Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a humble daughter of our beloved Lord Sai Nath. Once more, I am posting a miracle of our Lord Sai Nath. In fact it is He only who is making me write His this Leela. Thanks to the admin team for launching and maintaining such a wonderful platform where in all the children of Sai Nath can meet and relish the wonderful dishes of His Leelas together. I was upset with Baba yesterday for some reasons. He is the only one with whom I can share my entire heart without any sort of hesitations. I share all my wrong doings, my right doings, my worries, my happiness with Him. Also I know that He understands me fully since He is my omniscient Mother. So I also get angry with Him sometimes. Yesterday was a terrible day for me. Also, I lost my Scooty key in office. I searched in my entire bag, asked the office security, but was unable to find it anywhere. So I had to walk back from my office to my home (Which is nearby). But I was really upset because of all the stuffs that happened yesterday. And on top of that my Scooty key was missing. I was really tired and my restlessness continued today also. But when I started for my office in the morning, I saw Sai Baba’s pictures 3 times. As I was angry with Him, so I did not feel that something good will happen. I thought that probably my key is lying in the Scooty storage space (For those who don’t use Scooty-Scooty storage space is located underneath the seat and it does not require a lock to close it) or it will be lying in my office drawer.
So today morning, I took the duplicate key of my Scooty and went to the parking lot where my Scooty was stranded and opened the storage space. But I did not get my key there. I was dejected again. I asked the office Security once more but even their answer was negative. I had faint hopes of getting my key in my office drawer since I never keep my keys there. Still with some hope, as I opened my bag to take out the drawer key, I saw my lost Scooty keys dangling in the key ring of my drawer keys. And the holder portion of my Scooty key was missing. But my keys were safe and intact. I wondered how it happened. I had searched my bag 3 times properly since yesterday evening, but never once did I see the Scooty keys in the other ring. Also, I was unable to find the holder of my Scooty key ring in my bag. I am sure none of my colleagues would have done so. The way the Scooty keys were stuck with the other key chain and the fact that they appeared so suddenly when I least expected them to be there, was really an experience of its kind. It was surely a miracle of my Sai Baba, who was teasing me with His Leelas, since I was angry with Him. I am really speechless at this moment. Though I am penning it down right now with His grace, still the words are not capable of describing Him and His Leelas. Just how a loving Mother teases her child and then hugs him back when the child is not able to take it more, the same way my Mother Sai played His Leelas to create some restlessness in me and then returned my lost keys, to prove to me that He is always there for me, no matter what. I am no more angry with my Mother. It’s just that I am still basking in amazement at His Leelas and His love for me. Thanks Sai Nath. Thanks for everything. Love You very very much.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. This is my third experience on the blog and I won’t hesitate thanking Hetal ji once again for her noble work. With Baba’s blessings, I am going to share about my experience on 25 February 2015 that is just 4 days before my final class 12 exam. My mother had made a wish before my class 10 exam that we would visit Lingaraj Temple’s Ganesh idol if I did well in exam. Thought I got CGPA 10/10 in 10 class exam, we kept procrastinating the visit. However now before my exams, I read a chapter in Sai Satcharitra which mentioned promises made to God ought to be kept in any manner. Though I knew that God will never make me do bad in my exam just because we did not fulfil the promise made, yet I was a bit guilty and scared. So I decided to visit the Ganesh Temple near my home and apologized Ganesha for the delay and to promise giving him a visit at Lingaraj temple as soon as possible. However on the way to the Temple, Sai Baba Mandir comes first. So obviously, I wished to visit Sai Temple as well. I also had with me my exam admit card, which I had to laminate before the exam.
Late in the evening, I left for the temple. The Sai Mandir is new in our area and usually crowded at this time. I never like the idea of a crowded temple where we don’t even get time to look at the Lord properly to our heart’s content. Anyways hoping for the Temple to be less crowded, I left home. Beyond my imagination, that day the temple was totally empty. Only priests were doing Pooja that is it! See Baba fulfilled my wish of visiting Him all alone properly come true! It did seem as if the temple was open just for me and my family. Baba’s Miracle doesn’t end here. In the temple for the first time, I saw the Idol of Ganesha. I was spell bound. It was as if Baba had everything ready as per my wishes. I was so very happy. I visited each and every corner of the Temple properly and peacefully as I always wished to do. I had my conversations with Ganesha and Baba properly. One more thing, I got the opportunity to put my admit card at the Feet of Baba and got two flowers with it. I am sure one was meant for me and the other for my boyfriend, the responsibility of whose examination I have given entirely to Baba.
At the end of the day, I was so happy, fearless and confident about my exams as now I had the blessings of Baba. I would also like to mention that on my way back home, I got a Sai Baba calendar which I have put on my room’s wall, where always I wished to put a Picture of Baba! I have no words to express my happiness about my feelings. How blessed I feel to have Baba fulfilling even my smallest wishes. Baba is so very caring for His devotees. All we need to do is remember Him always and He does everything else. I am stunned by Your Leelas Baba! Bless me and my Abhishek that we will do good, in fact great in this exam and make everyone, including You, proud of us. I wish all the happiness and good health to all Sai Devotees and everyone else too. May Sai bless us all. Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Sai devotees, this is my second experience i am going to post. This is really a very great miracle of Sai Baba. Thanks to all team of this blog. Really, this is wonderful and strengthens the devotee confidence. Our family is small devotees of Sai Baba. Without Baba, there is no life. Because of Baba only, now we are leading a happy life. I have so many experiences of Baba.
We planned to go to Shirdi on 14th December last year and all bookings were also done. I was very happy and we were eagerly waiting for Darshan of Baba. This time, i prayed Baba to touch the Samadhi because before, i never touched the Samadhi. To fulfil this wish, i also read Sai Satcharitra. Two days before our journey, one morning my sister called me and said that my bro-in-law (Sister’s husband) is admitted in hospital and he is on ventilator. We were shocked and we immediately cancelled all reservations of Shirdi and went to our native place. Before leaving, i asked on Baba’s question and answer website about my bro-in- law’s situation. Baba gave me answer “After one night passed, there is a danger of death”. I felt very bad and i continuously prayed to Baba. Without reservation, we started our journey. Only because of Baba’s Miracle, my daughter and me got one berth. After seven days, my bro-in-law’s ventilator was removed. I prayed to Baba continuously for his discharge before 31st December. Baba fulfilled my wish and he was discharged 31st evening. It is very great miracle of Baba.
This is very unexpected sweetest miracle in our life. My husband is working in nationalised bank. He was due for promotion. This time authorities (Baba’s grace) conducted exam one year before, so my husband got chance to write exam. Because of daily work load, he was not much prepared for exam. Exam was over. I was confident about his result that he will pass the exam as because of Baba’s Grace only, he got chance one year before. After 20 days, results were announced. Very few people were able to pass the exam. My husband was not selected. I did not believe this and i was not accepting the truth also. I felt very bad and i cried very much. I asked Baba to show the Miracle. After twenty days, my husband got one message from union that authorities of bank are conducting exam again. I was very happy to read the message and this time my husband got promotion and interview also went well. For interview, my husband was feeling very nervous. That day, he kept Baba’s Udi in his pocket. Interview went smoothly and he passed interview also. These two miracles are which our family can never forget. Really thanks Baba. Don’t let me go away from Your Feet. Now we are waiting for our transfer for our native place, we hope Baba will definitely show one more Miracle. Please Baba, help me. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Anusha from India says: Firstly, I would like to thank people who made platform to discuss Sai Miracles. Every day, I start my day reading all experiences which make me feel Baba is always with us. Hi Sai friends, I am humble devotee of Baba and this is second time I am posting to this page. This is about Miracle happened recently. I am from Hyderabad. I planned to travel Shirdi on 22nd night at 8:30 pm. I had to attend my best friend’s marriage on the same day that is nearly 250 Kms away Hyderabad. I had to catch Shirdi bus from Hyderabad itself. My plan was to attend marriage and start journey from that place at 1:30 pm to Hyderabad, so that even in worst case it takes 6 hours, I can reach Hyderabad at 7:30 and catch my Bus. But I waited for bus with my friends till 3:00 pm and no Hyderabad bus came to that village. I started praying Baba saying that if I will make for Shirdi tomorrow please show me Yourself. There I saw on hoarding Baba smiling at me and blessing me. I felt for sure i will reach Shirdi. Bus came at 3:00 pm and I thought if I travel for 6 hours I could not able to catch the Shiridi bus. Suddenly bus got punctured in bus stop itself. Then my friend started enquiring about trains and we found about 3:15 pm superfast train. Without any second thought, we reached railway station and took train ticket. By 7:30 pm, we were in Hyderabad. This way Baba helped me to reach Shirdi as planned. Thanks a lot Baba. We had awesome Darshan and we attended Dhoop Aarti too. Baba listens to each and everyone’s prayer. Love You Sai Paa.

Sai Brother Krishna from India says: Hi, I am from Faridabad near to Delhi. I am doing job as well as doing my master in commerce. I have many experiences in my personal life which changed and effect my life but this one not just changed my life it also proves that Shri Sai Nath is always with me. As I am elder son in my family, so after my father’s death, since 2007 all responsibility comes upon me. Before 2007, I really don’t know anything about Shri Sai, but when my Father passed away, I was feeling so lonely. As i am elder in family, I always thought about my family future. After 13 days from my father death, one day, yes how can I forget that precious day of my life 27th Jan-2007, my cousin told me why you are taking so stress be cool, do one thing, there is one Temple in Sector-16 Faridabad of Shri Sai Nath, go there you will feel relaxed there. I was totally confused, so for diverting my mind, I went there.
When I reached Temple, there was lot of rush everywhere around Temple. I was climbing one step of temple. I still remember that there was Bhajan sung by one of devotee which was (“Deewana Tera Aaya, Baba Teri Shirdi Mein”). When I was about to enter into main gate, I was totally surprised. I saw my father near Baba’s Singhasan. I started crying, everyone in Temple was seeing me and my eyes were totally concentrated on Baba’s eyes. Then I feel that Baba was calling me, Come on my child, come near to Me. Don’t worry, I am always with you, your father is with Me and then Baba spread His arms and says “Aao Aao”. Same time, someone pushed me and all the scenario happened in front of me was disappeared. From that day to till now, whenever I go to that Temple, I always feel that Baba is taking Breath in front of Me. 3 years ago, when I went to Shirdi (The Holy Place of Shri Sai) for the first time, I feel that Baba is always with me. From 2010 to till now, every year at least one time Baba Called me to His Holy Palace “Shirdi”. This is my First Personal Experience. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Brother Suresh from India says: I am a software engineer working in Chennai and have been abducted by Shri Sai Baba’s lovely grace. Om Sai Ram. As Sai Baba says, I have been pulled by Him like a sparrow with a string attached to its legs and He being the string puller. I have been experiencing so many miracles since then. My 15 months old son had been infected by urinary infection. We came to know because of some white deposits in the nappy and a foul smell when he urinates first time in the morning. We consulted doctor over the phone and he suggested for a culture test. We were shocked to see the results with so many “Highly Sensitive” infections. We went to the doctor the same day of receiving the result and he was worried to see the “Proteus SPP” infection. It can be a simple urinary infection but still to make sure he suggested us to go for a scan of his Kidneys. We were really worried and we firmly believed that Baba will protect our son. I prayed Him saying that this should be a simple urinary infection and if it happens, I will post it on the miracles page from which I have been reading so many stories for the past month. Sai never leaves the prayers unanswered and He knows when to address the prayers as well. We were really happy to see the scan results saying “Everything is normal” confirming this is a simple urinary infection. We call our baby Sai though he is named Supreet. Now we have decided to change the name as Sai Supreet. Om Sai Ram! Sri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear Sai devotees, I m a working woman (semi govt. Job) living in Delhi; I have be3n blessed wid a kid recently & currently on maternity leave. Now,I wana spend maximum time wid kid & thus not w8lling to continue 8 hrs job…I hav dn full time mba + 5years of work experience… I am looking forward to start some work from home or small business like play school, corporat training etc..if any of d Delhi devotees share d same thoughts & eld like to work jointly..kindly reply me thru his forum…om Sai ram ji..jai Sai ram
where in delhi are you based ?
