Sai – Turning Point In My Life
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I know Sai from past few years but was not a devotee of Him. In past few months i suffered a lot from personal problems and through my friend, i became a true devotee of Sai and i use to pray Him every day.
This happened in 2014 June, i was got into severe debt problem because of trusting a friend and that friend cheated me and left all that debt to me. I had no sufficient money to repay it. I was so much depressed and started praying Baba continuously. I also went to Sai temple whenever possible.
One day i was about to pay 10000 as initial amount for sure and i was blank and prayed Baba sincerely to help me. The same day, i got 10000 from few friends and to my surprise they were also Sai devotees. Sai Himself came and helped me. Now half of my debt is over and i am leading a peaceful life with sufficient money in my hand. I thought of sharing it once all debt gets over but i could not wait sharing about my Sai, so once all debts will be cleared, i will post again. Not only this, but in many ways Sai has helped me. I was having problem in my love life and was not able to get rid of it. At last Sai cleared that too and He is about to give me a good life partner. I am waiting for it. Soon i will post my engagement date as per Sai’s wish. I love Sai and hope He will always be with me. Until He is there, no need to worry. Nowadays whatever i face i just think Sai is there so He will take care of it. I am leading a happy life in Sai’s presence and grace. Om Sai Namo Namaha Shirdi Sai Namo Namaha Sathya Sai Namo Namaha Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha.
Baba Helped Me In Getting My Draft

Sai Sister Suranjita from India says: Hello hetal ji. First of all thank you for providing a platform where Sai devotees can share their experiences. I am a devotee of Baba since last four years. I have experienced numerous miracles of Baba and feel that Baba is with me all the time. Now coming to my experience, i had to apply for the post of lecturer in a prestigious university. For that i made a demand draft of five hundred rupees. I made it quite earlier. While applying i did not find the demand draft. I got very tensed as it was one day before the last day of applying the form i had to made one more demand draft. But in my mind i was quite sure that i will definitely get it by the help of Baba. After about one week i found my draft from another file and i was sure that i kept it in another file. Really i was surprised to get it from another file in which it was not kept. It may be a coincidence for other persons but i believe as a Sai devotee you all can understand that my feelings after getting the draft from another place where it was not kept. This is one of the miracle of Sai Baba in my life. Thank you all for reading my miracle in advance. Om Sai Nathaya Namah.
Baba Is Always With Us
Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: Om Sai Ram. Whenever, wherever we are lost Baba direct us on the right path. We can close our eyes and fully give ourselves to Him. He will take care of us. I am praying Baba from so many years. For me Baba is everything. I had a bad accident, even it was my fault it didn’t affect any records. I asked Baba for a good job for my husband, He gave him a job what he likes. Whenever I wish anything, somehow as miracle He gives me what i want. Believe Him, pray Him, we will get success in all we want. He can take away our karma and give us blessing of life to live happily.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram.we all love u sai.
Happy karadaiyan nombu devotees
On sai ram , continue sharing your worries/ problems/ issues with us at or add us on gtalk blessallsai we will surely help you in best possible way by baba's grace om sai ram
Dear devotee, you are not mentioning in what way you will help the people with problems. Please explain what kind of help you will provide. This will help people to understand and contact you.
Blessed experiences.
Baba please bless us all with good health and peace of mind.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
saibaba plz help me,plz plz…..u r only my hope ,plz baba help me.if i hv done any mistake,forgive me baba.baba help me,i m great in need.plz baba nw help,help,help,help,help…..baba.
always bless my family with happiness.jai sairam
om sai ram
Om sai ram
baba bless all
and thank you baba
Wonderful experiences.
O Sai, I bow to Your Lotus Feet and surrender myself to You and beg You to fulfil my wishes.
Jai Sairam
Maa please please please help
Please take away my health issues
bless gundu baby with a good job and ash with a good place for intern
please make me completely alright
hold my hand and bless me
luv u
falling at your lotus feet
Allah Allah Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
sai ram hetal ji and devotees.I m the 2nd devotee whose experienceis posted today.i am very happy to say that today is my birthday and on my special day my experience is published.Thank you so much my sai and dear hetal ji for making my b'day very special.
many more happy returns of the day dear sai devotee Suranjita… I hope this is the best ever gift you got on your birthday… Om sai ram… you so much.thanku for a pleasant journey.everything in my family is at your holyfeet kindly take care.
om sai ram
Baba …surrendering to you..please bless all the childless couples with healthy child….boy or girl..whoever they wish….plz baba…raham karo…tgat pain for a woman is unbearable & soul wrenching
Om sai ram Om sai ram Om sai ram..sorry baba…. Please baba forgive me for every mistakes… Mere baba
baba still 78 days to go. baba baby should be born in full term and healthy . baby should be born healthy and should hae good character. i will teach him all good things and make him a sai devotee.
i should not have any pain or complications. baby should move without any problem .
please baba. please forgive my sins.
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Love to ALL, Peace to ALL
Aum Shree Sai Ram…
saibaba i love you lot…thank you so much for everything baba…i am really sorry for what i have been baba…i completely surrender to you baba…love you lot baba…give my mother good health baba…bless all baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram all. Nice experiences.
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram..we really need ur blessing..pls blessed us u sai babaji…
Sai baba please help me, I need you most now, please sai baba. Please help me… Please remove my sorrow like u always have..
Nice experiences! No matter what difficulties in life we are going through Baba is there at our side to help us and will make sure things are taken care of for us. Om Sai Ram!
deva deva..naa biddani challagaa choodu tandri..when will you end my sorrow father.