Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba after my marriage. But i don’t know much about Baba Leelas, but i used to pray Baba. I never knew about Sai Satcharitra, but i had faith in Baba. Firstly, i started doing Pooja & Fast on Thursdays only. My only wish is for a healthy baby. I always used to pray for this only, whenever i go to Baba Temple. After marriage also i used to study. I did my degree & PG after marriage. After 5 yrs of my marriage i got conceived but my bad luck, it was aborted. I was so sad. Later we went to USA for my husbandтАЩs office work. We stayed there for a year and then we came back to Hyderabad. Within a month we again went to different place in USA.

There i met a Sai devotee. She told me about Sai Satcharitra Parayan. Till then i don’t know about Parayan. Then i started doing Parayan. Always my only wish is give me a healthy baby Baba. This time we stayed in USA for 5 years continuously. In that time we took so much of treatments to get me conceived. I conceived 3 times but 3 times it was miscarriages only. I was so depressed. I used to get scared to do Pooja also later, after that we totally moved to Hyderabad with no hopes. After coming to India we struggled a lot. We went to our native place. Everyone used to ask me about kids. I don’t know what to say. I used to cry almost all nights. I asked Baba, why this is happening to me. Everybody suggested me to go to Indian doctors. We were tired of treatments and i left everything on Baba. My only hope is that one day will come, when Baba will definitely help me. After coming to India also 7 months passed like that only. Daily i cried because relatives used to ask me about kids only always.
Here Baba started blessing me. I met my brotherтАЩs close friendтАЩs mother. Aunty is also a big devotee of Sai Baba. She always tells to read Sai Leelaamrut Book. I told her that i don’t have book with me. As i tried so many times to buy a book but i never get book. That thing only i shared with my aunty. Then aunty said, take my book and start to read. But i always forget. I don’t know why i am doing like that. I feel bad and cry. In the month of September, one day i went to Sai Baba Temple. I shared all my things to Pujari ji in front of Baba. He gave me a book of Sai Koti Naamalu. I completed that book and submitted to Baba on Vijayadashami. In the month of November 2013, my brother and his friends took Ayyappa Deeksha. By BabaтАЩs grace i did Pooja along with them. They took Deeksha for 11 days. After that, they went to Shabari for Darshan.
One day surprisingly that aunty came to my mom’s place and gave Sai Leelaamrut Book and she told to my mom to give it me. She told me to start doing Parayan, even after 3 weeks i was not able to start as my mom was not feeling good. Within that time only daily by the end of the day, i get so tired and weak. I thought it was because of house work, after a month my mom insisted me to go to hospital for check up. But i was not at all ready, so i said no to my mom. But daily she was forcing me. By her force one evening i alone went to check up. I gave sample in the lab and was waiting for reply. That time till report comes i keep on praying Baba please help me. And i said to Baba if it is positive i will start doing Parayan. I waited so long for results with so much of tension. Finally with BabaтАЩs grace it came positive. I am so much happy, i called my husband, dad and mom. Everybody is happy.
Now I am 6th month pregnant. Within this period i have seen so many of Baba miracles. I wanted to share one with you all. My bhabhi (brotherтАЩs wife) is not much close with my parents. Last to last week she did Pooja. She gave Prasad to me, my husband and to my servant. But she did not give it to my parents. That day my mom was so upset she cried in front me. I prayed to Baba. Again when she was doing Pooja, i prayed to Baba that she should give Prasad to my parents also. I was kept on praying. Surprisingly she came and gave Prasad to them also. I was so much happy. Daily i am seeing so many miracles of Baba in my life.
Last week i went to BabaтАЩs temple and was thinking i should get yellow flower from Baba. Priest did Pooja very nicely and along with Prasad he gave me yellow colour flower. Like this i have so many experiences in my life. Still sometimes i am getting so much tension how things will go like that. My delivery date is on this august. I am so much tensed. That aunty is always supporting me by saying that nothing will happen because Baba came to you. Things will happen only with the grace of Baba only. I always feel Baba only sent that aunty for me. She gave me book and gave so many suggestions how to do Pooja, what are the Prasadam we should offer to Baba. Whatever aunty says i will always follow those as i always feel Baba only suggesting me in the form of aunty.
