Om Sai Ram
Sai Brother Rajesh from India says: Om Sai Ram – This is Rajesh from India – Andhra Pradesh – Nellore. I am in Dubai now, doing good job and this has happened only because of our Mother, Father, Guru, God – Sai Baba. I faced so many problems at India and still facing, but i can face it through our Guru by taking His ornaments Shradha & Saburi. I will explain in the next sharing about my journey to Dubai (it’s a big Story) which happened by our Guru (Sadguru). Now i am going to share one Miracle which happened on 27th March 2014.

Here in Dubai – the rules of their government are very strict and maintaining huge tracking of database about everything. I am working as a Project Co-ordinator at JEP (our company). If we want to enter any sub-stations here in Dubai we need to take entry permit from their government, for every substation entry they take 4 to 7 days to retrieve the document which we submitted, but DSTA is an huge power station here in Dubai which called as Dubal, for that they take minimum 10 to 15 days, for that station we have to clear some work inside within 3 to 4 days, but we were all thinking that it won’t happen in time. This is the miracle happened there in Dubal – DSTA. I went for signature but without pass, without my name in the permit, i went inside and there every person whom i met has given guidance towards to get the signature of the substation head.
At first i went to G-Station gate, where i met some Manager he received me very humbly and said, i am not the person to sign in this and he given guidance to go where we get the signature with exact place by drawing. By that i reached and straight away gone to the place where i can get sign, there some person who is Japanese or Chinese i don’t know faces seem like that, he said that we can’t take it directly by contractor and it should be sent directly with DEWA ( Dubai govt ) person, after that i called DEWA person, he talked with that person and even though he is not ready to sign, unfortunately some other guy came to me name called ( Deepak ) taken me to his place and having some conversation with him he said come after half an hour by that i can take signature from the Sir and give it to you, but still i am not in believe that it will get in one day.
The day which i went to that substation is Thursday – on that day i started reading Satcharitra- he said half an hour, in mean while i started reading Satcharitra – while studying my mind thinking of that permit only. I render the same thing after completion of reading when i go to that person (Deepak). I hear the permit is signed. Here the miracle – when i went to meet ( Deepak ) he taken me to Main Sir who has to sign, but he is not there and ( Deepak ) which has placed that permit copy on his table also not there, checking all the rooms we came to the room, where i started our conversation first with ( Deepak ). No one knows that permit is kept on (Deepak) table with signed. By seeing that signed permit, my eyes, and my whole body blown off with happiness. Guru (Sai Baba) will come in anyway, anywhere, any time to help us. Jai Sai Ram. I will definitely share my life experience in next sharing. Mother, Father, Guru, lord are all Sai Baba. Show love as mother, Warn like a Father, Guide like a Guru, Bless as God all of us Baba. (Jai Sai Ram)
Miracle In Job
Anonymous Devotee from India says: My family members are Sai Devotee for more than 25 years. I am a devotee of Lord Krishna. For me everything is Krishna. Even i visit Sai Temple on Thursdays & started my service in Sai Samthi at my area. I have started 9 Week Thursday fasting for Him. I test God & accept them. Even i tested Sai, it happened. Now i trust Sai & tell everyone to keep Sai fasting. Every Thursday i started wearing yellow colour dress because Sai Baba likes yellow Flowers. I don’t want to mention my name and address.
In my previous company, though i worked well & had very good name with almost 80% client. Because of internal politics they did not support me & extend my renewal. I was working there as fixed term for one year. After that 5 days, i was at home. I attended the interview on Thursday & i got job in fortune 500 company. That too in my client place. Thanks to Lord Krishna i was scolding him what you are seeing, i need job before February. The next day i got call to attend the interview. Call came from my client saying we have opening. I did not ask my client for job. But informed only to that client i will not be there from January. Since they know how i used to response immediately once i receive mail. Almost every client used to appreciate my quick response for their mails & feel comfortable talking to me. Clients are really happy with my work except my higher officials.
My team mate always do lot of mistake, for everything i used to get scolding’s. But there was no proper support, training, motivation from higher officials. Always they support for wrong persons & favour to those person whom they like. Rule should be common for everyone in the office. But for them who have support of their higher officials they do lot of time pass by listening to music, play games, booking movie tickets, train & bus ticket, talking with other team mates, go here & there just like that going for coffee & Tea. Even on Saturdays according to their wish they work go early. Having breakfast every day morning in office for more than half an hour & lunch for long hours. They are not been questioned by higher officials since they support them. I am always straight forward. Always even my higher officials scold me unnecessarily.
But when i was sick i was questioned a lot for going up for hot water face wash which hardly takes 5-10mts. But now i thank Lord Krishna for keeping me in good place which i did not expect. I always don’t trust people. I always say Lord Krishna there to help me. I always respect every human i treat everyone equal to me. People always try to hurt others & feel happy. They feel they won. For everyone God is one. Now i want to become in Rolls of the company, i am praying Sai to do support & do Miracle. I never lose hope on God. God has helped me at the right time. I always pray & leave my problem to God. Once after telling them it’s their plan & let God decide for me which is good. I believe all that happens for the good. Since they did not extend my renewal i got very good job. Thank You Sai. Once i happen to Sai, one eye of Sai Baba was shaking on Facebook. I used to share Shri Sai Baba Pictures but after sharing same picture there was no eye shaking. Only to me He showed that. Thanks to Sai Baba. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. I Love Lord Krishna. Always Guide Me.
