This experience of today is very interesting as one proceeds to the end.
Anonymous devotee from Belize says: Om Sai Ram!! Thanks Hetalji for this wonderful platform for sharing the Sai Baba experiences. I often visit this blog and get inspired. I always used to pray Sai Baba to call us to Shirdi. He always answers the prayers. I am sharing this experience of Sai Baba’s blessings that how we got a chance to visit Shirdi by Sai Baba’s grace. This is the third experience I am sending to this blog. Thanks in advance for posting this experience. Om Sai Ram!!

Sai Baba loves his children always. No matter you are in which part of the world, Sai Baba will pull you towards Him. This is as true as we read in Sai Satcharitra that Baba pulls his devotees like a sparrow with a thread. I always used to cry in front of Sai Baba asking Him when He will call us Shirdi. I do online darshan of Sai Baba every day and read Sai Bavani. After completing Sai Bavani when I see the online darshan and whatever number I see at the bottom of the live darshan box, I think that number is the blessing for us from Sai Baba. Then I go to the website of Sai Baba questions and answers, and type in that number and read the Sai Baba’s message for the day. This is my daily routine. One day I prayed Sai Baba and asked that why don’t You call me to visit Shirdi. At least you tell me when You will call us, so I will get some kind of satisfaction. And that day Baba answered me that one year from now your work will be done. This was on 5th December 2011. I was very happy that Sai Baba told me that when we will go to Shirdi. I shared this with my husband and children. I was so confident that we will definitely go to Shirdi soon. That time our financial situation was not too good. To spend so much money for tickets was very difficult for us. But I still used to say to my husband that we are going to India in December 2012, because Baba has said that. It is written in Sai Satcharitra that whoever invites will do the arrangements too (“Jo nimantran deta hai wahi aane ka prabandh bhi karta hai”).
The time was passing and I knew that once Baba has said something that will happen, no matter what. In May 2012 my mother-in-law was sick. She was suffering from cancer and she was getting her treatment. She had to get chemotherapy at Indore. My brother-in-law called and asked my husband if he can come to India for a few days to take care of my mother-in-law. My husband wanted to go but we didn’t have enough money even for one ticket. My brother-in-law helped us in getting ticket and my husband went India. He stayed there for about a month and took care of my mother-in-law. Sai Baba had called him to India and so He called him to Shirdi. We were so happy that finally Sai Baba has done so much kripa on us. With Sai Baba’s grace my husband went to Shirdi. He brought Udi and Prasad for us. He also donated some money at Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan. While donating they ask for address and my husband gave them our address of Belize. The overall travel was so nice from beginning till end with Sai Baba’s grace. He came back home safely. We were so much happy. While he was still in India we got a business contract. When he came back, after a few days a postman came with one envelope marked “Shri Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi”. When I looked at that envelope, tears started rolling from my eyes. I was so much over whelmed with Sai Baba’s kripa that he has sent us Udi and Prasad in that envelope from Shirdi to us here in Belize, Central America. I didn’t know how to say thanks to Sai Baba for all this. He remembered us and sent his blessings through Udi and Prasad. Since my husband came back from India, our business started to pick up. I still used to say my husband that we have to Shirdi in December. He used to say that we didn’t have enough money for one ticket and how the whole family can go Shirdi in December 2012. I used to say once Sai Baba has told me that we will come to Shirdi in a year, so we have to go. Whatever Sai Baba says that happens. How we will go and how money will be arranged I don’t know that but I know only one thing that we are going Shirdi in December 2012. Then he used to say ok we will see. Time was passing by. In November 2012, some work got scheduled for December. I was saying to Sai Baba that if we have this work in December then how we will travel. The client called and asked to postpone that work for January 2013. See how Sai Baba started to make all arrangements. In the mean time we were also working on another project. In this project we had to submit monthly reports. I called the client and asked if we can go India for a month and submit the report for December after coming back. He said yes without any problem and he said it is Christmas time anyways, so it is fine. We had to get India’s visa for our younger son which normally takes about a month. But by Sai Baba’s grace we got his visa within a week. Sai Baba was making all things easier for us about this travel. My mother-in-law who was sick, her condition was getting worse. We wanted to go and see her. My husband booked our tickets for India. We were supposed to leave on 8th December 2012 to go to India but my mother-in-law passed away on 5th December 2012. We all were sad. Since our tickets were booked already so we went India. We got a chance to be a part of all rituals of my mother-in-law. After that we planned to go Shirdi. Always I used to think when we will go to Shirdi.
