Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from New Zealand says: Om Sai Ram. This is my first testimony on this blog. Thank you to the entire team for allowing us to share our special experiences of Sai Baba through this medium. It does bring a smile to our faces at the end of a tiring day. Hoping to submit many more such experiences. I am a very small devotee of Baba. I can’t recall the time when I was first pulled towards Him. Our family did know about Him but were not ardent devotees like we are today. Over the years, Baba has shown innumerable Miracles and experiences proving His presence in our lives. I can write a book if I start recalling every time He answered my prayers. So let me today just stick to the latest Miracle, He bestowed on me.
I moved to New Zealand after my wedding last year and since the time I was granted a work visa I have been searching for a suitable job to take my career forward. Months had passed but I failed to get a suitable job for myself. I attended interviews but after two three rounds was rejected based on the grounds of my temporary visa status (Need to wait for a year before we can file for a residency here) and gap in my career. At times it was frustrating but I waited for the right opportunity and prayed to my Baba every day. I actually had given up the hope of securing a job here but recently I decided to start on my job hunt again. I updated my resume, made changes where necessary and chased every job in my field rigorously. I started getting calls again but nothing was moving forward. I visited few consultancies too.
Then finally, i got a call one day for an interview from a good company here. I was early for the interview and decided to sit in a cafe and wait for the right time to enter the office. While I was at the cafe I felt very disappointed and discouraged. I closed my eyes and thought of Baba and asked Him that why does He make me go to interviews if nothing is supposed to happen. I pleaded to Baba and asked if this interview would go well. I suddenly felt like using the Sai Baba question and answers website that I had read about few devotees mentioning on this blog. I searched for the website and entered a number (I can’t recall the exact number). I am attaching a snapshot of the answer I received. I was so so shocked with the response that tears started rolling down my eyes. I suddenly geared up so much confidence and positivity that I headed straight for the interview and fearlessly answered all the questions. It went very well by Baba’s grace. And yes it was a Thursday. That night I had decided that I have to submit my experience here and let everybody know that Baba listens to every single word that crosses our mind.
I got a call on Monday stating that I was their preferred candidate and they would like to offer me this position but had to seek their directors permission before that. I was very happy and again asked God if this was true and resorted to the same website again. Believe it or not I got the same answer again like I had on Thursday. I was a little puzzled as to what exam is Baba referring to? I have already got done with the interview. While I was still wondering I received another call asking for a meeting with their director the coming Friday. I immediately realised that this is the exam Baba was referring to, assuring me I would pass this too. Yesterday, on a Thursday I was sent the offer letter. Today I signed the contract. And I start my work a week later by Baba’s blessing. I also need to tell everybody here that I tried doing the Nav Guruvar Vrat and reading the Sai Satcharitra in 7 days but couldn’t complete either. I used to be disappointed but I used to close my eyes and think of Baba with a pure heart and true love. And I realised that this is all that Baba requires. When you close your eyes and think of Baba and your eyes fill up with tears, not from the problems you are facing in your life presently but purely from the love you have for Baba, that is all that is required. Just real true devotion. I love talking about Baba and can go on endlessly. Please believe and trust in Baba with faith and patience. It indeed is the best mantra for an ideal life. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Smarajit from India says: Om Sai Ram everyone. I am worshiping Baba since 3-4 years. I can confidently say that Baba was with me all these while without a second thought. Miracle is a very small term compared to what Baba has been doing for me and for so many Sai devotees. It’s just the unshakable faith in Him which has to persist in every difficult situation we face, then we will get the solution in some way or the other. Before I begin my experience, i request everyone to have faith and patience as mentioned by our beloved Sai Baba. This experience goes back to 2012 when i first visited Shirdi. Back then, i used to regularly read Shri Sai Satcharitra but never visited Shirdi. Constant thoughts of visiting the place were running in my mind but due to some reason or the other i was unable to go.
One fine day, me and my friend Nachi planned our trip to Shirdi and made all our arrangements but it was only One way as our return wasn’t planned. After reaching Shirdi, we kept our belongings and rushed for the Samadhi Mandir but after a wait of about 2 odd hours we were able to see the Holy Figure of Sai Baba. I was ecstatic to have fulfilled my dream of seeing Baba in Shirdi. After witnessing the Madhayana Aarti, we left to have our lunch and for some rest. We were lucky enough to be a part of the Dhoop Aarti too. We kept roaming in the nearby places of the Temple and were happy. After the Shej Aarti, we returned to our hotel but came back as early around 2:30 am to stand in the queue for the Kakad Aarti. Everything seemed to have been going properly until 11 am, when i started getting slight fever. Ignoring this fact we kept moving around and were living the dream. The situation became bad to worse in couple of hours and we decided instantly to leave the same night or else the next train was after 36 hours which would have been a long wait. Getting a confirmed ticket was next to impossible during that period of time.
