Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thanks for providing a devotional site that constantly triggers us towards Sai through various others experiences. Dear Sai Devotes, I am aged 35, By His grace I am devotee of Sai Baba now. But I came to know Baba during my college days early 2000. During that time I use to accompany my friends to temple, have Darshan and Prasad. My relation with Baba had no special moments except a stereotypic move. Later as days passed by, I got married yet to a big joint family at 2006. Within a month of married life I got admitted to hospital and had undergone a very major surgery. After surgery I was advised to be under rest and bearing a baby would become difficult for my health. To divert my mind I thought of applying to job. Accidentally my mom saw Sai Ram College’s advertisement at The Hindu and wanted me to apply there. My first prayer to Baba was to offer me a job there. Thankfully I got job at Sai Ram group and started working there. Every Thursday there was Pooja at the campus but I rarely attended it. I was not in that trust to have Vrat or Pooja. He who knows when to grab His devotees to Him.

Days passed by, I was blessed with a Baby girl in 2007 and got a Government Job in 2008. Later 3 years I had a crucial stage in marital life lots of conflicts etc. Again I was blessed with a baby. My actual due date for delivery was on November 18th but my health went problematic during October 13th and I was advised for an emergency caesarean section due to heavy loss of Blood. Surgery was done and my baby girl was born on 15th October 2010. She was very critical and was admitted at a hospital 20 Kms away from the hospital where I had been admitted. I was not sure that the baby was alive and my health and family situation was too worse and there were no words to say my pain, no parents nearby, my elder child was left in an entirely new environment. I was hospitalized, my newborn was hospitalized away from me. 11 days later I saw my kid, quite out of danger and we got discharged. During our first check up we stepped into Anna Baba temple at Porur, I felt Like Baba wants to say something to me. I got a small idol of Baba and saw a red book nearby. I enquired the shop keeper about that and it was Sai Satcharitra. I just had a glimpse of that and kept it in my room. Really from that day onwards Baba has kept me in His eyes and He started showing His care to me unknowingly.
With lots of efforts I completed my course work in PHD within four months after my child’s birth, Even I had very tough times with my inmates in house, I was able to overcome only due to God’s will. I use to visit Mylapore Kaplaeeshwara in early mornings during my way to college. At early morning they use to issue some photos /booklets of Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi. My Brother is a staunch devotee of Ramana Whenever we see him our heart forgets all sins and we feel comforted. I Felt like they are saying something, I have miles to go, face a lot but by God’s grace every moment will pass smoothly. I surely felt everything is God either good are bad, everything is already decided and it will pass as moving cloud. I rejoined my job in April 2011. I had hard travel daily to work place 4 hours journey in the morning and in the evening. My health was worn out. I suffered physically and mentally that there were no situations to set things right. The travelling tired, my children left unattended, conflicts in house everything filled my mind with agony. Even then I was able to manage things for around a year From April 2011 to November 2011 only by the support of my parents, my brother my bhabhi & my friends.
Suddenly at the month of November, I got a call that I have been posted to work in Chennai for a month or so to carry out exam coordination. I felt happy out of it. At least I can be with my children for few more hours, reduced travel time etc. Surprisingly the posting was to again Sri Sai Ram groups. Really God has different plans which cannot be predicted so easily. I started to going to Sai Ram Group from November 15-2011. My friends use to carry out Thursday fasting and this time after 3 years I started with the Vrat still not whole heartedly. One day my brother called up me and asked me to pray Baba and issue sweets to friends and others after praying Him. I started with it and went to temple all Thursdays during my stay at Sri Sai Ram groups. During the end of November My younger child fell ill due to food poison. She was just one year old she had continuous vomiting, Diarrhea and heavy fever, after a week treatment at home town she was diagnosed with Enrick fever/Dengue. Her health went on very worse and at night time she use to vomit blood and she had even blood stools. I felt like having nothing in life, even My child was surrounded by my in-laws, My husband everybody were there to look after, offer support and care. But as mother I felt that everything is out of control.