I am based in north Delhi….near shalimar bagh…om Sai ram
Om sairam. Always be with me pa. Today doc is going to do consultation for me. My medical problem should go off and I should give child birth pa. There should not be any problem pa. don't leave me alone pa. I m often getting doubtful questions in my mind but don't leave me pa. om sairam
Take a vow that u wld do bhandara for 9 months sure ur pregnancy
Light 2 diyas daily
Start navguruvar vrat again
U may also consider going to Ajmer shariff dargah
Baba wld definitely bless u wod kid-biy or girl as u wish
Om Sai ram
Amazing 5th experience. Praise be our adorable Lord Shri Sainatha Deva!!! This soul is so much in love with U SAIMAA BABAJAAN!!!
omsairam……..deva guide us all & have mercy on us!
Beautiful experiences and to brother Krishna, you are lucky as well that He has welcomed you in such a beautiful manner 🙂
O Sai, Thank You for showering me with Your Sweet Miracles, Blessings full of Love and Happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
Om sai ram call me shridi .
Om sairam…
Om Sai Mehma Mehma .. Prabhu mehki k sath rehna.. iss baar uska kaam kar dena Deva .. Pls help n bless her .. Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram,
All Sai lovers must definitely read this message from our Baba Sai.Very true…
We will surely give you peacefull place to live and breathe.
Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Sai sai Sai Sai Thanks Baba for discovering my cards back , thanks for giving me back my ATM cards Sai Sai Sai Sai
Baba i prayed u for a long time.but u didnt solve any of my life is remaining as same.
Furthermore i dont like to live.i want to end up my life.nowadays i dont beleive faith decreased tramandesly.i hate u and myself.
Sai maa
You know what I am going thru
I am your daughter
Make me completely relaxed and happy
Waiting waiting
Why this confusion take it away my maa
Dear Devotee, Chant Sai Sai Sai with total devotion imagining Baba's imagine in your mind. I am sure you will out of confusion soon. Bless you Sai (Devotee ) 🙂
Om sairam
Thankyou for sharing
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om sai ram , om sai ram, on sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Baba
Thank u soo much sai dadau……please never leave us…..i have left all my worries on you…..i completely believe you so please increase my faith and accept me and my family as your children.We cant even think our life without you.
Thanks a ton sai deva….love you.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Jai Sainath! BABA ji! Please help me sort out of the problems I am having. Please give me strength and courage. I know many of your children are facing more difficulties. Saima, please help us all . Thank you so much BABA for everything.
Prabhu pls mera vishwas nahi todna… i've full faith in my Ganpati … In my Deva … In my Sai …Jai Sai Ram…Jai Jai Sai Ram
Baba please bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Om Sai Ram
I would like to thank Baba for giving this opportunity to post my experience.i was suffering
from discomfort and severe pain in my thoart/neck for 1 year.Also i started getting pimple in my
mouth continously started weekly once and slowly started to come 3 days once. Really i am so
scared. I went to hospital and got all required test. Also my doctor advice me to go to dentist
and ENT specialist.My doctor said it might be cyst ENT specialist will do Biospy test
checking if everything is going good. I am so depressed. Thinking about my kids.i was crying in
front of baba. I had faith in baba. I went to Dentist. There is nothing to do with them. They
said it is not because of gums.So i went to ENT . Previously i went to ENT Specialist and took
CT scan. All test reports were normal.Doctors could not find the problem. They don't know what
is going on .Again i went to different ENT specialist did CT scan for neck. That report also
says it is normal and also doctor advice me to take acidity medicine.My family members went to
shiridi.i prayed and i gave my little offerings to sai baba . i got shridi udi from them.
After i got prasad from shridi temple all my pains and pimples were gone. It is really a
miracle . Baba words"Why fear when i am here" . It is 100% true.
Have faith in baba. All our prayers shall be answered. Om Sai Ram.I am your child Baba.please
forgive me if i did anything wrong without my presence in past or present and bless me and my
family O SAI
Om Sai Ram