Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sister Gayathri from USA says: Hetal Ji, I definitely want to appreciate you a lot for your commendable job. You are such a blessed human being, Baba have so much hope on you and been directing you throughout and definitely the work you do is no less. Amazing experiences, just making the belief grow more and more. I live in USA, I am one of Sai’s daughter. This is my second posting on this blog. Sai Baba! I really cannot put one, two and three to narrate His presence in my life. He has always been there for me in my life. I would definitely want to share one of my recent experience. My sister and her family are in debt and financially a lot of problems. And she was the breadwinner of the family. One day all of a sudden she had a stroke and one side of her body got paralyzed and her speech ability was also gone. By birth she was already a handicapped girl and she was managing so far so well with whatever she can. With the stroke, she got admitted in the hospital, with Baba’s blessing at least her half of the medical expenses her company took care and the rest few of my sister’s friends helped her with the money. Everyone will get some instinct that this will help. I got the same, I told my sister to read Sai Satcharitra and apply Udi. She with full hope started reading, believe she started speaking the 3rd day and Doctors said she would take months or a year to get cured. With Baba’s blessing she got cured really fast less than 3 months and she even started working again. But now she has become very sensitive and scared a lot thinking about her health and her kids life. I know Baba will change this eventually.

I have this very strong belief on Baba that, any sort of messages from Baba through any source is just a source for Baba to communicate with us, not just one time or two times, i have felt this so many times. He knows everything about our life and He will give us with what we actually deserve to get and which is good for us. One small advice for people, please do not treat Baba like a magician, and ask Him to do this and that and show miracle please. He knows very well what to give, when to give and how to give. Just accept whatever He gives, there is always a reason behind and you will realize it eventually. Just have full faith on Him and pray to Him wholeheartedly. No mother will do bad to her kids, every minute she keeps thinking how to make her kids life beautiful. May be we get angry at times because you might feel she does not understand your desires, but at the end of the day her decision is the best. Baba is our mother in caring for us, father in guiding us, brother in protecting us, sister in loving us and friend where you lean on when you need someone. Baba is everything to me. I have issues in my life, there have been time I have been pushed to state of depression. But I do not want to think about it, Baba is there for me, just like that I want you all devotees to leave your life at His feet and look after your job on this earth. I am very sure He will take care of you. I would definitely want to post more. I will save everything and post one by one as directed by our Baba.
Baba Listens Very Closely
Anonymous devotee from USA says: I am Baba’s child living in United States. I am so thankful for this blog, I cannot tell you how many people’s life you have touched. Every experience is a miracle and brings us up whenever there is a slump in our lives. My mother always says love your God, that’s why I always say Baba is my Father. A father does anything to bring a smile on His child’s face, and Baba comes very close listens and fulfils all our wishes. The key is patience and faith. My husband and I were going through a rough phase financially for the past few years, we tried multiple businesses, nothing helped. In this course of time we saw the world change as well. What stood strong with our family was our “Father” our “Baba”.
I had been looking for a job for a long time, but nothing worked out. No interviews either. After reading this blog every day, I kept Baba Nav Guruvar Vrat, also I read Sai Satcharitra whenever I could. Interviews started pouring in. I also got a job where the prospects were all good but it was very far from my home. I accepted it, but kept filling applications at other places as well. I kept praying to Baba that I wanted to be close to home, closer to my kids. Last week I got an email from a company, they wanted to interview me on the phone, it was last Thursday. Next day they interviewed me at the office. I went through few rounds of interviews. Baba made me wait for whole week. Today I got the call that I have been confirmed for my dream position close to home. I don’t have words to express my thanks to my father, My Baba. Please be our side always. Your children always need You. Love You Baba. Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Helped To Get A Good Job

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee. Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I am a Sai devotee for past one year, before that I have prayed Baba but not this much, Baba helped me in all my critical times. He is my Father, He is my Guru, He is everything in my life, let me come to my experience. From 2014 January, I was searching for a job but I didn’t get my right job. In June 2014, I met with an accident. I was on bed rest for 2 months. After that I didn’t get a job, but somehow Baba helped me to tackle, from August 2014, i was praying Baba to give me a good job. I attended many interviews but it doesn’t suit me. Somehow in September, I got a call from a company, even I didn’t apply for that job. This is exactly Sai Baba miracle. I got a call for interview. I finished my 1st round but after that there was no call from the company. I prayed to Baba that if this is a good company and the job is good You just give me or else I don’t want the job. After two weeks, I got a call for second round and in that also I got selected. When my appointment letter was ready, at that time there was a problem about my documents. I cried a lot to Baba, but Baba told me to wait, once I have submitted my documents, it went for verification. At that time, I was worried that I will get the job or not. But I prayed to Baba. I had my Thursday fasting. Baba answered me on that Thursday itself. I got a call from my company that I have been selected, at that time I was very happy. I thank Baba a lot, for all Sai devotees believe in Baba. He will guide us to the right path. Thanks a lot Baba for giving me this job. I want You to guide me in my life. Om Sai Ram.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Madhavrao was an Assistant teacher in a school which was located in the place where Baba's horse is now stabled. A window of that school always looked towards the adjoining masjid. Through that he occasionally watched Sai Baba who was taken by people to be a mad fakir, he had no regard for him then. He remained a teacher for five or six years and gave up that post on transfer. After that also, he had continued to stay in Shirdi. After resigning his post, he used to visit Sai Baba off and on. After observing Baba for few months, he was convinced that Baba was really a God.He gave reasons as to how his faith grew even when he was a teacher. At that time, he used to sleep in the school and a window of that school always was open towards the adjoining masjid and through that Shama was occasionally observing Baba who was the sole occupant at that time in the masjid. Yet he could hear English, Hindi, many languages being spoken in the masjid during nights by Baba only. He therefore inferred that Baba had remarkable powers and developed faith in him.Baba used to call Madhavrao as MazaShama (My Shama).
