Miracle Of Madyanah (Noon) Aarti
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram Honestly speaking, i am absolutely speechless, running short of words as to how to describe this great Leela of our beloved Sai Baba. I am in a state of euphoria while narrating this experience- so in case there occur many errors- I apologise to the core of my heart in advance. As we all know even a leaf cannot move without Baba’s will and nothing can ever be accomplished without Baba’s blessing and grace. I therefore invoke Baba’s aid in narrating this experience and share with fellow devotees. Before beginning I would like to mention as we all know- Our Sai Baba is full of love mercy and affection for us devotees.

To begin with, I daily do (i.e. say/sing) the noon evening and night Aarti of Baba. In case sometimes i wake up early i also do the Kakad Aarti, this I do with the help of the live telecast which is being broadcasted by the Shirdi Sai Sansthan. I just open the browser when the Aarti is about to start and participate accordingly- this gives me a feeling of peace and satisfaction and also whenever i feel low and lonely- all my pains vanish instantly. Sometimes i miss it due to some problem or in case i go out due to some work. From many days-I was wishing if I too could perform the Aarti ceremony as its been done in Samadhi Mandir (i.e. – wave Aarti over Baba with lamp lightened). We live in a 1 room kitchen, and so the shrine and the computer everything is placed in the same living room. For these many days -I orally use to sing Aarti but suddenly I was getting a strong desire that me too want to wave Aarti with Diya (lamp) lightened. But the major problem was- as we stay in 1room kitchen and the ceiling fan being the only source of ventilation- other members in the house do not permit the switching off of the fan even for a minute owing to hot weather and lack of ventilation. So I was in a dilemma/tension as to what to do, because even i use to light lamps- it use to get extinguished on account of the ceiling fan.
It was an auspicious-a holy day- yes it was a Thursday. As a part of my daily routine the Madyanah (noon) Aarti telecast was on- the Aarti had commenced but my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking what to do so that that lamp doesn’t get extinguished and I can wave Aarti over Baba without any problem. Meanwhile, the Aarti had almost reached its concluding part. “Sai Digambara Akshayay Roop Avtaara Sarva Hi Vyapak Tu “- this part of Aarti was about to start. I was feeling sad in my mind that I couldn’t wave Aarti over Baba. Suddenly, I don’t really know what happened to me-I had kept a lamp burning near the shrine-i just took it and started waving Aarti over Baba. Then wonder of wonders-the lamp which usually use to get extinguished on account of the breeze produced by ceiling fan remained intact and I could wave Aarti over Baba. I was really very happy and my joy knew no bounds as only I and Baba know how practically it was not possible for the lamp to remain intact- but somehow that day the lamp did remain intact till the end. As it is mention in Shri Sai Satcharitra- As one feels intently so is his wish fulfilled accordingly. Baba fulfilled my wish of waving Aarti over Him. I just cannot describe the ineffable joy, the peace, the happiness i experienced that day. Baba’s Love for us is unbroken boundless, unconditional. Baba’s Leelas are inscrutable, unfathomable, and indescribable. Love You so very much my Dear Sai Maa. May Sai Maa Shower His Love Blessing and Grace On Each One Of us.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai. Karacharana Krutamva Kaayajamkarma Jamvaa Vaa Sravana Nayanajam Va Maanasam Va Paradham Vidita Maviditam Vaa Sarvametat Kshemasya Jaya Jaya Karunaabde Sree Prabho Sai Naatha. Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Para-Brahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Sai Baba Experience

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a Sai devotee and i live in USA. I just wanted to share one experience that i had. Last year 2013, I was little worried as I having some diff symptoms. I really thought something must be wrong with me. I was worried day and night. I was keep praying to Baba that please I hope everything should be fine and my reports should be normal. In Sept 2013, I went to Shirdi from USA just to visit Sai Baba in Shirdi for 14 days. I stayed 1 week in Shirdi. I was feeling great on seeing Baba and felt so blessed. I read Sai Satcharitra in Parayan room. I prayed Baba for my health. I had very blessed time. When I came back to USA, I was still worried about my reports. So I read Sai Satcharitra 2 more time. I kept worrying till results came. But by Baba’s grace my reports came out normal. I was so happy. I know this happens because of Baba. I thanked Him a lot. I was very happy. I am still reading Sai Satcharitra because I am still waiting to fulfil my one more wish. Pease God help me. Please Sai devotees whenever you are in trouble read Sai Satcharitra. Om Sai Ram
Baba Fulfilled My Wish

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram to all the Sai Baba devotees. First of all i would request you please keep my name and email id anonymous. I would like to share my experience with all the Sai Baba devotees. As i promised to Baba that if He fulfil my wish, i will post my experience on Sai Baba Miracle link. Baba is always with me. I was not having job for about one month. I was very much worried as i am the only one in my family to support them financially. I gave so many interviews. I was not getting selected anywhere. Then i started reading Sai Satchitra for one week, i started reading on Thursday. Within a week i got job in a very good company. But i haven’t joined that. I did not like that company. I want something better than that. I prayed Baba a lot to provide me a better opportunity. Then i again gave interview somewhere else. By Baba’s grace i got selected there. Then after getting the offer letter, i have to submit some documents for the verification to the organization where i got selected. I was too scared that may be they will create some problem in documentations. I prayed to Baba a lot. I again started reading Sai Satchitra. By Baba’s grace everything is fine now. I love You Baba ji. Please be with me always. Without You there is nothing. I am nothing without You Baba ji. You are my everything. Jai Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sai Ram .. Nice experiences everyone. May Baba bless you all.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai !!!
