Sai Baba Helped My Wife And Blessed Us With A Child
Sai Brother Rajesh from UK says: Hello Hetal ji. I would like to thank you no matter how many times, for building and maintaining such a wonderful platform and becoming an instrument in sharing all the devotee’s experiences at one place. You are really doing a great job and may god bless you. I’m Rajesh Kassa from UK and i shared many of my earlier experiences through this platform. I’m now going to share a wonderful miracle of Sai Baba very recently and how He helped my wife and our new born baby boy. My wife was due to deliver a second child and the expected due date was 5th December 2013. We were all bit tensed as the first delivery was complicated and Sai Baba helped us then. We had the same belief and faith even this time and left everything to Sai Baba. Unfortunately she passed the due date but still there were no signs of labour. We were simply waiting thinking that whatever is happening is all for our good and Sai Baba is giving the best.

Finally, we need to admit her in the hospital on 15th December 2013 and around 2pm there were some signs of labour. We thought very soon the child is going to be born. But unfortunately the baby was moving around very frequently and it was not a good sign during labour pains. Hence we requested for emergency c-section. Doctors, though first agreed with us but later on some other Doctor convinced us saying they can try for normal as the first delivery was normal and the birth canal was already formed then. They also assured us that they can lock the baby’s position with head down and then everything will be normal. Hence we agreed for it and the process started. Though the process was smooth in the beginning, but it turned out to be difficult later on. The waters were broken and the baby’s heart beat was bit suspicious. We didn’t want to take any more risks and hence requested for emergency c-section once again.
Finally, they too agreed with us and everything was set for emergency c-section and with Sai Baba’s grace baby boy was born on 16th December 2013 at 4:30 am. We all thanked Baba for saving both my wife and baby. Just when everything was looking good, there came another difficulty. On day 2 of the birth, though my wife was ok and about to be discharged, Doctors identified jaundice and some other infection with the baby. What concerned us more was the high infection level as the jaundice was normal in most new born babies that can go off in 1-2 days. We couldn’t forget that night when the infection was first diagnosed and were simply praying to Baba and all other Gods to cure our baby. Baby need to be treated with antibiotics for full 5 days to check the infection level and was kept in ICU. We were with the baby in ICU and by Baba’s grace the infection was completely treated after full 5 days and there were no traces of infection any more. We were relieved then and heart fully thanked Baba and all other Gods from the bottom of our heart for rescuing us. We still can’t forget those painful days. Finally, both my wife and baby were doing well and Doctors discharged us on 22nd December 2013 which is exactly after 1 week of admitting. We are now back home and named our son Bhavesh Sai. All this couldn’t have happened without Sai Baba’s love and grace and we are all really thankful to Baba once again for helping us in most difficult times. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Please Enlighten My Life Baba
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. This is first time i am writing about Sai Baba in my life. I am 26 Years old from middle class family. I never visited Sai Baba Mandir till today. I don’t know why but i have not felt like praying. But from past one month something is dragging me to Sai Baba and I am showing interest to believe Him. In my small age I have seen all kinds of troubles. I got married 4 yrs back but my husband cheated me and left me for dowry. Somehow I faced the world and got simple job out of my education. Again after divorce I got married to a guy recently but there also my husband did not keep me happy, he gave me lot of pain and I realized that he do not love me but for society sake he want a beautiful wife. I got hurt so badly, he even abused me physically and mentally in front of everyone. His parents taunted me that no girl can lead a life without husband in this world, this pricked me so much.
I came to my parents place. I know I need to face whole world now and stand on my leg but I don’t have job now because while marrying him I left the job. I am struggling a lot for job because I want to do something in life, I don’t want to be useless. Moreover I don’t want be burden to my parents. One of my friends’s told me about Sai Baba and how He helped her and her family. But I didn’t just relay on her saying. I searched in net about people’s experiences and I started believing Sai Baba. I feel that Sai Baba will show light in my life by giving me job according to my profession. I have decided to do Sai Baba Vrat from tomorrow for 9 Thursdays and I also want to read Sai Satcharitra from tomorrow. And first time I am visiting Sai Baba Mandir tomorrow. I hope Baba will help me to reach my goal. Om Sai Ram
Sai Helped Us To Get Darshan
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am working in USA and came to India for visit. I would like to share the recent miracle we experience while our visit to Tirupathi. We took train from Pune to Tirupathi. We reached Tirupathi at around 2.30pm. We took the hotel near Tirupathi railway station and thought that we should take rest and visit some temples of Tirupathi that day and should plan for Tirumala next day. Next day we took a bus and reached Tirumala at around 11.30am. We were so confident that we would able to get the 300Rs ticket and will get the Darshan of lord Venkateswara in 6-7 hours. To our surprise, the Darshan line of 300 was closed early that day because of heavy crowd. I thought to go into the general Q, but i came to know from information counter that it would take around 24 hours to get Darshan if I took general Q. We had a return ticket to Pune next day at 2.30pm from Renugunta. We were in a dilemma of what to do.