We will get one nice poshak (clothes) for Sai Baba. But I didn’t know the measurements for clothes. I had read on net before but couldn’t find that now. We went to Sai Baba temple in Ajmer and took clothes for Sai Baba there too. I asked the pandit ji there about the measurements of clothes for Shirdi. He said he didn’t know. I was trying to find out on net and looked several websites but couldn’t find. Finally I found on one website. We bought the nice cloth material for Baba’s dress. Now I took it to tailor to sow it but no tailor was doing that. I went to many places but couldn’t find anyone who can stitch it. The days were passing and soon we had to go to Shirdi. I and my husband went to buy lace for the clothes. While talking to the shopkeeper, we were telling him about our visit to India and that we are going to Shirdi. We also told him that we can’t find anyone to stitch the clothes. He said he can get it done in two hours as we had to leave by train the next morning. The lady who stitches was on leave that day, so he said he will call and try. He called and the lady came there in fifteen minutes and she agreed to stitch it in next two hours. It was evening already around 5:30 pm. We were so glad that Sai Baba helped in sowing the clothes. We picked the clothes in night at 8:30 pm and we had to leave next day 9 o’clock in morning. See Sai Baba’s miracle how he helped in fulfilling our wish to take a dress for Sai Baba. We reached Shirdi on 3rd Jan 2013 and stayed there for two days Wednesday and Thursday. I wanted to do Sai Baba’s darshan on Thursday. We got very nice darshan of Sai Baba on both days. On first day morning when we went for darshan, we did not take the Sai Baba’s dress. We took his dress in afternoon. I wanted to see Sai Baba wearing those clothes. I was praying Sai Baba for this. I went to find out the procedure to give dress for Sai Baba. I requested them to wear these clothes to Baba tomorrow so I can see Him wearing those, but they said you have to wait for days for your turn. I explained them that we have come from so far, please help us.
The Officer said first take it to Sai Baba Samadhi and get it touched to Sai Baba and then deposit it at the office. My husband and my younger son had to go to hotel, so I and my older son were going to give the dress to Sai Baba. I and my older son got the VIP pass this time. We quickly went to the Samadhi Mandir and requested the pandit ji that we wanted to see Sai Baba wearing these clothes. He told us to ask the next pandit ji. We went to the next pandit ji and asked him the same thing. He said you want to see Sai Baba wearing this right? I said yes. He said wait a minute. He opened the dress and put on Sai Baba’s idol and Sai Baba’s Samadhi. We were so glad that Sai Baba accepted our request. As we read in Sai Satcharita also that Sai Baba fulfils the desires of Sai Baba and it was happening. All our desires were getting fulfilled by Sai Baba’s grace. Koti Koti Pranam in Shri Sai Baba’s Lotus feet from all of us. Another miracle took place on day two of Shirdi visit. This post is already quite long so I will send the miracle of day two in a separate post. The whole trip was full of Sai Baba’s blessings. I will share more experiences in future posts. Sai Baba is the one who is making me write this experience. Sainadh please forgive us for our mistakes and always be with us. Shri Sadguru Sainadh Maharaj Ki jai!! Anant Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Raja Dhiraj Yogi Raj Par Brahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainadh Maharaj Ki Jai!!

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Appa finally got some hope that i'll get job and my man still loves me. I dont know which field or job to choose.Havent got one but some choices are there now.I dont want to decide and choose something wrong or foolish.Please help me appa. You show me the right direction and get me the correct job where i can learn new things, survive long,earn money and knowledge,above all reach the place where i want to reach.Be with me , help me and guide me. Waiting pa. My man has some concern towards me but im not in his priorities as before.Do some magic and make him come and fall for me as before.Being a woman i dont want to go behind him.Takecare of him.Change him to a good and honest man.He should be loving,caring and friendly to me always.Take care of his health and my mom's health…Good night pa
Those who really pray and believe in Baba, will never cry in this kind of public forum. Baba is connected to your heart, he knows your heart desires, wishes. He doesn't require anyone to spell it out…
Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram.. Om Sai Ram..
om sai ram!!