Thank You Baba for being with me always. I wanted to tell who ever is suffering like me. Have faith on Baba. Baba will take care of everything. Only thing we should have faith and patience. I waited for more than 10 yrs for His grace. If anything is wrong in this please forgive me Baba. I am Your child and i can’t do anything without Your blessings. I left everything on You Baba. Please save me, my baby & my husband. Please bless me with a healthy baby. Please pray for me for a healthy baby. I wanted to express so much of feelings for Baba but don’t know how to do. Thank You so much Baba for everything. Please be with me bless me with a healthy baby. I wanted to give a name to my baby that starts with Sai only. We will come to Shirdi on 5th month 5 day of my baby. Once again i am praying Baba if anything is wrong with me please forgive me. Please bless me Baba. Sometimes i am getting so much of tension how things will go. Please keep supporting me and bless me Baba. I am nothing without Your blessings. I will share some more experiences after my delivery. Please pray for me. Baba please bless me.

┬й Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram
(Shri Sai Leela September 1985)
Saibaba is God, I will say that Shri Saibaba is more than God. I say 'is' because Saibaba still exists in this universe. In ancient time few real devotees of God might have seen God. They did penance for the darshan of God. But Shri Saibaba was staying in Shirdi for some years as a Saint. Many people have seen Shri Saibaba and Saibaba blessed them and consequently they flourished. At present also, those who have full faith in Saibaba, get blessings and help from Baba. Many devotees get real darshan of Shri Saibaba even today. Faith is the most important factor so far as the worship of any God is concerned. There is a saying in Marathi that if you worship any ordinary stone with staunch faith, you can see God in that stone. So one must have full faith while worshipping any deity you like.
I have full faith in Shri Saibaba. He is always with me. Baba helps me in my difficulties. When ever I start for any work, I always remember Baba and pray to Baba that let this work be successful. And my experience is surprisingly good. By the blessings to Baba all my missions have been successfully carried out.
Few days ago, in the last week of June 1985, there was heavy rainfall in Bombay city and suburbs. All local trains were completely disorganised. In the morning the situation was some what better. Therefore, I could manage to come to the office in the fort area (Bombay Port Trust Office) But from 2 'O' clock in the afternoon there was torrential rain pouring in continuously. It resulted in a complete disorganisation of the Central railway local trains. All the local trains were running upto Kurla Station only. Those who were staying beyond Kurla went by local trains upto Kurla and from Kurla they hired a taxi or rikshaw and went to Thane. I stay at Badlapur and Badlapur is far away from Bombay V.T. Now it was a problem for me to reach home. I had no other alternative but to stay in the Bombay city. But due to heavy downpour I became completely upset. In these circumstances I could not go to my relatives. I was praying to Shri Saibaba. And I was sure that Baba will take me home in any condition. This thought came to the mind and Baba led me to .the platform from which the through trains (Mail, Express trains) start. The Deccan queen was standing on Platform No. 9 at V.T. station. It was late by one hour. The Deccan Queen started at 6.10 p.m. from V.T. It stops at Karjat station only I made up my mind to go to Karjat and to come back to Badlapur by local train. Due to heavy rain the Deccan Queen, halted at main stations like Dadar, Thana, Kalyan. From Kalyan the Deccan Queeen would have stopped at Karjat only. But to my surprise, the Deccan Queen halted at Badlapur station. Baba was saying that my dear child, here is your station, get down and go home. I got down at Badlapur station with blessing of Baba. Again Baba was with me here also. I reached safely at 9.30 p.m. at home. My wife and children were in anxiety. They were surprised to see me. Because they knew that the trains were coming upto Kurla station only. I told them that Baba brought me here. I bowed to Baba's photo He is really Almighty and Omni┬нpotent.
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
om sai ram
baba pls take care of everyone u baba.thank u so much for everything baba.sorry baba if i made mistake intentionally or unintentionally.
@anonymus devotee
baba will take of everything dont worry .
Very nice experience. I am praying for you Sai Sister, dont worry, you will deliver a healthy baby with Sai Baba's grace. ЁЯЩВ
Dear devote congratulations
dont worry baba will surely bless you with a healthy baby, daily take udi with water, have faith in baba
Blessed experience…
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
I hope baba has already blessed you with a beautiful baby. Baba never says no to his children. He is our compassionate mother.
Dear sai sister! Babaji has listend to your prayers and gave you his prashad…Furthur also babaji only will take care of you, your baby and whole family…Be happy and keep chanting ' om sai ram'. Wo sab accha karenge…..