I found the Sai Satcharitra at my room hardly, after 1 year I started studying it and some confidence moved me to be bold. My daughter’s health was in Danger and she was advised to be shifted to SRMMC. Her pulse was down and she was in coma. As we rushed to the hospital a duty doctor hurried to our place to first aid her, She was wearing Pandana (a scarf round head like Baba) and it was night 2.00 pm. At emergency she took her in arms rushed to the NICU even without using staircase. I was so sure that it is none other than Baba to carry her. She exclaimed “Allah save this Kid, I’ve to answer her mother”. My daughter was counting the minutes, she was treated her life vein was searched and everything went on very fast. But it took nearly 4 hours to search her life vein, since her body was collapsed. The doctors didn’t give any hope except the word Trust in God. I came out of the ICU in tears. After signing all formalities I came to the ground floor. There was a Baba statue filled with Garlands. I cried to Him, ”I am no more, I don’t know You, but You know me found me and You have come to me, My kid is dead but I will never leave this place without her, my child is no more, Give her back to me Sai”. I cried and went to NICU through stairs.
At the 3rd floor of NICU I saw large photos of Sri Baba, Sri Raghavendra and Sri Ramanar together, I haven’t seen Sri Ramanar photos very frequently anywhere.”Oh this is what You wanted to say me always”. I started reading Sai Satcharitra in front of them. Accidentally I found that my daughter’s birthday 15th October is Baba’s Samadhi day. I found things may get good. My daughter was continuously in coma for 4 days, and by lots of prayers offered by parents, relatives known and unknown friends through mobile, Facebook etc she got consciousness, but the inner organs were freeze, by blood transplantation she was out of danger after 14 days. I continued with reading Sai Satcharitra. She was discharged on Hanuman Jyanti, Dec 2011. My husband who was not in trust in Baba believed in Baba and got Baba’s Udi from Shirdi through our family doctor, a sincere devotee of Baba and we named her after Sai. Now she is fine with good health. Later I prayed to Baba at Perungalathur to get me transfer to my home town and really after 9 weeks of my daughters discharge I got posted to my hometown. I am sure Baba will answer every body’s prayers. He’s there always to look after us though we are miles apart from our loved ones He fulfils our desire in the form of our mother, father, brother and children. All conflicts related to my family have moved away but even if they persist I am sure Baba will support us during all times. Pranam to Gurudev Baba. Bow to Sai Peace be to all.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I was in tears from then beginning of the post till the end… I am spellbound of Sai Baba's leelas…
Thank You Baba to save the child… 🙂 🙂 I am very happy to read that… i felt That mothre's happiness… 🙂
Sai Ma.. I have complete faith… as You said… You know my prayer please Sai Ma… take care of it… I need it to be fulfilled… OM SAI RAM!!! 🙂
Om sai ram, Tu hi Brama , Tu hi Vishnu, Tu hi Shiv Shankar.
Sai Ram. Very nice experience. Baba is always there to protect his devotees.
jai saibaba,plzz help me baba,u knw wt problem i m facing nw dont let my life spoil baba,everything in ur hand baba plz help me in ds tough time, baba plz help me
and always bless my family
Amazing experience!! I cried reading the experience. ;-( No words to describe the feeling I got after reading what was said by doctor to you: “Allah save this Kid, I’ve to answer her mother”. Baba million thanks for granting life back to the kid (f)
We love you now and forever, make me a pure, clear channel and surrendered to my sadguru for forever!! (p) (p) :)) :)) Om Sai Nath! Jai Sauduru!!
Very lovely experience- Filled with Devotion,sharda, Bhakti.
Babaji i am suurendering at your feet- I am applying for jobs for last 5 months, but I have no clue what is happening, what do you want my deva?
Love to ALL, peace to ALL
Such a wonderful, blessed heart touching experience. This really shows how Baba takes care of his children. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Heart touching you so much.give good health to my father, brother and the sick.bless mybrother with a job.relieve everybodyfrom troubles and problems.saibaba my life is far better than others, but I keep on thinking that thing which makes me sad that is 9 months back my marriage got broken, he is married and is leading a happy life. but I keep thinking and crying on about it.he was was very good looking and good natured, so I feel I have missed something very nice.I understand whatever happens is according to our karmas.I don't know how my married life will be you should only help me.whenever some guy comes to c me I remember him very badly, I cant share this with anybody except you.why to worry about a person who has forgotten me. Bless me saibaba.forgive my sins.
Heart touching you so much.give good health to my father, brother and the sick.bless mybrother with a job.relieve everybodyfrom troubles and problems.saibaba my life is far better than others, but I keep on thinking that thing which makes me sad that is 9 months back my marriage got broken, he is married and is leading a happy life. but I keep thinking and crying on about it.he was was very good looking and good natured, so I feel I have missed something very nice.I understand whatever happens is according to our karmas.I don't know how my married life will be you should only help me.whenever some guy comes to c me I remember him very badly, I cant share this with anybody except you.why to worry about a person who has forgotten me. Bless me saibaba.forgive my sins.
