Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal ji & Team I have posted one of my experiences recently on how He helped me in selling of my plot. It is yet to be published and I would like to share some more experiences with you all so that His Leelas strengthen our faith in Him and makes us feel His presence with us always! Love You Sai Maa, Om Sainathay Namah! Thank you Hetal ji and team for maintaining this invaluable blog. See our beloved Sai’s Leelas – He is quenching our thirst for His Leelas through this Online Sai Sat Charitra! Who else can be more tech-savvy than Him?! Inspired by this great blog, I do want to share my experiences of His blessings and grace. Although I have immense faith in Baba, my faith got strengthened and my devotion to Him increased after the following experiences:
1) I am working in a PSU in Hyderabad and during 2010 I was transferred to a neighbouring town on the grounds of long standing in the city. We have our own flat here and it is very near to the work place (walk able). My daughter did her schooling in the nearby school. Now the transfer entails shifting of our residence near to the outskirts of the city and I should travel around 70 Kms (up and down) daily to reach my new office. Also my daughter has to be admitted to a good institution for studying her Inter. Since the new head quarters is a small town, my salary will be reduced (as allowances are commensurate with the class of the city/town). Apart from physical and mental strain due to change of workplace and residence and education of my daughter, financial stress also was to be encountered. The burden was too huge for me. I totally surrendered unto the holy feet of our beloved God – Sai and started praying, praying, praying for smooth sail! And true to His nature, He virtually bore all my burdens and helped me wade through all the difficulties. I will now tell you how,
Miraculously we got an affordable house(with all facilities) in a very good locality in the outskirts of the city and the house was very close to bus station. We got our daughter admitted in a reputed Junior college which was around 10 Kms away and hence my daughter could attend to college without any problem. Though I had to travel long distance, Baba arranged car pooling for me which made my journeys quite comfortable. In the office, I was loaded with several additional charges which were quite new and challenging. But Baba virtually bore all my burdens and helped me to render my duty to the best satisfaction of my officers. In fact the new headquarters earned me a lot of accolades from my officers and staff which I owe only to Baba! My daughter also got very good marks in inter and got admitted to one of the premier institutions (though she could not secure admission to IIT) We were rather disappointed but I was happy that I could visit my daughter ( in the hostel) when ever I want, as her college was quite near to the place we live! Also my daughter liked the college atmosphere as there was total freedom and flexibility in attending classes! Then I understood that “if Baba does not give what we want He has got better plan for us”.
After 3 years during (2013) I was transferred back to Hyderabad and got posting in the place of my choice by Baba’s grace. Again we had to shift our house to a locality which is easily accessible to all of us. I prayed to Baba for a cosy home in the desired locality with affordable rent. Also I put a major condition to Baba that I should have His temple and Shiva & Vishnu temples nearby so that I can regularly go and pray. See His Kindness again! Within one day we got a flat with all amenities and reasonable rent. Bus station was also close by. But I was not sure about the temples even though the owner said that Sai Baba temple is nearby. I was feeling restless and somehow settled for that house. After paying the advance, we started back home and the car was taking U turn in the main road. Lo! I could have the Darshan of lord Shiva through the window which I never expected! Tears rolled down my cheeks and I was thanking our beloved Sai for His kindness! We were asked to shift on a Thursday by our astrologer as it is the only auspicious day available in that month! My joy knew no bounds. After shifting I am happily having the Darshan of Sai Maa and Lord Shiva and Vishnu and all other Gods and Goddesses whenever I want!
Dear Sai brothers and sisters, I have just realized that His grace is infinite and cannot be expressed in words! We can experience His grace and love for us only through our sincere devotion and prayers! He wants only our faith and patience in return! But Sai Maa, we are too small creatures and big sinners. Please bless us that our Faith in You grows more and more and our devotion to You grows day by day. Otherwise we cannot sail through this ocean of life! Hetal ji, I will share a few experiences in the next post. Thank you and your team for this opportunity. Thank You Baba for making me write about Your Leelas. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: This is the second time I am posting my experience on this page. Thank You Baba for me giving another chance to write on this page. In my first request which got published on May 3, I prayed Baba for a child and job and by Baba’s grace I am now pregnant and I have cleared the interview and awaiting to receive offer letter. Thank You so much Baba for Your blessings. I really feel very happy and I am extremely sorry for posting this very late. Baba last time when I posted my prayer, I was very much depressed as I do not have a child though I am married about a year back. I was wishing to tell the good news to everyone before my first anniversary. I was praying You that I must become pregnant and get a good job before my first anniversary so that it could be my anniversary gift for my husband. Though I wished for it I was not sure if I’ll really get pregnant as I felt I have not put my enough efforts but to a great surprise because of Your blessings I got pregnant before my first anniversary and also got an update from company that I’ve cleared the interview. Thank You so much Baba. I am extremely happy only because of You.
