangal Snaan and around 10 am the Darshan would start. I did not want to leave without touching Baba’s feet, but my husband was getting restless and he said that we will come back around 10 am, but now we should leave. With a heavy heart, I got up to go thinking we will come back and then take Baba’s Darshan, but Baba had different plans. The minute we turned our back, one sevak pointed at my husband and said come and sit in the front. First my husband did not realise that the sevak is calling my husband, but then he asked again to sit down in the front. My joys knew no bounds. I was very thrilled that now I can attend Mangal Snan and sit with Baba for a long time.
Baba knew that I wanted to spend maximum time with Him. Also I wanted a flower kept at Baba’s feet during Kakad Aarti, but I did not tell anyone about it. But Baba knows everything. That same sevak came and gave me the holy flower. I was super happy. I had tears in my eyes as to how Baba loves His children. Baba blessed me by fulfilling my wishes. I can’t thank Baba enough. If one prays with clear heart all the wishes are listened. Baba has been very kind to me and I pray that this kindness is showered on all. I love You Baba. May Baba be with all and bless all always. Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Daya
Sai Sister Sai Ji from USA says: Dear Hetal Ji, first of all, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart to you and your entire team for such a great work. My name is Sai, currently living, in New Jersey, USA. My association with Sai Baba is from my birth. My parents are ardent devotees of our Baba. Sai Baba was always with me and my family in every steps of our lifes.
Currently I am going through a phase of my life, where everything is stopped working in favor of me. I am married for almost three year for now and we have been planning to move forward and start our family, but things are not working as we planned. I have total faith on my Sainath, but still some times clouds of doubts and uncertainty surrounds me and I becomes very depressed thinking about my situation.
I do read Sai Satcharitra very often and my mind got struck on one chapter in which one devotee asked Baba “Many devotees come to You with their request do everyone’s need is fulfilled.” for which Baba replied that “Not all mango flowers turn into fruits. Some flowers fall from tree due to wind and rain”. I started thinking that may be my request will not blossom. I request all Sai devotees to pray for us, so that Baba, shower His blessing on us and bless us with a wonderful gift of parenthood. Baba, please give me strength and please direct all my negative thoughts towards Your lotus feet. Baba, give me Sadbhudhi, so that my mind thinks about You and chant Your glory all day. Om Sai Ram, Sai Shyam.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai ram,Baba please listen to the prayers of every one.Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
jai sai ram to all..wonderful experiences…experience 1:I pray to baba to give u all happiness in ur life n trust baba ur sis will get job n brother will also do good by baba grace. experience 2: u r such a blessed child of baba…may baba fulfill all ur wishes… experience 3: dear baba devotee ..one thing I would like to rectify is about d meaning u hv extracted fr baba verses..dear baba meant to say dat only those who stick to thr faith n devotion wd patience get blossomed n bear fruit of happiness..so I request to keep ur faith on baba unshakeable..he listens to all..jai sai ram
om sai ram hetalji many thanks to you i am happy to read all sai leelas today all experiences are very nice iam reading all experiencesfrom 2 yearsplease sai give assitance prooficer post to my son please bless him and be with him i want him to be in india only please bless my desire om sai ram
om sai ram!!
Very nice experiences. I am sure Baba has already bestowed what you have been asking for.
O Deva, Thank You for surrounding us with people who believe us, care for us, love us. Bless us O Sadguru that we may return the same emotions and be better humans.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
I love baba my father, plez bless me…om sai ram
om sai ram
Dear 3rd devotee, I am really praying Baba to gift you parenthood as soon as possible so that you will have your doubts cleared. Just have faith and believe that you are going to get it very soon….
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram may all Sai Devotees wishes come true.
Om Sai Ram….Devotee 1st & 2nd – Very Nice Experiences….Devotee 1st & 3rd – No fear when Baba is here, Baba will fulfill all your wishes…He is always with us…I Love You Baba…Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences…thanks a lot for sharing with us…sai sister in the third experience please pray shibpursaibaba for child…shibpursaibaba has gifted children to devotees who prayed to baba and offered pooja there…you can donate some amount and ask amiji to perform pooja on your behalf and if possible visit shibpursaibaba temple…for more details you can visit shibpursaibaba.org and to offer any pooja you can check this page http://shibpursaibaba.org/Udi%20or%20pooja.html and to read miracles http://shibpursaibaba.org/miracle&experiences.html….OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Dear Sai Family,
Please read the book 'Sai BABA is still alive' by 'Jaya Wahi'. It will boost your faith and show you numerous ways to do good deeds. You can buy the book online from Flipkart or any other online store. Here is the link. And the book gets delivered in a days time. You can gift this book of BABA to others also.
Please read this from a post on FB by Mrs JAYA WAHI :
Sai Baba Is Still Alive
Liked · September 19
Baba Sai has taught, "Give, give, give & receive manifold in return. Wealth used for personal enjoyment is wealth wasted. Whereas wealth shared is wealth created."
Remember… If you or anyone in your family is suffering due to a physical or mental disease, if you are in trouble at your work place, if you are unable to pay back loans, if you are in a broken or painful relationship, if there is any problem however big… There is ONE sure-shot solution given by our Baba Sai… 'CHARITY & SHARING OF WHAT WE HAVE'. So, give in abundance, give with faith & love & get back a million fold of that abundance.
