Highlights of this post:

Sai Is Everywhere

A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences - Part 1018

Sai Sister Fehmida from India says: I am from India and a staunch a devotee of Sai Baba. Sai Baba has helped me to be a good human being and because of Him I have changed a lot. Jai Sai Ram. First of all I would thank Hetal ji and all the workers of this site for the beautiful work which leads all the Sai devotee to join here. It’s like a Sai Station, here all the Sai devotees come. But in this Sai Station, one thing is different i.e. all the devotes come but they can’t go from here that is they don’t wish to go. I would like to share my experience with all my Sai devotees. Once, my husband’s job was at stake. The manager in the company was very rude and his behaviour was very bad. He used to give so many works to my husband and used to tell that it should be completed by today and you should show me the work by tomorrow morning no matter you will be in the office the whole night. He used to scold my husband and everyone in the office and used to use abusive words. My husband was very much depressed as he was in the state that he can’t leave the job nor was it possible to continue. I used to pray to Sai Baba a lot during those days and surprisingly the HR of the company removed the manager from the job though he was in his tenure for one year. I never prayed to our Sai Baba to remove him from his job but prayed to Him to make the manager’s behaviour good towards everyone but as it is said Sai Baba does and gives us what is best for us. We just need to have patience.

Other experience is that one day we asked a question in Sai Baba answers your questions and the answer was that you should not pray only me but pray to Lord Shiva and offer Him Bel Patra. Now we are Parsis and not knowing about Bel Patra and where to find it. So that day evening we went to Lord Shiv ji’s Temple near our house, but in that Temple no one was there. One man had come to worship Lord Shiva we asked him about Bel Patra, he said you won’t get here, you have to go very far to one market to get it. As it was late evening, we thought we would offer Bel Patra tomorrow. So we went outside the Temple. Before we were going home, my husband said let us check in one market which is near our house. We went there but we did not find it. But where he had parked his bike opposite there was a small Temple and to my surprise it was Lord Shiv ji’s Temple and even our Sai Baba was also there. Now the question in my mind was from where can i get Bel Patra.

One lady was standing. I just happen to ask her if she is aware of Bel Patra. She said forwarding her hand in front of me this is Bel Patra, you take it. In Morning, you had only told me to bring the Bel Patra, so I brought. I never knew the lady before nor had seen her anytime so how could i tell her to bring Bel Patra. And the best thing was the Pujari of the Temple was also waiting for us to perform the Pooja to keep the Bel Patra and thus we were able to do what was said by our Sai Baba. It was like He had made all the arrangements and was waiting for us to come. The lady was no one else but Sai Baba. After putting the Bel Patra we also prayed to Sai Baba who was also there in the Temple. The main part is my husband had come to this market so many times but had never seen this Temple before. And see how we parked our bike there in front of Temple and instead of loitering around the market we went straight inside the Temple. This is all Sai Leelas. Thank You Sai for being with us all the time and helping us. Please be with us in same way and always shower Your blessings on all the Sai Devotees. I have completed reading Sai Satcharitra Saptah reading twice. I want to see my Sai Baba in my dream but I am unable to. Please Sai Baba come in my dream and bless my whole family. Jai Sai Ram. Bow to Sri Sai. Peace be to all.

Sai’s Miracle

A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences - Part 1018

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Hi, i am Baba’s devotee from India. I would like to share my experience on Sai Baba’s blessing i received in my life. I had experienced many of Sai Baba’s Miracles in my life till now, from that i want to share my first one. I was married in the year 2012 February in Chennai. It was an arranged marriage. Since there was a gap of 8 months from our engagement to marriage, we started talking to each other to know us better. Also we met many times. He was taking care of me very well before my marriage and even my mother in law used to talk to me over the phone in a nice manner. My parents and i was very happy that i was going to get a good family.

My marriage took place on Feb of 2012. For 1 week it was ok. But later my mother in law started to behave in a very rude manner. Even she won’t allow me to be with my husband. I will go to office at 6.00 am in the morning and come back at 8.00 in the evening. She won’t allow me to go into my bedroom. I have to change my clothes in another room and sit in hall silently till 11.00 pm until she finishes off with her T.V. Serials. Only after then we will have to have our dinner. Since my husband was in early morning shift he won’t come out of bedroom. I will have to call him for dinner at 11. I was shocked about her behaviour and told my problems to my husband. He in turn instead of solving it had informed to his mother stating that i have talked ill about her. She in turn showed anger to me in very rude manner and abused me with words. I could not tolerate that anymore and informed the same to my parents. My parents came to my in laws place and asked about it and were treated in a very bad manner. On the same day i came out from their house. It was only 2 months after marriage. I was working women and could not concentrate on my work because of this problem. My parents were broken as i came back to home in just 2 months of my marriage. I did not have any hope to go back to my in laws place.