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai !!!
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai !!!
om sai ram i read all experiences all are very nice i want to do dhuni pooja i missed it i have two grand sons they are twins i am busy with them
wonderful experiences…om sai ram
om sai ram
Experiences of Sai Maharaj
R. A. Tarkhad
2. “Why does Baba ask for Dakshina ?”…
In December 1910, I went to Shirdi for Sai’s Charan Darshan for the second time. The first time was in September. Then, I had seen Sai ask many people for Dakshina, but he had never asked me.
This time, I approached Baba after his bath at the well near Lendi Baug. (This well is not used now). I wanted to give him one rupee as Dakshina as it was a tradition that one should not visit a great soul empty-handed. When I went near Sai, he asked, “Hey, are you thinking of giving me some Dakshina?
I said, “Yes Baba, what should I give?”
Baba said, “Give me two rupees.”
I immediately gave them and sat amongst the conglomeration. A well-read and illustrious political figure was seated next to me at that time. I whispered my question to him, “Dadasaheb, why does Baba ask for Dakshina?” “I’ll tell you later” he said. When I repeated my question after some time, he said, “I think he removes our flaws by taking Dakshina.” He had almost murmured those words and could not have been heard by even the person next to us.
Baba was a few yards away. There was a huge crowd milling around and the cacophony was intense.
The smoke from the Dhuni was unbearable as there was no chimney then. Yet, Baba heard us and told Dadasaheb in no uncertain terms, “What nonsense are you telling him? Bhau, you pay no heed!”
The gentleman said, “No, Baba, I am sorry!” I shall never forget the expression on his face as he uttered those words!
3. “Keep that note safe ! It might be stolen !”…
This episode occurred a few days after Holi in 1913.
I was seated near Baba’s feet, when he asked for Dakshina. I did not have any change, but only a 5 rupee note. People around me said, “Baba does not take notes.” As I considered getting change, Baba said, “Give me that note!” I was overjoyed. He took the note, examined it from both sides and returned it to me. He said, “Bhau, I am giving this note back to you. Keep it safely!”
I did not pay much attention to his words and put it in the side pocket of my hunting coat. It could not fall out from there. Baba again said, “Bhau, see that you keep that note safe.” I patted my pocket and said, “Yes, Baba, I have kept it safe.” Baba said, “It might be stolen.”
I should at least have paid attention to his words then. But stupid me!
When I returned to Dixit Wada, I hanged the coat on a hook near the door and went down with the others for a meal. After returning, I checked my pocket, and lo! The note had disappeared! I later found out that while we were eating, a certain person had gone upstairs. This person had been strictly banned from going upstairs as Shri Dixit suspected him of stealing various objects of a number of people. Dixit wanted to hand him over to the police, but I did not let him do so. However, that man always held hostility against Dixit.
om sai ram………….good experience devotees1,2 & 3
Especially devotee 1 very good one,
Very nice experiences.
O Deva, bless us that we may spread Your name and fame, think and do only good, be and make others happy, love and be loved.
Jai Sairam
Very Nice post. Faith Prevails.
Nice leelas.
vikṣarō rōhitō mārgō heturdamodarassahaḥ |
mahīdharō mahābhāgō vegavānamitāśanaḥ || 40 ||
363. Vikṣaraḥ: One who is without Kshara or desruction.
364. Rōhitaḥ: One who assumed the form of a kind of fish called
365. Mārgaḥ: One who is sought after by persons seeking Moksha
or Liberation.
366. Hetuḥ: One who is both the instrumental and the material
cause of the universe.
367. Damodaraḥ: One who has very benevolent mind because of
disciplines like self-control.
368. Sahaḥ: One who subordinates everything.
369. Mahīdharaḥ: One who props up the earth in the form of
370. Mahābhāgaḥ: He who, taking a body by His own will, enjoys
supreme felicities.
371. Vegavān: One of tremendous speed.
372. Amitāśanaḥ: He who consumes all the worlds at the time of
A Short Biography of Shree Swami Samarth
*****Srikrishna Saraswati-Kumbhar Swami*****
A Brahmin named Appa Bhat Joshi lived in Nandani
Village, Kolhapur District. His wife’s name was
‘Annapurna’. He was very satisfied with his life and
decided to go to Nrusinhawadi Dattakshetra275, to
render devotional service. Dattaguru, Himself appeared
in his dream as a Brahmin and blessed him saying, “I
will myself take birth in this world through your wife,
During the year 1835, Srikrishna took birth
in Nandani village. The astrologer prepared the
horoscope and said, “This child will become a great
saint. People may consider him as a mad person, but
he will become an emancipator to this world. He will
remain a bachelor and lead people on the right path”.
During his childhood, Srikrishna was very mischievous and often disappointed
his mother with his childish pranks. To make him wise a thread ceremony was
conducted, but they still did not see any improvement in his nature. One day Srikrishna
went alone to a place called Maugasuli to visit and take blessings of the family deity,
Khandoba276. At Maugasuli he vowed not to intake any food until he gets the actual
‘Darshan’ of Lord Khandoba in indisputable real form. Impressed with the true devotion
of this little boy, Lord Khandoba manifested Himself in front of Srikrishna. Lord
Khandoba placed His bountiful hands on the head of Srikrishna and said, “You are none
other than a part of me. Lord Dattatrey Himself has incarnated as Sri Swami Samarth in
Akkalkot, so go and take the ‘Darshan’ of Sri swami Samarth”.
When Srikrishna reached Akkalkot, Sri Swamiji took hold of his little hands and
guided him into a deep forest. There, Sri Swamiji initiated Srikrishna and blessed him.
Srikrishna went into absolute trance continuously for seven days after initiation. Sri
Swamiji then awakened him from this trance and instructed him to go to Kolhapur and
settle there. During his stay with Sri Swamiji, he gave Srikrishna a ‘prasad’ of the
sweetmeat prepared from ‘Choorma’.
A Brahmin suffering from leprosy was rendering devotional service to Lord
Dattatrey at the holy place of Ganagapur. He had a visionary intuition and therefore
came to Akkalkot to take blessings from Sri Swamiji. Sri Swamiji then ordered him
saying, “You must accompany Srikrishna to Kolhapur and render service to Srikrishna.
Your mental wish will be fulfilled then”. The leper Brahmin thus accompanied Srikrishna
to Kolhapur and stayed there to render service to him. Srikrishna later liberated him
from the disease of leprosy.
Srikrishna Sarswati Maharaj, just like Sri Swami Samarth Maharaj carried out
miraculous plays, which appeared like mischievous childish pranks with demoniac
possession. Since Srikrishna Saraswati Maharaj resided in Kumbhar Lane, he was later
known as Kumbhar Swami.
A Brahmin had vowed that he would make an offering to Sri Swamiji if he got a
son in his family. When the Brahmin got a son, he could not go to Akkalkot in time for
offering Pedhas to Sri Swamiji. By that time Sri Swamiji had taken his Samadhi. The
Brahmin repented upon hearing this, but Sri Swamiji Himself appeared in his dream and
said, “I am present at Kolhapur in the form of Lord Hanuman and staying at Kumbhar
Lane in the name of Srikrishna Saraswati. You can complete your vow of offering by
visiting him.” The Brahmin was very much pleased and went to Kolhapur. He took the
‘Darshan’ of Srikrishna Swami and offered the Pedhas. The Brahmin was confused as to
why Sri Swamiji had mentioned that he would be present at Kolhapur in the form of
Lord Hanuman. Understanding his mental dilemma, Srikrishna Saraswati turned his
back and showed his tail.
Kumbhar Swami took Samadhi in the year 1900. His Temple shrine is located at
Gangavesh, Kolhapur.
I feel baba is playing with my emotions.He first gives positive signs and then nothing happens.Im 32 not married and have a lot of fear in me
Madam do not worry.even I am sailing in the same boat.keep faith I Saibaba.When the right time comes things will happen within a fraction of second.Kindly read Saisatcharita.
You will be fine! I am 32, not married, no guy in pipeline….but i truly believe its for my good. God made me wait to get me the best! Please trust god and you will get the best in life.
Jai Mata DI! Jai SatGuru! Jai Sai Nath!
Dear fellow Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om Sairam.I committed some mistake and you wanted to stop it forgive me Saibaba.I know if I dont listen to you I will be in great problem.I love u babaji.kindly give me some place in ur feet.
Babaji you are everything to me without you I can't imagine my life. .Love you so much. Please always save and protect us from all diseases and dangers..Always keep us at your lotus feet. I am so scared and I know that I took a correct decision but still have fear and confusion. Please help me to overcome this and tell me that I am completely healthy and normal. Please please I beg you Babaji please protect my self my husband and my daughter from all diseases and danger and bless us with a happy and long life. Om Sai ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
om sai ram…
love u baba………..pls never leave my hand……..pls protect my family
om sairam when will you slove all my problems.when will you give me happy in my life.i have full faith and trust on you.sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
OmSairam. good experience from the respective devotee.
Baba please help me,i know you are there with me,without you i can't do anything,please help me with this problem,its been 3months now,still i can't get out of it,please baba give some solutions to my problem.you know i can't live without him, if you have to take him away why did you make me meet him ? I can't bare this pain anymore baba ,please baba please show me a way out of it,i can't live like this? I hope you show me a way baba,love you baba .