He may be very good looking and good natured but that doesnt promise a sucsessful marriage, whatever happens happens for good. He may seem good natured to you but you never know how good of a husband he would have been to you. My cousin brother who is incredibly good looking (he looks like film stars), super rich (he makes carors every year) and good natured too was a real bad husband, he got married in 1997 when he was 24. He was good to everyone else except his wife, she was very nice girl and tried a lot of make marriage work, atlast she had to divorce him because he was out of control.
The same cousin after 6-7 years of divorce married another girl who is good too and now he is a good husband and good father. You never know how good or bad of a husband he would have been for you.
First of all only his wife knows how happy she is today with him and his family, and what you see may or may not be true and secondly even if he and his family is good to the wife, you never know how much would have they loved you.
Just keep blind faith in baba, you definately will get a far better looking and good natured guy than who you missed. Its not easy to surrender but please dont give up! Please watch the video if you can. Om Sai Ram!
Dear Devotee,
Baba is always with you. You have been through a lot of challenges and shown lots of faith and patience. I was nearly in tears reading what your child went through and how Baba showered his grace by saving the child. This gives me confidence that Baba will help me with my challenges. Jai Sai ram!!
Anantha Kodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Wow. Wonderful experience. I am sure that was Baba who had come!
O Sai, as we begin a new week, be with us and let the path be rosy and joy filled 🙂
Jai Sairam
wonderful experience…Bless all baba…please bless my mother with good health baba….soon i should be with her baba…please help us baba….please forgive me for my mistakes baba….Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
very heart touching experience..this experience reaaly boost the experience of all the sai sai ram..god bless all children….sai baba plz cure my son.. he is also suffering from long time.. om sai sai sai sai ram..
Baba, I am hurt. You know how I feel. Please do something. Please don't keep watching. Please tell me what I should do or what will make you show mercy on me. Please make me remember you all the time and chant your name.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
om sai ram
Thank u for sharing ur experience…really very heart touching …..baba bless all.
Baba i am sorry for all my mistakes…pls deva forgive me…i knowingly doubted u and him ….i was fool baba…pls maaf kr do…baba pls maaf kr do.
sb khatm hone se rok k sath bura vyavhaar krti hu…mujhe maaf kr do baba.
meri health problm bhi thik kr do deva..
pls mujhe shirdi aa jane do.
I am sorry baba.
Wonderful experiences!!
If any devotee wish to discuss their problems you can mail me at or add on gtalk blessallsai. We wish to help people in need without any return to live happy lives. please note the identity will not be disclosed and this is not a spam
Believe me, i have read the experience atleast 3 times before commenting on this post. i am having tears of joy when i read at the end that ur daughter is out of danger.
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
I m crying inside.m didnt get married at the age of 35 younger sister is getting married to her boy friend and today while doing shopping ,she commented in a nasty way that i wont be getting married.i live in overseas away from all of my family and sent money for her marriage and sent cosmetics and all that for her.i dont knw why m posting here as soon as I hear that i feel like baba why everybody making fun of me even my mom and my sister.only my dad and my little sister are the ones who are worried for me.baba plz help me as in marriage everybody going to tease me and my dad.sai my dreams shattered and now i feel those broken glasses in my soul and hurting me.plz baba help me.give me space in ur sai naathaye namah.
Your sister is mean.
Baba knows you and her very well.
Baba is there.
Omsairam.sister don't worry.saibaba is ur only resort.pray to him.throughout the day keep on chanting omsairam in your mind.
Baba has bestest plans for you… Dont worry… Keep faith… IF someone is hurting you for this; in such case they are accumulating their bad karmas. You dont have to worry about that… Your plans are shining with baba which he will reveal to you on perfect time.. God bless you . Aum Shree Sai Ram..
Omm sairam
love u sai
Baba plz plz plz plzplz plz gives me shradha and saburi.
Om Sai Ram,
Wonderful experience. Had tears while reading about our Baba's miracles. Baba, please keep us blessed forever.
Ananta Koti Brahmanand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma – Sainath Maharaj.
Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
sai plz give me strength to surrender myself in ur feet.plz dont let me b a slave and stubborn of my baba and bless me with ur pure bhakti and devotion.i shud pray u not to show off but from my deep heart and from my soul.plz baba connect me with sai naathaye namah.
Truly touching experience. My heart is filled with emotions and eyes in tears.
Jai jai sai…
Oh baba your great. U r there to help those who r in trouble like that child. When i was reading this devotees experience my eyes were watering. May sai's blessing be always to her.
Baba my sister is having more problems in her life for past 3 years , please please sai help her bless her and solve her problems.
Om sai ram sri sai ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
jai saibaba.
baba muj bahut darr lag raha hai.plz help me, u knw my and my family condition,hw we r by day our prblm is increasing.plz baba help more life is in ur hand baba,dont let it be spoil.bcoz of me,my parents and brother and sister all r suffering.plz baba solve all the prblm.baba plz mk everything in my favour.aur jeet humari ho.plzzzz ..listen my prayer.i m great in need
i hv surrender all my problm at ur feet baba .plz gv us happiness and good life .om sai sri sai jai jai sai
What an experience…tears rolled out as I read through especially when reading about the Hospital admission….So glad to hear that your child is well now..Baba will never leave his kids alone…Baba please bless this family with lots of love, good health and happiness..Om Sai ram
What an amazing experience. I had tears in my eyes by the end. Reminds me of what lengths Baba went to save a little child falling into the fire. May Baba bless your little one and your family. Baba saved me and my kids from an accident but recently but my son is still having other issue. Baba please cure my son.
Lve u Sai maa..
Never leave my hand..
Bless my family
Om Sai Ram
Truly blessed and heart touching experience.baba u ve the power to bring the life back.plz show ur mercy on health is not good.plz cure me.
Om Sairam. Such a heart touching experience. Devotee you and your baby are really blessed to get a new life. Its because of your pure and strong devotion towards baba. Your experience has further strengthen the bond of all devotees with baba. Thank you so much for sharing and May baba bless you and your family always. Om sairam.
Baba, I should pass my ACP exam on 19-Feb-2015. I should get work from home project and Pradnya should get US visa this time.
Love you Baba!! Om Sai Ram!!
Truly touching experience. Babaji tussi greatest ho. Luv u babaji.
Amazing experience. Brought tears. Thanks Baba . Bless all of us.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
SAI baba,
I am always be with you and you are always be with me..i know…you are the saviour..please be with our family and my parents..always help us…we need you baba..please pardon us..for mistakes we done…love you baba…please help my daughter to cure her ear pain..i know you are the doctor who cured her…thanks baba..
love you
om sai namo namah
om sai ram . Thanks for sharing such a blissful experience,
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experience, so emotional..felt nice to know ur child was recovered..thanks for sharing..increased more faith in Sai Maa
Baba be with us, bless all the needy & give a shelter at your feet.
Sai Brahma! Sai Vishnu! Sai Devo Maheshwara! Sai Saakshath Parbrahma, Tasmaya Shri Guruveyan Maha
Heart touching experience, i was in tears reading it. So beautiful is our baba's love…. ! God bless you and your family and keep your baby girl healthy and safe always .
Love you baba, May you blessings be upon my husband , bless him with success in his work, grant him good halth, peace and prosperity. Please keep my baby safe and protected. Lord you know everything, i keep my problems at your feet and hold onto your feet . never let me wander away from you again. I love you soooo much. I want to be a mere speck of dust under your feet.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram … Today I am Very very upset Sai 🙁 u Know my brother was cheated and got stucked in divorce case. I cant sleep due to Tension which comes to mind daily early in the morning. Please help my brother to come out of all the false cases which spoiled my brothers life and all my family mental condition. my dad is a senior citizen and even he is disturbed mom keeps on crying after seeing towards my brother . Sai u know my brother has never thought of any ones bad then how he got stucked in such case. even I am married and my mother is law keeps on poking me for this …. sai u know the truth Please help all of us to come out of it ASAP and let my brother get marry to a girl who will take care of my family like my brother do ;(
So much amazing experience. very much heart touching.Thanks a lot baba to your blessings on that child. We don't know how to thank you baba ji………
I love you so much dear Deva. but i don't know why you not bless me still..You are the only one know and understand my life problems and my desire. My baba…..,please shower your blessing on me Deva..i love you so much Deva. please don't let me like this deva.please shower your blessing and fulfill my desire deva.
om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai
om sai ram