Sai Baba's Blessings
By Sai Mani R. Jaya Mani
"Mentally I have renounced everything. I give no importance to any lesser duty, but have devoted my attention wholly to Thee – to loving Thee and serving Thee. I love not crowds, but crowds of souls who love Thee. Bring no one to me who loves Thee not, who does not want to love Thee. Draw only those souls who are seeking Thee, or in whom the desire for Thee can be kindled. I want naught from other human beings but to talk with Thee in them, and to quaff Thy love from the cups of their hearts.
•Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda "The Divine Romance"
Belong to a staunch Vaishnav Brahmin family hailing from Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu. In the forties, my father was working as a local fund auditor at Cuddaiore, South Arcot District of Tamil Nadu. At that time, Sri Narasimha Swamiji halted at Cuddlore and was doing Sai-propagation for some days. My uncle and my elder brother used to attend his lectures and pooja regularly and give my parents the gist of the lecture everyday.
After one or two years, it so happened that I fell ill for about a month. Due to high fever, my condition became serious and the Doctors advised my mother to take me to the Municipal Hospital immediately. At that time, my father too was out of station. My mother prayed to Sai Baba and vowed that she will do His pooja regularly, if I recovered. She also made a vow that she would change my name from Jayamani to SaiMani in that eventuality. By Baba's grace, my condition became better before next day morning and there was no need for my hospitalization.
After some time, we came to Madras from Cuddalore and we regularly visit the Sai Mandir at Mylapore from then onwards till date. I have the fortune of having ‘darshan’ of Sri Narasimha Swamiji only once in my life, a few months before his 'niryan'. I am also Fortunate to have received a copy of 'Kann Kanda Daivam1 {a book in Tamil by Sri S.Seshadri) from the holy hands of Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji in 1973.
Sai Baba always fulfills the desire of His true and sincere devotees, if they really deserve what they wish. He has made me participate in several Sai Devotees conventions and taken me to Shirdi in His own inimitable manner. Let us earnestly follow Baba's teachings and become His true devotees.
A rock is broken to pieces and turned to dust by the force of running river over thousands of years. Similarly, even the most evil person, can transform him and attain liberation by constantly remembering God.
Gurudasa: Life and death are but different phases of being. You are a part of the Eternal Life.
Sri Paramahansa Yogananda: Just as dried pith and cotton, when we put to fire, are instantaneously burnt into ashes, so the accumulated past work of the knower, is burnt up by the fire of true knowledge
Amazing very Amazing experience. very miraculous how you did not have money for one ticket in May & then money was arranged for all 4 tickets.
Babaji's leela is inexplicable… Blessed are all of us in Baba's fold.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
om sai ram
You and your family are blessed souls. Thanks for sharing wonderful experiences. Please post your next days experience asap.
Wonderful post…Om Sai Ram
Jai sai ram,jai sai ram,jai sai ram,love u so much baba…
Baba… Please accept my prayers. I think you are doing this to relieve me of my karma. But Baba Words hurt and hurt so much. Please give me the will power. Please give strength to all your devotees. Sometimes Shraddha and Saburi also need to come to us as blessings. You are the sole doer of all things and you are the only one who can help us face our difficulties. Be our guide and help us….
Words will stop hurting if you believe in Baba. Keep faith.
Wonderful experiences. As said Baba arranges everything needed when he invites his children. Thanks for sharing. Om SaiRam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram….Wonderful Experience..Baba help you to narrate this in a mesmerizing way….We Love You Baba…Always Be With Us…Om Sai Ram
very nice experience.. . .
today I fase many problems in my life I m so tiered every day and every minute I pray to baba thate pls help me I can't struggle more pls help me I can't live my life more….
and I trust on baba day he listen me and all my problems take away from me….
om sai ram……
om sai ram
om sai ram…
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****A Farmer Devotee Favoured*****
Sriguru would daily travel from Ganagapur to the confluence of Bhima- Amarja
rivers for bath. While he was going back and forth from the Sangam, a farmer whose
field was on the way would always offer his prostrations at the lotus feet of Sriguru.
Since the farmer would offer his salutation twice to Sriguru daily on his way to the
Sangam and back, his devotional feelings towards Sriguru started taking deeper roots.
Several months passed by like this. The farmer fully realized that his life-conditions
have started improving from all respects due to his strong devotion towards Sriguru.
