Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am from India, become Lord Sai’s devotee from this year 2015, until then I never knew about Lord Sai’s miracles and teachings. To start with how I became Sainath’s child here the experience, I have been suffering and depressed due to some serious personal issues since last year which has affected my life, health and also my family badly. I always believed in God but never knew how to pray, was been crying and praying to God to bless me and to help me with my problems. One fine day, my neighbour lady asked me to accompany her to Lord Shiva Temple for which I agreed, at the entrance of the Temple there was a small queue at the footwear stand area so we were waiting for our turn to keep our sandals. I was there with all doubts and thoughts in my mind and suddenly I happened to see one aged lady sitting at one corner under the hot sun and staring at me, I felt sad looking at her and I just handed over Rs. 100 for which she thanked me and disappeared in no time. I did not much try to know nor discussed this incident with my neighbour lady, we had nice temple visit, felt really nice and blessed. But my problem followed me like a shadow and my daily struggle was to overcome off it.
After a month, I happened to see Lord Sai’s picture on FB, I was little curious to know and started browsing info about lord Sai, I happened to see one Picture where lord Sai sitting along with one person and pointing out His Hand towards two lizards on the wall, which made me more curious to know the story which took me straight to some life history chapters of Lord Sai, I read the story of lizards, felt very interesting and end of that page arrow mark showing page next and previous, my curiosity made me to click previous and I happened to read from chapter 1 and finished reading all the chapter within 4 or 5 days of time (but at that time I had no idea the book which I was reading was holy Sai Satcharitra). I found the story of lord Sai is so interesting and gave me lot of peace of mind. Later I happened to read some blogs about lord Sai’s 9 Thursday Vrat and felt like doing but was bit confused since I did not knew how to follow some customs, so I prayed to Lord Sai for His help and that night (on Tuesday), I had a dream where I was asking for forgiveness by touching feet of one aged lady and she was blessing me keeping her both hands on my head, I suddenly got up to know what was that dream for I ignored and slept again. Later sometime around 5:30 am, i had another dream where Lord Sai Himself appeared and said “Pray to Me, you are My child, you will be blessed”. I again got up, was shocked and confused at that moment thinking about both the dreams, it reminded me some of the chapters of holy Sai Satcharitra where Lord Sai communicating with His devotees by giving them vision.
After few weeks, I came to know about holy Sai Satcharitra Parayan (Actually, I had already completed one Parayan earlier unknowingly with Lord Sai’s Grace). I again started reading online and one fine day while reading some chapters it reminded me meaning of my first dream of old lady blessing me none other than the lady whom I had met in the temple, meanwhile I completed my first 9 Thursday Vrat, got lot of courage and strength and I will keep continue doing 9 Thursday Vrat and reading of holy Sai Satcharitra as I have now complete trust in my Lord Sai. I am still with my problem but there is lot of difference in me then and now, now I have got assurance from Lord Sai so I have complete faith in Him, I am eagerly waiting for the day where my wish will be fulfilled as promised by my Lord Sai. I surrendered completely to my Lord Sai and I always say that “Lord Sai just like how Chand patil lost his loving mare and found a gem in form of You, I feel the same that I lost my life/peace/health and found gem in form of You Lord Sai. I feel it’s million worth losing my peace of mind/health and it’s really worth taking this pain because I found my Lord Sai as my saviour. My humble request to all the devotees, do not lose hope keep faith and patience, understand each and every words of Lord Sai and practice it. Lord Sai will give you lot of strength to face your problems and one fine day as He promised, He will fulfil all your wishes, my special prayers with lord Sai to all those devotees who have been waiting for His Grace since long, may Lord Sai shower all His blessings on your prayers, do not doubt on His love, His words are true, trust in Him. Om Sainath.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I would like to thank hetal ji and her team for providing us with this platform to share our experiences. Every time I read the experiences of fellow devotees, it makes my faith stronger. So today, I thought I would share two experiences of my life, when Sai Baba has made me realise that He cares about me and He also answered one of my prayers. My first experience is, I have been keeping the Nav-Guruvar Vrat and I visit the nearby Sai Temple on every Thursday and offer Jalebi (Indian sweet) as Prasad. Sadly, due to some personal problems, one of the Thursdays, I could not go to the Temple. I was little upset, but I knew Sai Baba would understand. In the evening, I was coming home after going out with my mom, when we met one of our neighbour’s. She was wearing a very pretty Saree. My mom complimented her for the same and asked her if she was coming back from some function. She said no, and that she was coming from the Sai Temple. I was so happy. Then she gave us Sai Prasad, she gave a coconut piece to my mom and she gave a Jalebi to me. I was so happy that even if I could not go to the Temple, Sai Baba sent the Prasad for me.
