Anonymous Devotee from India says:
Om Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ganesha. Om Sai Ram Hetal Ji. Many thanks for the wonderful service you are rendering in the form of this blog. It gives us all so much of positive hope and increases our faith manifold in our Gurudeva. Here are a few of my recent best experiences. Request you to please publish them. Thank you so much.
Baba Saved My Mother From A Bad Injuries
My Mother is an ardent Devotee of Baba and she is instrumental in making me also Baba’s Devotee. She encouraged me to watch Sai Baba’s serial on TV and that is how I came to know about Baba and His wonderful Leelas. She was the first one in my family to do Baba’s Thursday Vrat and I used to discourage her from doing that, since I was worried that she would restrict herself from certain food and keep fasts. Also I was ignorant about Baba and did not have any Bhakti at all for Baba. Somehow after seeing the serial at home with my Mother and family, by Baba’s grace I became Baba’s Devotee soon. I would always be grateful to my Mother and my hostel Aunty, who are the two main persons, who made me know Baba and guided me to be His Devotee. My Hostel Aunty gifted me Sai Satcharitra too. Baba, please do bless my Mother and my Hostel Aunty always with good health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. I just wanted to convey my sincere gratitude to them via this post.
Coming to Baba’s grace, one day my Mother was returning from her office. On the way she went to the Ashram of another spiritual Guru, who we were initially devoted to. She had paid some money there to do Puja on our Birthdays (me and my Brother’s). That day it was my Birthday and so she just wanted to visit that Ashram and decided to be a part of my Birthday Puja there. However to her dismay, she saw that there was no Puja being performed for my birthday. On checking with the people there and looking into the records, she saw that the officials there were very irresponsible and had changed our birthdays to some other dates! She was very annoyed with this and expressed her disappointment. She said that, she had trusted the people since it was Guruji’s Ashram and had paid the due money for the Puja. However, the officials were not doing their job properly. Anyhow, after all this, she left from that place and started for home. She was very upset though, since she realized that people were cheating in such a Divine palace as the Ashram also.
On her way, she stumbled upon a stone and has a bad fall. But Baba came to her rescue and saved her from any severe injuries. She got a bad wound on the knee though and it took a little time to heal. She was a little scared with this accident, since it happened right after that small tussle with the Ashram officials. She told me that she did not blame Guru Ji anytime. She has utmost respect for Guru Ji , just that the people in the Ashram are cheating. So we were worried if Baba was angry with my Mom. But later we were convinced that Baba was not angry at all. Rather Baba only saved my Mother from any severe injuries. She was holding a bunch of files, as she was taking her office work to do at home. So the files also protected her from sustaining any chest injuries. Baba took away some bad Karma by this accident and made the impact very small. I Thank you a million times Baba, from the bottom of my heart for protecting my Mother. I love my Mother a lot GuruDeva, please do take very good care of her always. Please do keep Your boon-bestowing hand on my Mother’s head always and please help, bless, guide and advice her in all aspects of her life. Please keep her happy always; she is the best Mother in this whole world! Thank you so much once again, please do call us to Shirdi soon. Maa wants to have Your Darshan badly. Love You Baba.
Our Marriage Registration Took Place In Baba’s Presence
Our marriage took place in Baba’s temple in my hometown after a lot of problems. My Husband’s family was not so keen on a temple wedding. However I badly wanted to get married in Baba’s temple and so somehow Baba arranged it all, and everyone agreed to it and finally we got married in Baba’s presence in His temple. Also, when we went for our marriage registration, I was delighted to see many of Baba’s posters in the registration office. We literally registered our marriage in the presence of Baba. We also signed the papers in front of Baba. I was really happy with this and thanked Baba. I did not expect this at all; just I sought Baba’s help to get our marriage registered smoothly. But He blessed us with His presence. Love You a lot Baba. I know You are always there with us and are blessing us with a blissful married life. There are some small domestic issues at home between me and my husband, and I just pray to Baba sincerely to help us to overcome all our differences soon. Baba, please bless my Husband to be Your staunch Devotee soon and may he soon give up all his bad habits and become the man of mydreams. Let him become a devoted husband. Make me also a good wife. Love You Baba. Please guide us in everything we do and please never leave us alone.
Baba Saved Us From Financial Problem And Mental Agony
Recently we shifted to a new apartment with Baba’s grace. Baba only guided us and blessed us with a very good place to stay. I saw Baba in this new house, when we came to have a look at this house and so we decided on taking this house instantly. And by Baba’s grace, we like this place a lot. Baba is the best and He did indicate us through His question and answers that we would shift to a better place, and it did happen! Baba’s words are always true!!
It so happened that after we vacated the old house, our old house owner called us to say that he received a complaint from the apartment people regarding non-payment of the last 2 months maintenance fees. We were shocked and worried, since it is a big amount (close to 4000 Rupees) and we had duly paid it on time and I had it clearly mentioned in my monthly expenses notebook. So I just prayed Baba to help us and prove us right and save us from paying again. I sought Baba’s help in saving our hard earned money from being wasted. Our only fear was that we might not have signed in the maintenance fees collection sheet, in which case we could be proved guilty of having not paid the dues. I couldn’t recollect if we had signed. So I apologized to Baba for the negligence and decided to be responsible in future. I have resolved to save all the receipts of all type of payments (rent, electricity bills, etc ) so as to be of use in such kind of situations in the future. Still I prayed Baba to help us and sign the sheet on our behalf in case we had not signed! I know this prayer of mine to Baba might sound crazy, but now I just trust Baba blindly and I know nothing is impossible for my GuruDeva. He can do anything and go to any extent to help His Devotees, when they are in trouble and distress! I had a little worry in my heart, but I knew Baba will help us! I also wrote 1000 times “Sai” and prayed Baba to help us. This happened, when I was in office in the daytime. Soon in the evening we came home. After doing the evening Puja to Baba, we applied UDI. and went to the old apartment. To our delight, we met the committee person who handles the finance part and he assured us that nothing was due from our side and it was a bad miscommunication! I cannot describe how relieved we were! We could have landed in trouble and there was a good chance that we had forgotten to sign the sheet, however Baba saved us! He took care of our hard-earned money and also saved us from mental disturbance! Thanks a lot Baba; we owe You all this joy. Many many thanks to You. Please bless us to be more responsible in future. You are the best and we are lucky to have You as our GuruDeva in our life. May all the people in this world get to know You and receive Your blessings!
Baba Helped My Mother To Find Her ID Card, And Reduced Her Work Load
My Mother is a working lady and has to handle all household work too, all alone. So she is very busy always and hardly finds any time for herself. I used to pray to Baba to reduce the work load on my Mother, since she is loaded both ways; at home and at office. So, after a few days my Mother’s department was changed to a different one. The new department is good and work load is also less. I am really grateful to my sweetest Baba for this blessing on my Mother. I suggested my Mother to use this little free time to read books and take some rest. Recently also my Mother had misplaced her office identity card and was worried about it. We prayed to Baba sincerely to help us find the ID card and we had the confidence that Baba will help us. He always hears His children’s call for help. Finally after searching properly in her handbag and all the books, my Mother got her ID card back. She was thrilled to get it and we were so happy. She had also misplaced her office drawer keys and by Baba’s grace she found that also easily. We were convinced that such small issues come in our life to build up our FAITH and PATIENCE in our Sadguru Shri Shirdi Sainatha. Love You Baba and many many thanks to You for everything.