After the Mahanirvan of Baba, Madhavrao distributed some of the Udi on special occasions amongst the devotees. He had two large earthen pots which were full of Udi from Baba’s hands. Madhavrao had kept the pots very carefully in a corner of an inner room of his house. The women folk from the house were not aware about the Udi. Once, they set upon the task of cleaning the house. And, in the process, they moved out the earthen pots with an intention of throwing them away. At that time, Madhavrao was in Mumbai. That night he had a dream and heard, ‘Shamya. Get up! The Udi – which you had so carefully kept – will be soon thrown into garbage dump. Go, Go quickly and keep it properly!’ Within seconds, Madhavrao got up from his sleep and rushed to Shirdi. He realized that his dream was true.He took the pots into his custody and moved them to the upper floor of the house.
Shama was with Booty when Booty was about to pass away. Booty called Shama and told him that he knew Shama very well and that whenever he was near Shama he felt that as if he was near Baba’s Feet. He had then overcome with emotions and placed his head on Shama’s feet treating them as Baba’s. feet.That was the respect he had from Booty.
As per the diary notings of Khaparde during Dec, 1911, Khaparde had only heard about the novel phenomenon about Shama. During a particular day in that month, Khaparde had seen it with his eyes and heard it with his ears.Shama was fast asleep and during his sleep in his every breath-in and breath-out, Khaparde was able to hear clearly from his breath, the words
"""Sainath Maharaj Sainath Baba""""
as clear sounds. Even while Shama was snoring, the same words could be heard from a little distance also. This is really a miracle. That was Shama's affinity towards Baba.
A few months prior to his death, for some unknown reason, Madhavrao was required to leave Dixitwada and stay in his own house. It was a miracle that few months before he passed away, Madhavrao’s health improved suddenly and he started moving about. He felt that the improvement in his health was due to Baba’s Grace. Kakasaheb Dixit, Bhausaheb Dhumal, Annasaheb Dabholkar were virtuous devotees who did not experience sufferings before their demise. Madhavrao was similarly fortunate. He spent only a night and time up to noon in an unconscious state. Shama passed away in his house on Thursday, 26th April, 1940 at the age of 80 years. But as per the view of his son, Sri Udhava Rao, Shama lived for 105 years in which case the year of birth of Shama as 1835 (as stated above) may be correct.
Sai Ramji
Thanks for sharing information.
Hope this is not copy pasted from any other resource from internet. If it is so then this blog will be penalised as per google blogging policies to the extent of deleting it and we are sure no one wants this to happen. So i request all devotees who find any good content on internet or otherwise can share its link ONLY or email on hetalpatil(@)gmail(dot)com
Sorry for inconvenience caused.
Very nice.thanks fr sharing
Blissful experiences 🙂
You rightly said dear first devotee, we should not treat Baba like magician.
Love & Peace
Thanks baba u have given me ample
Love u a lot baba
Forgive me for all the wrongs
Show me and my family the right path and. Hold our hands always
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Aum Shree Sai Ram
Jai Shree Ram
Baba g pleas forgive me for fights which i do with you 🙁
Please help me baba g
Jai Shree Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Baba …sorry I got so upset…even though you are doing good…I was not able to understand and got mad at you…Sorry Baba please accept my apologies and do not leave me.. And my family ..deva
Love u baba…….pls dont leave my hand.
Aum sai Ram!!! Blessed experiences
Bless me baba, help me I solely depend on you
jai sai ram….i want to share with all my sai family that i have been meditating datta stavam 9 times a day ,sidda mangala strotam and sai kasht nivaran from past 2-3 days on suggestion of sai devotee…this is helping me alot in giving peace and strength to go through difficulties…i can also feel that things are getting better in my life with the grace of our sai..sai ram…thanks deva
On Sai Ram
I am so happy reading this. It was Sai's guidance that made me tell you to read "Sai Kasta Nivarana Mantra".Please keep reading this along with other stotram it will benefit you immensely.
