Three more experiences are shared.
Job Given By Sai Ram
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a working woman and working since 12 years. I have faith in God. I can proudly say that I am a great devote of Sai Baba. Now before this incidence took place, I use to pray all GOD and use to visit SAI temple. I am a working woman since 12 years and whenever I quit my job, I use to get another job. But this happened with me first time that I quit my job in month of March thinking that my experience will give me a better job then this. But I was wrong.

To my extreme applications, I got no call from any organizations I have applied. In fact some got hold, where I cleared the interview. I was fully scattered, but I am a believer of God so I started praying Sai Baba every day and sometimes even twice. Try to visit Sai temple every day. To my surprise, one day I got a call from two reputed schools that you are requested to come and give a written test for the selection process .To my surprise the test was very easy and the Principal called me for the interview and liked my conversation. Next day another school also called me for the interview, which I cleared this was all through Sai Baba grace I got both jobs. I am very happy to say that this miracle happened because of Sai Baba. So please trust Sai Baba for miracles to happen in life. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Returned My Love Back
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Firstly I want to say that those people, who do not believe in Sai Baba, do believe in Him, your life will be changed as you like in your way. Sai Baba listens to me and answers my prayer every time whatever I needed and whenever I needed. Here I want to share my experience with you all.
When I was 17, I fall in love with a guy. He too loved me a lot, but after sometime because of family issues I had to leave him. So we broke up. Then he started drinking and smoking too. We didn’t look to each other for about one year. After one year, he daily made a call, whenever he was drunk. But I didn’t talk to him. One night he called me up and said I will not call you forever and after that he never called me.
After few days, I realized that he is the person, who loves me like hell, but I didn’t reply him anytime whenever he needed me. But when I called him, he directly said I don’t love you anymore and don’t want t be in a relationship with me. His friends also said he doesn’t wants to talk to you. I was totally depressed at that time. I was not able to handle anything in my life. I daily prayed to Sai Baba that please Baba return my love. I will be thankful to You. Please help me. Then I read Sai Satcharitra and on Friday only he called me and said he loves me and want me to be his girlfriend and that time my eyes were full of tears and I thanked to Baba that You returned my love.
Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: Sai Ram. I would like to share with everybody my experiences with Sai Baba. My mom had uterus removal done in the month of June 2013. After five days, she had problem urine started to leak and we had to rush to the hospital in the midnight. The doctor arrived next morning and she told she might need a stitching, so take her to another hospital and she gave a reference to a doctor. My mom was admitted there. We kept Sai Baba photo near her head and UDI was given to her.
After that scan was done and doctor told that her left kidney tube is punctured she had stent. Right side kidney she was wounded and stent did not go inside and doctor had to put a nephronstrome tube form behind and her bladder also had a hole about 2.2cm. And again there she had a urine bag. The doctor said that she has to be with this bag for 3 to 4 months and later we will have a scan and do what is need. By Sai Baba’s grace, her left side kidney tube was alright after a month and the stent was removed. But the right side kidney badly needed an operation. And by that time doctor was waiting for the bladder to heal. Again a scan was done and he told that bladder seems to be healed and she was asked to be admitted on 9 of October. 11 of October doctor have done a open surgery and stent was put in the right side kidney tube and my mom is still in the hospital.
She had to stay there for another two or three weeks. Sai Baba was with us throughout these days and gave strength to face these problems. I believe completely and I surrender to Him completely. I still wait that Baba will bring my mom safe and healthy back home and I have planned to take her to Shirdi this December. Baba is really great every time. When I call my mom, I sit beside Baba’s photo and talk. I was really scared so I had to sit beside so that I felt that He is near me. And one more experience is about 3 weeks back, Baba appeared in my dream. He was inside a cave and I was talking to Him. Thank You Baba and please stay with me and my family and all those who are in need of You. Sairam

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram….Wonderful Experiences…We Love You Baba….Always Be With Us….Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram!!!
om sai ram
om sai ram!!!
Dear Sai Devotees,
Please read this Sai Leelas also. It will improve your faith and understanding of our beloved Sai more and more. Please read without fail and are free to download.
Pray God Sai to bless this world with peace and devotion. Share with known devotees please…
Om Shri Sai Ram.
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram .
Baba you bless every body…please bless me too…bless your son and daughter…Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
om sai raam
Om sairam. To d thord devotee sai will surly take care of ur mom. I appreciate ir devotion on sai.
Im very selfish. I always want my needs and wishes fulfilled by sai.
SSai help me to always be grateful to all that u had done for me. Pls tale care of my husband and daughter. Om sairam.
Om sai ram
Baba ji you are great, wonderful experiences.
Love you deva.
BABA i love YOU.OM SAI RAM!!!!!
First experience is wonderful. I am also in the same position as she was. I am damn sure that baba will bless me one day like sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairma om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Wonderful experiences. .even im in the same situation waiting for my love to realise and return. we both love each other but his parents are against this as I dont belong to their caste..I have faith in baba. he will help me.please pray for me please.
Dear sai devotees i wanted to share my exp which happnd with me in shirdi………..we strtd for shirdi on 7th jan and reached there on 8th. since the tickets were booked for shirdi i always prayed BABA that pls give me a chance for AARTI DARSHAN THERE. My friends guided me to book AARTI DARSHAN TICKETS ONLINE so that after going there me and my family can easily have aarti darshan with out any risk. But i always had faith in my heart that BABA WILL GIVE ME AARTI DARSHAN WITH OUT BOOKING ONLINE. We went in the que at 10:30 a.m. and till 11:00 a.m. que was moving, i was aware that 11:30 que will be stopped for aarti but i was wondering that why que has been stopped at 11 itself. I started praying BABA that pls give us chance for aarti, my uncle said u would hav booked aarti tickets online. I said lets see what BABA does and as i was always carrying SSC book with me i took it from my purse and bow my head before it and was abt to strt reading. But then immediately que started to move and u will not believe in 10mn we were before BABA, just 20 steps distance. I was very happy and couldnt believe with my eyes.tears startd rolling frm my eyes. I wholeheartedly thanked baba for fulfilling my wish. And with BABA'S blessing we did madhyan aarti. And without asking the priest gave me a garland frm BABA'S SAMADHI. I prayed BABA that if he fulfills my wish i will post my exp in this site.
wow ..really wonderful devotee sai raam
Dear devotee about operation: I'm sure with Baba's grace your Mom is completely cured now…I pray to Baba for her good health and may Baba bless your family with lots of peace and joy.
Om Sai Ram
Om. Sai Jai Sai. Nice experiences. 3Rd devotee hope your mom is fine now and Baba must have blessed u Shirdi visit as well. Deva thank you for your special treat at Shirdi. As always this time also I am back with lots of your sweet memories. Saiji please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Dear Sai Devotees, Very happy to see we are blessed with a sense of having FAITH in BABA.
This FAITH only helps us go through harsh time and we can share our experiences with other devotees here.
To the 3rd devotee, hope your mom is out of danger, her kidney tube problem as well as kidney surgery , everything has gone well and she is recovering. I too had gone through similar surgery but fortunately there was no complication at all! Yes, with my stupidity before I was completely healed I forgot that I am not supposed to bend to pick up something from the floor and I bent down to pick up the spoon that I dropped while I was at the dinning table and after the surgery there were 10-15 days no bleeding, and slowly with this bending might have ruptured the skin inside. I started having constant bleeding, though very small amount but it had to be taken care of. The surgeon had to perform a small procedure at his office clinic only, but after that I was ok. Had I not bent over at that time, I would not have suffered this complication!
Well, wishing health to all, Jai SAI RAM.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om sai ram !!!!
Very nice experiences and as the 1st devotee said, Trust in Him and expect miracles 🙂
O Deva, we are after all humans, some of our desires and wishes may be a bit too much but we have total Faith in You 🙂 Thank You for working Your miracles O Sadguru and for all the joy You surround us with.
Thank You for all the Love O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Nice experiences! Devotee from Singapore, although your mother had to go through a lot with the surgery, Baba ensured everything went well and made sure she was taken care of (Baba was the one who helped make sure everything turned out ok). 1st devotee, just as with other devotees, Baba made sure you had the best job that will be best for you so although it took some more time, Baba wanted you to get the right job and the best job for you. 2nd devotee, it was Baba who helped bring your guy back as He knew He is the right one for you (Baba can help change the minds of anyone when it comes to helping His devotees). Om Sai Ram!