Baba Cured My Stomach Pain
Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hi Hetal Ji, thank you for your service to Baba through this blog. I read every morning and I get lot of strength after reading the posts. This is definitely Satcharitra of this century. Thank you once again for your service and Baba bless you abundantly. I am a devotee of Baba since childhood, but I became strong devotee of Baba only after my Marriage as it was Baba I got married to my husband. Also my wedding anniversary is same as Baba’s birthday.
I have many miracles to share, but I will share the one that I recently experienced. Two days back, I was not feeling well and had stomach pain, but I have sensitive stomach and I can’t eat anything and everything. I have to be very careful. But two days back, my daughter and I also wanted to eat popcorn, so we made and ate it. Right in the middle of eating popcorn, I got shooting pain in my stomach and could not even walk. Somehow I managed to climb the stairs and came to my bedroom.
The pain was same as labor pain and unbearable. I called my friend, who is pharmacist and she advised me to go to emergency, but my husband was out of town and I had no intention of going to ER as it takes forever for the doctor to see patient. I prayed Baba and put UDI on my stomach and drank UDI water and within 15 minutes the pain came down. Although the pain was there, but was bearable and had good night sleep.
Next day I went to doctor and I was scared as I did not want it to be any major issue, but reports were normal and she thinks it was food poisoning or some kind of bacterial infection and gave me some medicine and check for few days. I am praying to Baba that the pain should go away without any antibiotics. Om Sai Ram.
Miracles Of Baba
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Ram. I want to share my experiences with you all. In my previous post, I mentioned how I got Engineering seat. Now I must tell you how I got central govt job. I was 20 years old and in Engineering 3rd year end. I was every day praying that if Baba’s song comes in TV that morning means my day will be good. I believe in that and used to go to college.
Our head of the department told that there will be a campus selection happening next week. As usual I was praying Baba and consoling myself that I am just an average student and may not get this job. Then on that day night, Baba came in my dream. One man was taking me somewhere. He was walking fast and commanded me to follow Him. I was walking in dark caves behind Him. In my dream, I was thinking, who is this man taking me somewhere and why I am following Him. What He will be doing with me? After walking for a while, we reached a bright lighted place with full of greenery. It was pleasant to my eyes. I was so happy. I can’t explain how happy I was.
Then I saw the man whom I was following is Baba wearing in white dress. Immediately I got up and cried “Baba how foolish I am to doubt on You”? Then after few days out of 23 students, 3 got selected for Goa shipyard as a GET (graduate engineer trainee) and I was one of them. I and my parents were so happy and thanked Baba again and again. Jai Sai Ram.
Baba’s Love And Care
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am mother of two currently living with my husband and kids. I believe in God and we pray a lot. I knew about Baba, but was not die hard devotee of Him until my life suffered the lowest point. My second baby was born with lots of difficulties and due to this, suffers from serious problems. I have prayed a lot have made lots of mannats, but until now there is not much help. I asked Baba to help me and my family. I ask all Baba devotees, with tears in eyes and folded hands, since Baba listens to you all, please pray for my little angel. Ask Baba to make him healthy and give him full recovery.
Being mother, I do not want anything, but just my baby’s good health. Please pray. My baby is suffering. I beg to include my post and my baby needs many blessings and good wishes. I do not have many experiences, but I know Baba is there in our lives.
One night, my baby was sick and could not sleep. I asked Baba to help him go to sleep and applied some UDI. Baby slept whole night without even moving a bit. I had made a mannat that whenever my baby is healthy and fine, I will visit Shirdi. Today I made a question to Baba in question-answer website and the answer came: you will soon visit Shirdi and will have sweet meals. Right now also my eyes are full of tears. For a mother nothing is bigger than her children’s health. I love You Baba. Thank You for this assurance. I promise I will post all my experiences here to make all Your devotees feel that whatever may come, You are always there for them. Om SAI RAM.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om SAI ram to all. BABAJI gonna take Very good care of your baby. I m praying to HIM for your baby. BABAJI is just GREAT. Om SAI ram. Love to all.
om sai ram!!
First 2 expereinces, as wonderful as ever.
3rd Devotee, Baba will surely take care of your baby, Please do lot of Naam simran by having your Baby in your lap, so that effect of such Naam simran reaches your baby. Naam Simran is much powerful than any Mannat, it takes away all your bad karma.
Loads Love to all, Peace to ALL.
Devotee 1&2, thank you for sharing wonderful experiences.
Devotee 3, as Baba assured you, he will surely make your baby healthy, do continue to have firm faith. We will also pray for your baby's good health.
Om SaiRam.
1st nd 2nd devotees experiences are wonderful.
3 red devotee sai will surly cure your child.
Our sincere prayers for your child's good health.
When sai has called you to shiridi that's the end of your sufferings.
Have faith in him.
He is very kind.
Sai bhola Bhandhari.
I love you sai.
very very nice experieneces 3 leela was vry good please baba come in my dreams i want to see you in my dreams this is my wish please sai poori kardona om sai ram om sai baba om saimaa
Dear 3rd devotee,
please have faith and patience, if possible buy sai baba is still alive, read the book you will come to know how baba answers our prayers and how he cures babies, smear udhi all over ur baby's body daily, make him drink udhi water daily, have blind faith in him ask him that he only gave this baby its his responcibility to look after his baby. you will surely find the result.
OM SAI RAM..very nice experiences and 3rd devotee…we wish our BABA to cure your child..and make him healthy..BABA will surely take care of him…OM SAI RAM
3rd devotee….Dont worry Babaji never leaves his children and always be their with His children.Om Sai Ram.
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram…Devotee 1 & 2 : Baba's Wonderful Experience….Devotee 3 : Baba Is Always With Your Baby…Why Fear When Baba Is With Baby…Baba Always Be With Us…We Love You Baba…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba, please make the lil child healthy. Please answer the Mother's prayers for her child's good health. Love you Baba
Very nice experiences. I am sure everyone who has read would have prayed on behalf of the 3rd devotee and surely Baba will listen to prayers when they are made for others, especially when it comes to children 🙂
O Deva, bless us, as we begin a new week, to be kind and compassionate to our fellow humans. Let us be Your vehicle, O Sadguru, of joy and cheer in this world.
Thank You for a blessed life and miracles O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram.
Dear sai devotee Why fear when baba is there – he will surely cure your baby of all illness
Pls do sai vrat
Om Sai Ram
om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam om sairam
Please baba… help 3rd devottee's baby …. Baba please ur blessings are required….
Baba please help her…
Om sai ram
om sri sai om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
Devotee 2
I understand how u feel
We will all pray for ur child's recovery
Sai maa will not let her children down
Maa am waiting for your hand to hold mine and pull me out
Please please please come soon maa and help me maa
Luv u a lot maa
I fall at your lotus feet
baba plz bless the baby with a good health and good future..
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Baba please cure her little angel and give her healthy life. Jai Sai Ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai tram
Om sairam.
om sri sai ram
i should get this NJ onsite project baba
please baba
Om Sai Ram…all experiences are great…May Baba bless everyone always…
@3rd devotee – Baba will definitely listen all your prayers and with His blessings your baby will very soon be healthy n playing like all other kids….Please have faith on Him….Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences, Om Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Deva….Om Namo Baghavathe Vaasudevaya Namaha:
Dear first devotee: You say your ''wedding anniversary is same as Baba's birthday". Until now I was not aware that our Baba has a birth date that is known. Kindly enlighten me the exact date that is Baba's birth day. Eagerly looking for the answer. Thank you.
Me neither, I am also not aware of his birth date. Please let us know.
Third devotee: have faith in baba, he will definitely cure your baby. I will also pray for you.
Dear 3rd devotee..Baba's UDI is the best medicine. Daily apply some UDI on the little one's forehead and give some UDI mixed in water. Your baby will definitely get cured by Baba's blessing…Om Sai Ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
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om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
Sai Ram to all fellow Devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
3rd Devotee, Baba will surely help soon.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
dear devotee leave everything on baba's feet. baba will take care of everything. I am praying for you that , baba please take care of that little angel , give him good health and your blessings..
