Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am from India, currently living in the USA. Dear Sai Baba Devotees, I am a small devotee of Sai Baba since 2017. Even though I was visiting Sai Baba temple every Thursday for about a year in 2007, I did not pray to Baba as much as I have been doing since 2017. I have had many experiences and seen Baba’s miracles in the past 3 years. I would like to share three of my recent experiences. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone behind this platform for creating and maintaining the same as it would relieve all the devotees who read others’ experiences here.
Experience 1: I live in Omaha, Nebraska (USA) and my sister lives in California. My mother is also here with my sister, she had to return in July, 2020 but due to Covid-19, my sister extended her stay as it was not safe to travel to India. Unfortunately, my father passed away in September’2020 and my sister and my mother travelled immediately to India leaving her two years old son with her husband. However, I was not able to travel as I was in a shock and was neither able to travel alone nor with my two years old son and husband as it was not safe for my son to travel in the pandemic situation.
My mom and sister returned after completing all the rituals and I thought of visiting them and planned to travel alone in the flight. Here comes Baba’s miracles Who is with us always as I forgot my watch during the security check and the security guy came towards me where I was seated and gave me the same. Next, I left me passport which is very, very important on the seat where I was sitting and went to get the seat number assigned but someone gave the same to the security guy and I got my passport from him after a verification of my identity. I had a carry-on bag which I checked in at the time of boarding. As soon as I got out from the flight, some old lady asked me if I forgot my carry-on bag in the flight. I was amazed with this and thought that Baba was taking care of me throughout the travel. Then, I replied to the old lady that I had checked-in my carry-on bag and I had only a backpack. She said that she just wanted to make sure that I had not left it in the flight.
Experience 2: I got some hurt on my hand and had some pain where I applied Udi and prayed to our Sai Baba while sleeping and within 2 days the pain was gone. I have experienced such a miracle twice.
Then, I was suffering from some allergy where my hands were itching during night times. I applied Udi and prayed to our Sai Baba and after a few days the itching got reduced. However, I still feel like itching sometimes. Sai Baba, please let it go completely.
Experience 3: Four days ago, I opened my personal laptop and started to do some assignments and suddenly nothing was working where I experienced that I was not able to navigate to a different page, copy the content and the opened websites were graded out. Then, I prayed to our Sai Baba and closed the laptop as I was not able to put it in the sleep mode as well. I opened the same after sometime and it started working as usual. Thank You so much Sai Baba for being with us and taking care of us all the time. Please continue to bless everyone and we hope to come out of this pandemic situation as soon as possible.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Vasanthi from India says: I am a small new devotee of Baba, but only His words make me strong and give belief all time. I take this platform to share my experience with so many people who are in doubt whether Baba is with us? Is He hearing our prayers?
My daughter is a toddler. I made her wear a gold bracelet as I like her wearing it. Exactly on Thursday one of my relatives who was at home realized that it was lost. We all got scared.
The worst part is we didn’t know from when it was lost but we searched outside our home, in the garden and everywhere. I prayed to Baba to make it visible to us and started chanting “Sai Baba.” I searched everywhere but I didn’t have hope as she used to go to a nearby park and also on the main road. So the chance of getting it back was less but with Baba’s help I know that it was possible.
After a few hours Mom found it above a small sofa. I had also searched in the same place before but in vain. After that I placed the golden bracelet near Baba and surrendered it to Him. I realized that though being Thursday I didn’t pray Sai Baba till that time due to some work.So after this incident He made me bow before Him.
All deeds are done by Him. So everything happens only for a reason. By this incident I felt that Baba wanted me to tell that He is there for me all the time. So believe in Him with full faith.
Whenever you are in some worry or problem pray to God. You may feel that your prayers are not being answered. But follow two rules:
1. Faith
2. Patience.
Baba will help you and show His presence then and there and will indirectly tell you that He is with you all the time and so be patient till then.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I’m a devotee of Sai Baba and sharing this story with you all from the US. Every time I doubt myself, Sai Baba gives me confidence and strength. The below story will illustrate one such example.
I was supposed to take a very tough exam for which I hadn’t not studied. Though, I tried to study as much as possible before 3-4 days of the exam but I wasn’t even 50% prepared. When the exam day came, I prayed to Sai Baba to help me pass that exam as it could help me immensely to land with a job in the US. While taking the exam, I felt like I was failing. I was not sure about most of the questions but, still I had firm faith and belief in Sai so, I kept on taking the exam with patience.
Every time when I get stuck with questions or situations, I pray to Sai Baba to show me the right path. With God’s grace, I aced the exam this time. I am forever grateful for Sai’s love and blessings on me and my family. He has always been kind and benevolent enough to bless me with all the good things in my life. I love You Sai. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam I am Baba’s daughter. I have experienced countless miracles of our Baba. I have been going through a really tough time. I was praying to Baba for some medical test I was waiting for and He came through. Only because of Baba’s grace the results were normal. I have been in so much pain and asking Baba to please rescue me from this. He has been giving me so many assurances every time.
I read one assurance and it sounds like He is talking to me directly. It brings tears to my eyes. I think He knows exactly what I wanted to hear today. He is the only One I am counting on. Baba I am pleading to You please help him. Please heal him, only You can do this. I have surrendered to You completely. I will always be indebted to You. I want to see him healthy and happy, that’s all I want. Love You Baba. I only have You. Anant Koti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My sister-in-law had come to stay and she wanted the nebulizer from me as we have it as my son frequently needed it. I said I would go and get it from my room. When I went to bring it I could not find it at its usual place. Then I searched at many more places but still in vain. Then I prayed to Baba for help as I did not want my sister-in-law to think otherwise. I also promised to post here. As soon as I prayed I found it and was amazed. I thanked Baba for His kind help. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba ki jay. Baba ki jay…! (Hail victory to Baba) Today in my husband’s office his boss was detected as Covid positive. So in his office it was compulsory to do Covid test. So I was worried. With Baba’s grace the report came negative. Baba ki jay. I had promised Baba to write the experience here. Baba Ki Jay! Jai Sairam!
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