Baba Is Always With Us
Anonymous Devotee from Bahrain says: I would like to say thanks for giving Sai devotees a wonderful opportunity to share their experiences through this site and sorry Baba for being late to share this as I promised Him that I will post it last Thursday.
I am a devotee of Sai Baba from many years but it became strong day by day after reading all the devotees experiences and miracles happened to them in their lives. I really believe that Baba is always with us. We don’t need to request Him to fulfil our desires, because He does everything in right time. We just need to have Shradda and Saburi. Baba helped me many times and blessed me with the best husband and baby. Me and my husband has strong faith in Baba and He gave us a very happy life. I had many experiences with Baba and would share them to all the Sai devotees soon. Thanks once again.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram
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om sai ram
om sai ram
baba pls bless everyone & us u baba.
Sai Baba and Dattatreya
30 October 2013 by Sai Leelas
Lord SAI gave darshan to B Kohojkar as a little three headed infant on Datta Jayanti 1911. HE told Kusa Bhav to visit Gangapur and do GURU CHARITRA parayan 108 times and see a person with three heads that is Dattatreya. He reprimanded Chandorkar for skipping the darshan of Datta at Kopergaon; HE was annoyed when Shinde of Harda failed to fulfil his vow to LORD DATTA at GANGAPUR. As a sanyasi HE told Lakshman Jakhadi, railway station master, Kalyan to visit Shirdi often as SAI is LORD DATTA. HE told a devotee to do parayan of GURU CHARITRA instead of SAI SATCHARITA. HE identified HIMSELF with SWAMI SAMARTH of AKKALKOTE a perfect DATTA AVATAR. Here we shall see one more leela how a Dattattreya devotee accepted Sai Baba as a Datta Avatar.
Sivasankar Dixit, a DATTATREYA devotee suffered from TB and gave up all hopes of life. one night he had a dream in which he saw a picture of an old fakir and bowed to it. At that same moment in the dream, a muslim fakir came in person and applied udi on Dixit's forehead and he began and recover. Wondering as to who the fakir could be as he had never heard of SAI before, he was even more surprised when some children while playing left behind a small picture of SAI's samadhi with the picture of SAI tallying perfectly with the fakir in his dream. Later when Dixit visited Shirdi he found SAI's statue instead of the Photo. On enquiry, he learnt that till 1954 a Photo of SAI was kept at HIS Samadhi and later in that same year itself, the statue of SAI was installed. Henceforth Dixit began to worship SAI as DATTATREYA.
om sai ram… very nice experiences….baa bless all …thank you very much for everything baa… n please forgive me baa m sory for thinking bad…
can someone please tell me where to send my experience for publishing and i also want to know that the parayanam of shri sai satcharitra is only for 7 days? u can submit here.
Devotee’s can do Sai Satcharitra parayan(reading )/Saptah Parayan(weekly reading ) for any of the following reason .If the complete book is read in one weeks time it is said to fulfill the desire of the reader .These can be:
1. Getting some wish or desire being fulfilled by Sai Maharaj
2. Treatment of ailment, health issue, progeny or related problem.
3. Seeking grace of Baba in removing the Problem or worries which are surrounding the bhakta.
4. For good education/knowledge/focus in studies /Sai Baba’s grace in studies – by student, for securing good result.
5. For employment, interview and job.
6. Financial, material, emotional, family and relationship related issues.
7. Out of love and devotion to Sadguru Sainath
8. For grace of Guru in attaining salvation, success in path of self –realization, spiritual upliftment.
9. To overcome pride, egoism, control over worldly objects and sensations.
10.For betterment in life, peace and happiness.
The above list is not exhaustive but only indicative. Parayan can fulfill any wish the devotee desires.….
Parayan Procedure:
Dear devotees there is no hard and fast rule in following these procedure .All Baba want is love and he did not believe in outward rituals .If the devotees have firm faith in Baba ,parayan shall have its result.
1. Devotees who wish to do weekly Parayan(Saptah) (complete the full book Sri Sai Satcharitra in 7 days) should start reading the book from Thursday .
2.After taking bath ,cleaning temple (home temple), lighting Diya ,Incense stick ,applying Baba’s sacred Udi should start the reading of Sri Sai Satcharitra.(called as Saptah Parayan)with complete devotion and faith in Baba.(If the devotees do not have a puja room, say for example devotees living in hostels, they can sit in a neat place, where there is no disturbance, and start their parayan). Similarly if one is not keeping good health or by any reason cannot take bath or light Diya ,taking Baba’s name they can still read the book .Hence there is no fast rule to follow .