Dear Devotee number 3…Baba will surely bless your child.Baba is always there for his children…
Keep Faith….May baba bless ur babay soon
Om sai ram
devotee 1 and 2 very nice experiences…devotee 3 dont worry dear devotee ji baba will take care of your child…om sai raam…
Baba please help me in getting a better job m really worried about my career and please solve my visa problem as well
May baba bless your child and have faith your baby will be fine 🙂
om sai ram oms ai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
om sai ram !!!!!!
Baba please take me from this world and life.I admit im a coward and nothing can be changed.I cant do anything to change myself and no one is there to help me to mould me.Either show me a best way to commit suicide or you take me on your own through some accident please.Im begging to you.I cant take these pressures anymore.No job and no money and no good family and good background so being ill treated or not considered at all as a woman, no respect.My own family treats me bad and make me cry.I want to get married wholeheartedly by im not liking anyone who approaches me.The proposals coming on own i dont like and if i approach some people they dont like so my life is going on like this.Being a girl how will i marry a man and stay with throughout without love for him.But my mother wants me to get married thats all.I have to earn money and save money for my marriage and i have to search the guy and i have to do everything it seems.Job also im not getting.I dont know what more to do for job search and bridegroom search.I thought u will show me a way and i'll wait but the pressure i get it very high.i might burst any day.i dont want to become mad and walk on roads but if the current situation continues, that will happen for sure.Im dying each minute.Already i dont know which way to go amd these pressures are increasing my depression.i know that you are watching me and you are with me and you will definitely read this still u wont show me a good way or give a good life atleast now.I think being born as a female child especially in india is a sin.Above all that girl should not be from a lower middle class family and should not cross 30 yrs.What all people speak,ask and do.My GOd!u said u love me and that u r my father.If that is true please take my life and keep me with u.Even if u dont want to keep me with u send me to hell,dont make me stay here please i beg u.i dont know any best method of all think im a dumb girl thats why dont know even this and asking your help.Do something please pa.
Dear sai devotee, please don't get nervous, not many people get a chance to visit this website. Read sai satcharitra daily and meditate on sai. I was also in miserable condition but reading satcharitra solved many problems.
Jai Sai Ram ji ki to all,
First devotee- Dear Sai sister, may Baba ji bless you and your family always. I and my husband have experienced a very similar experience. May Baba ji take care of you forever!
Second Devotee- Dear Sai child you are truly blessed that Sai Ma came in your dream and showered His love on you. May Sai Ma help you at every step in your life!
Third Devotee- Dear Sai sister I pray to Sai Ma to cure your baby and bless her with a normal life. Baba ji please take care of your daughter and give her child good health and prosperity!
Love You Baba ji
Sabse ZYAADA ji
sairam swami,
today in the flight i saw two children , boy and girl who were differently abled. pls take care of them swami. Sairam
Om Sai Jai Sai. Very nice experiences 1&2. 1st post devotee you said your marriage anniversary is on Baba's birthday,is it on 23rd Nov Satya Sai Baba's birthday? Or if I am wrong please correct me and let me also know Shirdi Sai Baba's birthday. Deva thank you for everything. Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Sai ma
Pls pls pls not able to sleep for 2 days ma
Don't know why ma
Pls make me sleep well and get up fresh and charged up sai ma pls pls pls pls
I fall at ur Lotus feet
OM SAI RAM Trust in Baba He is there for everybody Love You Baba
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram omsri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
sai ram you know my problem i beg you to solve my problem before your day that is on Thursday my dear lord i will be grateful to you and i assure you that will not do such mistakes in my future and plead you to help me guide me to solve my problem my lord.
i assure you that i will be never use abusive language towards any one
this is my word for you ram
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om
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pls solve my problems saima
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
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JAI SAI RAM…BABA is always with us…
Om namaha Shivaya, jai shree ram, jai ganesh, jai durga, tirupati balaji ki jai, jai hanuman, baba ki palkhi, jai muruga