Sai is always with u dear.
Sai u saw how we r treated by theses people. I'm very upset.
Bless for performing bhagavath sevai on 12 aug 14.
I want to performe it every year
regularly wid ur blessings.
Sai be with us.
My daughtet's success should shout all these mouths.
U have brought her close to u.
Please always be her guide.
Help me to cultivate good thoughts.
I dont know how my nature is.
I want to be true and good.
Help me deva.
om sai ram
Touching experience. I am sure that Baba has been and will be with you continuously to see you through and bless with you with a beautiful child. O Sai, bless this mother and fulfil her dreams as You fulfil the dreams of a million other children of Yours.
Jai Sairam
By the Grace of Lord Sai, everything will be fine and u will have a sweet & healthy baby…God Bless You…Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Dear Devotee, Baba's blessings are always with you, have faith and patience, everything will work out fine
Om Sai Ram !
Best wishes Sai Sister, BABA loves you and he is granting you his Prasad..his gift and yes, you will be blessed with a healthy Baby. BABA is our Big Dadddy and our Mother and he can never see his children in pain and trouble . He is with you and will bless you always. He is there to take care of you, your little baby and your husband. So no need to fear. Always remember BABA's 11 Assurances and you will be relieved of any worries and tension. All will go well.
I am myself in my 9th month of pregnancy and my Dure date is August 31st. I am also praying to BABA to bless me with a healthy baby, as i went through a lot of stress in between since my husband was not well. Slowly am trying to be calm and taking BABA's name. I am sure BABA is always with my BABY and so he is taking good care of the little gift. I trust BABA completely and am waiting to hold his healthy gift in my arms.
Prayers for your well being Sister. BABA bless us all always.
Many thanks to you SAI MAA for everything. We love you a lot from the core of our heart and we need you always.
may sai bless u with a healthy and beautiful baby ЁЯЩВ
Om sai ram. Baba please bless me.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Baba.. Bless us all..
Please baba bless her with a healthy child.I know the pain behind this bcoz I had 4 miscarriages even I am praying me to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.I love children.every time I get pregnant I had lot of hopes about the baby but all my hopes lost bcoz of miscarriages .plz baba give a solution for this problem and help me.
feed to poor people every'll reach to sai ram
Baba please bless this Sai Sister and fulfill her wishes. Om Sai Ram.
Baba will definetly fillfull ur wish om sai ram
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam.
om shivsai,om shivsai,om shivsai,om shivsai,om shivsai,
om shivsai,om shivsai,om shivsai,om shivsai,om shivsai,
om shivsai.
I always believe that you n lord shiv are same.
pls help me by blessing me, pls be with me always n pls resolve all my problems. jai sairam
Dear all
Om sai ram..
Me and my husband is reading sai satcharita together for 2 wishes.. However yesterday before we started to read we were looking at some movie talks and was procastinating.. Suddenly baba s laminated photo fell off the shelf.. We quickly replaced it and started reading.. However we understood baba wanted us to read the book immediately but it would be great if someone else could signify the meaning as well.. Did we do something wrong or is it a warning of something bad to expect.. Thanks in advance..
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OM SAI RAM…Please bless me and my husband with healthy and beautiful children BABA…
Sai maa
My baba please make me feel happy always
Make me completely healthy and fit and confident
Luv you a lot
Falling at your lotus feet
Dear devtee,
dont worry baba is always with you..
On Sai ram
Om Sai Ram !!, Nice Experience, I am sure that Baba will bless you with a lovely baby.
Hi Sister, I hope by this time you have a beautiful healthy kid with baba blessings. I am sure about that. I know the power of baba. I can't see his kids crying or sitting sad. Love you baaba. Please take care of this sister and her family.
Dear Baba has already blessed you and will pray that Baba give the child and you good health…..Good luck
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai……
U R Very fortunate ….. Lord Sai will fulfill ur wish dont be anxious. . Leave everything to Sai ma…. u will hav safe delivery with his grace….
save us all Baba… U R everything to us…. Om Sai Namo Namaha Sri Sai Namo Namaha Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha….
omsairam. please bless us to come out of these problems. omsairam.
Jai sai ram… Love you baba….
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram!!!
Dear sister….have a blissful life ahead ЁЯЩВ
Baba ji plz bless us all always…guide us….Bow to Shirdi Sai peace be to all !!!!
Sai Ram!!!