We booked the tickets as we had to leave at any cost and had a waiting List of 136. My body condition was deteriorating and it almost became difficult for me to stand. The thought of standing the entire night in the train was making me sad and dejected. I kept praying Baba to do something about my health as i didn’t want to leave Shirdi with negative thoughts in my mind. Time passed and it was getting difficult on my part to even talk but the unconfirmed ticket was haunting me more. Just before 30 minutes of the scheduled arrival of the train, i saw a paper lying next to me on the ground, i picked it up and saw it was the sheet of the passengers in that train. I kept glancing through the names and with each passing name my heart was sulking and finally i decided not to continue with still 1 page remaining. But few minutes later something within me made me go through the paper again precisely the last page. I was dumbfounded and surprised to see my name on the list of confirmed passengers. It was not less than a Miracle for me because practically 136 waiting list never gets confirmed in 5-6 hours that too when the crowd is at its peak. I kept thanking Baba all the while returning back and for having such an unforgettable moment in my first visit to Shirdi.

Sai Sister Neelam from India says: Dear Readers, I am a young lady trying to stand on her own feet with Baba as His constant support. I love to attend Sai Bhajans. For me there is no other than my dearest Sai to sail me through the various highs and lows of life. Love You so much Baba. I am sharing this experience with utmost humility. By my dear Baba’s Grace, i had been working in a company where although I was drawing a good salary I was not being appreciated or acknowledged. The top boss tried to belittle me. Soon it reached a point that i could not take any longer and in an emotional moment, I resigned although I had no job in hand. My family did not agree with my decision and pressed me to go back, but i stood my ground and said that i shall look for a new job near my house. I started looking but it was not easy and nor was i getting a good company. I started getting depressed but did not lose heart and prayed to Sai Baba earnestly. I used to sit in front of Him and pray all the time. I had to travel a long distance to go to my earlier job. With the Grace of my dear Sai, within few months I got a good job in a reputed company and that too near my house and paying a higher salary than my previous one. Also I did not have to travel a long distance as I had to in my earlier job. I am so very grateful to my dearest Baba for having bestowed upon me this blessing and I realised the value of a job only after losing it. I must also share that my previous company wanted me to join them beck too! I know that my Sai will be there whenever any trouble arises. He is just a sincere pray away. Thank You so much Baba.

Sai Brother Ajeet from Singapore says: Jai Sai Ram. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful and divine page for Sai devotees to share experiences of our beloved Baba. I have been a Sai devotee since 8 years. Sai Baba always helped me to get rid of any problem which occurs with me. It’s been a long time that I wanted to share an experience on this page. I am a regular reader of this page and every morning, I read experiences shared by devotees which give me lot of strength and positive feelings. Since couple of days, I was having financial problems, so I borrowed money from my friend and I had to return the money on the date given by me. I did something wrong due to that I couldn’t be able to return the money this morning. I prayed to Sai Ram, Baba please arrange money from anywhere so I could return it to my friend and i wouldn’t get scolding from parents as her parents didn’t know about it. Due to Baba’s Grace, I did arrange the money this evening and returned to her. Thank You so much Sai Ram. I love You a lot. Please bless me. You know everything what I want from life. Please bless me. I promised Baba that I will share this experience. Thanks a lot Baba, bless everyone Baba. All need Your love and blessing Baba. Please help me to sort out my family issues and all problems, I will share them as well. Thank You Sai Ram. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ji Ki Jai. More to go soon Baba Malik. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am from India but reside in USA now. Hello All, Reading all of your experiences, I wanted to share my experience with Baba too. I never had faith in Him when I was young. I used to see people who went to His Temple and thought why are they worshiping Him. In fact, once when I was planning to go to His Temple with my mother I guess, my finger got into our house gate and i scolded Him and thought I will never worship Him. This was during my school days. Then at a very later stage, when I was planning to come over to USA after my marriage, I wanted a H1 visa. I did not have a H4 option because my husband already was having a GC, and that time there were many rejections for H1. All of a sudden, I just do not know how, Baba came to my mind and I just prayed saying, Baba I should get Visa and You should help me. Such a Miracle that I got my visa stamped. From then on, I believe Him and trust Him. Another Miracle was when I started Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat to get a job and within 2-3 weeks of start of Vrat, i had a job in my hand. But somehow I think, i have slipped few of the promises, i have made to Him and He is not with me anymore. I will try to regain His confidence. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: My Parents are searching best match for me, but everyone is going by saying some or other reason. One match which i got was very appropriate in all aspects. Even the boy’s family and boy liked me. But all of a sudden, there came a Dosh in boy’s Kundali. I don’t know, how to tackle this situation. Now i want Sai Maa to take out that Dosh from boy’s Kundali. Only then, they can be back. I request you all to pray for me that Baba should take out that Dosh, Please Baba, i am already 26. Baba please help me out. In my age, all people are settled in their life happily and i am the one who is still searching for best match. Please Baba help me out in this issue.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai sai ram _ / _
love you deva
Dear devotee 6, continue to have firm faith on our beloved Baba, he will definetely do the best for you. Om Sairam.
om sai rama
om sai rama
om sai rama
om sai rama
om sai rama
om sai rama
om sai rama
om sai rama
om sai rama
allah malik 🙂
Om Sai Ram 🙂
om sai ram
I am an astrologer,and my best advice to last devotee,plz refer to any genuine astrologer, its not the guna matching but a proper analysis is required, I have seen mostly people misuse this science to cheat innocent people,so I came into this.plz do not reject someone on just kundali basi,until u r not consultiñg knowledgeable person.
Dear baba devotee, if kundali doesn't match then also can do marriage? Plz devotee if possible reply me. I am fade up of showing my brother's kundali to everyone. Everybody is telling different things about his marriage. Since 3-4 yrs we r searching bride for him. Plz devotee if possible tell me I will consider it as baba's answer, plzzz
On sai ram,if its in ur mind even 1% go 4 match.its very technical thing well the analysis of 7th house very important ,kundali will match with d person baba have chosen for ur bro,don't loose faith.
However just don't go with number based on computer software if u match for example Hitler chart with Aishwarya Rai it will say 3036 marriage recommended,only knowledgeable person can do quality analysis not quantity.
Thanks devotee, now I am relax, I will leave it on baba's lotus feet
Om Sai Ram
Wonderful experiences and to the last devotee I am sure you have been blessed by Him already 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for being with us and showering us with Your Sweet Sweet Miracles 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba u r showing me the way but y I can't reach it. U know I need a job or marriage, I'm 31 now baba stil need to wait for the match, no problem wid my astro then wat??. U didn't help to sale d land also, parties r coming but y…. Baba I have started vrat dis week my 2nd please answer my prayers baba… U know everything I kept n ur lotus feet my tears n faith.
with belief on baba please read Sai Satcharitra. He will help you.
love u baba……..pls reunite me with my hubby………..pls hold my hand
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram
Thank you Baba for reducing feaver.
Om Sri Sai Ram
Luv u baba please be with mee
Everything will be good… Keep faith on baba… N read sai satcharitra in a week… Your wish will be fulfilled…. Om sai ram..
Baba… I need good rank on n gate… Please bless me…
you will best of luck 🙂 om sai ram thursdsy you will get admit card
thank you baba for everything
Dear devotee about marriage prayers, I am 28 turning 29 soon with same problem trust me everyone has their own issues ….I know exactly what u ee going through …have faith on baba….so Nav guruvar vrat if u can….I just finished mine ….Sai family please pray for me to get married with my loved one soon….baba I trust u….please be with me at all times ….love you Sai maa
sai sai sia sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai… us maa..shower your blessings on us deva…
Thank you baba I didn't lost my ear are the one to show me it in proper time. Love you baba.clear all the disputes in his family deva.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram
Dear 1st devotee…it is very surprising that even when you were in Shirdi Dham when you got fever you immediately arranged to leave from there..!! the most obvious solution would have been to take udi with water and pray to Sri Sainath..also you could avail of Sai charitable hospital services there itself..[-(
omsai sri sai jaya jaya sai
Baba i made multiple mistakes yesterday and the root cause of most of them is one bad habit…i am sorry Saima..i need ur help to root out that problem..please don't be upset with me and please don't lose confidence in me..i have nibody but u and nothing but love for u in my heart. I am sincerely sorry..please help me focus on the right things and not make bad choices. Om Sai Ram
Om sairam. Make me prideless and egoless pa. Make me humble. Give me and our family peaceful life pa. Make me and my mom dad brothers niece healthy pa. Make us mentally strong ma. Keep us under ur wings amma. cure my dad disease pa. I have burning sensation in stomach pa. Please cure that too pa. Om sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Hi anonymous last devote! Baba will get you best match
Don't worry be happy
Baba! thank u so much . U have always been my saviour. I almost lost my two wheller today. I prayed to baba ..if I get I'll post my experience as comment. Will post deatiled experience soon. Love you baba
Dear devotees all are blessed experiences…. For the devotees waiting for marriage baba will soon send a good n worthy person in your life… Om Sai Ram
Baba plz be with my brother n help him in his exam…… Baba you are only hope for us….. Me n my family surrender to you, don't leave us baba…. I love you baba….
Om Sai ram, please bless me and give me good grade in my exam. Please baba, give me confidence to take my exam. Om sai ram
om sai raam
All devotees nice experiences..dear devotee seeking for marriage..baba is definitely waiting the right time to bless you with a good partner soon..please dont loose faith..
Dear devotee,
Here is a miricalious Sai Divya Puja. No fasting required. May baba bless us all.
Sai ram !
Dear Devotees,
Sai Divya Puja Procedure
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
BABAji! Please be with us. Please bless us with Your divya darshan. Thank You so much for everything You gave us.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
Om sai ram
OM SAI MEHMA MEHMA .. waiting for my turn BABA … OM SAI RAM
Baba, thank you for everything. Please Baba be with us always and bless us all. Baba please bless me with a full time job.
Bow to ShriSai peace be with all