Few experiences are shared in today’s post.
Baba Grace On My Baby
Anonymous devotee from USA says: I live in USA. First I would like to appreciate Hetal Ji for providing such a good source to share our experiences. I have been praying Baba since I was in school. I have many experiences from Baba. In this blog, I want to share my most important experience. After getting married for five years, I didn’t get a chance to plan for kids. Then I was struggling to get conceived. I was praying Baba everyday and getting depressed. At last Baba showed His mercy and I got conceived. Baba never gave me anything without testing.
When the miracle happened, I was in 5th month. I and my friend planned to go for shopping and she was a new driver. We started in the car. When we are about to reach a signal, it was red and we suppose to take right. In USA, if it is red and if you need to take right then you have to stop, check the traffic coming from left and then you have to take right. As she was a new driver, without stopping and checking the traffic, she just turned right.
Unfortunately one vehicle was coming from left and we had an accident. That car got passed, but to avoid that she took some other way and went through a car dealer shop. Our car passed 3 or 4 cars by hitting. First we were blank and didn’t understand what happened. After getting to know, I was first thinking about my baby. I was shouting ‘Baba nothing should happened to my baby, You must help me’ and I was searching for Baba photo in the car.
My friend got scared like anything and she got down. I was crying and yelling inside. Then the miracle happened. One old man came and opened my side car door. I was crying and he came close to me and took my hand. He said ‘Just relax, nothing will happen to your baby’. I was crying ‘my baby my baby’. He said, ‘you are not breathing common breath’. I started breathing fast as he said. Then he said ‘I am there for your baby, nothing will happen’. Then ambulance came, the guys came to me and started moving me in to the ambulance. I just remember they were asking that guy, how he knows that we are in trouble. He was telling he saw this from across the road. After going to the hospital they did all check up and scanning. Baby was perfectly fine and I don’t even have a single scratch. But our car was damaged like anything (no shape) and the other 4 cars also became out of shape. This is all because of Baba. I love You Baba. You are my dad.
Miraculous Help Of Saibaba
Sai Brother Sundararajan Ji from USA says: I am one of the devotees of Saibaba and He has blessed me with numerous experiences. Here I am submitting one of the experiences that was miraculous by all means and I will never forget in my life.
I travelled to USA to a remote location and I was supposed to work on that project in a very remote location. I did not have any driving experience and I did not have driving license. However since it is a remote location, you cannot survive without a car. There was no public transport and I literally had no option. There is no way to even go and have food outside. It’s like a forest. I implored my managers in my organization to help me out and move me to a different location. But no one was paying any attention and I was very depressed.
I even contemplated of resigning my job and going back to India. I had to find some alternative in 2 weeks time while my friend was there with me. However that place does not have much Indians too. I searched for an accommodation and I really did not know how I will commute after Aug 25th. I just trusted Saibaba and told myself that He will show me a way and I read Sai Satcharitra for 14 days. However there appeared no solution and I was very upset.
And exactly on Aug 23rd Thursday, I had an early morning dream seeing Saibaba photo. As usual I woke up prayed Saibaba , recited Sundarakandam and started to office. Then I saw a mail from some Indian person that he wants to see if we can share accommodation and in 1 hour I got a call from him. I explained him, I have found a house however we can share an accommodation and told him that if he would be okay to help me in transport. He said that his office is close to mine and he will definitely help. That evening itself he came with a rented car and we found another accommodation. Then from then till I was in that place, he helped me in transportation and solved all my problems. Is this coincidence or miracle? I used to believe that Sai will help blindly and it came true. Such a big problem (I can’t explain how big it was) solved in just one day one Thursday. I can never forget this in life. Om Sri Shirdi Sai Srinivasaya Vidhmahay Sarva Devayaa Theemahi Dhanoh Sarva Pracotayat. Sai Ram.
