Baba’s Miracle
Sai Sister Mallini from Singapore says: I am a 20 year old girl, eldest child in the family. I am currently working as an assistant teacher in an early intervention school. I have always known about Sai Baba but never prayed to Him until 3 months back. I was using Facebook when I kept coming across Sai Baba’s Miracle page. I didn’t really think much about it but the same thing happened the next day as well. I eventually clicked the page and started reading the experience of other people. Once again I didn’t think much about it and continued with my daily life. That night when I slept, I dreamt of Baba, I can’t remember what the dream was. I told my mum about the dream and she told me that she saw a picture of Baba in cab the previous day. From then on, I just couldn’t get Baba’s face out of my mind. I decided to discuss about this with my friend. When I was talking to her, I saw the TV and they were playing Sai Baba’s movie and that too was on a Thursday. I somehow felt that Baba was calling me to become His devotee.

My first experience with Baba was when I was finding for a job and I was having a lot of financial problems. I got a job as an assistant teacher but there were some problems on the starting day. Day by day my money issues were getting very bad. I sat down in the alter and cried, asking Baba to help me. All this time, I never had a Statue or Photo of Baba. I was just mentally praying to Him. After praying to Him, i kept seeing Him everywhere, In shops, cars, Just about everywhere. That following Thursday i got a call from my workplace and they said I could start the following week. I was so happy and thanked Baba.
My second experience with Baba is last month. My mum had borrowed money from a person and the installment rate was very high. My mom was paying all her salary to the person. She couldn’t tell my dad about this as it will lead to a big problem between them. We needed about 10000 dollar to solve everything. We couldn’t get any loan from any bank. Once again I prayed to Baba, asking Him to help us, within a week, we got a loan from the bank saying that our loan got approved. My mum and i were so happy. Now the problem was getting the money from the bank. The bank said they needed about 2 weeks to give us the money but we needed it in 5 days as we had to use a bit of the money for my uncle’s wedding. My mum was very stressed but I knew Baba will help us. 1 day before the wedding, we needed to buy some jewellery for the bride but we didn’t have any money. I prayed to Baba to help us to get the money and that if He helps me with this, I will buy a Statue of Him with my own money. I went out with my mum. Within 3 hours, we got a call from the bank saying my mum could collect the money immediately. Words can’t describe how we felt at the moment. While my mum went to collect the money, I went to a shop to buy Sai Baba Statue. I had 20 dollar with me and I managed to buy a Baba Statue for exactly 20 dollar. I have now started praying to Baba and believe in Him a lot. I know that He is always beside me, guiding me always.
Baba Cleared My Doubts

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from Bangalore. Thank you for setting up this website. Reading all these posts brings in a lot of positivity and strengthens the faith on Sai Baba. All of us in my family believe and pray Baba. There has been lot of small miracles that each one of us has experienced. Baba will always guide His devotees and He will always be there for them. It’s happened twice that i am out of home for some work and there was some kind of restlessness and doubt while I was on the way. So I prayed Baba to manifest Himself in some form to clear my head from the doubts that were bothering me. And both the times I got to see Baba’s picture on the car or the words Om Sai Ram written on the car. Such a miracle! I mean what are the chances while you are travelling and you pray to Baba to show Himself as a good sign before you reach the destination which is only a couple of minutes away? And it immediately happens! I was spellbound. Hence all my worries about the work were solved and things went well. Baba will listen to the prayers of all His devotees. Baba forgive all my sins and guide me to the right path. Bless all Your devotees. Bow to Shri Sai-peace to be all. Om Sai Ram
My First Experience With Baba

Sai Sister Navnnia from France says: Om Sai Ram. I am a girl studying in France for my higher education. First of all I would like to give my thanks to the developers of this blog for such a wonderful blog for Baba’s devotees to share their wonderful experience and increase faith towards our beloved Baba. This is my first experience with Baba. My father is a Sai devotee, therefore I knew Sai Baba since my childhood since we have Idols of Baba at home. But I was never a strong believer of God. My first real introduction to Sai was given by my tuition teacher in my childhood who is a very strong devotee of Baba. She used to narrate Baba’s miracles to us during our classes. I always liked to hear Baba’s miracles. But still I did not have strong believe in God. I had a five year strong relationship with a guy. I was madly in love with him but he cheated on me and out of the guilt of cheating, he never had the courage to come back to me. This happened 2 years ago. That was a very bad period of my life and I always used to question God’s presence and always used to ask God to give me an answer as to why He did this to me. However, I managed to get over my break up and came to France for higher studies.