My Husband Has Started To Reduce His Smoking
My Husband smokes and I have been pestering him to quit. But sometimes he gets annoyed if I ask him time and again to quit and it had caused some strain in our relationship too. So finally I have decided to leave it all on Baba and I am just praying Baba sincerely to inspire my husband to quit all his bad habits. One last time I tried to make him understand and after that he too realized and said that he will reduce it gradually and quit smoking soon. He said that he will quit not because I want him to, but because he too wants to do it. This was the first time ever that he agreed that smoking is bad and he expressed his own desire to quit. I owe this to Baba, since Baba is only inspiring my Husband to quit all bad habits. Baba is the only one who is making my Husband realizes his mistakes. I was still a little worried and was not convinced. The next Thursday I got to read his chats with his office colleague where he had mentioned that he will go for less smoking breaks in between work, since he is trying to reduce is habit. I was assured on reading it, and knew that Baba showed me a positive sign on Thursday. Thanks a lot Baba. Please make my Husband quit all his bad habits soon and please make him Your Devotee also. Love You a lot Baba. I have my full faith on You that You will soon fulfill these two most awaited wishes of mine.
May Your blessings reach all of us always Baba. Let there be peace and happiness in every home across the whole wide world. May all the people be happy under Your shelter. Please bless us all with good health, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. We love You a lot Baba and many many thanks to You for everything. We surrender at Your Lotus feet. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Baba Saved My Mother From A Bad Injuries experiences;its really wonderful to hear that you likes your so much and she has faith on baba..some times peoples like there mom so much but its there faith they don't get chance to give a love to there mom back….i wish all of you to pray for my best friend mom who has passed away a few month ego and she was one of the best mom in world like my mom….pleas sai baba give a peace to her soul..omm sai ram
Om Sai Ram.
Baba bless the departed soul of Aunty. May her soul always rest in peace.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
may sai baba bless the soul of your aunty….
om sai ram
baba iam loving a guy name called ashwin….. i like his character and his attitude…. but i did not express him anything….really i have fear to express him… he is such a nice guy…. i do not know what to do… please help me… i want ashwin to be my husband.. but anyways i left to you everything……..
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
please friends pray for me to get marry to ashwin .. i love him a lot…. iam also a very good girl…… i want to marry him with my parent's permission… baba has to help me to express my true love….. he is working in a mnc… he will respect all… baba iam going to start my nav guruvrat for my career and also for my marriage with my ashwin… please show me some sign whether my thought is good or bad sai ram…..baba i will never disobey your words… you know what is good and what is bad… you want to decide my life sai… love you sai.. and one more prayer please help me my father to overcome his problems… please give him a strength to face his problem… baba i dont want anything for me… but please bless my parents and ashwin with good health, wealth and prosperity.. my father should not face any difficulty in his life… he should be happy forever.. baba i have made certain mistakes in my life. Now i have realized everything…. iam reading sai prerna to get settle in my career as well as in my family life…. iam loving ashwin like anything… we have one problem because he is a kannada brahmin guy and i belongs to a tamil brahmin family…. you will have to help me in everything….
om sai ram 🙂
i want to visit shirdi with my parents in the month of august… i do not know how to book the tickets and all… i do not have enough money in my hand to visit shirdi…. i can afford only two thousand for my darshan to shirdi (including railway fare) iam very eager to visit shirdi.. due to certain issues i could not visit… i want to touch my father's feet( baba) in shirdi…. i hope definitely baba will call me to shirdi as soon as possible… iam going to forget evrything which has been happened in my past… baba you will have to make me as a very good person than now…. i have made lot of mistakes in my life due to my ignorance… i have suffered a lot for that… i want to be a very good daughter to my parents and a very good wife to my husband and my in laws… baba you will have to be with me forever.. you will have to safeguard me from all the calamities… iam asking you sorry baba… please forgive me for all my fault…. iam really very very sorry baba sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry…. please for give me for all my mistakes in my life…sorry for this long post..
OM SAI RAM. Baba ji when will you bless us??? Kab baba ji kab???!!!!
hi iam from india… iam looking for a job in chennai… i have done MBA with finance and marketing ….. i have completed my MBA in the year 2011… still iam jobless… iam searching for a job almost 2years… i do not have any experience… i want a job to take care of my family ….. is there any vacancy for my qualification let me know it.. why iam posting it here na.. hope definitely i will receive a help from any of our devotees due to the blessings of my sai…please help me iam in the need of job…. and my father is also looking for a job… he has got retired from the banking industry last month.. he is looking for a job in chennai….. jai sai ram
BABA PLEASE BLESS US. Forgive us for all our sins. Have mercy on us, bless us BABA. Please heal my daughter baba, take away all her sufferings Baba. Baba, only you can help us Baba.
