Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from childhood and visited Shirdi about 3 times. He did many Miracles in my life and whenever i feel down and helpless in life, He is always there for me. With His blessings, recently i came out from big loss. I wanted to share this experience with the Devotees across the world. I am an IT employee based out of Bangalore. My family is middle class family and we are already facing lot of financial problems. We used to pray Sai Ram and we are sure that one day He would save us from all these problems. I use more than half of my salary to my family to help them. Meanwhile in April, one of my colleague came to me and said that there is a wonderful opportunity in business and asked me to invest some amount. I said that we are already going through lot of financial trouble and any wrong step would lead to a big disaster in our family. I was very reluctant to the idea of the business. But then she brainwashed me, assured, gave examples and told how she is earning, how she had kept the loan and invested money. Even though i asked about the details that lady used to tell that she cannot let me know those details and her senior partners would let me know about these things and she kept on brainwashing that this is life changing opportunity and not to tell anyone about this once after you get into this, you only would tell your friends about this and keep trust on her about all this.
At some point based on my current financial conditions, i thought like if God is giving this opportunity and since she is my colleague in the same company and i knew her for 1.5 years and because of her brainwash, i got convinced. She made me to take loan from the bank and made me to invest four Lakhs. Without the second thought, i signed on papers and without single question on that but just before signing, i remembered our God Sainath. Right after 3 days after sign up, i got to know that business is not legal in India and also that kind of work is not appealing to me, so i immediately told that this is not my cup of tea and asked her to return my money. Then the game started, she used to convince, arrange meetings with her senior partners, again brainwash and says that the money has been sent to organization and she can’t do anything now and finally said that either i need to wait for 4 years to get back. I begged her, told about my family position and the importance of 50,000 also at that time all the things but she used to repeat the same thing for 20 days. I got completely ashamed of myself that i did not give the money in my home even though they are pretty much need of that and also cursed for keeping trust on someone for such big amount.
Then i started to Google about the company and the work. After reading all those things, i became completely hopeless. In the process of Google, i came to know about one process called cooling off period for that particular company where i have invested my money. Within 7 days after investing if we write to that company that we are not willing to continue in that they would return the amount. They would reject our request if it is raised on 8th day and for that we need some creation id. By looking that i got collapsed completely that it’s been already 15 days since i have invested and was not given any ID regarding my investment. I was completely ashamed thinking how foolish i am and did not Google properly earlier. All these days, i was simply begging her to give my own money back. I could not explain the pain, agony, shamefulness, sleepless nights, i have gone through at that time. But only good thing i did is, i used to pray Sai Ram and asked Him for help. When i came to know about that cooling off period and that i am already crossed that period i was hopeless. But then Sai came in the form of friends who have already faced this problem before. They all supported me to the core, gave strength that there are chances of getting my money even after cooling off period since that is my hard earned money.
I raised request to the customer care telling how i got into this and how i am being treated. In between, i faced many challenges in this and not sure whether they would accept my request for refund or not. Then only thing i prayed to Sai Ram that Oh Lord, forgive me for all the mistakes i have done and help me in getting my money back and since i am already doing Nav Guru Vrat at that time and i am in the process of reaching last week. I sincerely prayed Him to be with me in this battle and asked Him to help me in getting my money back by the end of last Thursday. To my wonder, the process took around another 20 days after i raised the request and on last week Thursday by evening and that was last week of my Nav guru Vrat, i got my money back. I have no words to say about His Blessing on me not only in this experience and lot many other things. He is saviour all the time. I would like to thank Him sincerely for all the gestures He have done till date to me and would pray Him to continue His shower, His blessings on all His devotees forever. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Deepa from India says: Hello Hetal ji. Really you are Baba’s blessed daughter and your team is doing wonderful work with Baba’s Blessings. Om Sai Ram. This is my second experience here. Here I am going to tell about how Baba blessed my brother with job and blessed me and my parents. My brother completed his engineering and came to Bangalore for job search and meanwhile he joined embedded course. It was 6 months course. Days were passing and 10 months were over but he didn’t get job. Me and my sister used to pray for his job like anything to Baba. My brother won’t worship any God and he is very casual guy, so I used to get scared if I tell him to worship Baba, how he will react and all. Slowly my sister and I told my brother to believe in Baba and worship Baba. That time, he said yes without any word. We were so happy that he also came under Baba’s Lotus Feet. One month passed went like this only and most of his classmates got job. My brother was frustrated and whenever I use to see his photo in what’s app, I literally cried and begged Baba to bless him with good paid job.
My brother is so innocent and he is attached to all sisters a lot. He is our only brother and we can’t see him struggling like this. He gave so many interviews but didn’t cleared and his course got over on Monday. On Thursday, he came to know about L&T interview from outside and from his institution, where he did his course. He attended it on Friday and cleared 2 rounds. They asked him to come on Wednesday for next round. On Tuesday, he got to know that interview has been postponed to Thursday, listening this, my joy knew no bound. I was sure that Baba will bless him with this job and asked in question answer site. The reply was “You will travel and Baba’s blessings are with you”. On Thursday, when I was going to my office, I saw Baba’s Picture on auto with Shradha and Saburi written on that auto, I was so happy. I called my brother and said before starting interview take Baba’s Name and then start. Then whole day, I was trying to call him neither I could speak to him nor his number was reachable. Later, I went home and started cooking. My brother sent me message as call Akka, I didn’t see it as I was in kitchen. Later, I got ready to go to Baba’s Temple and saw my mobile, called my brother and he said with very happy tone ”Akka I got job” and he has to travel to Mysore for 2 months training. Baba’s words came true. I was literally on cloud Nine. I went to Temple and prayed Baba that please keep Your blessings on us like this. On 21st May 2015, Thursday, he is joining. Baba please shower Your blessing on us and keep us in Your Lotus Feet.
On Saturday morning, Baba came in my dream. The dream was like this: I called Baba and I want to meet Him and went to an ashram. It was a very big ashram and only Baba and 1 lady was there. Before meeting Baba, I went inside ashram to see how it is and was coming out. Suddenly one person from backside holding my neck and I turned to see. Suddenly Baba came and rescued me. Later, I went and sat in front of Baba and started crying loudly. Baba asked, why are you crying. I said “Baba, You know my dad is very good person, he helped his relatives and brother but all relatives cheated him and started crying again. Baba said don’t worry I will take care of your father and went inside the room. Don’t know may be I was not satisfied with Baba’s answer, I started crying very loudly telling same again and saw into the room Baba went. There so many people were having noon Prasad Pulav. Suddenly Baba came out and said I will take care of all Your father’s “Bethala’s” (Bad peoples eye) and I will bless him. Literally, I can see that “Bethala” in white board. I was standing outside, Baba gave me Prasad and I asked Him, shall I eat, Baba said yes. I ate Prasad and got up. Can’t imagine how much happy I was. All devotees can imagine how blessed I am and my joy. Actually my father was upset with his relative’s behaviour and I was I having so much neck pain. In my dream, Baba blessed my parents and my neck pain. Baba, i don’t have words to say my gratitude, please bless all Your devotees like this and keep all of us in Your Lotus Feet always. Sada Nimba Vrukshashya Mooldivasath, Sudha Shravinam Thikthamapyam Priyantham, Tharum Kalpa Vrukshadikam Sadayantam. Namamishwaram Sadguru Sainatham.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I have been a Sai Devotee since childhood as my whole neighbourhood and parents are staunch devotees of Baba. It was around 1998 when Sai Bhajan started in our society in Shillong. Every Sunday there used to be Sai Sandhya in some house or the other in our locality. I have seen Amrit (Honey) dipping from Baba’s Feet and also flowers moving from one corner on top of photo frame of Baba to another. The first very important experience that happened in our life was in the year 2003 when I was in Class 12. My father was in Government service. It was during the month of March. My father started complying of chest pain. As he was a chain smoker, so my mother thought may be due to cough problems it is paining so. But it increased to such an extent that doctor suggested to go for biopsy tests. After doing the test, it was confirmed that he was having cancer second stage. Now you can imagine what our condition was. My younger brother was then in class 8th, I think. As my father was in a quite good position, so we never had to bother about anything. But now we were shaken. My mother used to cry all the time.
After many hurdles for nearly 3 months from his office, he finally got approval to go for his treatment in famous hospital Mumbai. His chemotherapy was done in Shillong by God’s Grace and it was done very well. Most of my paternal relatives that time stopped coming to our place as they thought we might ask money for help. My father’s younger brother, who was jobless that time came to our place and he went with my father to Bombay for his treatment and my mother was with us as we had schools. Somehow my father managed Rs. 5 Lakhs for his operation and other expenses as in govt. offices as it takes time to get sanction amount. After he got admitted in Hospital in Bombay, the doctor who was consulting my father said to him, 5 Lakhs is not enough and around 12 Lakhs will be required for operation. In reply my father said “Give me 2 months time, I will arrange that money too”. The doctor replied that you are not going to stay for more than 2 months. Hearing those words, my father became so sad and demoralised. But somehow we arranged the money.
The doctor who conducted my father’s operation is a very famous doctor but the week before that he conducted operations all people died, but to Sai blessing’s my father’s was a successful one. His operation went for 48 hours as his food pipe, liver got damaged and had to be replaced. After operation, one day i dreamt that a black man came to take along with him but my father kicked him. It was just because of Baba, who cured my father after facing so many hurdles and it was moreover in second stage. After his operation, he was in bed rest for 6 months, he continued his job after that. He was also not allowed to have hard food but just liquid and soft food and there were some more restrictions. But by Baba’s blessing, he is safe and healthy today. Please all of you bless him that he stays healthy.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Sai devotees, This is the first time ever i am writing on a blog and it gives me immense pleasure because i am writing about our very own Sai Deva. I was not very attached to Sai Baba when i came to know about Him, but i used to like Him from my childhood as He was a Guru, who led a simple life (That’s what i heard about Him). My parents were looking for a suitable groom from 2010 October and nothing worked out for some reasons. Meanwhile, i found a new job, where i liked this guy (Felt connected), who worked in the same business unit as mine (Though we never used to talk much). My Mom heard about Sai Baba and took me to Sai Mandir every Thursday for 9 week (It was in the year 2012), to seek a suitable groom. I was initially not very devoted, but just prayed for a good life partner. Gradually, i developed feelings for this guy that i mentioned earlier about. During the 9th week, this guy came and told me about his feeling for me and that he wanted to marry me (The beauty is, he is also a devotee of Sai Baba). I was very happy and thanked Baba, but did not have guts to convey it to my parents. But my brother knew something was going on with me and he told my parents. My mom and dad blasted me for this behaviour (They thought i will marry someone in the same caste chosen by my parents). There was a big drama at home. This continued for 2 years (They were not even prepared to meet this guy even once to see how this guy was).
Meanwhile, our bonding grew stronger and stronger and i knew this was the guy, i was going to marry. By Baba’s Grace, he bought an apartment to convince my parents in these 2 years time frame, and got a VISA too. Now after all this chaos at home and all the prayers to Baba (Fruit fasting for 2 years on every Thursdays), Finally my Parents agreed to get me married to him and we got married in January 2015 (The whole event was as memorable as every bride would want it to be). Now, everyone in the family are very happy with my husband and even say he is the best. I am very thankful and grateful to Sai for all this! In between, I also fell ill in 2013, had severe sciatic pain and back pain though everything was normal in MRI scan. I just kept praying Baba to get well soon and now i am fine with Baba’s Grace though i get pain at times (I am sure, i will get alright completely). As i hoped and prayed, Baba came to my wedding in the form of a Picture and Udi (I received it from my aunty who resides in London, just before the day i was going to tie my knot, how lucky!). I know He is always there for His devotees and listens to them always. I hope and wish my story helps and develop hope and faith in devotees who are seeking our Sai’s help. I am sure He will give the best of all, for us. Thanks for reading my story and may Sai bless us all.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. What I am now is only because of my Guru Deva. Here is my experience. This happened during Dussehra in 2014, two or three days after Navratri. One night, I slept at my sister’s place which was just four houses away from my house. Before sleeping, I told to Baba that tomorrow after I wake up, I should see You first. I had a dream early morning. Here’s the dream, I slept at my sister’s house and next day I woke up and came out to go to my home as I need to get ready to office. I came out and closed the gate and I saw a shop with its shutters closed and Baba’s Picture (Baba sitting on a stone) on the closed shutters. I saw Him and felt happy that He fulfilled my wish to see Him first. The dream ended. I woke up and thought Baba blessed my wish of seeing Him first in the morning. But however was not satisfied as it happened only in my dream. I forgot about this dream and I had to get ready to office so I came out to go to my home. I reached the gate of my house and was shocked at what I saw. There was a Baba’s Idol same as the Picture I saw in the dream. The Idol was brought near my home to be carried along with Durga Maa’s procession. I was shocked to see the same one which I saw in my dream. I didn’t find the Idol the previous day. What a timely Miracle. Jai Jai Sai Prabho.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a Finance professional working in a MNC in Gurgaon from last 4 year. I basically belongs to Orissa, the temple city of India, where the God Jaganath reside. I have an immense faith on Lotus Feet of my Sai Maa. I knew Baba from my MBA days in Hyderabad. There was a place Dwarkamai Colony in Hyderabad. Whenever i was in any problem, i just went to that Temple and cried a lot in front of Baba’s statue. I always read that promises given by Baba to rescue His devotee and got all my lost strength from the same. I thought of writing this post because right now i am also in a big problem and whenever i read or write something about my Baba, i got my support. I felt Baba’s presence in many low and high stages of my life. Sometimes, one question arise in my mind, When Baba came in my life and an answer came from my heart that i know Him from hundreds and hundreds of year.
After completing my studies and 1 year job in Hyderabad, I shifted to Delhi for working in MNC as a financial analyst in 2011. Many a time, I was in dilemma am I doing some wrong following Sai Baba? Reason being I am a strong believer of Durga Maa. I used to pray only Goddess Durga whenever I visit any Temple I only utter the word Maa. To clear that confusion Baba came in my dream in 2012. I saw Baba sat just next to Durga Maa in Temple of my home. I got my answer and from that day, I remember Him as Sai Maa. In the next dream I found myself in Shiridi Temple with my mother. I wondered what message Baba is giving me by showing this. I realized the meaning of that message just after 1 year.
The most painful day of my life came into my path in 2013. I got the news in month of May that my Father had a major heart attack. I felt helpless, he was in hospital in the city hospital of Odisha. There was no one to take care of my family. I did not have a time to ask any agent for a confirmed railway ticket. I went to Delhi railway station and was just continuously praying to Baba with all my heart and tear. There was a long queue for the waiting list ticket in counter suddenly a stranger came and gave me at least a temporary ticket to board the train, i just uttered Baba for a second I thought he was my Sai. Within 2 hours, I got a confirmed ticket in 3rd AC. Then I started a painful journey for 1.5 months in heart and vascular institute of Odisha on the side of my papa’s bed with full believes on my Baba. Doctor has confirmed us that there was blockage in my Papa’s heart. As My father BP was not stable, doctors could not able to perform angioplasty and confirmed us the number of blockage. In that mean time, I used to read Sai Satcharitra every day sitting besides my papa’s bed with tearful eyes and immense faith on my Sai Ram. Baba listened to my prayer and papa had diagnosed with one major blockage in his heart.
On the day of operation, I was with tightly holding Sai Satcharitra close to my heart outside of the OT. Suddenly the group of doctors rushed with papa lying down on stretcher. Operation was over but papa’s BP went down drastically and all the doctors were trying to make it normal. And I with Sai Satcharitra with my hand crying like a child told Baba for the sake of Your Shiridi, save my father. I will bring both my mummy, papa for the Darshan of Your Lotus Feet. Baba had listened to my prayer once again. My papa recovered and we took them home after 5 days. I visited to Shiridi in 2014 with my parents to keep the promise I made with Baba in Operation Theatre of my Father. I had just remembered my dream with a smiling face in the temple where Baba had already sent me the message for coming to Shiridi before the entire incident took place. I was fortunate enough for having an enchanting Madhayana Aarti of my beloved Baba. I cried like a child in front of my Baba when it was time for leaving the Shiridi. I was just feeling as if I am going away from my father. That smiling face which greets you in Shiridi with Abhayahasta was not let me to leave Shiridi. But I had to come bidding bye to my Baba and again promising Him that I will visit You soon, My Father. At each low and high phase of my life, I felt Baba’s presence. I just want His blessing not for me but for the entire world, so that no sorrows will touch anyone. Baba will wipe all of our tears with His Abhaya Hasta. Hundred of my Pranam on the Lotus Feet of You, Baba. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai ram _ / _
love u baba……….pls show me a way……….reunite me with my hubby
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Baba y did u allow me and my husband to be seperated…i realise all my mistakes…i promise u not to repeat them…will u not forgive me and give me a chance…please make my husband also realise his mistakes and we both remarry eachother and live together….
All experiances are blessed.
Baba plz bless my brother….. Plz be with him in exam hall…. Plz baba help us, baba bless us baba…. Keep us to your lotus feet baba
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om sai rama
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Thank you to all the devotees for sharing your experiences. Your faith in Baba is inspiring to the rest of us.
Pray for Baba's blessings and Grace in our lives always.
Om Sai Ram
Good experiences and a lot of heartfelt pleas for matters of the heart which I am sure He is already resolving and uniting couples again 🙂
O Sai, Forgive me my mistakes and burn my bad karma every time I take Your name please 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Ram
om sai ram
Om sai ram Baba only thing I can do is just praying u.please be with me baba please take care of me and my family sai. U are the only hope baba.
dear 4th devotee i am also in the same position as you said by BABA'S blessings everything will be fine.. some day my parents will also accept my love.. OM SAI RAM
Baba please he should quit bad habits like tobacco please bless him to live without that baba please
Blessed experiences. Thanks for sharing. Om Sairam.
Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai….help us maaa..
Om Sai Ram……………………….
Om sairam. Make me prideless and egoless pa. make me stronger physically and mentally pa. make my mom health improve pa. Bless my niece pa. my hus is always leaving me alone and going to mom house. They didn't like me so I can't go there but they want her son to be with her. I don't know what to do pa. This started after a year of my marriage. She constantly calls him by saying not feeling well. His sister also with his mom and her husband and child but they don't want us to have a family. I want to have kid and lead life. what is this pa. Please give some conclusion to this pa. It's already 3 years now still I don't have kid coz she constantly call her son to be with her. Show me some path pa. Om sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai Ram, Let me humbly pray to have at least one millionth of the devotion the above devotees have shown !
Baba please help my brother from his disease. My parents and all of us are too much worried of his disease. I give my brother in your holy hand.plz cure him baba and give him a better life. Om sai ram
Dear devotee, always keep faith.
Try doing Sai Divya Puja.
Also read this Ksht Nivaran mantra 108 times, offer food and drink to baba, and one's your 108 times is finished take some as prasad and then put baba's udi in rest and give it your brother to eat. Do this about 21 times. If you do not have time tell your brother to do it as many times he can . Only eat after offering it to baba. I can assure you your brother soon recover. When he recovers do not forget to share this experience with other devotees. May baba bless your brother with good health soon.
Here is Sai Kshat Nivaran mantra
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
BABAji! Please be with us and forgive our
sins. Please bless me that my faith in you should never waver and I should never forget you even for a second . Thank You so much for everything. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
I m sorry,if its not a place to ask for,will be delighted to know, like as of now generally how long it takes to publish experience.
If it cancelled to publish no worries but can u plz tell me if I submitted my experience around July 17th ,how long it apologies if I bothered just wanted to know.can write me back at
Dear devotee,
I am not sure, but based on current experience dates I believe devotee whom have submitted their experience in May 2015 is currently being seen in the blog.
Om sai ram
OM SAI MEHMA MEHMA … waiting for my turn BABA .. OM SAI RAM
Baba, thank you for everything. Please bless us all and be with us always. I surrender myself to you Baba.
Koti koti pranam to your lotus feet Baba. Please bless me with a full time job Baba.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Baba can you show me a way to come out of my financial problem me