Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Brother Parikshit from India says: Sai Ram Respected Hetal ji and all the devotees. My age is 17 years. First of all, thanks to Hetal ji and her team for creating such a wonderful blog. I have been a regular reader of your blog and truly this blog has become my hobby. I am sharing experience of my aunty (Bua ji) from whom Sai Baba ji came into my life. This was the time when my aunty and uncle used to live in Aadipur (Gujarat). They are staunch devotee of Baba and at their home there was a beautiful photo of Baba ji which they used to worship. One day a contractor came to their home who has built their home and saw this beautiful photo of Baba ji. After seeing that Photo, he told them that he knows an old women (In Gujarat old woman is called Baa) who has a beautiful Idol of Baba ji so he will take them to her home for Baba ji’s Darshan. I must tell you that the home in which my uncle and aunty were living was first seen by that old women but she refused to buy that home so after some time they purchased that home. This old woman lives alone in her home (I don’t know about her family) and at a distance of i think 3-4 km from their home. So after hearing from the contractor about this old woman, they happily agreed to him and told him that yes they will definitely visit her home and have Darshan of Baba ji.
So after that they started visiting her house regularly to have Darshan of Baba ji. The old woman was getting weaker day by day and also she was not able to take care of Baba ji as she used to earlier. Now as their continuous visit they both have become family to her. Suddenly one day she called them immediately and told them that please take Baba ji with you. After hearing this my aunty was choked, she just thought that taking care of Baba is very big responsibility, she was little concerned about this but the old woman said when she closed her eyes the first Photo appeared was of them so please take Baba with you, So then they agreed and also the fact that the old woman was becoming weak day by day. So at that day it was raining heavily so when they reached their home they kept Baba ji’s Idol outside their gate, it was like Baba ji was having Abhishek before entering their home. And also that day a snake appeared at their building so it was like he also known that today Baba ji is coming at their building. So it was caught by the snake catcher and was taken away. So like this Baba ji came to their home. They both started worshipping whole heartedly to Baba take care of Baba ji with full devotion. People in that area also started visiting to have a Darshan of Baba ji. My aunty always used to eat food after doing Naivadhya or feeding food to Baba.
So suddenly one day when she was doing Naivadhya to Baba ji, my uncle clicked 2-3 pictures of it. Then he went to his company. At that moment they have not seen those photo, at evening my aunty saw that in one of the photos there is an appearance of white Light from Baba ji’s hand (Mobile in which my uncle clicked photos was at home). She suddenly called my uncle and told him about this. So after hearing this he suddenly rushed home. (As office was just over that time). After seen that photo they both were really really happy as that Baba ji has given them such a wonderful Darshan. And i also must tell you that whenever they start doing Aarti of Baba Ji, smile automatically comes to that idol. So they took out several copies of that Photo. When i was 4-5 years old i think so my aunty given us a beautiful Photo of Baba from then i used to pray Baba ji. After this miracle they gave us a copy of it and after seeing that Photo, i was jumping with joy and my faith increased 100000000000000000000 times for Baba. Now they are settled in Indore just about a distance of 30 minute from my home as there are no relative so far at that place, there are also 4 aunties (Bua ji’s) but all of them are in MP and our family (My father is the only brother of them) is also in MP. Whenever i go to their locality for any work, i always visit their home for Baba ji’s Darshan. There is another miracle of this wonderful Baba ji’s idol that i will share next time and also my experiences too. At last Sai Ram to Hetal ji and all the devotees may Baba fulfil all of your wishes. Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: Sai Ram Devotees, I am one of the lucky persons since Baba has chosen me to be His devotee. Thanks to the members of this platform who through the posted experiences keep our faith alive through difficult times. I have many experiences to share, but this one is recent. Shri Sai Nath had blessed me with a Good IT Job and i survived it through many hiccups, but then after 6 years, the whole group was laid off. But since we belong to the union, we are given some other job, which was not to our profile and very basic entry job. (May be the strategy was that we will leave the company in that way). My whole group found other jobs within the company with same profile and remained in IT. I was the only one who did not find any, and landed up doing some basic entry job leaving my IT career. I tried for 3 years to find other jobs but nothing would work out, but my trust and the experiences of other devotees kept me going, bearing the insults from friends who looked down upon me for doing some entry level job.
I was on a verge to give up, when Baba showed His presence and i got a call from one of the IT clusters and went through with a basic interview and they offered me a very good position in the IT Cluster. I was not only shocked but also surprised that as I did not expect this. But also within my heart, i was a bit scared that it was along Gap in my profile. One day i asked in Baba’s Question and Answer book, shall i take this job and the reply was, you do this job, Shri Sai Baba will help you. I was not only amazed also tears filled my eyes and with no doubt i took the offer. But as it is said by Baba- Have Shraddha and Saburi and don’t fear when i am here. Same applied to me. Devotees don’t give up in difficult times. Have faith. I know it is not as easy as said. But just hang around the difficult times with trust in Baba. He is watching us and also waiting for our Karmas to burn, and will surely bless us. We may not realise during our suffering, but He is always one step ahead of us waiting to hold our hand and get us through the rough times.

Anonymous Devotee from UK says: Jai Sai Ram, I have been in Baba’s fold for many years. I am Baba’s follower and devoted to Baba but my husband and kids are not. However, they do not interfere with my beliefs. But for me Baba has always been with me and i have numerous experiences. This is the first time I am sharing my experience. My husband came home from work 4 days ago and was down. He is a very confident person and has several years of experience and leads the company in technology, educated in the US etc. Suddenly I could observe that he was having a challenge day at work and the lack of cooperation and the basic respect from his CEO of the company. First time in his career he was asked to meet with the HR dept. My husband expressed that there is so much of investment yet without the trust of the CEO he is not able to go further with the project. Conversations heated up and my husband could not defend or convince the HR and the CEO. He was lacking sleep for 3 days and not eating. I prayed to Baba yesterday, Thursday read the Chapter 11 of the Satcharitra seeking His guidance. In a few hours, the HR wrote an email to my husband which came at 11:00 PM saying that they want to settle with my husband in cash compensation. This works fine for us. We are praying that my husband finds a suitable job where my husband skills sets, potential and strength will be used. By His grace we know this will happen. Jai Sai Ram, Baba and thanks for all that you do. You give us the confidence and pull us through every time.

Sai Sister Gomathysai from India says: Since, 7 years, I am one of the devotee of Sai and i am in Chennai. I love Sai very much in each and every movement of my life Sai in there with me, i feel a lot. I want to share with a wonderful experience with you all about Sai and His Udi. In this week Tuesday, my sister’s daughter have a blood clot in her hand. She is just 7 years old a small girl studying in 3rd. We took her to a hospital and doctor said that we want to do a small surgery then it will be cured. On Tuesday, surgery was done and doctor put bandage in her hand and said to come on Wednesday to remove that bandage and clean that clot (For dressing). On Wednesday again, we took her to that doctor and when he removed that bandage, we were shocked because it was not cured and doctor said we want to do a small minor operation on Saturday otherwise it will grow and the child would be in risk. In that critical situation, Me and my sister prayed to Sai Baba and applied Sai’s Udi on her hand and gave Udi water to her. Today morning, we removed that bandage and we saw her hand that blood clot had gone. She was saying, there was no pain in her hand. Thank You very much Sai Paa. No words to describe my happiness. I love You Sai, love You so much. Thanks.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a housewife doing catering business from home. By Grace of Baba, it’s doing Ok. My kids are settled in USA. My husband’s business is not doing good, praying to Baba for his business. Last year in November, I had kept Baba’s Nav Guruvar Vrat and I had made two wishes in front of Baba. My one wish was to find a tenant for my home as we keep paying guest as our financial condition is not good and other one was for my elder son as he was searching for a job in USA but not getting so he was very depressed. The day, I started my Vrat, my first wish fulfilled on first Thursday only and I got a tenant. On last Thursday in the morning when I was going to do Udyapan, my son called that he has got a job. Baba fulfilled both my wishes. Without Baba there is nothing in our lives. Baba please Bless us. Please Bless my husband with good health and business. He is very tensed as we have debts to clear and loans to pay off. Baba please my both the tenants have left and it’s been few months. Please Baba send some good and right persons for our home. You have always taken care of us. Baba I am wholeheartedly praying for welfare of my family my sons should have good jobs and finish