Few more experiences are shared.
Sai Baba Miracle In My Life
Anonymous Devotee from UK says: Om Sai Ram to all Baba devotees. Presently i am pursuing MBA in UK. This is my first time to share my experience. I have lots of experiences with Baba, but I would like to share this experience. I know Baba from my childhood. My parents are great devotees of Baba. He is my Father, Mother and Friend.
Recently I had a small experience, I am having exams and assignments in the month of January, me and my friend were sitting together and preparing for the exams. One day we both were sitting in library and doing my assignment, it was very tough subject and I can’t express how much I feel tensed for that subject, finally we finished the document completely and planning to go home. But before going home I thought to check the document again, I checked it. In between unfortunately my friend closed the document, I feel so tensed, normally documents will be saved in student directory but when we checked it was not showing, I started crying.
We called my friends and everyone telling to check in student directory but it was not showing and I thought to see in the library if anybody from our friends were there or not, suddenly I found Indian guys sitting nearer to my place. I went there and asked them for help. No one responded me properly. In between one guy told me the process and came along with me to check the document. He checked all the ways but unable to find it, I started crying and requesting Baba to help me, please don’t test me at this point of time, suddenly the guy showed me one document. He asked whether it is correct or not, it is correct. I felt very happy and I thanked him heart fully. He asked me to stop crying that he does not like crying. I thank him a lot. He said its fine while he is going I ask his name, His name is Sai Ram, after listening to the name I felt very happy and there were no boundaries to my happiness. I know Sai will come and save us when we are in troubles, He does not like if we cry. Thanks Baba. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
My Baba
Sai Sister Priya ji from India says: I am an Assistant Manager of the Learning & Development Department of my company. My name is Priya and I love very simple things in life. I love eating and reading in my free time. I also enjoy reading about personal development, spirituality and health. I love animals a lot as I believe they are our children and we need to care for them.
I had always known Baba and respected Him since my childhood days. But I never really followed Him until September 2010. A noble lady gave me Sai Satcharitra which I regard as the biggest turning point of my life. Read the Book for good one month until completion. Then i followed Sai Vrat. There are a lot of indescribable Miracles that He has done in my life which I shall always remember for years to come. He has shown me victory at every stage by being there with me. And I cannot thank Him enough. I love Baba and I love Him a lot. He is Param Pita. He is my Pita. I have asked Him for something. He has definitely made me come closer to my goal. I will share that miracle soon after I achieve it. And with Baba’s grace, I soon will. I devote my life to Him. It is a request to Baba. He has to make many forms of Himself for His devotees. May Sai influence in this world increase. With that, we shall achieve the true spirit of secularism.
Sai Baba Made My Dream Come True
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am devotee of Shri Sai Baba from past 7 years from India. I believe in taking Baba’s permission before doing anything. Baba has helped me through various circumstances and has been supporting me until today. Thank You so much Baba. Recently I was in a bad condition with absolutely no peace of mind. I left my job because of an onsite opportunity for my husband. But the project was shelved (hold back to later time) and there was no work and he had to search for another job.
I completely lost my self confidence and broke down. I went to Baba Temple almost daily and asked Him what I should do. This is when I got a thought of reading Sai Satcharitra for seven days. By Baba’s grace I could finish reading it in 7 days with full Faith and Devotion. The day I started reading, my heart feel light and my mind was free from all other thoughts. Now Baba has given me confidence and the employer in this company gave an onsite offer just within 9 days of reading holy Satcharitra. Baba is definitely going to help me in these coming days, and take me towards my dream coming true. Thank You Sai Baba. Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,Om sai ram,om sai ram
om sai ram… m also want to post my coming experience… lets see when baba gave me permission.. m eagerly waiting
om sai ram!!
om sai shree sai jay jay sai sadguru sai!
may baba attract more n more people and make us all pure eternally. may we stand for right things always and cooperate with each other.may our hand always feel to give needful to the needy, and out of his love our innocence increases which indeed subdue our innate viciousness. may we all experince the presence of baba and share here at this platform.
love is supreme which makes us tender and then caring. may baba fill our heart with love which is mother of all righteous.
anantkoti brahmandnayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parbrahmna sachiddanand sadguru sainath maharj ki jay!
Jai sai ram
please baba be our side to buy a house om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Unique Sai Miracle
By Mrs. Rathna Chandrasekhar
Baba gave me an opportunity to visit Shirdi from November 16 to 18, 1998, along with my nephew, Dr. G. R. Vijayakumar, and his wife Seetha. My nephew generally performs 'Pradosh' pooja to Lord Mahadev and while planning the trip, he asked us to leave Bangalore after finishing the Pradosh pooja on November 16. Somehow this was not convenient and we had to plan in such a manner that we would be in Shirdi between November 16 and 18. My nephew reluctantly agreed saying that Sai-willing still he could perform 'Pradosh pooja' on November 16.
We reached Shirdi on the 16th forenoon. We had darshan to our heart's content. In the evening, we went to the Mahadev Mandir in the precincts of Samsthan and enquired the priest about ‘Pradosh’ pooja. The priest said that such a provision is not there and individual devotees could offer worship to the Shiva Linga. My nephew was disappointed. He asked us to fetch some flowers and other offerings and meanwhile, started chanting 'Rudra' and 'Chamaka' hymns preparatory to Abhishekam.
Lord Sainath always provides where He guides. At this moment, a miracle occurred. Even before we started to get pooja materials, a middle aged lady appeared there from nowhere. She brought a basketful of Bel-pathra, Bilva fruits, flowers, seven litres of milk, a pot of curds, a little quantity of honey and sugar, apart from other pooja materials. She placed all these things at our disposal and wanted to perform pooja to Lord Mahadev on behalf of her son.
We were happy at the turn of events. We performed, ‘Panchamrit Abhishek’ to the Shiva Linga, offered ‘archana’ by reciting ‘Trishathi’ and finally did ‘Arathi’, which coincided with the evening arathi to Sai Baba. The final outcome was that my nephew could perform ‘Pradosh’ pooja in a much better manner on the holy soil of Shirdi, than he had ever performed at his hometown earlier.
Sai Baba is close behind our thoughts and He is there to fulfill each one of our needs and desires in His own inimitable manner
(Source Sai Padananda January 1999)
om sai ram
Om sai ram. Very touching experiences. May baba bless all
Can anyone send me link of guru charithra link or book.please help me
Hi, I am not sure if you are looking for sai satcharitra or guru charitra so here are the links for both
sai satcharitra
guru charitra:
Dear devotee,
Please find the pdf link here..
om sai raam
I want gurucharithra in telugu please help me
U can buy Gurucharitra written by Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja. If u want to read in english please see below link
Very nice experiences.
Thank You O Deva, You are the fulfiller of our wishes and desires. Thank You O Sadguru for heeding to our every request and want, You are the Kalpataru.
Thank You for all the Love & Peace O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Nice experience of baba. I was very much upset since few days.I didn't think what decesion I will have to take at my present situation.whenever I m upset or depressed I just read Sai satcharitra n its gives me peace in my mind. t.this is called saburi.this time I did something different. An idea of downloading Sai satcharitra came to my mind n I did that n kept in my mobile.everyday I listen CH 15twice a day. and along with that randomly listen any of the chapter n mind is really calm. In this way baba is giving me saburi to tolerate the action of my husband n mother in law.
Whoever is facing depression just download the Sai satcharitra n listen it.definitely it will work.
Baba everyday I will beg u my share of happiness.take my husband to or lotus feet n feel his mind n body with love.care .n affection for me.call me n my husband to shiridi.
On Sai ram
Pls help Deva !!!! Om Sai Ram !!!!
OM SAI RAM to all my Sai brothers and sisters !!
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
****Darshan Of Lord Krishna To The Blind Saint Soordas******
Sri Swami Samarth came to Dwaraka, the holy place in Gujarath. At Dwaraka,
there was a blind Saint named Soordas. He was very anxious to get ‘Darshan’ of Lord
Krishna. Sri Swami Samarth went to his hermitage and called out Soordas and said “Soordas, whomever you are calling with all devotion, I am that same person standing
in front of you right now”. Sri Swami touched the blind eyes of Soordas and he regained
eyesight! Soordas saw standing before him, the dark blue coloured, and charming
figure of Lord Krishna. He was fully satisfied. Out of awareness, he looked at the figure
again and was surprised to find Sri Swami Samarth himself standing there, in place of
Lord Krishna. He prostrated at the lotus feet of Sri Swami, and prayed “I was blind by
birth. By your kind blessings, I got this divine vision. Now kindly bless me with
deliverance from this cycle of birth and death”. Then Sri Swami Samarth blessed him
with a boon to be a theologian.
om sai raam,
very nice experiences…
baba bless us all….
Om sai ram. Baba you are my only hope. Please fulfill my wish.
Beautiful experience Baba !!! Om Sai Ram !!!!!!!!
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Oom SaiRam.
Om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram,omsai ram,omsai ram,omsai ram, om sai ram,
Dear baba maa
Thank you so much for a good time
Please help us to finalise
Please show us the way my maa
Luv u a lot
Falling at your lotus feet
om sainathaya namah
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram…Blissful Expeiences…Sai Satcharitra is a Miracle Book….Baba Communicate thru that holy book….We Love You Baba…Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
Hello Hetal Ji , This is truelly a great effort that you are doing along with the other blessed children of Lord SaiBaba. Your website has really helped during my difficult times and although i have not overcome the problems, i am able to see the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Thank you and the team for your continous efforts.
The experiences share here by various Sai Children gave me the faith and patience i lacked. I realised keeping my faith strong and through prayers from your heart , can help to overcome any problem.
I love the way other Sai Devotees have been so encouraging and supportive, praying for the other troubled devotees of Sai.
There have been times when i have lost hope and only through the support and encouragements i have seen from other Sai devotees i have been able to find myself.
Yes i was lost and only when i found Sai i found myself. He is everything to me and i love him a lot! .
Today i would like to share a face book group which also helps other Sai devotees to pray for people who are troubled or afflicted in some manner. Its called heal the world (link is below) . I found this to be a beautiful initiative. Healing others through your sincere prayers.
Its human nature to keep praying and asking for ourselves from god. Lets make a change and pray for others. Your prayers can make a difference in the lives of the afflicted as well as your life.
Hope its ok to share this here. If not please delete .
Om Sai Ram.
Love you Baba ! Thank you for coming into my life.
om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram