Anonymous Devotee from Norway says: Om Sai Ram. I am an anonymous Devotee from Norway. Sai Ram to all Dear Hetal ji you are very dear child of Sai Baba. I cannot pen down how much grace Baba ji is showering on you. Baba ji came into my life in February 2012. I really do not know how it did happen. I & my younger sister got together in India in February 2012. She was much into Sai & she told me about Sai. We went to Sai Temple in our home town. I felt so much peace instantly. I did not know why Sai ji came into my life. I have always been very close to God, due to inspiration of my dear mother. I used to go to Gurudwara in Norway with my kids and serve there. I used to do charity as per my ability. I did not know a lot about Sai before, but Sai Baba entered in my life like a storm and I started to feel Sai Sai all around me.

My little kids used to sing, “Sai Ve Sadi Fariyad Tere Tai” (A very famous Punjabi Sai song) all days along. I do not know from where they found picture of Sai on internet and they used that picture as wallpaper on my computer. My younger sister told me about this website and since then I start my day after reading these experiences. My sister sent me Sai Sat Charitra and I got the post on Wednesday, while I was about to leave for work. I was so happy. I took the Holy Book with me at work as I work as nurse to care for aged people and I do get lot of free time there. I finished my work and started to read book. I did not understand a lot, but I kept on reading and read a bit next Thursday as well. After finishing 15 chapters I put the book on table of guest room. I did not know about weekly Parayan at that time & I did not have any resolve to read the full book. But as Sai says, ‘God’s plan is always different from yours’.
I go to college every Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday morning I started my day as normal, made breakfast for family, had breakfast myself, my husband went to drop kids for school, I got ready for going to college, I went outside the house but out of sudden, I started to feel really sick. I called my teacher to inform about my inability to come for class. I came back to home, changed and lay down in sofa in guest room. I was feeling so sick that I thought it could be my last day on earth. Out of sudden I looked at Sai Satcharitra on the table, I picked it and started to read. Despite feeling sick, I kept on reading the book and finished the whole book 11:30 at night. I went to sleep after that. Next morning I did not find any trace of sickness, I was feeling refreshed and healthy. So that was Sai Baba’s plan to make me read the Book in one week.
Sai Vrat Miracle: I came to know about Sai Vrat from this website only. I did not know much about process of Vrat nor did I have any picture or Idol of Sai. I started Sai Vrat to resolve my family problems. Every Thursday I used to do my Nit Name (As per Sikh Tradition), I did not do any special Sai Pooja. Even I used to eat as per normal, but only difference was I did not forget Sai for a second on Thursday. I started to have Sai Miracle on daily basis. One question was intriguing was why Sai Baba? I have always been devoted to Guru Nanak and always felt so close to God, so why Sai Baba now? I called my sister and she said that we must have past births connections with Sai Baba. He must be your Guru in past life. I was okay with the answer. Same night in a dream I saw myself some 200 years ago but in Canada. I was talking to my friend in my home, and then suddenly I came out of house in the street. In the street in one shop there was big picture of Sai. I thought it cannot be true. I passed the shop, but out of sudden I am again in front of that shop looking at Sai Picture. That dream convinced me that I must have Sai connection from past do not know how many births.
In the next couple of days, in market I met my sister in law’s best friend’s sister in law, who recently moved from India. She used to live in Norway but then moved to India as her husband opened business in India. She asked me if I can help her to find a job, as I am famous here with Baba’s grace to be helpful. I asked her to come to our home. She came with CV and application to our home, we were sitting in guest room, she looked at Sai Satcharitra and was wondering how come I being from Sikh family, follow Sai? After listening to my story, she told me thousands stories of Sai Miracles those happened with her, as Baba ji turned her into real Sai devotee with heart of gold. When she was about to leave, she gave me a framed Picture of Sai out of her purse. I forwarded her application to my boss, she got the interview same day and a placement in job, even if her Norwegian was not so good.
Within few days I got a call from one of my second cousin who never called me before, we were talking about all different things, when he started to talk about Sai Baba and how Baba cured his father from Throat Cancer. So Baba made me to glue to His stories from different people and my days started to be full of Sai Name. I have been living in Norway for 15 years. I lived with my In-laws for first 9 years. But when my husband made a new home, due to some reasons, Baba ji made us to move to new home, but my in- laws stayed in old home. My in-laws stopped speaking to me and blamed me for everything, they try to spread bad name for in me all relatives, it did not made me angry, as I knew Baba ji will one day bring out the truth. They never spoke with me, my husband used to go to see them 2-3 times every week, kids used to be with them at weekend. Even kids knew that grandparents are lying.
But one day there was big trouble at my husband’s business. The business is still in my father in law’s name. The problem was so big that it could mean everything would finish. My husband did not come home for 2 days. I do not have anybody else there, so I went to my husband’s uncle-aunt, as they love me lot and they know I am not at fault at all. They said that let us go to your in-laws home. I did not know what to do, as my in-laws never spoke with me for last 4 years & I never went to their home. I prayed to Sai that Sai You are going with me, You are going to question-answer there, I am not going to speak anything. The other thing I thought even everybody knows it’s my in-laws fault, I will say sorry and touch their feet. When we entered their home, my Sai was already there before me. I was stunned to listen, “Sai Ve Saadi Faryaad Tere Tai” (Favourite song of my kids), it was playing on radio, in a very low voice. I felt Baba ji was standing with me, I touched my father’s feet and said sorry and decided not to open any old discussions. As we were talking my husband also arrived, all the issues got cleared.
Then we decided to invite everybody tour home including my in-laws. With Baba ji’s Grace Thursday was suitable for everybody. On Thursday I made many veg and non-veg dishes and there were around 12 guests for my Thursday Vrat Poojan. So this is the way Baba ji accepted my 9 Vrat Poojan, which I still do without a specific Sai Pooja. Dear Sai Devotees, I feel very blessed by Sai as I see Sai Baba in my dreams very often. I have read Sai Sat Charitra so many times by now, doing Sai Vrat, been to Shirdi in December 2012 with my kids, But for the wish I am praying to my Baba ji is still unfulfilled. Please please please Sai Devotees, please pray for my Blissful married life, I am leading this meaningless and hell like married life for last 15 years. I lit jot, Dhoop for Baba and offer water every day, I am giving Udi to my husband for last 2 years, but there is no change in his nature.
I have complete faith on my Sai Maa that Baba ji is testing me and He wants me to turn into real gold, by taking out all impurities from me. But as you know it is very hard to pass bad time, moreover I am going under this for last 15 years, Please pray for me. Om Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Your bad days are over now! may you have lots of blessings from Sai and Guru Nanak!
Jai Mata Di! Jai Sai Ram! Jai Sad Guru!
Baba ji please help this lady , she is really in need.
Dear Norway Devotee Ji,
May Sai Bless you with all the happiness in the world and a fantastic Married life.Om Sai Ram
U r such blessed soul.i can feel how good and pure ur heart wonder baba chose u to be his child.i dont know somehow i feel so much love and affection for u as my elder sister.i dont know i feel like baba tested some of his children a lot.i m 35 years old unmarried eldest daughter in my family.always got rejection from others even from my mother though she knows and accept that i m good,obedient,helpful and polite.i look after my family as i live in abroad all by myself.after so many rejection i feel like ending my life these days.i pray to baba and plead so many times.feel like even he has rejected me.u r blessed at least u hv baba and children with u.i dont hv sai raam.may baba make ur life beautiful and blessed u with good married sai raam.
Dear Devotee ,
Keep baba in your heart always . meditate on him each and every minute of your life . All we suffer is because of our bad karma . Believe in him he will take out all your bad karma . You will be blessed with a nice groom . OM SAI RAM
Relax Dear Sai Sister,
Even I have gone through same situation and I was in the illusion that Sai has rejected me, but later I realised sometimes we will be somuch frustrated that we unknowingly will pose much of our materialistic demands on Sai but contrary he is our father and he exactly know what to gift and when. He never get frustrated nor get angry on us he will be just watching and taking care of us. so in my story I did many a times sai parayan and pooja but while doing all these my mind was not calm even though I had Bhakthi I dint had patience I got to know this while I read Sai Satcharitha (I was reading just to finish the book but mentally I was thinking about other materialistic things) So I realised my mistake and I again started it fresh taking Sai name and this time by Baba's grace every day some miracle happened and my desire were filled after 1 and half years.
So I am requesting you to freshly start Sai Parayan and this time concentrate well and Think of Sai before starting any work and Love Sai unconditionally he is always there with you.
Om Sai Namo Namaha, Shree Sai Namo Namaha, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha, Sad guru Sai Namo Namaha
Thanks for kind suggestions.i will try to follow these.may sai b in our heart always and bless sai naathaye namah
dear sai sister dont get depressed i have full faith that one day baba will get rid of your difficulties for sure OM SAI RAM
Don't worry madam.Saibaba will has kept a very nice future for you.have faith and trust Saibaba.
Om Sairam.Loveu Saibaba. Thanks for whatever you have given me.take care of my father and brother.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
In Sai’s Proximity
In East Khandesh, around 8-10 miles from Pachora, there is a beautiful place called ‘Padmalaya’ on a hillock near Erandole. It is one of the places of Maha Ganapati !
A Brahmin Sat Purush by the name Govindbua single handedly restored and reerected the Ganpati temple. A trader of cotton donated some money to Govindbua for the restoration. The amount was spent on the foundation of the temple building. Govindbua personally supervised all aspects of the restoration – right from supervising the work of labourers to making the Kalas. The Kalas weighs around 100 Tolas. But, personally visited Mumbai and got it made.
People said that there was no dearth of money for Bua and under his mattress there was always sufficient money. He always looked after the needs of his guests. But, for himself, only a glass of milk twice a days was sufficient. In this manner, Bua did a kind of Tapascharya and successfully restored the temple.
At that time, Nanasaheb had become a Mamledar of one of the talukas in Khandesh. He got an urge to visit the temple and take the Ganapati Darshan.
As planned, Nanasaheb and his group embarked on the journey to the temple. They had even hired a Tanga to collect them from the railway station. However, it so happened that the train got delayed, Tangewala waited for this group and ultimately went away.
There was no other alternative, but to walk to the temple. The road was in a bad condition and Nanasaheb was not used to walking a distance of 8-10 miles. There was another serious difficulty. If they resorted to walking, by the time they reach the temple, it would be past 10 pm and Bua would have proceeded to his Mathee after completing his Pooja etc. Thus, no food would be available when they reach the temple.
The party ultimately proceeded to the temple. They managed to walk for sometime, took some rest and then proceeded further. Nanasaheb was extremely tired. He started praying to Baba. He said, “Baba, I am exhausted. By the time we manage to reach the temple, no food would be available for us. I crave for at least a cup of tea !”
When the group reached the temple, it was really past 10 pm. Their surprise had no limits when they saw Govindbua. He was welcoming them and in his hand, there was a vessel containing hot tea. Govindbua said “Welcome Nanasaheb !” Nana enquired, “Bua, I am surprised to see you at this late hour in the temple.” Govindbua replied, “I got a wireless message from Sai Baba. He said ‘My Nana and others are coming. They have walked quite a distance and extremely tired. Make tea in a large vessel !’ And here I am waiting for you with tea.”
om sai ram
I am going to engaged soon…but i don have any type of attraction or affection for the boy..i am doing it in pressure of my family..i have gone through a lot in last 6 years..i am completely can i live my whole life with a lie…Plz baba listen me and save me..
Om sairam,don't worry,sai is listening nd save u definitely..wr u from?
sai will save u sure
Om Sairam!!!sister please be strong nd take good decision.go nd talk vth ur parents or tat Guy .ofcourse v sud give respect to our parents,please don't waste tat guy's life ,urs too..sai is always with u,why fear when sai is here…
बंदा पल में अमीर है, पल में फकीर है…
अच्छे करम कर लो, ये तो बस तक़दीर है…
जो कुछ मिला है तुझे, ये सिर्फ तेरा कर्म है…
तूने बहुत कमाया, ये तेरा भ्रम है….
ये सब मेरे बाबा की खिची हुई लकीर है…
कि बंदा पल में अमीर है, पल में फकीर है…!!
बोलिए श्री साईं नाथ महाराज की जय
Dear fellow Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Sai please be with me. I am your disabled kid. Please save me from all my problems. Sai please be with me for ever
Om sai ram. Baba you know everything you are satvathaymi..please bless and save me and my family from all diseases and always keep us at your lotus feet. .you only cured her leg pain deva but against she got pain ms please cure her leg pain forever. .please remove my fear and worries and show me a right path deva..
Dear Sister
Very blessed Experience.
May Baba bless you:)
I truly agree like comment number 1 that your bad days are over now:)
Love to ALL, peace to ALL
Hetalji thanks alot for sharing my SAI experience here.
YES my bad days are over with SAI BABAJI greace !!!
SAI BABAJI is just GREAT !!!
Love You loads my dear SAI maa !!!
Loads of love to all !!!
Very nice! Your love to Sainatha has given you happiness. Its God's grace that our sorrows end. Om Sairam.
nice to hear this from you 🙂
I HAD SOME HEALTH PROBLEM TWO MONTHS BACK,Dr. Said get the operation done,it
Was bleeding continuously,Now I am perfectly alright without any operation.
Mrs.Kashi Hokrani, Bangalore
Sai baba,
please help us and save our family and parents in all aspects of our life..thanks baba for everything..
love you baba
Very nice experiences.
O Deva, bless us so we spread good and bring joy to others.
Jai Sairam
May Baba bless you with happy married life!!.
Om Sai Ram
Nice experiences. Don't worry, I will also pray to Baba for you to get you through this difficult time, Baba will get you through and although it seems difficult for you, Baba has a plan for you and this difficulty will make you stronger in the long run. Have faith in Baba's plan, He will take care of you and get you through this. Om Sai Ram!
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki JAi
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki JAi
Shree SAchinanand Sadguru Sainath MAharaj Ki JAi
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Sai Baba Thank you
Jai Sai Ram! Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience. I am a believer of Sai Baba, and frequently to the Sai Vrat. After having begun Sai Vrat again this year, I came across a book titled "The Magic" written by Rhonda Byrne that focuses on 28 days of gratitude practice. Of course, being a follower, I firmly believe that this book was a gift from Sai Baba to me, the third week into my 9 Thursdays vrat. Ever since my life has changed miraculously and positively, and it is almost like God prescribed it to me, Himself. When I did the practices, my gratitude was, in fact, directed towards God, Sai Baba. Perhaps give that a try to see whether your circumstances improve. I don't even know how everything fell into place so beautifully, all of it is still a miracle to me, including the fact that I actually found the book, took it seriously, and turned things around; there have been a lot of miracles for me this year though having constantly done Sai Vrat and I am truly grateful for Sai Baba coming into my life, holding my hand and saving me from the near-impossible state I was in. I wish you all the very best and please have faith, Sai Baba's blessings will always be with you, even though you may not see it. He has saved me from numerous accidents too, and I have literally felt him hold my hand this year especially on one instant during a near-accident and even otherwise in life. Please have faith 🙂 and keep praying and being positive. Definitely try the practices in the book. Jai Sai Ram!