their education which is their dream and we pay off all our debts. Bless us Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thank you all for regularly sharing your wonderful experience. I have believed in Sai Baba since a while now. However, I need prayers of all of you to solve my problem. We are a well to do family but due to my uncle and aunts (My father’s two brothers) who live a lavish life by taking loans, my father had to construct a home for all 3 families as his brothers were unable to pay back loans of around 13 Lakhs. They eat non vegetarian 5 to 7 days in a week, they don’t do any work. They just borrow money from people and eat. They never pay people back. They are very good with words and now my dad can’t take property from them, and as a result we live a life below standard. Had we rented out the property, it would have been an additional income. Even police has come to our place as they don’t pay people back. My mother is scared that how will she get me married if family is such, and nobody likes them. My father has to keep giving them money as they beg basically emotional blackmail. Their kids lost the loan money in gamble and alcohol. The kids are 33 and 35 years old and not married. Baba please help us out of this trouble. Sai Baba please do miracle, please do some magic.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram…. I trust you a lot mere baba… N love you…:)
Jai Sai ram_/_
Sai reham kr
Thank you baba so much .. you are every day gives me strength through these messages..please help me out baba..keep me out of all troubles..I love you baba OM SAI NAMO NAMAH..
Sai – Please put your Varad hast on my head and bless me with the baby tomm morning …. Om Sai Ram !!
Congrats and may baba bless you with safe and healthy delivery.
om sai ram
Sai baba
Please help me. I am in so much pain. I lost my father at young age. My mom health is also not well she is worried about me and my sister marriage. I know it is difficult due to skin problem we both have. But baba it is not my mistake . I am 31 now and never seen an normal life. I do not want much just a simple guy, I am educated so want a educated guy, these days people judge only from beauty or dowry that can be given. Baba u r my only hope I can not bear any more pain sufferings baba do some thing I know I say bad words at time but baba u know that's my frustration bababa help me baba help me nd my family baba help me baba help me
Dear devotee. Please have some patience, Baba will definitely take care of you. Do nav guruvar vrat. May this new year brings you and your family lots of happiness. Om Sai Ram
May sai baba fulfill your wish as he does to all his devotees.
Om sai ram
Today's one of the qoute answered my question which I asked sai baba yesterday .
Sai nath plz answer my prayer .plz baba answer my rest question . I am eagerly waiting for ur reply .
dear devotees
can anyone suggest the process of nav guruvar vrat … should the vrat be done for 9 thursdays and udhyapan on the 10th ? and do we need to read the katha 2 times in a day or only in the evening before opening.?
This link has all the details about the vrat,
you just read katha once either morning or evening and do udhyapan on 9th day… may god bless you.. and your vrat get successful… Om Sai Ram..:)
dear devotees i see in alot of videos that there is a dhuni in guru stahan as well and there is one lighting in dwarkamai … which people are not allowed to go near … I would like to know the udi that we get is it the one from dwarkamai.. ??
om sai ram
It gladdens the heart to read so many beautiful experiences of His miracles and gives us the hope that we are next to experience His, for sure 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thank you lord Shiv for finding you back in the house.thank you you Sai.keep everyone healthy and happy.give peace to Sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
I would like to thanks Sandhya ji for taking across our prayers to Baba Sai at shirdi.. may baba shower his blessings on you for doing such kind service …. Thank you SANDHYA jiii… Sairam
"Sai Sai"
Om sai ram sabka maliek ek thanku so much baba ji for come my life without you i am nothing baba g. Love you baba ji
Baba please give me inner peace and bless me and my family
Am really sorry baba for the MISTSKES committed
Sai Ram to dear Sai Devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Om sai ram..
1st devotee very much blessed experience. Baba m feeling scary …don't know about what… Plz baba save us… Hum sabse aap kaam karwa lijiye… Hum sab aapki sharan me aaye hai… Om Sai Ram..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
BABAji! Please bless us with Your divya darshan. Please give us strength and courage to face life. Bless Your child with a good college seat. Thank You so much for everything Saima.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai saimaaaa…..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai Ram
First leela is very good and we experience his darshan om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be with all