However one day, my mother asked me to take up pregnancy test as it was more than a week. I checked in a lab and received the test results as negative. I informed her about it and she was very much worried for the same. She taught that at least if a baby comes into my world, these people will change their mind. After a few weeks, my husband called and blasted me over the phone like anything. I cried like anything for i have not heard such harsh words from whom i loved the most. The same day my sister came to my house and planned a trip to ECR Sai Baba temple (Chennai). Since i needed a change i went to Baba Temple. In the Temple, i said all my problems to Baba and fell in His Lotus Feet. Then in the evening we all returned back home. Next day in the morning my sister asked to take pregnancy test again with the strip from home. I applied the Baba’s Udi which they gave in the Temple and prayed to Baba. I took the test and to my surprise it showed positive. We then again went to hospital to confirm as it showed negative few weeks back. They also confirmed positive and my happiness knew no bounds. Few weeks later all the elders from my family and from my husband’s family sat and talked about our problem and solved the issue. It was all because of Baba’s Grace. Even at the time of delivery every one told it won’t be a normal delivery as i was fat. But from the time, i received pain, i was chanting Baba’s Name and within few hours i delivered a girl baby. It was a normal delivery and also i did not feel much pain. Adding to it the day my daughter was born was Thursday. I felt like Baba was all along with me inside the labour room bearing all my pain and helped me out. Jai Sai Ram.

It’s Like Another Birth After Sai Baba Coming Into My Life-II

A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences - Part 1018

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Hi to all Sai devotees and thanks to hetal ji and her team again. This is my second experience and my first experience was http://www.shirdisaibabaexperiences.org/2014/11/its-like-another-birth-after-sai-baba.html. Firstly, i would like to thank our beloved Father and later to the Sai sisters and brothers over the blog. I have shared my experiences before in this blog and would like to share few more experiences. I had earlier said that i was in search of a job. I got to know that there was a part time job in a company. I had called them, but i could not get proper reply so i left thinking about it. Next day, which happened to be a Thursday, they called me for the interview and i was selected there. The salary was very less but i still accepted it so that i can meet my daily expenses. Moreover, I can see a Baba Photo on the entrance door side wall, so i took it as a Baba sign and accepted. This is my first job in my life and I am very new to the working environment. Problems in the work and from higher officials were popping up slowly. There were many problems, which were not even getting solved despite how much i try to solve them. One day, i had pasted a Baba Photo in my office room and started talking to Him whenever i feel low. Slowly problems got solved by their own. Now i have almost no problem expect the thing that i have a very less salary by which i cannot support my family. Baba please bless me with the job in my desired field.

The another miracle happened today. The moment it happened, i immediately posted in the comment session. I wanted to post it again here. Last year (2014) in the month of January, I opened Baba’s question and answer site and the answer was “Offer water to Baba on Makar Sankranti and your problems will be over”. But by that time Sankranti was over and I have to wait for almost a year. I usually perform things whatever comes as answer. So i did not forget this. Days passed and the day has come. Today is Sankranti, but i could not offer water as i cannot enter into my Pooja Room because of usual girls problem. I felt bad as I was waiting for this day since last January. Today being a Thursday a Sai Baba vehicle has come and my mom went out to give some money to them. I was standing on the steps outside watching them. The man who is driving the vehicle showed me an empty bottle and asked me for water. By this, i was able to offer water to Baba. I felt as if Baba has come to me as He could not see His children worrying. Thanks Baba for accepting me as Your child.

I wanted to visit Baba’s Temple on my birthday. I had to struggle every time to go to His Temple. Temple was very far to walk, there was no proper transport facility, sometimes we have to wait for hours to get an auto. But on my birthday, i went and returned home with in 1 hour. When i reached the Temple, there was nobody in the Temple so I fell on my Baba’s Feet for a long time. It was a pleasant and a blessed Darshan I had. I was alone in the Temple, i was really very happy on that day as i felt Baba was smiling and looking at me. I came outside the Mandir and was standing beside the Dhuni. Just beside Dhuni, there was a big portrait of Baba. I was praying seeing that portrait to bless me as it’s my birthday. Suddenly just around the Baba’s head a orange round structure appeared as if there was a raising sun behind him and within seconds it disappeared. It was so clear but i could not believe my eyes. There was no one in such a big Temple at least to share it or to make sure of it. Whatever it might be, I got a sign that Baba blessed me.

Baba Always Heals The Pain

A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences - Part 1018

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I always knew about Sai Baba since my college days as I was studying in Pune. I had even visited Shirdi during that time but was not an ardent devotee. Though my mother had developed deep faith in Baba during my marriage as it was an inter caste one and we were facing opposition from all our relatives. Surprisingly as time passed, my father who was very much against this liaison agreed and supported me wholeheartedly and all my relatives had to give in before him as he is the eldest in the family. I am happily married now. The experience which I am sharing relates to my father. He was healthy, but suddenly developed pain in stomach after eating food. This continued for a month plus and so he showed to a gastroenterologist who doubted it to be a malignant carcinoma. The biopsy confirmed it. We were all broken, the surgeon said that the surgery will involve removing part of or complete stomach as the extent of spread can be even more on opening the stomach.

We all sisters and our brother and mother prayed ardently to Baba to be with my father and help him. Luckily the tumour was only spread as much it was in CT scan so he had to undergo partial gastrectomy and the biopsy done was all clear and free from tumour. Later on he was referred to oncologist who advised radiotherapy. My father had become fit now so after completion of radiotherapy he went for a follow up. The senior doctor who had prescribed radiotherapy was abroad at that time so the Junior residents started him on high dose chemo. My father’s condition deteriorated and he had to be admitted in emergency with sever vomiting to another hospital. He was critical for 2-3 days and then after medication and fluids became better. The oncologist in this hospital said that he has been given very high chemo due to which this has happened. We were confused what to do. My father now had lost so much of weight, could not eat much and he decided that he would not undergo chemo, let the destiny take him where it wants to. He looked so frail and weak.

For one month things went on like this, he again had another attack of vomiting. The chemo had taken a toll on him. His biopsy was again done which revealed the same carcinoma growth again. My mother and me kept the Nav Guruvar Vrat of Baba praying to Him to help us. After insistence from relatives my father again went to the doctor who had now come back from abroad to seek his advice, he said that chemo was not required for this patient. Another biopsy was done in this hospital which is a very reputed and professional one. The biopsy was clear. This happened in the second Vrat. I would like to share here that my mother was giving my father Sai Vibhuti from Shirdi mixed in water daily. How that Vibhuti reached us on time is another miracle. After one month my father’s PET Scan was done which showed all normal. This was the biggest miracle which happened again on the day of ninth Vrat. The doctor said my father does not need any injection or chemo now. He just has to eat wisely and abstain from alcohol which my father readily agreed. Thank You Baba, for giving us so much love and becoming a part of our lives, Please be with us and all the devotees. Baba forgive us if we ever sin, just keep on reminding us of Your presence always. Baba never leaves us alone. Just have faith and patience in Him. He is always by our side. Om Sai Ram.

Shri Sai Knows What You Want

A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences - Part 1018

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from India. I am working in MNC and Shri Sai’s kid. Shri Sai Ram. First of all I would like to thanks Hetal ji from bottom of my heart for giving us such a wonderful platform for all Shri Sai devotees. Shri Sai shower all His Blessing on you and your family. I don’t want to categories myself which type of devotee I am of Shri Sai, but I know He is my God, Guru and Parmatma. Miracles happen every day in my life with the Grace of Shri Sai. Our every breath is Miracle and we should take it as Shri Sai’s Blessing. Humans have more attachments towards materialistic wants so when we pray we keep on asking all materialistic things. Same thing I also did. My husband lost his job, so I was praying day and night to Shri Sai for his job. We went to Shiridi. Daily we did Parayan, after 3 months he got job. Somehow I was still not in peace. Daily Pooja and my reading was going on but I was not able to find peace. Then I realized that I have prayed for materialistic want, which any way our Shri Sai would have taken care. I begged Shri Sai to forgive me and hope He forgives me. I have realized Shri Sai is our Protector and He takes care of everything like our Mother. We do not require to ask Him anything. We have to just remember Him and pray to Him with whole heartedly.

Sai Baba Showed His Blessing

A Couple of Sai Baba Experiences - Part 1018

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am also a Baba’s devotee from India. In my life during school days I don’t know much about Sai Baba and if someone chanting about Him also i won’t believe. But my entire life has changed during college days. During my college days, I somehow got Sai Vrat book in my home. I don’t have much believe initially but after reading the book I thought of taking Sai Vrat for some reasons after completing just one day Vrat I got my desire full filled. Then my belief and trust on Sai Baba had improved a lot. Again a day came in my life where Sai Baba showed His blessing by treating my father from disease, and helping me to getting seat in my dream college for my masters. Now again I need Your help Baba. You know that am in love with a guy for 4 years. I love him truly Baba but my parents are not accepting because of caste and status Baba. I don’t know what to do Sai Baba. I don’t want to cheat anyone. Sai Ram, now my parents are searching for a groom. Baba I don’t know what to do. I want to marry him with my parents permission. Baba You know i am still studying and my love is still struggling for a good job. Baba help me please.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Thanks baba for making my son's results great. …he got highest mark in his exam and he got so many award thanks once again baba..

  2. Nice experiences and I am sure all the sincere prayers have been heard by Him 🙂

    O Deva, Thank You for being with us at all times and blessing us with happiness 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  3. Dear Hetal Ma and Her Team,
    Om Sai Ram to All!
    Thanks to you Ma and your team for your continuous service . This blog has become a Sai Temple where everyone can worship Baba anytime anywhere.. Sai bless you, and all those working behind this divine service ..
    Jai Sai Ram

  4. Babaji i know u will take care of everything becoz u have arranged everything till now and i have complete faith in u.
    U r my strength……my love……but babaji dnt i get peace of mind.
    Pls forgive and vanish my bad deeds …..never leave us.
    Luv u deva
    Om Sai Ram

  5. Dear devotees,
    Anyone recently been to shirdi?
    Can you please tell me the best hotel near samadhi mandir
    Can you please tell me how to book for aarti and darshan in advance online.
    Thanks a lot.
    Om sai ram

    • Dear Sai Devotee,

      You are required to register yourself on shirdisaisansthantrust through online services. Only after registration you can avail such facilities of Aarti, Darshan and also accommodation. You are suppose to submit your scanned photograph, photo I'd and email id. Once you are registered you can avail such facilties through your account. May lord Sainath shower his blessings upon you on this Shirdi visit.
      Om Shri Sai Samarth!
      Sripad Sri Vallabh!
      Allah Malik.

    • Babaji i knew tht u will never disappoint ur children….u hv arranged for us which we never able to …….but thr r some hurdles…..wish n pray u will guide us and solve each and every issues.
      I m in love with u babaji nd proud to be ur daughter.
      Om Sai Ram

    • Sai tulsi is a good hotel which is very near to baba's mandir

      You can even book sansthan rooms, aarti and Darshan at online.sai.org.in

      Sai bhaktiniwas is best…however its a little far away from baba's mandir….but you have free sansthan buses from there to mandir every 15 mins…you can even get breakfast, tea, lunch, dinner at free or nominal rates here…

      Hope this helps…

      Have a blessed Darshan…

      Om Sai ram

  6. om sairam….lovely pic messages, Lord sainath bless all your children with good health peace, health and happiness always! om sairam jai jai sai sri sai !

  7. Aye maalik tere bande hum ayese ho humaare karam
    Nekee par chale, aaur badee se tale, thakee hasate huye nikale dum

    Ye andheraa ghanaa chhaa rahaa, teraa insaan ghabaraa rahaa
    ho rahaa bekhabar, kuchh naa aataa najar, sukh kaa sooraj chhoopaa jaa rahaa
    hai tere roshanee mein jo dum tho amaawas ko kar de poonam
    nekee par chale, aaur badee se tale, thakee hasate huye nikale dum

    Badaa kamzor hain adhmee, abhee laakhon hain is mein kamee
    par too jo khadaa, hain dayaaloo badaa, teree krapaa se dharatee thamee
    diyaa toone humei jab janam thu hee jelegaa hum sab ke gham
    nekee par chale, aaur badee se tale, thakee hasate huye nikale dum