My Second experience is, I needed my graduation certificate for some important work. My husband lives abroad and I am in India for some time. So I told him to scan my certificate and send it to me. I told him the place where I normally keep my certificates. He searched the entire place and said he couldn’t find it anywhere. I became worried and prayed to Sai Baba, please help my husband find the certificate. I was trying so hard to remember where else could I keep it, but just couldn’t remember. Then my husband asked me, when did I last see them. I told him may be while going for US visa interview. He said give me 5 minutes, I will call you back. He called after 5 minutes and told me he found it. He for some reason felt to check in the folder which we had taken with us for the interview. I was so happy and relieved. It never struck me that I might have kept it there. I am very thankful to Sai Ram. Sai Baba guides us and is with us always. Please have Shraddha and Saburi and you will never be disappointed. He has His own way of giving us the best we deserve. Faith, patience and devotion is all that He asks for. There are times when I wonder, is He listening to me and does He care for me. But such experiences just prove that He is there with us at all times. It’s just that sometimes it takes us longer to realise this. I totally believe that He is there with all His devotees who truly pray to Him and believe in Him. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram Hetal ji-you are doing a wonderful job in spreading Baba ji’s love and making all our faith in our beloved Sai strong. Keep up the good work and we all pray, let Sai help you in all ways. I am posting my experience or Miracle of our beloved Sai. Thank you and let Sai always bless all. 08.06.2015, 20:15 PM, In night, i was returning back to home after singing evening Aarti in my friend’s house, so I had hopped into a private bus from Tin factory and was sitting near window in back seat (Right side). Bus was moving slowly from TF to Kr puram. From there, it picked up speed till Doddonekunndi. Due to rain, roads were jammed and there was heavy traffic. Due to this, driver diverted the bus to service road, he was going very fast to avoid getting stuck up in traffic jam. Suddenly when turning right near Ecospace, the bus fell into a drain and was above to topple over, and since I was sitting in side of window if the bus would have toppled, I would have got crushed and got killed or broken many of bones due to falling of bus and passengers on me, but why fear when Baba is here.
Due to Baba’s Grace, death or injuries were averted as Baba gave all passengers presence of mind to get down from bus quickly and a major accident was averted By who else But our one and only Saviour Sweet Baba. Frankly, i am not in the best of health or financially sound, Baba saved me from that also. It has been a long time since i haven’t shared any Baba Miracles but it doesn’t mean that Baba is not with me even a second, Koti Koti Pranams Baba, Only thing let me be devoted to You, let me see You in everyone, let me serve You with Shraddha, Saburi. Loads of love Baba. Thanks for being in this undeserved servants life. As my experiences with Baba goes, He creates problem, creates more problem till we can’t bear it, but He will always be with us holding our hand and guiding us. When we think life before Baba, we will know how unsatisfactory we have lead our life, but after Baba has come to our life, we will be more peaceful also, that’s Baba for us, He is everything rolled into one.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram to all, it’s my 1st experience sharing with all Sai devotees, initially i was not aware of Saint and God and i never worshipped God. Before 2 to 3 years, when a fine day came that one friend of mine invited me for Sai Baba Temple. Then i prayed to Baba to pass me in engineering exams. After result came, i could not believe. I passed in all the exams. With immediate second, i thought that it’s Miracle of Sainath. It made me firm faith on Sai. My family members were totally confused of my sudden turn towards Lord Sai. As days elapsed, the most severe problems started from one to other. I could not even escape from those severe problems. I left worshipping Sai that time. I use to worship only lord Shiva and lord Krishna. I forgot about Sai, but Lord Sai on every day basis, He reminded me about Him but i neglected Him continuously.
In that period, i worshipped lord Shiva and Krishna in such extent that i can’t even live a second without worshipping them. That time, i came to know about great Saint like Maha Avatar Baba, Lahari Baba. I felt their presence whenever, i uttered their name. An unbelievable power was circulating within me, whenever i uttered Avatar Baba ji’s Name. One day, i visited Sai Temple near my residence. I heard voice from somewhere that “I am here but you are worshiping them means (Avatar Baba and Lahari Baba). I suddenly begged my pardon to Sai Feet and then i started worshipping Sai too. As days gone, i can feel Sai’s greatness, His kind heart and mercy on His devotee. Along with, i realized that Sai is my Guru. He indicated me many times but i was unable to understand His Miracles. Now i can conclude that Gurudev Sai looks simple but He is not so, He is untold personality, Lord Himself came to earth in simple form, glory to Sai, glory to Shiridi Sai, glory to Sai devotee.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, i am from Telangana state. I am a housewife staying in Hyderabad. Jai Sai Ram. As I promised to Baba, I want to share the experience with you all. First I want to say sorry to our beloved Sai for late posting of this experience. In the year of 2013, my brother has taken gold loan of Rs.5 Lakhs on the basis to pay interest on gold for every month from a reputed financial company to start the new business. Few months the business went well, but later he faced the losses in his business. Due to the loss, he was unable to pay the interest to the financial company on the time. Due to the continuation of loss in his business, he closed it and he found the job in abroad.
Meanwhile the gold loan contract came to the end, they sent the letter to my parents to pay the principal amount along with interest to release the gold otherwise they will send our ornaments for auction. They sent the letter 15 days before of auction date but we didn’t check the letter. We checked it before 4 days of the auction date. My parents and me were worried for how to arrange such huge amount in four days. My parents have tried the amount from our friends and relatives but we didn’t get the amount anywhere. I prayed Baba to solve this issue and I promised Him if we get the amount on time, I will post my experience in this blog. Baba showed His kindness on us and we got the amount on time through my cousin, he agreed to give the amount to us without any interest. The amount arranged to us on the same day of auction date. Really Baba helped us in the form of our cousin. Thank You Baba, thank You so much for helping us to overcome this tough situation. Love You Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am Baba’s devotee. I came to know about Baba from many people. Once, i was travelling and i caught a vehicle to reach home. It stopped on the way. The driver told that there is no problem with the vehicle, but don’t know the reason, why it stopped. The time was mid afternoon. I can’t step even a single feet. I prayed Baba in my mind. The driver tried but at last, i decided to walk or catch other vehicle. I left the vehicle. Suddenly, the vehicle moved. I was surprised. I know my Baba is always with me. Love You Baba. Om Shri Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram to all sai baba mom's life was saved by god after major heart attack an year past few days she was having short breath which made me tense as its not good for cardiac patients i prayed to baba that there shouldn't be any cardiac problem,we went to the doctor he prescribed certain medicines and said if they don't work go for echo i was really tensed as she did'nt get relivef by those medicines,today we went for echo baba inside my heart says that echo will be normal,i found bajranbali's photo behind the echo bed (i always see baba in bajrangbali)and guess what its baba always fulfills my every wish he is always with his u loads baba..
Sai ka ladla
Sun lo sai.. Iss das ki ye ardaas .. Puri kar do uski aas…
very heart touching experiences..baba please give every devotees strength and patience.. please give me your answer for that prayer you baba..:)
Baba pls show me a path…open d doors baba…..pls make him realise…..reunite me with my hubby…..
Wonderful experiences all.
O Sadguru, burn away our sins when we surrender to You and let our lives be filled with love and happiness, by Your Grace.
Jai Sairam
Dear Devotees,
May Baba bless you all.
I want to share my experience in the comment field as my previous experiences have not been published yet. Last week I have started Nav Guruwar Vrat for a heart-felt wish. Yesterday (monday) I started to see the progress already in such a short span. Few things were next to impossible. However, I could actually see them happing. My sai is making them happen. I am sure by the end of 9th week, I will get what I have requested Baba. This is confidence he is building in me. I have no words. I rest my head on Baba's feet. I just hope, people who are caught in troubles and issues read this comment and strengthen their belief in Baba and the divine Nav Guruwar Vrat miracle. Baba, I love you!!!!!!
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Sao daya kar malika mujh pe daya kar rehem kar Alok mujh pe rehem kar .. Tere karmo main sar jukhati hn main … Aapne karmo ki maaf i mangti hn main … Badduao ko mitane ki parth ana karti hn sai … Tere siva koi nahi jo madat kare.. Tere siva kisi pe vish aas nahi
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai plz cure me . Yesterday I got diagnosed with PCOD .plz cure me ASAP. Om sai jai sai jai jai sai.
Jai sai ram _ / _
Lord sai ram I amyour devotee . Please bless me with peace. I want happiness. I want to live with happiness. This new year be with me give everything.
Baba plz grant my wish…. Plz remove all worries n anxiety from our life…. Since long time my family didn't experience any happiness plz baba daya karo hampe krupa karo baba plzzzzzzzz
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
omsairam. please bless me. omsairam.
Me too baba, I felt happy few years back fulfill my wishes
Baba please give me strength and peace of mind.I have been going through a very difficult phase over the last few months.Please take away all my worries and give me happiness. Forgive all my sins and mistakes.Love you Baba.You are my everything. Om Sai Ram.
om sai ram
What ever the first devotee has told is exactly how I feel.'s like sai baba is telling me to hold on to faith with all my might. ….thank you baba…please bless me…you know what I want..bless me …bless all of us ,,,sai baba ki jai
Om Sai Ram…………………
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai……..
Jai Sri Sairam
Baba I really really need your help. Please take care of all the obstacles. Baba only with your grace everything is possible. Please help us. Please Baba shower you grace and blessings on us and thank you Baba for everything you do. We need your blessings. Love you lots
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
BABAji! Please fulfill our heartfelt wishes. I beg humbly before Your Lotus Feet. Please forgive our sins Saima. Thank You for everything.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai
Sairam you are always with me , I realize it every moment, you have been with me in difficult situations and helped me for who i am today. you have given a lot to myself and my family. Now past few months my daughter is suffering with eye pain , today i told you , I am taking her to the doctors and if nothing serious then i will write in this page. Yes the doctor said it is nothing serious she has short sight , but he could not diagnose the eye power since my daughter cannot read after certain level. Please help us, take us to a good doctor and treat her. I cannot see the little girl suffering with pain. Please baba , please help and treat her. love you lots
sai ram you are our saviour
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Om shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, tirupati balaji, baba ki palkhi, jai murugan, jai durga, jai shiva dattatreya