3. Sai Satcharitra has total 51 chapters which can be divided into 7 chapters as per to 7 days and can be read by devotees as per to their convenience i.e. they can read all 7 chapter at one go or they can divide these 7 chapter into 3 chapter in the morning and 4 chapter in the evening. This purely depends on devotees how they wish to read these chapters in a day.
4. The chapters are divided in the following manner for ease of reading and completing in time.
Day 1 Ch 1-6
Day 2 Ch 7-13
Day 3 Ch 14-22
Day 4 Ch 23-28
Day 5 Ch 29-35
Day 6 Ch 36-42
Day 7 Ch 43-51
5. Every day some Prasad or navadiya should be offered to Baba like any fruit, dry fruit, sugar candy, raisins etc as per to convenience of the devotee .There is no hard and fast rule again.
6. By Wednesday evening Sai Satcharitra will complete.
7. After the completion of Sai Satcharitra Prashad (offering ) or Dakshina should be offered to Baba either in home temple or in Sai temple near to their home where they can go . If they cannot go than they can prepare anything at home or get readymade sweat dish and offer to Baba seeking his blessing for the parayan .Here again I would like to mention that it is not necessary if you cannot go or offer than, simple Pranam at Lotus feet of Baba shall also do, being in your own place. What ever the devotees eat can be offered as food, it can be veg or non veg food. .
The last chapter (epilogue) in Sai Satcharitra which gives complete detail about result of Sai Satcharitra Parayan ,I am attaching here .Devotee shall read this chapter in their Sai Satcharitra Book when they complete the book on the last day .I am giving this particular (last) chapter here so that readers can know the importance of Reading Sai Satcharitra and doing its parayan .
om sai ram
Baba answers your prayers
By S. Mani
On 10th September 1998, a neatly dressed young man came with a friend, attended the noon pooja at our Sai Mandir in Virar, Mumbai. After the arathi was over, he was still gazing at Baba and was wiping tears from his eyes. I watched him for some time and inquisitively talked to him. He told me that his name was TVS Prasad, a BE graduate and was working as a Senior Manager in a company. His parents, wife and children were all in his native place in Andhra Pradesh. He came to Mumbai as he was interviewed for a position in a Saudi Arabian firm. Unfortunately, the agent cheated him by taking his money, passport and vanished. He was now in a difficult situation as he could neither go back to his previous assignment nor could look forward to the Saudi assignment. Left with no choice, he was doing some piece job right now and staying with a friend and saving money to get a job.
He made a request. He wanted me to visit his parents in Andhra on his behalf and tell them his predicament. He would bear my expenses for his trip. He did not wish to get back to them till he got a job. I convinced him that I was a stranger and his people may or may not believe my words and it would be better if he himself visited them and explain the predicament. I told him to sincerely pray to Sai Baba who would certainly do the needful.
I invited him and his friend to our house for lunch. For me it was Sai Baba himself coming to my place and accepting prasad. He visited the Sai Mandir the next day also. Then several months passed and there was no trace of this devotee. I thought that he might have gone back to his native place or might have got a job elsewhere.
Then, one fine morning I received a closed cover. The postal stamp was from Riyadh. It was a letter from this gentleman. He wrote to me: "By the blessings of Sai Baba, my ambition has been fulfilled. I am now employed in Digital Computers in Riyadh. I will personally go and meet my people, etc." He had thanked me for the solace I had given him. Baba never fails His devotees. What the devotee wishes, he will get it from Him.
(Sai Padananda April 2002)
Nice experiences all. O Deva, Thank You for granting us to be Your devotees, let our mind be filled with thoughts of You alone.
Jai Sairam
Only sai sai sai……
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram !! Nice Experiences !!
Baba, Please guide me and you let me choose the right path , don’t’ want to hurt them in any way, please take care of them.
Sai maaa
Luv u ma
You know I am feeling vague today
Help me to feel fine and fit
Please hold my hand and hold me firmly my baba may
Luv u a lot
Falling at your lotus feet
SAI Ram sai shyam thuyar pokida ninra ram…Vaan mazhayai pola vanda siva nadha..bolo sai nath maharaj ki jai
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om sai ram. Baba please bless me a good job as I have to leave this job in 2 months.
Sai please save me from insults and worries. Please Sai, I beg you.
omsairam. please please bless us to come out of these problems. omsairam.
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam
Thank you so much Sai. You gave me a surprise and made me happy. Love you. Thanks a lot. Want to be near you always.
Dear Baba ,please i beg you to bless me good health
Dear fellow Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Jai Sairam,
Love you so much Baba, please always be with me Baba.
I surrender completely onto your feet Baba.
Jai sai you baba….
om sai ram…help us sai…we all are your children…
Om sai ram…ur always wid ur devotees…thank u so much sai….
Om sai ram. I am a devoted frmm chennaiThank you for everything you done to me.Please solve all my wishes. Please forgive me for everything and solve all my problems regarding my studies.Please always be with me.
om jai sai ram
Tirupati balaji ki jai
Om namaha shivaya, jai hanuman, jai ganesha, baba, ki palkhi ki jai, jai ma durga, jai shree ram
Jai murugan