    Jab zulmon kaa ho saamanaa, thab thu hee humei thamnaa
    woh buraee kare, hum bhalaaee bhare, naheen badale kee ho kaamanaa
    badh uthhe pyaar kaa har kadam aaur mite bair kaa ye bharam
    nekee par chale, aaur badee se tale, thakee hasate huye nikale dum


    (Source: Bajan from movie -Do ankhen barah hath)

    • Dear Lord Sai ,

      My eyes are full of tears n heart is full of guilt…I know every moment is a test and I failed bur instantly you make me realise, this realisation make me feel my human nature n d good I still posses bcoz of you. It's a fight between good and bad within oneself. And how tough it is to be Good. Very pious and only truth is the path you directed for us but very tough to follow or walk on it…"bada kamjor hai aadmi, abhi lakho hai isme kami…wo burai kare hum bhalai bhare. …nahi badle ki ho kamna. …badh uthhe pyaar kaa har kadam aaur mite bair kaa ye bharam….PLEASE HELP ME TO BE YOUR TRUE SHISHYA YOUR TRUE DECIPLE YOUR TRUE LOVE. ..GIVE ME STRENGTH BABA.

  8. Thanks baba for being with us all the time. Please fulfill our wishes and bless us with good children,health and happiness. dear Sai devotees can any one help me in getting 2 Sai satcharitra books in Telugu.iam from hyderabad. Am unable to find them here. It would be pleasure if someone helps in this regards.thank you

  9. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam OM Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam OM Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam
    Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam OM Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam

    Baba love You…..BE WITH ME FOREVER…..
    by your Daughter!!

  10. My Dearest Father! Please bless us with your divya darshan. Please forgive our sins and keep us near your feet always. You are our Father, Mother , Guru and God. Please guide us in the right path. BABA we are nothing without your daya. Thank you so much for everything you gave us Saima.
    Anantha Koti Brahamanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

  11. He sai, he deva, blesss us deva……we are at your lotus feet…..thank you very much for accepting me as your daughter….. I am nothing without you baba…. never leave me alone baba….PLEASE CALL ME TO SHRDI BABA……..OM SHRI SHIRDI VASAY VIDMAHE SACHHIDANANDAY DHIMAHI TANNO SAI PRACHODAYAT….SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI

  12. Dear devotees…I was waiting for baba darshan in my dream for many days… but yesterday I cried infront of baba to solve my problem and appear in my dream.. yes, on the same day nite I have seen baba in my dream..and I sang aarti infront of baba… I hope this incident vl b a turning point in my life..and baba vl fullfill my wish for sure… thanq baba love u soooo much… even now tears are rolling in my eyes…. plzzz baba fullfill my wish..I want my love… om sai ram…

  13. Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree SAchinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai


  15. Dear devotee who enquired about hotel in shiridi, I recently visited shiridi and stayed at hotel temple view. It was luxurious and comfortable. Very near to the temple. If you are looking for normal stay, I would suggest rooms of Sai sansthan which are comfortable and neat too. Accommodation, aarti and darshan tickets booking can be done onljne by creating an account in Sai sansthan official page. Wish you a happy stay and darshan at shiridi. May baba bless all his devotees

  16. Baba plz help me….I cannot walk properly baba. Everything is so painful my leg my back and now my neck. Plz shower ur blessings on me. Show me a correct path to lead my life. I am going into depression baba. I have small kids to take care off but I am not able to give them attention they want. Give me my life back as my birthday gift. Only you can do this and I have a full faith on u. U r a supreme power baba. Plz make everything fine as before. I will be always indebted to u. Give me my birthday gift that I am asking for. I know sometimes I get upset with u because I cannot do things which I used to do. I cannot sit walk or stand without pain. No doctor can treat me except you baba. I have also given up a will to live my life…plz baba bless me. Cure me.

  17. Oh deva, i love u soo mch, gv me confidence deva, positivity & mk my grv a very very gud persn, create gud undrstnd btwn us,oh deva i hv completely surrndr myself to u, bless me with peace.
    Love u sooo mch deva, plz b wid me alwys.
    Mera palan haar mera saiyaan

  18. Om Sai Meh Ma .. Meh Ma… Baba thank you for all your blessings .. Baba pls help my mehki n bless her with her desired job … Baba pls bless all your devotees … Om Sai Ram .. Madhu

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