Baba but I still have a small problem. Though we’ve confirmed that I’m pregnant we have not yet confirmed it by scan. Day after tomorrow I’m going to take scan Baba. I humbly request You to be with me and the scan report should be normal. Everyone around me are happy that I’m pregnant under any circumstances I must not spoil their happiness Baba. Please be with me Baba. I’m very sure that I’m pregnant only because of Your blessings and the prayers by all our beloved Sai devotees. I am often having stomach pain Baba, i am really not sure if it is a normal pain that occur during pregnancy or if there is any complications. I believe and trust You completely Baba, this pain should be a normal pain and I must have a successful pregnancy Baba. I am very sure it cannot be possible without Your blessings. Please be with me Baba and make all our wishes come true. Baba also I request You to bless me to get the offer letter at the earliest with a good pay to manage all my financial problems. Please bless me Baba. Be with me Baba. I really feel that I received Baba blessing only through Shradha Saburi Pooja and Sai Satcharitra Parayan. Request all devotee to go through Sai Satcharitra book at least once in their life time as it has numerous Sai Leelas prescribed. Also request all devotees to pray for me to have a successful pregnancy. Please Baba remove my fear and make me hear a good news at scan centre and my job. Please bless me Baba. Once again thank You so much for Your blessings Baba. Request You to be with me always and continue showering Your blessings on me and everyone around me.

Sai daughter Sangeetha from Dubai says, Thanks for hetal ji for making this platform for the devotees, I really really really don’t know how to express my joy towards loveable Sai Ram .I hope we all knew one viral news about a Japanese parents left their 7 years old son on woods as punishment for his naughtiness on 28 May 2016, but his parents did this mistakenly and they never knew its consequences as this boy had been missed, for seven days in the forest where been Bears threatening. This news became viral, almost at all medias in the world, most of the people were cursing his parents for their mistake, I too saw it and felt badly, every day I was receiving updates about BBC news on my computer about all news. On 2 June 2016, I saw news, his parents are worrying and crying too much. More than 250 persons are still searching him in the forest, but no any trace about him. I suddenly felt pain and cried in front of Baba statue which is on my table at office. Usually I can’t compromise anything for children case. I asked Baba, why like this happened Baba? I agree his parents made big mistake in their life, but now they realized, please Baba show Your love on them, I can feel the pain of them but why can’t You? Please imagine him as my son, would You do like this for me? Please save him wherever he is, and get him back to his parents, please Baba, If You save him, I will post this on this blog. I prayed this and cried automatically, then forgot this issue and left the office.
Today, just one hour before I prayed Baba and lightened Him, just now opened my laptop to I checked every day news, I did not receive any updates about this. Then after many day today only I logged on Facebook, and scrolling, got dumb stuck, this boy has been found yesterday. I just screamed when I saw it and said to all my friends, they did not believe it because how can he alive 7 days in the forest. Then I checked BBC, they confirmed everything with videos and pictures, then I felt relax and overwhelmed. Really no words to explain. Really I feel it’s because of Baba, He made it for me, anyway now everything ok, so I write this immediately as I said to Baba, thank You so much Baba. I love You so much. I feel like You saved my son’s life, You gave happiness to me. Thank You so much. Om Shri Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi Sai devotees, when i was in engineering 1st year, i came to know about Shirdi Sai Baba Leelas with my dear friend, he is also biggest devotee. This was my best experience of Leelas of Sai Baba. He is my favourite God of my family, this experience happened recently. Few days back my mother legs got swollen. Then she consulted a doctor and she has taken all the medical tests. Medical reports are out. When i saw the reports i felt very afraid. In the report of urinalysis very high protein exist in urine. It means Protein in the urine may be an early sign that the kidney’s filters have been damaged by disease. Doctor said to my mother to go and consult any kidney specialist in Hyderabad then you will get good medicine. Next day she came to Hyderabad with old medical reports and again consulted kidney specialist in Hyderabad. When he saw that old reports he said directly to me “According to this reports, your mother kidneys are damaged” but we have to retake medical tests for our more accurate conformation.
Then we went to medical examinations centre. My mother was waiting to take test. I mixed Shirdi Sai Udi with one glass of water and i gave it to the my mother to drink. I prayed Sai Baba a lot like please save my mother’s health Baba. After she took all the medical tests, medical reports came and met that doctor again. Doctor said no issue with your mother kidneys. She is perfectly alright and kidneys also working perfectly no protein in urine. That old reports are wrong. Your mother is completely healthy. After that i questioned a doctor for my conformation “Then why my mother legs gets swollen, he replied to me. Your mother used to take blood pressure medicine and sleeping pills so the high amount of this medicine effected your mom legs so that legs are got swollen. These words from doctor makes smile on my face. I thanked Sai Baba a lot at that moment tears roll out from my eyes. Really Sai Baba is the one who really gives you whatever you want good to you, very careful to you where ever you go in the world. Thanks Sai Baba, thanks a lot. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: I am devotee of Baba since February 2015 and Baba has given me everything which I have never dreamt of. Thanks to Hetal ji and her team members who give us a chance to share our happiness with Sai Family. I have posted lots of experiences on this blog and this is the recent one. After having a baby in 2012, I went back to workforce after 3.5 years. With Baba’s grace only I got this job. I am so so thankful to Baba for this. So my In laws came here to take care of my Little one. My Mother In Law is suffering form Osteo arthritis and she also had a stone in her kidney. Just after ten days of reaching here she started getting severe pain in her stomach and kidney and this pain got worsened during night. So she would just sit whole night with pain. So the next day itself I mixed Udi in water and read Sai Gaytri Mantra 9 times and then gave that water continuously for 9 days. I requested Baba that please help her Baba. Please take this stone out, and Yes Baba threw the stone away within 9 days. Thank You Baba ji for always being with us.
Second Miracle- Now when the stomach/kidney pain was gone. Just after few days. Her wrist got swollen next morning and she was even unable to lift or even hold a spoon with that hand. We applied ointments and tubes nothing helped her. Then again I started giving her Udi mixed in water and read Sai Gaytri mantra 9 times for 9 days. There the pain was gone and now there is no Pain. I request my Sai Baba to take away all her pain and give her a healthy and long life. Thank You Sai Baba ji for always listening to me. Please Baba help us to think good and do good and always take Your Name. Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe Sacchidanandaya Dhimahi ThannoSai Prachodayath. Om Sai Jai Jai Shri Sai

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram. I am regular reader of this blog and a devotee of Baba from childhood. He is always there with me in good and bad times. I am sharing my recent experience. We planned a week vacation and were all set to travel. The flight was in the morning at 7:40 am. We live 15 miles away from the airport and it takes around 20 min when there is no traffic. We reached the airport by 6:35 am. My uncle dropped us at the airport and left. After going inside we realized that out laptop bag is missing. All our laptops, i-pad and my son’s passport are in that bag. We called uncle and asked him to check his car. We forgot the bag at our home. I was so worried that we might miss the flight. My uncle stay close to airport and reached airport by 6:50 am. My husband’s plan is to go back to our home and get the bag and he started in uncle’s car. I was so worried and started chanting Baba’s Name. I then realized that i did not apply Baba Udi that morning. I usually carry it with me and applied immediately. I contacted airline customer care and they told my son don’t need any passport to travel and we have to be at the gate by 7:05 am to be able to catch the flight. I immediately called my husband to come back. We were the last one to reach the gate and get into the plane. We were in the airport for 10 min waiting for uncle and did not get the thought of contacting the airlines. Baba’s Udi is miraculous, He initiated the thought and helped us. Thank You so much Baba. We had good family time away from all the electronic gadgets. Baba, please always be with everyone and bring peace to this world. Please forgive me for posting this late. Please fulfil my wish and also bless my sister.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
saima do stand beside him as he answers his exam, be his strength and give him courage and clarity of thoughts. you are in every breath i take my baba, please don't let us down. i know u really do have an awesome plan for our lives. love u always Sai. Om Sai Ram
Sai maa plz shirdi bulalo plz deva.
Om sai ram
Gurudev datta😊
Om sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai kripa karo,Kripa Karo
O Deva, Thank You for being with me, blessing me and filling muy life with love and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
BABA i coupdnt take all the comments and doings. I shared all that with 2 of my friends. Now i feel like those got leaked. Dont know who leaked it. BABA though they commented n hurt me thats fine from their side but as i shared my pain its a mistake. I dont want to think about them but unable to forget them. Baba please i should know who leaked those and i should forget that lady who is so rude. How can she be my friend BABA. I dont want her Baba. Please help me BABA. Unable to come out of this
Please bless rohan safe delivery long life.please bless mother and child.sai be with them.sorry for my thought omsaima
Om Sai Ram … Deva I surrender to your lotus feet .. Prabhu aap jo karoge achcha hi karoge … Deva thank you for all your blessings and also thank you for the blessings coming on the way .. Baba be with all your devotees … Om Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki jai .. Om Sai Ram .. Shirdi Sai Ram .. Jai Jai Sai Ram .. Sadguru Sai Ram .. Om Sai Ram .. Shree Sai Ram
Omsairam.i love you.the strength you have given me as kept me alive..placing my head at your feet.kissing your feet thankyou so much.your my loving mom.
Om Sai, baba please overcome this exam stress.only you can help me.
Om sai ram
Please baba help me. I can't tolerate this pain baba.daily am crying.tomorrow is ur day Thursday. Make him to talk with me please. From tomorrow I won't drink tea n eat sweets for 40 days.. Please make him to talk with me. Need ur help baba. Please pray for me.
Definitely he will talk with you. be patient and be positive. Try to rectify your mistakes and go back to him. Baba will bless you with him on a precious Thursday
Om Sai Ram Jai Jai Sai Ram !!!
Baba thank you so so much for the glorious opportunity. Thank you for showing the way to go about doing it as well! Love you always my Baba! Love you. Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Hello Sai baba devotees,
As you all ask question to Baba using chit method, writing Yes/No in each chit and then picking one of the chits after praying to Baba. I had something on my mind and I followed the above mentioned chit method. First I got my answer as 'No' for the question I asked Baba. After some days, again I did chit method and now Baba has answered 'Yes' for the same question I had asked few days ago. I am confused now as I don't know which answer (Yes/No) to consider. Please help.
Forgive me for asking but when you already had your answer from Baba , why did you ask again. O M Sai Ram.
To devotee who replied to my question about chit method:
I asked again as I had multiple similar question and wasn't sure if the answer for my question was indeed ":No" so I asked again. I am confused..please suggest
I am so sorry for my harsh behaviour.I said no to a man who was a very perfect gentleman and now he is very well settled. I sincerely pray that he has to live for 100 years with his wife,kids and bless him the best in each & every aspects of his life.My parents are very strict and he is 2 yrs younger than me, hence i rejected him.For me, please bless me to be successful in career.I pray for my family and world peace.
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om SaiRam
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
shower your blessings on us babaji
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
Hello sir,
Why no new experience has been posted. Todays posting is very old and i have read these above posted experiences few months back.
Please do post new ones.
please take me in your shelter baba.. please..
Jai sai ram.. Maine sai baba ko bhut mana hai but trust kiya h or baba pe se mera viashawas hath sa gya h baba ne mere sath bhut bada majak kiya h meri life khtam kr di.. Mujhe bimari dedi jo Kabhi thk hi nhi Ho sakti hai. Mine baba ko dil se mana hai. Ur itne salo se manti ai ho had chiz baba K sath share ki par baba ne mere sath asa ku kiya…..
Baba plz mujhe the kro.. Plz kuch chamtakar dikho m bhut Parmesan Ho
Sai ma. My baby is having severe fever and cold from two days. Please reduce the fever and cold. I cannot see if my baby is suffering. I know you are there to help me. Please come and take care of my child. Her fever should be reduced by tomorrow. She is your responsible. She is your child. You know that. Please help. She is suffering a lot. Come baba. Sai ma. I believe you. Please help. Om sai ram.
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all