One day, while Sriguru was going to the Sangam, the farmer saluted him as
usual. Sriguru asked, “What do you want? ”. Farmer said “I have sowed millet seeds in
my field. I pray to you to kindly step in my field and bless it with the touch of your lotus
feet”. Sriguru stepped in that field. The crop was very good and likely to be ready for
harvesting within a few days. Sriguru said, “I am going to the Sangam to take a bath.
By the time I return, harvest this crop completely”. Since the farmer had total devotion
towards Sriguru he started harvesting the crop. No sooner he started cutting the crop, his wife and children began to cry. Even the people of that village started advising him
against doing it, but there was no use.
By the time Sriguru returned from the Sangam the farmer had cut the crop
completely and cleaned the field. When Sriguru returned and saw the field, he said “Oh!
I had told you jokingly and you have really cut down the entire crop”. So saying Sriguru
went away. Within a few days after this incident there was torrential rain in the village.
The ripe crop in all the other fields of the village got completely ruined and to the
surprise of the villager’s, in the field belonging to this farmer, it started sprouting all
over. This time, by the blessings of Sriguru the farmer harvested ten times more crop
than usual. He became extremely happy. He donated enough corn to the Brahmins and
brought home the remaining plenty of corn. Everybody in that village honoured the
faith and devotedness of the farmer.
This is indeed TRUE DEVOTION , Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Baba Please bless my mother her left eye has some problem she is having very low eye sight so please give her full eye sight. please we have only ur blessings sai. please bless her & bless me also with my wish. Sai meri kab ki khalli joli bhar do baba. please please please. I love u sai
Sai maa
me and my husband are very keen to visit shirdi with his appointment letter the minute he gets a new job ad per his wish
Make me alright completely
Maa v want to see u with out any mental disturbance my maa
Please make us happy and peaceful
Falling at ur Lotus feet
om sai ram
pls be with us in everymoment and guide us in a right path.
om sai ram
wonderful experiences every day
om sai ram
dear hetalji…………..have a question when is my experience will be posted.have been waiting for last 5months.none of them were posted yet.sent 2exp.Plese post my experience….
Dear Sairam,
Kindly relieve me of all the anxiety and failures that I have been facing so far. I will not be able to bear any more failures,disasters,loss etc.
Very sorry for your anxiety. Baba will surely relieve you of all anxieties and troubles when time is right. Believe in baba and he will set it all right for you…OM Sai ram
Baba I know you listen to everyone's prayers. Pl. take care of your devotees. Baba I want to see you in my dream. Pl guide me and relieve me of my worries and tensions Baba as you always did.
When the time is right, it will happen too… Keep faith…Baba will take care. 🙂
It is true that when god wishes, impossible will become possible.
Please help me Baba to come out of my job problem. I am feeling scared about what is going to happen. Please excuse me Baba for all my mistakes. Please save me Baba. Love you so much Baba.
Baba will surely forgive you if your attitudes are good and if apology is meant from heart. Baba will take care …
Anantha Koti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Bramha Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Hey Sainath, You have always shown me the way , i was just blind not to see it, lost my faith and believed in something which i shouldnt have. I am really sorry for mistakes and my sins. I beg for your forgiveness. Lord you have always been indicating that things will improve. I request your blessings on my husband that he overcomes all the problems and his business gets successful. Everything is possible with your blessings. You can turn the impossible into possible. I dont want to argue or listen to any thing else but your advise. I submit myself at your feet, mind body and soul.
Do as you will and take me through this life. You know the desires and my prayers. Please bless us lord.
You are everything to me . Please come and help us, please save us from this calamity.
Love you baba.
Baba will surely bless you and help you even when you least expected it only when time is right. Stay on the path shown by Sai. One thing that Baba always insisted that people should mind their own business and don't interfere in others life. Also baba was an advocate of truth. As long as you are on the path of truth and you believe in God, he Is there with you.
Sai Ram to fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Wonderful experience …..god bless u n may baba be wid u and ur family always…..u really are such a blessed child of baba ……om sai ram
om sai ram love you baba …..thx or alll……..
hello om sai ram ……….
Very nice Shirdi trip experience! Baba arranged everything so nicely and Baba's timing was perfect getting you Udi and Prasadam from Shirdi which helped your business pick up and also giving you those clothes to give for Baba just in the nick of time. Om Sai Ram!
Wonderful experience.
O Deva, forgive me my sins and grant me the opportunity to serve You wholeheartedly again please. Take away the restlessness and grant me serenity and love O Sadguru.
Thank You for all Your abundant miracles O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam