Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from New Zealand says: I am from India currently living in New Zealand. I have been married for 18 years, with 2 children and came to New Zealand in 2011. I am working as a early childhood teacher here in New Zealand. I came to know about Sai Baba through my sister-in- laws. I am from a Sikh family married to Hindu family. I refused to marry a Sikh and my parents never objected to it. I got married through News paper Matrimonial. I was happy with the marriage except sometimes i felt guilty for not marrying a Sikh and kept asking myself, i hope i haven’t hurt my parents. Then one day, i went to Sai Temple and saw a Picture of Guru Nanak and I felt at peace. My parents never showed any objection to it. It was just me and my thoughts. After that incident, i never questioned myself. I was happily married but in 2007, i came to know that my husband was emotionally attached to one of his colleagues. His day started with her in the morning picking her up and then throughout the day working and being together sharing all their thoughts and feelings, working together, then dropping her off at her place. I was shattered after this. I had lost faith in God. I stopped believing in God. My world was destroyed. I would fight with him. I lived in a joint family and my in-laws did not support me. My parents were in New Zealand. I felt lonely and depressed.
During this time, we had big loss in our business. We had to sell our house and move to a rented house. I decided to apply for PR under family category for New Zealand as my parents were sponsoring me. For PR I had to fulfil 2 criteria’s: (1) Job application (2) No sibling in India (I should be the only one left in India). One day, i was watching a program and it was on God and after that I just cried and cried and kept asking God why me? During that time someone gave me Sai’s Roti, which I had to keep for 4 Days in a closed container and it grew in 4 days, and then pass it on to 4 people who wanted to take it. On the 4th day, I got a letter from my brother and there was a job offer for me. This was my first experience of Baba’s Miracle. Jai Sai Ram. Now the 2nd criteria, my sister was living in Mumbai at that time. My sister and her husband both were working and were happy with their current jobs. It was a miracle that during this time my sister’s husband got a job offer to move to USA. They accepted the offer to go to USA and my 2nd criteria was completed. Within a month, I got my PR Visa. This was another Baba’s Miracle. Throughout this time, i used to keep fast on Thursdays and pray to Baba that i get Visa. This is how Miracles happen.
I came without my husband and started living with my parents. I used to pray to Baba that my husband comes back to me. He came after 9 months but that fear was always there that he would go back. When my husband came, he still used to call and talk to that woman everyday which I did not like and so my parents asked him to leave and stay by himself. I stayed with my parents and started my studies. I was not in touch with my husband but he was allowed to meet children on weekends. He did not go back but started working here. I completed my course and started working as a relieving teacher. Every day every moment, I prayed to Baba that i pass my course and get a permanent job. For me it was a big change from being a house wife for 15 years and now working women. After working as a reliever for 1&1/2 month, i was offered permanent job. It was a miracle i had to give no interview. I moved with my husband as he talked to me that he wanted to live with his family. I wanted to give it a try for my children.
Thank You Baba that my husband cares for me now. That women still tries to get in touch with my husband but he does not respond. Baba please always be by my side. Baba due to Your blessing, i came out of that situation in India and now i am living a blessed life with my husband. Baba for the last few months, we have been looking for a house to buy but can’t find the one which is in our budget. Baba Please help, we live in a very small unit just 2 rooms and my children are growing up, they need their own space and are not happy. They feel uncomfortable. I have everything in my house there is no shortage of anything in my house. It’s only that now we need a proper house to live. Baba i can’t complain that I do not have this or that. You have always taken care of me and my family. Baba please help us in finding a house. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from US Says: I am from India, now staying in the US. I was working as a lecturer in engineering college. Om Sai Namo Namah Shri Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Sadguru Sai Namo Namah. I am a Sai devotee since many years. But since 3 years, i have a strong faith and belief in Him. One of my friend called me home and she handed me “9 week Sai Vrat Book. After that day, every time i used to think of starting the Vrat, but due to some or the other reason, i could not. 5 months later i started the Vrat. I used to go to Sai Temple too. One evening in the Sai Temple when Dhoop Aarti was going on, a small kid started crying loudly, it had become very cranky and it was not stopping crying. Then i asked Baba, “Will You make that kid quiet.” Within no time, the kid actually stopped crying! I felt like “Was Baba listening to me?” I may sound foolish, but from that moment, my belief in Baba started growing and till now it never stopped. I had a wonderful experience that I want to share here with you all.
On the last day of my Sai Vrat, i.e. the 9th week, my mom had invited few of our neighbours to receive the Prasad and also i wanted to distribute the Sai Vrat Book to them. One of my neighbour lady who came at the last was sitting and talking to my mother, she started sharing her sad experiences of her life. She is a school teacher. Her husband was not well and She had lost her daughter who was newly married. Since then she stopped working too, so there was no source of income and they also had some family issues. While talking, tears were rolling down her eyes. I felt bad and sad for her and prayed Sai to heal all her pain and give her happy life. Then I gave her the Sai Vrat Book and told her to have faith in Baba and do the Vrat. I feel so glad and lucky that Sai never say no to my prayers. After 4 months she was passing by my home, and she called me and said she did the Vrat and she was coming back from Sai Bhajan and she also said “May be Baba wanted me to come to Him, that’s why He made you call me to your home and get this wonderful book.” How true! She is now very happy and relieved, even they are good financially. One more amazing thing is she also went to Shirdi the very next month. Sai Leela’s are unexpected. Thank You Sai. You have always been with me. Be with me till my last breath. Make my wishes come true. Please bless everyone. Let everyone stay healthy Happy and Positive. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Deepali from India says: I am my Baba’s daughter, who want to thank Him for everything. First of all, Thank You Baba for all those blessings which You always keep showering on me and my family and Sorry because I should have shared these experiences earlier. Few years ago, I faced one health issue “Pilonidle Sinus”. This problem gave me very bad pain in my lower back and treatment of which was Surgery. That time I had to undergo some minor surgeries though they were very painful. Doctors informed us that if the same pain occurs in future, then a major surgery will be done. Some months ago, in 2014, that pain again began and I was again started feeling so helpless. I was in fear that now it’s time for that major operation. That time, on Thursday, I went to Baba’s Lodhi Road Temple for His Darshan. I prayed to Baba whole heartedly that “Baba please save me from surgery, please heal this disease.” To my surprise, that pain immediately stopped before I got out from the Temple. I can’t forget such a fruitful and blessed experience that Baba gave me. Till date, I thank Baba for those blessings. He always listens and answers the prayers of His children.
In my another experience, I again felt His Miracle. My mother’s health was getting low that time. I was feeling helpless because the medicines were not working effectively. That time, I visited Baba’s Temple again and prayed to Him to cure my mother. I took flowers from the Holy Feet of the Baba and gave it to my mother as soon as I reached my home. I also put Udi on her forehead and said Baba will cure this thing now. My mother started recovering after that and now with Baba’s blessings she is Ok. My Sai Maa was there for me and will always be. Thank You Baba. I shared late but I found, may be this is one of the ways I can offer my thanks to You. I seek Your blessings again to fulfil another wish of mine and I hope that I will be writing again to thank You for that.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Sai Devotees, I am happily married and a carrier oriented women and I would like to share the recent Miracles that took place in my life. Ours is a happy and a small family, we both are carrier oriented and we work for a prestigious organisation and well paid too. However one day, my husband lost his job and all our dreams and happiness was shattered and devastated. One day, i went through a post on Facebook stating if we chant Sai Samarth for 21 days we can fulfil our wish hence I decided to write “Sai Samarth 101 times and before even I could complete 21st day, my husband got through a job and did join the organisation and started working. We thank You Sai for all support and blessings that You shower on us every single moment. Pray Sai with faith and You will be blessed for sure.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Maa. I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from 2013. I experienced lots of Miracles which are still continuing in my life. I did Sai Nav Vrat last year and the results, i got was very delight full in my life. I read Sai Baba’s stories from Satcharitra and thought the peoples who believed in Him were not mad. Some specialities centred the view of the people on Him. Last night, i wished Baba that i want to see You in my dream and that happened in my dream. I saw Sai Baba, who was blessing me with a great smile. I saw Him as i always see Him in the portrait. I love my Sai Baba. My head at Your Feet Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from New Zealand says: My life is filled with Baba’s blessings so I can’t choose one from so many. I just want to share that Baba took me out of every problem and issues but some problems are still following so Baba please protect me and my family. Please forgive me and protect me. Om Sai Ram. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram
Dear devotees
I request all to please pray for me … I m going through the symptoms of an autoimmune problem … I pray to baba to bring all the reports normal and cure these symptoms as there are very painful physically and emotionally… I m just 30 i bow my head to your holly feet baba and surrender myself in your hands please help and cure me baba let me have a happy life ahead .. Om Sai Ram .
Om sai ram! Sai baba will surely heal you!keep praying even during difficult times! You will be happy soon!om sai ram ki jai
Om Sai ram. Baba will definitely take care of you. Keep trust and pray.
Thank you devotees for ur kind words i will continue praying i request u ll to keep me in ur prayers as well jai sai ram
Dear Devotee,
Try doing this miricalious Puja. It is called Sai Divya Puja. No need to fast, as you know baba does not like his children to fast. So may baba help you. Here is the procedure .
Om sai raam!
Faith boosting experience..really..dear last devotee baba will soon help you come out of all problems ..baba please bless us all
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
om sai rama…
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Sai ram Devotee,
I think the best way to do this is email the sai Shirdi sanstha or call them. They can better guide you.
Sai Ram
Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai saimaaa ..inspite of all these big problems, i am feeling so happy …. you allowed us to come to shirdi…baba. please fulfill our wish. We are your children, at your lotus feet, begging for good future.. please maa please..
Om Sai ram _ / _
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Very good experiences. All those who have surrendered themselves and their problems to Him are sure to have received blissful solutions by now 🙂
O Deva, keep us under Your wing forever and protect us and our loved ones from any harm 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thank you for everything Baba. Please give me concentration to study. My exam is in few days, still I don't feel any urge to study, I feel so relieved baba. Please make me study and do good in my exam. You are my only hope. Bless me baba. Love you so much. Please Sai devotees, bless me and pray for me. Om Sai ram
Om sairam. Make me prideless and egoless pa. Thanks again for making my dad recover from medical problem pa. Keep me under ur wings amma. om sairam
Thankyou baba for making my mothers bp normal.
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Dear devotees,
Here is Sai Divya Puja procedure
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
Deva! Please bless us with Your divya darshan. Thank You so much for everything.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om sairam
Om sai ram
OM SAI MEHMA MEHMA..waiting for my turn BABA .. OM SAI RAM
Baba thank you so much for everything. Please be with us always and bless us always. Baba please bless me with a full time job.
Bow to ShriSai peace be with all