Miracle In Train To Shirdi
Anonymous Devotee from India says: For the last couple of years, I and my family were going regularly to Shirdi to seek blessings of our loving Sai Baba Ji. OCT 10, 2013, I got an opportunity to visit Shirdi, but without my family as I have planned to return on same day that was 12th Oct 2013. And my wife and daughter could not do that much travel from Jammu to Shirdi and could return the same day. So we decided that only I would go and get blessings for my whole family and would return on same day. As I started my journey from Jammu dated 10th Oct 2013 in Jehlum train, I started reading SAI Satcharitra. On 2nd day of my journey 11th of Oct, I was reading Sai Satcharitra and I came to know that SAI BABA used to celebrate RAMANAVI with great pleasure and he took Samadhi on the same Day. I suddenly made up my mind to extend my stay in Shirdi, so that I could also celebrate Ram Navami in Shirdi. So I called up my colleague in Jammu and booked a new ticket in RAC 7 and cancelled my old ticket. This seems to be a Miracle as I never had thought of such a favorable invitation that also by my Sai Baba Ji . JAI SAI RAM.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing.
om sai ram!!!
First devotee: so happy for you. So blessed you are.
Baba, when will you help me blindly baba. Things are getting bad. I feel like I should die to escape from it all. But the last two days, I've decided to be proud again and fight for my career. But baba, don't make me give up on you. I've been crying everyday. If you don't help me, who will. I wanted to be happy, have a family who I could love and cherish. Don't let my dreams die. Please.
It wont die dont worry friend.Appa will take care of children like us for sure.He will test us but never leave us.Wishing you a happy life!Im wishing myself also:)
om sai ram
Om sairam. We all luv u sai.
really wonderful experiences
om sai raam
Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai…love you Baba…
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Sai Ram…Love you baba:)
Sai Baba gave me good thoughts on thursday.. I love you too baba. He saved me from big mistake. I feel blessed. Love you dher saara
Baba u r coming to bless me on my bday..????? I m waiting eagrely. I saw u in dreams tonight…i was crying and searching u and saw u..but no blessing from ur side..why did not u talk to me in dream..
sorry baba..really sorry..
Om.sai ram
saibaba did not take samadhi on ramnavami but on vijaya dasami day. jai sairam!!
Jai sai ram!!!! Baba need YOUR help…
om sai ram
Baba pls pls bless all!!we are nothing without you!!
baba pls pls never leave us!!om sai ram
Dear Sai Devotees,
Please read this Sai Leelas also. It will improve your faith and understanding of our beloved Sai more and more. Please read without fail.
Pray God Sai to bless this world with peace and devotion. Share with known devotees please…
Please also read this book free down load… Good one.
Om sai ram !!!
Baba, I am leaving everything to you. Please confirm my ticket and choose your son-in-law for me.
Om Sai Ram
Om sairam omsairam omsairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om ssiram
Appa today heard all non sense which a girl should not hear but this time im not blaming you or yelling at you.I definitely feel that you are in the process of doing some good for me.U will do it and make me stand proud one day.Even my mother's sorrow will end soon i think.Give my mother a very good health,make me and my sibling take care of my mom like a darling and make her happy in all possible ways.Give me lot of mental and physical strength appa.Remove all my bad thoughts and behaviour.Dont leave me till my last breath as promised pa….Goodnight!Takecare.
Dear Sai Ram
Is this true? How can happen this if you has always been with us?
Love you Deva
Sai Ram to all fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Baba keep blessing us all.
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Wonderful experiences! Sundararajan Ji, Baba wouldn't have sent you to a far away place and for this job without making sure you were taken care of and how wonderfully Baba arranged everything so quickly so that you have a nice place to stay and all your transportation problems were taken care of. First devotee, Baba came as that old man and your baby is also Baba's child and He ensured that nothing happened to your baby also. 3rd devotee, Baba nicely asked you to stay for Ramanavi and you are lucky that Baba didn't want you to go but wanted you to stay for the nice celebration in Shirdi itself. Baba is always watching out for us in ways we even don't know and saving us from harm and helping us even when we are not aware of it. Om Sai Ram!
Very nice experiences all.
Thank You O Deva for keeping an eye on us like a Mother watches Her child. Help us O Sadguru to be Your instruments in spreading peace and happiness.
Thank You for a beautiful Life O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sri sai ram; om sri sai ram; om sri sai ram; om sri sai ram; om sri sai ram; om sri sai ram; om sri sai ram;om sri sai ram; om sri sai ram
Om namaha shivaya