My Day 2 of charity completed beautifully with my Darling Baba's grace… Made Thandai… an almond, pistachio, cardamom flavored chilled milk concoction, along with biscuits & then went out with my lovely Maa & my lil maid girls & we made every possible person working hard on the warm streets & sweating it out, sip into Baba's Prasadam. In Bliss Supreme. Hope your Day 2 of Charity is going good too Sai Family.
May BABA bless us all always.
Love you BABA and many thanks you for everything. May you keep blessing us all always with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth, joyous relationships and happiness.
Om Sai Ram !
By Baba's grace , I am going to Shirdi on Dec 17th and would like to take Devotee's prayers with me. Request you to please publish this in your blog, so that interested Devotees can end me their prayers on my email id : chandanapriyambada@gmail.com .
I request the Devotees to email their Prayers to BABA max by Dec 12.
May BABA bless us all always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Om Sai Ram.
Baba bless us all always and fulfill our earnest desires. BABA bless you soon with a healthy Baby dear 3rd Sai Devotee. We are also praying for a health kid for ourselves. BABA bless us .
Jai Sai Ram ji kito all,
Dear first devotee, May Sai Ma bless your daughter with a wonderful job and may He cure your brother. May Baba ji give you immense happiness and joy and above all may your faith in Sai Ma increase with each passing day.
Dear second devotee, You are a beautiful soul and pray that Baba ji keep you and your family in His Divine shade forever!
Dear Si sister Sai ji, Please do not worry Baba ji will surely bless you with a beautiful and healthy girl soon. May Sai Ma remove all your worries and shower His blessings on you and your family always!
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
Sai Ram to fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
Devotee 3 – Do not be disappointed; the episode you mentioned here was Baba's response to Damu Anna Kasar's thought. But it was in a different context. Baba meant that not all people are able to surrender completely as it's not easy; some fruits fall off means some devotees have wavering faith in Him or do not have enough patience…..some fruits do not ripe – means they do not have sufficient level of devotion to continue believing in Baba and they digress.
Baba has assured that He fulfills His devotees all wishes first so the devotees become content and then their spiritual growth is firmed up (but they need to offer Baba faith and patience and believe in Him i.e. complete surrender to Him); refer to the episode mentioned in the link (at the end of the chapter) below:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
May Sai Bless us all.
Om Sai Ram
Saima please bless the devotee & get well her brother soon and bless her daughter with good job. Baba bless the devotee with cute baby. My colleague also trying for baby please bless her baba.
Baba thanks baba I can see happiness in my parents face.
I accept it only when u give a permission or signal..
U r everything for me
Please forgive me if I had done any mistakes.
One of my cousin got eye infection please cu her baba.
Baba please make Avik happy. Give him ur blessings. Please dun allow any negative thoughts or bad habits to go nearr him..please send him an angel to come out of it baba.
On Sri sai ram ki jai
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Baba pls bless all of us… Thank you so much for all your love
om sai raam,
really wonderful experiences.
1 devotee:do not feel bad.baba will surely bless your daughter with job and cure your brother.please give UDI MIXED WITH WATER as many times as possible to your brother.there is no best medicine baba left with us in thisworld.Read "baba is still alive" book dear .i pray for baba to be with you.
2 devotee:Very nice narration.mat baba bless us all.
3 devotee: do not fear baba will surely bless you.May he remove all our fears and doubts.
baba sorry baba today i was over confident and had waivering faith in you.Please forgive me baba.I will not do this again.Sorry baba…sorry baba…
BABA i LOVE YOU..WONDERFUL EXPERIENCES,quite matching to my problems.OM SAI RAM!!!!!
Its a request to all the lovely children of SAI MAA ……
please read KAKASAHEB DIXITS diary, i just now read it and i found it so lovely that as if SAI MAA herself was telling me her stories of her presence in SHIRDI.
so as soon as i read it i wanted to share it with you all,that please read it, it will fulfill all you thurst and hunger for SAI LEELA'S.
it will give you immense peace, when i read it i felt that iam bbeing blessed by reading every word of it, so many times it flashed on different pages but as you say, right time is right time. today is a special day for me as for some reasons and so iam so happy that i want all his devotees to get the nectar oof hhis LEELA,S and can fell that how blessed we are being in his world of love…
om sai ram
Om sai ram !!!!
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairamom sairam
om sai naathaye namah
Nice experiences! Sister Sai, don't worry, I will pray to Baba help you through this rough phase, just keep faith in Baba and He will help you weather the storm of bad karmas you are facing, but you will get through it well since you have Baba with you. Devotee from Germany, sorry to hear about both your parents, but Baba will take good care of you, your story reminded me of how Kote Patil was told by Baba about his impending death and how Baba helped him prepare for it and gave him extra time to spend with his family. Devotee from UK, although you and your husband were ready to leave from the temple, Baba wasn't about to let you leave without seeing Him, so He made sure to grab hold of you both and give you a nice darshan before you left. Om Sai Ram!
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father