Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee says: Dear Hetal ji, you are doing wonderful job by providing us to share our experiences through this blog. I am a doctor by profession, currently staying in Bahrain. I promised Baba that if i get a job, i will post. I came in contact with Baba in 2004 as my roommate was staunch devotee, that time i used to wonder why she prays too much to Baba, as i was giving entrance exam for PG, she suggested me to pray to Baba, i prayed and got very good ranking in exam, but i didn’t select any seats as i wanted only government colleges, i stopped praying Baba. During my PG while going to conference, my seniors selected Shirdi as tourist place to visit, i didn’t like the idea, as a group, i went to Shirdi. Later, i got married, with ups & downs of life, i came to Bahrain, because of politics & harassment, i resigned my job in 2013 September, my husband & daughter were in my hospital visa, as i sold everything in India before coming here, its new fresh start for me everything from A-Z. Devotees can imagine, i was very tensed without job (was in notice period), visa cancellation & new beginning of everything. That time, i met one of my new friend in Bahrain from my place, she gave me Sai Satcharitra and told me to pray to Baba, read it in 7 days.
Mean while, i was searching for job and every where they were saying it takes minimum 6 months to 1 year to get job in middle east as doctors has to get licence & verification. I was very scared, tried to read Sai Satcharitra in 1 week, but couldn’t read even after 1 month, one fine day, i prayed to Baba to help me to read book in 1 week. I started reading, on 3rd day of my Parayan i got a call saying that i have selected for job in govt hospital, with compare to previous job a better salary, facilities, more leaves and including my daughter visa (in gulf usually only husband can sponsor the visa other than govt officials). It was really a surprise as i only submitted my CV 2 months back in HR, no interview nothing i gave. I thanked Baba and this increased my faith in Baba tremendously. I left to India in peace that i will be back to Bahrain. In India happily stayed for 1 month, after that started worrying about visa, started mailing HR, but no news. Then i started 9 Guruvar Vrat, as visa process was taking too long time i started losing my faith, but your blog assured me patience and Shraddha.
One Thursday, i was crying in Baba Temple for my visa, saw some devotees distributing Sai Vrat book, i wished that someone could give me also, but i had strong doubt as i was wearing jeans and devotees were traditional, so it seemed to me unlikely, in front of me one devotee sitting & reading Vrat book, she suddenly turned to me gave the book she was reading along with Prasad, everything happened in fraction of seconds. I was shocked, couldn’t believe myself, thanked Baba a lot. As days went, my paper moved from headquarters to hospital, i was enquiring to HR about visa. He said that website is under maintenance, thought of going on visit visa, but my husband didn’t agree, so i put chit in front of Baba, visit visa came as answer, felt unlikely and tried thrice but same answer. 3 months passed and i started again Sai Parayan, in Q&A i got the answer work will be done in 8 days, on 5th day, i prayed Baba that website should start working, in the night at around 11 pm (Bahrain 8:30 pm) before sleep, i just checked website it was working and in Bahrain, it was Saturday, a holiday that also in night time no body works, it’s a really miracle.
I finished my Parayan on Monday and on Wednesday i got my visa, that time my mind had thought that why Baba gave the answer of visit visa? Later, i ignored it. I started packing, i told HR to book the ticket, after 5 days HR told me, he cannot give visit visa to my daughter, i cancelled the trip, my husband applied for visa, but 25 days passed, i was tensed with my job that i shouldn’t lose the job because of delay in joining, same thing, i mailed to HR on Thursday. I was very tensed and was praying to Baba a lot, didn’t expect any reply as 2 days were holiday, but to ease my tension, by Baba’s grace HR replied on Friday (holiday, that HR not replied to any of my emails promptly) that my visa valid for 3 months. Within in 1 week, my daughter got her visit visa, that time i understood Baba gave me correct answer as me & my daughter both were going in visit visa, just because of my doubt, i waited to get visit visa for 1 month. Now i am in Bahrain, with Baba’s grace and joined to job. I wish to share many miracles in future. Devotees, don’t lose faith, Baba is there, when and what time work to be done, He knows better, He has plan for our lives. Baba please forgive me for my mistakes and be with me always and thanks a lot Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Since from many years, i thought to post the experience of Baba’s Miracles in my life. But today, i found this blog and found that it’s the right place and time to share. I am very proud and happy that i am Sai’s devotee. I went to Shirdi, when i was 10 years old and since then i started believing Him. At that age, i don’t even know what God really means but i shared all my happiness and sorrows with Him. I felt that He is with me always and talking and helping me to step in right direction. The first big miracle to share is about my 12th exam. I am an average student. But due to my negligence, i failed in one of the subject in 12th exams. I realised my mistake and worked hard and wrote the supplementary for that subject. Finally, the results day has come, where all my friends failed again in supplementary and i got scared to even look for my results. I had trust on Baba, that He will definitely help me and finally that came true. I scored better marks and even got admission in one of the good colleges without wasting a year.
The second big Miracle in my life is my marriage. I used to always tell my parents that don’t worry about my marriage and He will take my responsibility. I always wished for a life partner who can understand me well and like me as a person. I never even dreamt of love marriage. But it happened to in my life with Baba’s blessings. I know that He is the one who arranged all these and made us one. Thanks Baba, for such a wonderful gift in my life. I very well know without Your presence, the marriage would be just impossible.
The third Miracle is about my job. I am well educated with Baba’s blessings and when i looked up for taking up a job, things were not that easy. I attended many interviews. Once when i went for a big MNC walk-in, i felt like that i should get job there. I prayed Baba to help me. You don’t believe, i cleared all the levels and had the offer letter by that evening. That’s all because of warm blessing of Baba. Otherwise, i could not even dream of such things happening to me. I had many such Miracles in my life and i will post further. His Miracles are endless and no one can count His blessings. I am a person who much believes in Nam Samaran. I think He does not even expect anything from us rather than “Shradha” and “Saburi”. I like to do Sai Parayan, which gives me more knowledge and peace of mind. My one message to all Sai devotees, Trust Him and see the Miracles happen! Thank You Baba for giving me this opportunity to share my experience with rest of the Sai devotees. I know without You, my life is void. Kindly shower Your warm blessings on us. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a software engineer by profession. Basically, i am from Chennai, grew up in Aurangabad and have done my studies in Kerala and Chennai. I love drawing, it relaxes me. Whenever i am depressed, i love going to Temples. Reading Sai Satcharitra or going to Temples helps me a lot to relax myself. I just wanted to share my experiences. Though, i have been to Shirdi when i was small, it was only when i was in college, i started casually going to Sai Baba Temple with my friends, and my granny in Chennai. Slowly, i started believing in Sai Baba. It gave me strength and calmed my mind whenever i was in a difficult situation. Whenever i used to be upset, i used to go to Temple directly from office. Twice, i read Sai Satcharitra and both the times my prayers were answered. I was very depressed that i had not got a good project and i started reading the book praying for a good project, though i took a month to finish, i had got a project of my choice.
Then second instance was, i had to resign my Job since after marriage as i had to go to move to another city just when i was about to get promoted, i was pretty depressed, and since it was an arrange marriage, though my husband was a gem of a person, it took a lot of time for us to understand each other. I had started reading the book again. I firmly believe it was Baba’s blessing that things became alright. I also got a job after 8 months gap. Apart from this it so happened once when i was travelling from Nellore to Chennai with my parents, a car full of drunken people had hit our car, our driver stopped to ask them, and they started pelting stones on our car, and hitting our driver, my dad intervened and asked the driver to start the car. All of us were sacred because they kept chasing our car, another car was also chasing us and they were asking us to stop. I just kept praying to Baba and all the God’s i could think of. Coincidentally, i clicked on some website a day or two before this incident that shows message from Baba, i got a message, you will be saved from a calamity. And yes, once we reached the city limits the car stopped chasing us. And it reminded me of that message. We were saved. Also i have a friend (Non-Hindu), who believes in Baba. She was in financial crisis due to personal issues had to quit her job, she also read Sai Satcharitra and got a good Job few days after she read that.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba since 4 to 5 years. Mine is a different experience, it was Baba, Who pulled me to His fold, like the sparrow whose feet were tied and pulled to Baba. He used to give me visions, and appeared to me in the form of Pictures, whenever i went out of my house. I am so grateful to my Sai for always taking care of me, protecting me from all evil. He is everything to me, giving solace to me in every step i take. Without His blessings, i do not know where i would have landed. My loving Baba, Lakhs and Lakhs of Pranam in Your Feet. Be with me always and protect me always. Along with me protect the people of this world from all evil. Sai Ram to all of you. Let me thank this web for giving an opportunity to share my experience, i had with Baba.
I always visit Sai Mandir every Thursday to have a Darshan of Baba. A couple of weeks back, i parked my car and walked my way to the Mandir, which is rarely used by people, because most of them walk to the Mandir on the road side. As i was walking, i saw a person sitting on a corner, a man walking in front of me gave some alms to the person sitting and went away. As i was approaching the man sitting, i was shocked and dazed to see him, he was not looking like a beggar, his clothes were white, clean and spotless, he wore a white turban on his head and he wore a turmeric Bindi on his fore head. As i stood in front of him, he held out his palm to me, i was still dazed, and pulled out a two rupee coin denoting Shradda And Saburi, and placed it on his palm. He just looked at me and said Sai Ram to me. I too acknowledge and walked to the Mandir. There i realised, i should have given some more money and went back to where he was sitting, but by that time he disappeared, and not there. Any way, i am overjoyed that i was lucky enough to see Him live. Even now, when i visit the Sai Mandir, i still wish to see Baba, and i hope He will fulfil my wish once again.

Sai Brother Krishna from India says: Hello, i live with my wife and daughter at Faridabad and i live because Sai is there. On my daughter’s first birthday, my wife and i decided to give Mangal Snan and do Kakad Aarti at a Sai Temple at Faridabad. We booked the date with the Temple authorities and also took a dress of Sai to get a new one stitched for the occasion. The day arrived and we went to Sai Temple, returned the dress we took for size to the Temple authorities. We did the Mangal Snan and Kakad Aarti of Sai and made Him wear the new dress we had bought for Him. We returned back home happily. We had organised a Sai Sandhya at our place in the evening. During the Sandhya, a poly pack was there along with other articles required for Sandhya. My wife opened the poly pack and to our sheer surprise there was another dress of Sai there in that pack. This is how Sai blessed us with His dress which remains with us till now. This dress was unique as the Sai dress was of standing Sai statue at the Sai Temple we had visited in the morning.
If i keep narrating the experiences, Deva has given us, i can just keep on writing, I just know that we are there because He is there. Om Sai Ram. Me and my wife went for our honeymoon to Shirdi, once we came back to our native place at Faridabad, one morning while i was praying our door knocked. My wife opened the door to find a fakir standing at door, this was surprising as no fakirs are allowed in our colony. He said “(You will go to Shirdi again in June, but only he will go), Ho Aye Shirdi, Dobara Jana Hoga June Me Par Kewal Yeh Jaege (Indicating At Me), We served Him water and He went away and both of us forgot this soon. In June, i attended my cousin’s marriage at Ahmadabad and somehow me and my cousins planned to visit Shirdi. Once, i reached Shirdi, my wife called me and made me remember the sayings of the fakir, Sai came to us many a times and would keep coming to us always i know as we are His blessed children, My Sai Bless all. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a house wife living with my husband. I have two children. I have 3 grandsons. Two are twins. We are living happily. Om Sai Ram. I live in Hyderabad. 10 years back, i did not get visa. Visa officer was a lady. That time, my father was in hospital and bed ridden. Doctors amputee both his legs. He wants to see me. He loves me. I am eldest daughter. Visa officer thought that i won’t return to India after getting visa. Thus, she rejected my visa. I suffered from depression. After taking medicines, i become normal. After 10 years, now we are applying for London visa to visit our daughter. This time, we will get visa by Sai’s Grace and blessings. I hope good will happen to us. Thank you hetal ji, you gave this platform to share our feelings to others. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sri sai nathaya namaha…
Hi all SAI devotees Om sai ram.. today I want to request to sai devotees who are in trouble period of their life please read saibaba's kasht nivaran mantra, Its a very powerful mantra. It helped me a lot during my hard times.I hope you all will get peace and success in your life after reading that mantra.if anybody dont have that mantra let me know , I will post it here in comment section.Om Sai Ram…
Yes I don't know …. pls share
Pls share
How many times we have to read that mantra in a day
Dear devotee please share with us….baba blesss uh
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai saimaaa…..
Om saima six experience is mine. Thank you very much. I felt very happy. We got visa stayed there for 3months.with bless ings of sai London we enjoyed.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Thank you Baba for helping the people of Chennai. Love you Baba
sai baba lov you baba surely i know you are always with me, i was in economy pblm eventhough im working in institution. i felt depressed to pay fees of aboput 23,100, so i pray baba to solve the problem, because noone in this world is ready to help me, also i wont ask help, i have to fight for myself. so i pray baba to help me to do anyting,yestdy myself and my friend plan to visit baba mandir, that time i heard the news that i recived rupees about 38k, so i was speechless, baba is surely with me, love you baba…please be with me always.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Blessed are we poor jivas whom Baba saves in times of danger just like He saved Chenbasappa Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Blessed are all devotees' experiences today esp. 3,4 and 5 devotee Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai ram _ / _
om sai ram
Baba please bless all your children. Om Sai Ram
sai baba,i love u soo much 🙂
om sai ram…om sai ram…om sai ram…om sai ram…om sai ram…om sai ram…om sai ram…om sai ram…om sai ram…
pls bless all expecially the country that are going through nature disaster and also the countries that are going through war..and pls all the soul the seen and unseen for they all are children of Gods and need you love and care BABA JAAN 🙂
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Wonderful experiences all 🙂
O Sadguru, Thank You for forgiving us and making things cheerful and lovely as ever again 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please cure my depression I am suffering very much .be with me and take care please baba
Sai plz bless me with a wonderful life partner as I want . who will love me n respect me plz sai bless me
om sai jai sai jai jai sai
Baba Tom is my exam please I should pass baba
Please give me good health and bless me
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you Hetalji for posting my experience.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
BABAji! Please bless us with a happy and pleasant trip to Shirdidham. Please bless me with Your divya darshan. Thank You so much for everything Saima.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Om Sai Mehma Mehma .. Om Sai Ram .. Waiting for my turn Baba
Baba, thank you for everything. Please forgive our mistakes. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
om sairam, always protect my family
When u place your entire faith n love in sai maa's feet she takes u into her loving arms n sheilds u..
Om Sai Ram…