Om Sai Ram
Hai ..frm where i can get kast nivaran mantra english..pls post or send any sairam
saibaba bless all baba…bless my amma with good health baba…her sugar levels should be normal baba…help my brother to get medical seat baba…please bless him with bright future and guide him baba…help my sister to get government job in her hometown baba…bless her and her kids baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…i dont know what mistake i have done…but please dont leave me baba…i need a job in my hometown within this month baba…please help me baba…please baba…soon my marriage should happen with raji with all blessings baba…please help me baba…Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Very good experiences especially the first one and I pray that the devotee's sister recovers in all aspects by His Grace 🙂
O Deva, We surrender to You, let our lives be as You wish 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba i did a mistake i realised now….i am vry very sorry baba please forgive me baba please baba please
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Blessed experiences.
Anandakoti Bramhananda Nayaka Rajathiraja Yogiraja ParaBramha ShriSachiananda Samratha Sadguru ShriShirdi Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Not every mother is good on this earth, at least mine. She has just used me and has spoiled my life. She never cared for me. I have been abused by her parents, her brothers, and her sisters. They have physically mentally abused me and still leading a good life. To an extent sexually also. Where are you baba are you seeing anything , I want justice.
Dear devotee
I dont know what happened with u.just pray to sai he is watching day everyone has to pay for there bad deeds.I will pray for ur peace.Baba will give u justice but first u have to take action against them who did wrong with u,stand for ur justice and baba is there for u.pls have faith dont worry.
Dear, just have full faith n patience, read sai sacharitra thn see wht will happn to thm.dnt worry baba will surly help. Baba please inki help kro .mere sai we all luv u
Kindly put an end to the suffering of this devotee of yours. Please bless her with an extremely peaceful and successful life. Let her future be very bright.
First of all please take proper action against them who have abused you.
And in the meantime read Sai Kasta Nivarana Mantra as many times as possible and always keep our Sai Deva photo with you.
Om Sai Ram
Dear devotee,
This is really sad ,my heart feel for you. If you are educated my advise to you is to leave the house immediately and stay away from these mean people. I will put you in my prayers and request for a good future for you. May Sai always there with you to give you strength to overcome this situation.
Sai Ram
Thank you so much devotees for your love and support. I'll start reading Sri sai satcharitra from today itself. Baba bless me and bless all. Baba bless me with a successful professions and peaceful personal life.
Om sai ram😊
Dear Baba pls help this poor person who has obviously suffered a lot and now needs peace. Help her leave and have all the good things in life that she has never had. Pls pls Father go to her and let her know that she will have happier days ahead. Jai Sainath. X
Om Sai Ram
I need to share my experience in this site pls help how to go abt it
Om Sai Ram,
Before the experiences start…. there is a link at the top of this page "Submit your Experience with Lord Sai Baba". Hope it helps 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Sai ram
Saimaa dont leave my u baba
saimaa is always with you
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai love you sai..bless us baba…please make everything alright..
Shree Sachinanand Sadgudu Sainath Maharaaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Om sai ram
baba I want to visit shirdi pls cal me without ur permission no one can come near to you.pls fulfill my wish,it has been 5 years I want to see u sai.pls baba
Om Sai Ram
Read Chapter 15 of Shri Sai Satcharithra everyday till Baba calls you to Shirdi.Very soon he will surely call you.
Light two lamps whole day and read satcharita means do saptah..surely he ill call sairam
Om Sai Ram.
BABA, my Mother is having bad toothache since Monday night. Please heal her. She cried over the phone and i feel so miserable, that i am not near her. Please heal her, she will see the Doctor in the evening. You be her Doctor and heal her. Let it be a minor thing and she should be happy and smiling soon. I love my Maa so much BABA, i cannot bear her pain. Please shower your grace on her and keep her in the best of health always. She is your Baby.
I love you BABA. Many thanks to you for everything.
Om Sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram.
Dear Devotees, please pray for my Maid's Son who is in standard 5th and is not at all a good student. My maid 'Lata' is terribly worried for her Son and cries often. She works really hard to pay his school fees. I have tried assuring her that BABA will help, She also loves BABA. Have asked her to give UDI mixed water to her Son and that BABA will help. I pray to BABA to help her Son to study well and to keep Lata happy. I seek your prayers too.
BABA bless us all always.
Om sai ram
baba pls bless this child,help him in his studies.
Om Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai!
BABA! Being mere humans, we tend to expect some kind of assurance regarding your presence in the form of miracles. Please forgive your children for this and be with us always. Without your help we can never come out of these worldly ties and reach your holy feet. Please give us immense faith and devotion towards you. We live in a material world where there are numerous distractions. Please bless us so that our faith never wavers and we find solace in your prayers. Please accept my humble prayer.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Baba where r u pls help me feeling helpless.I need ur love sai.I m not ur good child but I only believe on u.pls show ur presence,give me strength pls pls pls each and every day my heart is becoming weak.make me free from this pain I dont want to suffer through this pain again and again in same birth pls baba help me
Dear Sai Bhakta,
Read Sai Kasta Nivarana Mantra everyday 3 times morning ,evening and night. Baba will bless with with lots of happiness.
Om Sai Ram
Thank u devotee for good advice..
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Dear 1st devotees very well said.. Really touched… We just see the present being mortals but Babaji sees the future! So let's endure and be patient… Very meaningful words indeed.. Babaji bless you
om sai ram