While leaving to France, I somehow had this in my mind that I keep everything in God’s hands now and let Him decide what He wants for me. I met a guy in France in September 2013 and we fell in love. He is the best gift Baba has given to me. Baba answered my question and gave me what I deserved. This guy loves me and cares for me as no one has ever done. He was looking for a job in France since he completed his masters but with no luck. He had one year job search visa, 6 months had already passed. One fine Thursday in March 2014, randomly I felt like reading Baba’s miracles on internet and I came to this website. I became more and more interested in reading the experiences and silently started praying to Baba for his job. On the same day he got an interview call. I become very excited and prayed to Baba for this job. I came to know about Sai Satcharitra and Nav Vrat. I started my Nav Vrat and also completed Sai Satcharitra in one week. After few weeks, he got the rejection from the company but I did not lose hope as I knew Baba had something better for me.
In May 2014, he had four interviews and in all four interviews the company liked him. But the final confirmation was remaining. We were happy that he will get at least one of the four. But one after the other, 2 of the companies rejected his candidature. This was in June 2014. Now only 2 options were left and both of them said they will give the final decision in July first week. I was praying to Baba day and night. Even though my 9 weeks Vrat was over I still continued my Vrats. This was our last chance because if now he did not get the job he had made up his mind to go back to India once for all as his visa was expiring. I could not imagine myself living alone. Today one of the result was supposed to come. I had faith in Baba and the same time i was anxious and nervous. I prayed to Sai and on the question and answers book i got this answer “you will pass the examination. You will succeed by getting help from the southern direction”. I was happy and surprised to see the answer as this job was in the south of France. Today when I reached back home, my boyfriend told me that he got the job. See beautiful Leela of Baba. I cannot believe I am so much loved. I do not know how to thank my Baba. I have no words. My joy knows no bound today as not only my boyfriend is with me but most importantly today I got my dear Baba. Baba please always be with me. I cannot think of my life without You now. You are everything to me my Saviour. This was my first beautiful experience with Baba. In this whole journey I have experienced so many miracles but I cannot narrate them all here. One more thing, my mother is going to Shirdi for the first time on 15th July. I feel Baba has called me to Shirdi. Please Baba keep Your blessings on my parents and please call me to Shirdi soon. Om Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Wonderful experiences.
Bless all of us Baba.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
BAbaji you are merciful Deva, Please be with US, please deva, you know all of it Deva:)
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL:)
Wonderful experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
please baba forgive all of our sins,we all your children you baba
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba please give us all a peace of mind. and gud health. help me do Sai Satcharit parayana..please help
saibaba please show me some sign whether to attend the interview on sunday or not baba…i need your help baba…please help me baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Please remove my ego, hatredness, proud nature and all.
Please bless me to lead life in your way and please please bless me and my family with happy and healthy life.
Please excuse me Baba for all my mistakes.
Love you so much Baba.
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Sai Ram to dear fellow devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Baba give me peace. Please.
Baba plz always be with me. I love U Baba.
Wonderful experiences.
O Sai, forgive us our mistakes and love and bless us like a Mother does 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai ram om sri sai am om sri sai ram om sri sai ram
Om Sai Ram,
Thanks to all for sharing your wonderful experiences and miracles of our Baba. May his blessings be always with us.
Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Raj Yogiraj Parahbrahma,
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
jai sai nath ki
i will narrate the story of lord dattatreya this is one of the interesting one i have ever read . one brahmin will be a staunch devotee of lord dattatreya and his wife too a very staunch devotee. they will be performing all the pujas and also giving food to poor . once there will be a brahma rakshas outside the home sitting on a tree. this brahmin will always put the holy rice at the tree. and this rakshas ate this food which is kept outside . and by eating it a number of days his rakshas guna will disappear and he will become soft and loving natured. once he will come to the brahmin to thank him as he is now feeling good , relaxed .all this happened because of brahmin only. he will thank him and ask him you have done this to me and please tell me what can i do for you. brahmin will say that i have no desires. this rakshas wil not leave him and he will be pleading him to ask one desire . then the brahmin asked his wife about what to do . his wife told him that you are willing to have datta darshan no , so ask him that . ok the next day he will ask for it , this rakshas after hearing that desire, will say that by whose name we will run away with fear you r asking that but ok i will show you but only 3 times after that i cant. that swamy will be wandering in different avataras you should belive him. after 5-6 days this rakshas will come to the brahmin and say that swamy is here near by please come and see.then they both will visit to a far away place where non veg will be sold and drinks will be sold . see that man having bottle of rum in his hands and wearing torn clothe
is your swamy he l go near by him but he will be confused whether he is my swamy or not.he didnt believe it and he passed away. that swamy will be uttering the words you wont believe, where the belief is not there i will not be there. that brahmin went home and thought about it yes , he is my swamy .alas i did nt recognize him.he will be disappointed .now comes the second chance,that rakshas will come to him and ask him to come as swamy is near by now he is sitting some where and his body is of blood and wine smell is coming and he will be eating meat.near by dogs will be there the brahmin goes and catches the feat of swamy hey datta prabhu my lord , and swamy says who is your lord who are you and he will beat him hard in his spine and for that one beat he will runaway.and after going home he will be very disappointed .he will cry why i didnt got his blessings.and after few days this rakshas will come and say that here come the 3 chance and after that i cant show you go to the swamy dont be afraid go to him as if a child goes to his mother and father.ok both will go now he will be eating meat ina grave yard one donkey will be dies and he l be putting meat to the dogs and drinking.and this brahmin will go and tight his feet tightly and he will beat scold bad words but he will be uttering saranam datta prabhu pahi pahi parandhama. jai guru datta.and after having many beatings a sweet voice will come stand up my son what do you want from me why are you showing this love.what wish you have tell me.hey lord taking your darshan is enough i dont have any desires.deva.please ask one.i am satisfied wit your love.oh deva pls cm to my home and have lunch.swamy says ok. and he will go to their home the next day to have lunch.and gave his blessings and gives moksha , wealth to him
nice story 🙂
Baba, pradnya should get US visa!! Om Sai ram!!
Sai maa
Please please please I fall at your feet begging to forgive me if what I have done is a mistake.please don't hate me for this.
Baba maa hold my hand and shower your blessings on us my maa
Please make sure that our February plan goes well maa please
Love u too much falling at your lotus feet you.forgive my sins.give good health to my father and brother,bless my brother with a job.saibaba accept me and bless me guide me and give me a change in my mind please saibaba bring a reduction in anger and make me a soft person.I want to forget my past. I don't listen to elders I always do want to do without consulting elders.then I land in soup,-:) I want to change but without your grace nothing is possible.saibaba thanks for everything you have given me
SaiSrimanNarayana, Please help me find a good job soon. Show me a way please. Are you listening to me? Who else do I have if you don not hear me? I am in pain.I am doing whatever I can do and waiting for you to bless me. I feel very low. I am just wondering if I will ever be able to find a job. Please reply to me…Please
Sai baba,
Please help my family and parents in all aspects..Please help my parents in every thing their life….Please baba,help my husband to get a good job with good salary…Please baba always save my parents,my kids,my husband and me(all my family)…Baba,my daughter is not feeling well,please save my daughter..also please help my parents happy by coming my brothers family today to my parents place…thanks baba for every thing…
love you baba
om sai namo namah
Om Sai Ram. Firstly I would like to Thank Guru Sairam for always being with me, inside me and guiding all through my life. I am placing all my challenges in my life at your Lotus Feet. Solve all my problems and help me to get a good breakthrough in my career. Bless and be with me and my family and bless the whole universe with peace and prosperity and Love you. Om Sairam.