We came back down the hill without Darshan and thought that we will try some other means. I prayed to my beloved Baba and lord Venkateswara that I should not go back without Darshan. They should do some miracle. I promised Baba that I will post the miracle if I get the Darshan next day without cancelling the return ticket. So we came back hotel, we inquired at the hotel travel desk to arrange a cab next morning at 4 am. We thought that we should go into the 300 Rs. line by 5 am and come out in 6-7 hours and will try to catch the train at 2.30 from Renugunta. It was really looking impossible. But I was pretty confident that Baba will do something. We woke up early in morning at 3.00am and started by Cab to Tirumala from Tirupathi at 4.30am. We reached Tirumala at around 5.30am. To our surprise it was a long long queue. I lost hopes of getting the Darshan that day. But Sai came in the form of Cab driver. The Cab driver proposed us not to take the long queue of 300 Rs. He will try to do something. By his contacts, we entered into the VIP Queue and got the Darshan in just 2 hours. We were out of temple by 9am. Thank You Lord Sai and Lord Venkateswara

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram..shree gurudev datt 🙂
Dear second devotee, don't worry. You have now become a member of Sai's family. Sure he will give you peace, happiness and health. He will bless you with what is suitable and best for you. Trust in Sai and try for a job. Time and Sai will heal your wounds nd will teach you to be on your own. Remember one thing: no one except you can you happy. Choose to be happy. Do what you like to stay relaxed.
Wonderful experiences. Second devotee don't worry our beloved Baba will help you in
acheiving your goal. Sai Maharaj bless all of us with good health and peace of mind. OmSairam
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all.
Dear third devotee, you are lucky that Baba has helped you with a good darshan. My husband is a great devotee of Lord Balaji as well as Lord Krishna in any form. He is crazy about visiting Tirupathi and he does visit it often. I am a devotee of Sai baba and I pray only Sai and no god else. To satisfy my husband's wish, I have accompanied him twice or thrice to Tirupathi. But each time we couldn't have a dharshan and had to come back without praying. It may be because I don't have true devotion towards Balaji.
love u baba….
Dear Sai devotees, I am providing you yet another miracle Sai has performed. My sister-in-law is now married for 4-5 years. Ever since her marriage she was trying to become pregnant. She took lots of treatment and prayed many Gods. But all went waste. I suggested her to visit Sai baba temple and buy two coconuts. My idea was she should offer one coconut to Sai and should bring the other coconut home after praying. I told her she should take the other coconut to temple and should put it in dhuni after she gets pregnant. She listened to my and went to the temple. At first the people inside the temple did not allow her to take the coconut home. But she explained her situation and the temple people allowed her to take it. Yesterday she called me and said her pregnancy is confirmed. I told her to offer the other coconut in her house to Sai by putting it in dhuni after some days. I then went near my Sai idol at home and thanked him for listening and fulfilling our prayers.
Om sai ram baba..please with me…
I need ua support…
Love u baba
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Love you lot baba…please bless my mom with good helath baba….soon i should get lecture job in my hometown baba…help me to choose a stable career baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Love you Deva:)
Second devotee Baba will surely listen to your plea.
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL:)
Baba bless everyone 🙂
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
2 days back my laptop charger wasn't working n i was very tensed and i prayed to baba please make it work n i will post this miracle….but it didnt happen ….after a few minutes i tried again n this time it was working n i was very happy… keeping the promise baba… 🙂
jai sai ram!
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Om Sai Namoha Shree Sai Namoha Jai Jai Bolo Sai Namoha Anantkoti Brahmandanayak Rajathi Raja Yogiraja Parahbrahma Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Anantkoti Brahmnadanayak Rajathiraja Yogiraja Parahbrahma Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki
Wonderful experiences. I am sure our Deva has come to the rescue of the 2nd devotee already and made her life beautiful:)
O Sai, Let our ego diminish and mind attain calmness whenever we think of You.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram…just praying to keep friendship and overcome all the delays…Thank you..Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om sairam
2nd devotee
Of course.. baba will give you job.
Keep faith. Dont give up.
I have been suffering from throat infection from almost 20years and with sinus from 6-7 years. HE made machines in home work with HIS udi but unfortunately Udi is not working on me. BABA only YOU know how much im suffering with this and how my family is getting affected with my health problem. BABA i am begging YOU please forgive all my mistakes and sins and please remove my bad karma. BABA please take this sinus out of my body and u should never get throat infection again in my life. Please bless me with good health. Love YOU BABA
I pray for you devotee, don't worry. Sai please cure this devotee and increase his/her trust in you. Please Sai.
BABA make them tell about his job extension today. Please BABA help us
om sai ram . i am reading babas leelas from 2 years. i feel low if i don,t read your experiences i liked very much all experiences are very good i need sraddha and saburi from these leelas i have learned
Omsairam.I love you.kindly take care of my father and brother.Saibaba my entire life is under your feet kindly take care of it.Saibaba you know my problem kindly take care of it.:-)
Sai maa
please bless me and help me my maa
u r my maa and be there always for me maa
love u a lot
falling at your lotus feet
Sairam devotee 2,
Please do not worry. I have prayed to Shirdi Sai to bless you with a good and permanent job very soon. May the almighty bless you with a wonderful life ahead.
Om Sai Ram,
Dear second devotee, have Shraddha & Saburi on our baba and he will definitely get rid of all your problems.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Raj Yogiraj Parahbrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Jaijaisairam…kindly bless my friend too!!!
Sai baba,
Please help my family and parents in all aspects..thanks baba for every thing…
love you baba
om sai namo namah