Please Bless us Baba.
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram……Baba The Living God….Baba Says :
“If I answer your prayer at once,
it is because I am testing your faith.
If I did not answer your prayer at once,
it is be i am testing your patience.
If did not answer your prayer at all
it is because I have a better plan for you.“
very nice experiences….thanks a lot for sharing with us….OM SAIRAM….LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
om sai naathaye namah
dear sai children
i want to share this very beautiful thing with you all.and maybe iam alo seeking a clarification here as in what does it mean.
i always have dreams of our sai baba on a very regular basis, and he is always helping me out of some or the other problems in my dreams. i even see him when i ask him to come in my dream, like when i feel very lonely i ask him that SAI MAA come in my dream and make me feel good.and he always comes in any which ways. thats the beauty of my life.i wanted to share this because i wanted to know what these dreams mean because ever since sai baba has started coming in my dreams so frequently i always feel sleepy and now i sleep most of the time.and iam having my exams and iam not prepared at all.i realy want to understand whats happening to me.
i even asked sai maa that i realy need to clear these exams this time and i always get positive answers but when i wont be able to prepare then what will i go and write in the paper.
i want to mention here that iam not doubting anything but maybe wondering as to what has SAI MAA planned for me.
sai devotee sandhya….
Om Sai Ram.
Best wishes for your exams. Baba is with you. And his blessings are also with you. Do put in your best efforts.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Nice experiences. I like this line especially "just trust Baba blindly and I know nothing is impossible for my GuruDeva. He can do anything and go to any extent to help His Devotees, when they are in trouble and distress!"
O Deva, it is very for us to lose hope, we are but mere mortals. We say that we trust You O Sadguru, we do but we are an impatient lot. Forgive us for that.
Bless us with love and peace and Thank You for the miracle and everything else too O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
all are wonderful experiences. baba please be with us evedry second and never leave us,whatever be the situation , without you we are nothing baba.
baba please bless all of US
jai sai ram
Wanted to share how baba saved my husband from any untoward accident. My husband went in a private car recently on an official trip. They passed by baba temple on the way but didnot stop there to seek his blessings as they were already late. As they went a little ahead one of the tyres of the car was worn out due to excess air (didnot burst by baba's grace) and made a screeching sound. He was accompanied by two other colleagues and all of them were safe by baba's grace. They went back in search of a mechanic and by baba's grace found a mechanic near baba's temple only, where they didnot stop earlier. They got the tyre replaced and returned safely with baba's grace. Baba pulled them for his darshan. Thanks a lot baba for your mercy. Please shower your blessings on us always
Hajur ko sadhain Jay hos BABA.
Om Sai Ram,
Is anyone going to Shibpur from Chennai?
All the experiences increase our faith in Baba,but while reading the faith of the 3rd devotee i was literally crying.May Baba be with us always.
Baba please take care of my son.I am really worried about him.Baba please always be with him.
Baba i bow at your lotus feet.
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Jai Sai. Deva thank you for everything. Saiji please bless us all and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Sweet experience, thanks for sharing it…Om Sai Ram
Very nice experiences! Don't worry, Baba will soon remove the smoking habits of your husband. Baba also made sure you had the wedding that His daughter deserved by having it in the Baba temple. Through all these types of experiences, Baba gives us a way to strengthen our faith and devotion and also some of His miracles for us take time, so that is how we learn Faith and Patience. Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram.
Thanks a lot Dear Sai Devotee for all your best wishes. Baba is really awesome and he takes care of all our needs and helps us always in time.Our life is incomplete without our Beloved Baba.
I too wish you all the happiness in life. Baba bless you and your family always.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Please make me surrender at your feet. Love you Baba.