Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from UAE says: Hello all. I am married and have a 2 year old son. My experience is related to how Baba helped me in my delivery and His blessings to my son and family. Om Sai Ram. Before I start to pen down my experience, i would like to wholeheartedly appreciate and thank the entire team behind this site for their fantastic idea of bringing up this concept and their good work. Reading other devotees experience increases our faith in our beloved Sai and helped me learn and realize how patience and faith in Baba will help us attain peace in life. My first experience is, My association with Baba started in the year 2012 after i got married. My friend used to attend the noon Aarti on Thursdays and i simply used to accompany her. I never used to believe in going to Temple regularly and fasting. But after visiting Baba, i felt something divine and i started being regular in attending the noon Aarti on Thursdays. It gave me inner peace and happiness. Then i became pregnant and faced few issues during pregnancy because of some infections. But still somehow i managed to attend His Aarti. I used to ask Baba to bless me a safe normal delivery and a healthy baby. During my 9th month, i had few health issues and the doctor said they cannot wait till due date and they need to induce the delivery. I was so scared and i prayed Baba to bless me a healthy baby and normal delivery. By our beloved Baba’s blessing, everything went well and i delivered a healthy baby (Normal delivery). Thanks to Sai Maa for being with me.
My second experience is, When my kid was 6 months old, he never used to eat anything. He used to resist whatever food i used to give him. I used to cry a lot getting worried about his health and prayed to Sai Baba to make my son eat and help me to get out of this stress. Yes our beloved Sai helped me to overcome this problem. He showed me a way as to how to make my son eat. I am really thankful to Sai Maa for this. Everything was going normal and after a year my son got loose stools. I gave him medicine but he suddenly got stomach ache. At the same time, 2 people came in a big auto with full of Sai Baba’s idol. They were collecting some money for Annadhan. We gave them some money and they said they have Baba’s Idol in their vehicle and asked us to take blessings from Him. When i saw Baba’s idol, i felt peace and believed that Baba has come to my doorstep to help my son. They also gave us Udi and I applied that Udi in my son’s stomach. What a miracle the loose stools stopped and even without giving medicine his stomach ache was completely gone. Thank You so much Baba.
But my son again got loose stools in 10 days. This time it was worse. I got so depressed and started crying a lot to Baba. We took to doctor, gave medicine but it did not come down rather increased. We took him to doctor again, he got slight temperature also and once again i applied Udi in his stomach. Thanks my dear Baba, slowly he is getting cured. Please Baba bless my son and help him get out of all these health issues very soon. Please be with him always, guide and protect him and bless him with good health and long life. Thank You Dear Baba for being with us and protecting us. Thank You Baba for everything. Please guide, protect and Bless every devotee. Let happiness, good health and peace prevail in everyone’s life. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Dai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram. Om Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ji Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear Hetal ji, this is my 4th or may be 5th post on this website. I am a small devotee of Baba since 2009. I want to share this because i want to tell my Sai friends that never lose your faith in Sai as there is always some or the other reason of happenings that take place in our lives. I read these experiences of Sai Baba devotees often. Today when i was going through some experiences, i decided to post my personal tragedy experience so that my Sai friends could seek help from that and can stay tough in every situation because Baba is always there holding our hand. Last year in December 2014, i got to know that i am pregnant. I was overwhelmed and did share my experience earlier also. This year in February 2015, i have completed 1 Year of my marriage. I and my husband and our families were very happy when they got to know this big news of my pregnancy. Everything was going smooth. I was facing some common issues related to pregnancy just like others do and few tests were done to check that everything was normal or not and Sai blessed me with normal reports.
Later, when i was in the end of my fifth month of pregnancy. I went for normal ultrasound to check how baby was doing. I was very curious to see my growing baby and heartbeat and moving body as i already started feeling the movements inside my womb. I don’t know what was God’s will. When the ultrasound was done, we found out that baby is not doing good as her kidneys stopped working and i had to terminate the pregnancy. The thought of losing my baby was more than heartbreaking for me and of course for husband and family as my baby was the only for me to improve my relations in my family. We went for various doctor checkups and tried everything to keep my baby but destiny. On 13th April 2015, i delivered a beautiful 6 months old Baby angel and she died right after delivery as her system was not normal. Being Baba’s loving daughter, i fought with Him and lost myself. I told Him in anger that i will never ever believe in Him anymore and after that i gave my daughter’s body for autopsy and that was a terrible experience but we had to do it as there is no other method to know the cause of sudden kidney failure in growing baby. After her last rights we came back home and tried to cope up with that and in fact still trying.
Yesterday, 20th June, 2015 her autopsy reports came saying that it was a genetic disorder and which will continue in further pregnancies but the genetic specialist told us that she needs more time as she was not sure that its genetic or randomly happened. Now all i have in my heart is my prayers and request to my Sai Maa that please make everything normal. Please remove the doubt of possibility of genetic disorder and make that report say that it was a random disorder which could happen to anybody. Baba i lost my baby girl and that punishment was enough for me. Please don’t punish me like this further. You are our Mother and i am asking You to bless me and my husband to become parent of a healthy child. I request you all to pray for my daughter Pari to rest in peace and also pray to Baba for making the report come normal. You are my only hope Deva, How can i leave You and i know that You will never leave me. Jai Sai Ram. I will gain request for Your Vibhuti and will get blessing to become a mother again.

Sai Brother Sameer from India says: I am from Uttarakhand and serving Army Personnel. Om Sai Ram. Today, I would like to share my experience with other devotees. I became the devotee of Sai Baba ji through my wife since 2008-09. Many unbelievable Miracles happened in my life since the day I surrendered to Shri Sai Baba. In this recent experience, I was doing MA (English) through IGNOU. I requested Baba ji to help me. My job does not permit me to spare too much time for studies hence my preparations were not so good. But I was very confident that Baba ji will definitely bless me. When I saw the result, I had scored 35 marks in one of the subject. I thanked Sai Baba. But later on I came to know that the passing percentage is 40% and I have failed in that subject. I became very disappointed and also a bit angry with Baba ji. The place where I am posted do not have any mobile or internet connection. I don’t know what inside my heart guided me to apply for rechecking. Any how I contacted my brother-in-law and with his help applied for re-evaluation. The result of re-evaluation was declared and by the grace of Baba ji, I scored 46 in rechecking and cleared the MA (English) exam with a grand total of 62% marks. I don’t know how to thank Baba ji. He is great and always take care of His devotees.
In my heart, I had decided that I will definitely visit Shirdi if I will pass MA (English) exam. So after my result I along with my family went to visit Shirdi. There also many miracles happened with us. Firstly when we went for Darshan it was heartiest wish of me and my wife to have close Darshan but we were placed into side queues and hence had very brief Darshan of Baba ji. We both were very disappointed. We again tried for Darshan but same happened again. Hence we went to Shani Shignapur. Somehow we returned little earlier from Shani Shignapur and decided for Baba ji’s Darshan again. This time we were very lucky and one devotee guided us immensely and we had a very long, close and nice Darshan of Baba ji. The next day was our return.
My seats in AC-2 were waiting 2 and 3 since last month and I was confident of seats confirmation. Unfortunately my seats could not be confirmed. I again became very disappointed and angry with Baba ji. I don’t know how to travel wife and little son of 6 years. I thought of booking fresh tickets through Tatkal. I don’t know at Kopargaon railway station from where 2 persons came. They helped me a lot in getting confirmed tickets for next day. I use to keep limited money in my valet to avoid any loss or theft. At Kopargaon station there was no ATM I don’t had a copy of my ID proof but the stranger 2 persons helped me in providing copy of ID proof and when my wife and I collected the entire amount of our valets to book the fresh tickets it was approx equal to the amount of fare. Thus our tickets got booked and we also get one more day at Shirdi. Hence, in evening we again went to Shirdi and were blessed to have a wonderful Darshan of Baba ji. Friends with this experience, I want to tell all the devotees that have faith in Baba ji and He will leave no stone unturned to fulfil your wishes. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I don’t know how to thank this website for providing live Darshan and devotee’s experiences. I want to share my best ever experiences with Baba. Initially I was not a great devotee of Baba, but I know Him from my 8th standard as my tuition teacher was a great devotee of Him and we used to visit Baba temple every week and there I firstly sang Baba Aarti. After one year amazingly one of the officer in my town thought to construct Baba temple which is behind my house so the work was very fast and it got completed within 6 months as a big construction of Baba temple. So Everyday Baba’s four Aarti’s has been listening from the Temple and without reading the book I by hearted all Aarti’s unknowingly. When I was in 10th standard, my mom told me to read Sai Satcharitra Book and I read in Baba temple but not with complete devotion and I completed my 10th standard with 1st class but not with expected score and I did not get good rank in EAMCET exam also I did not get seat in good engineering college but as my wish I joined in one of the nearby engineering college. I completed my engineering there and as that college is not much better one, no campus selections was there so I was quite disappointed as I was the topper of the class but not yet placed in any company. Many of my friends who are in other colleges were placed in MNC’s. Like this 1 year went with no job, then I used to pray lord Shiva and got job in Hyderabad with 8k salary and I joined.
After continuing 2 years in the same company, my mom wanted to stay with me as she don’t want to leave me alone in Hyderabad. My mom is a biggest devotee of my sweet cute Sai Baba and we took an home and then she started doing Nava Guruvar Vrat but I was not much concentrated anymore. After 2 months suddenly we got some troubles from this moment my entire life changed. Suddenly I decided to read Sai Satcharitra, Still I don’t know how I decided but I started and prayed Baba to give a good job and the 2nd day, I got call from a good company I don’t know how to thank Baba for that. I read Sai Satcharitra before also but I did not get tears while reading. Now here something different for each single page I used to cry I experience something unexplainable. I also decided to read Satcharitra 5 times so when I started reading 2nd time, I got call from another company which is my dream company and also selected and got offer letter and all these things happened in Thursdays. I was so happy and unbelievingly the HR name is Sai and the offer receiving from another HR name is Vibhuti. I was not able to control my tears in that moment and also the interview went very smoothly with the person who is from Pune. I was not confident I am unfit but now with Baba blessing, I became worth to all. He is my Mother, Father, Guru and Everything. I will never and ever leave Him. Love You Baba. Please bless me for my further life at new job.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am devotee of Lord Shirdi Sai Baba when I was 8 years old I guess. I started reading Sai Satcharitra at the age of 8. I mean when I started how to read my mother tongue that time onwards I started reading Sai Satcharitra. Like many of us, Baba is there with me forever. I have countless Miracles of Baba. I love my Baba so much. I would like to share the below experience which happened in 2012. In 2012, I was also working in some MNC. I left my job to take care of my child. At the same time, my husband was trying for USA chances. As I left my job for my child, I had strong intention to travel along with him. I started praying our Baba. I asked Baba that I want to go with my husband. He got one project opportunity to travel in one month. We went to do 108 Pardakshinas to Chilkur Bala ji. We finished doing Pardakshinas then we got call from his manager saying that our trip got cancelled due to some reasons. We were shocked hearing that.
Then he got another onsite position for which he has to travel in one week. My husband was in dilemma as mine and my child’s visas were not yet processed. His visa alone was ready to travel. His manager asked him to travel alone. I was very upset as they decided like that. Then something happened that requirement itself got cancelled. We were confused why it’s happening to us like that. After few days again one more opportunity came in which they asked us to travel in 3 weeks. They processed our visas but they said they can’t sponsor tickets for entire family that time and somehow convinced my husband to travel alone. They promised him saying that they will be sending us after few months. I was really upset why Baba didn’t hear me. I was doing Nav Guruvar Vrat that time. The time has come. My husband had to travel in five days. His manager mailed the travel team to book his tickets. As my husband was busy in travel arrangements, I was checking on his mails. Internally I was praying Baba, asking Him why He didn’t fulfil my small wish to travel with my husband. By the evening, he got email saying that his tickets got booked. When I opened that mail, I was shocked to see travel tickets for three of us. It was unbelievable. My husband contacted his manager saying that the travel team has booked tickets for entire family. His manager enquired with travel agent why he did that. They responded him saying it was a mistake and money will be wasted if we cancel them. His manager emailed him saying that travel with the family as your wish. I was so happy. Baba’s Miracles has no bounds. Within five days, we were in USA with family.

Sai Brother Prakash from India says: Hi all. Aum Sai Ram. Thank you Hetal ji for maintaining this beautiful site for sharing Sai’s Miracles. Sorry for the delay in posting this, please forgive me Sai. I am a Sathya Sai devotee since my childhood. But in the past some 8 years came close to Shirdi Sai Baba. Now Sai is my life. I always used to sleep with Sai’s Photo below my pillow. Every morning I used to see His Photo while waking up and also before going to bed. Every day, I visit and get Sai’s blessings, ask questions, live Darshan and today’s quote. I have faced many Miracles in my life because of Sai’s blessing. Once, Sai came in my dream. Once, an old man exactly similar to Sai Baba came at my doorsteps in Chandigarh. He said, he is going to Shirdi and he blessed me. I was feeling so divine. I believe, he is the real Sai and came to bless me. I gave the money which I was supposed to donate as said in Sai’s questions and answers page but Sai Fakir rejected my money saying “My son, I don’t want any money from you. I am going to Shirdi. Bless you my son (He said in Hindi)”. I have attached the photo here.
I have completed my B.E. with the help of Sai. Sai please help me in settling the education loan. Now I am working in top MNC and was praying Sai to help me getting transfer from Chandigarh to Chennai. As said by Sai, He helped me in getting transfer. Now I am in Chennai and as promised I am posting this experience. Trust Sai and everything will be done at right time. Sai will always gives us the best. Shraddha and Saburi is needed. Sai as said by You, You made my girl to love me. But my girl broke up with me please help me in getting her back and with both our parents approval and with Your blessings, we should get married. I request all devotees to pray for getting my girl back. Sai I am facing few financial issues. Please give me strength to overcome those. Before closing I would like to tell one more thing, I was reading Sai Satcharitra and it was mentioned about two sister lizards meeting after so many years. When I was reading that in my room I saw two small lizards together. Look at Sai’s Miracle. Aum Sai Ram. Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Aum Sai Ram. Bless everyone in this world.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sai ram_/_
om sai ram.. baba please bless second devotee.. please give her a healthy child… OM SAI RAM
Reading every experience bring tears in my eyes… Baba aapki mahima niraali h SAI.. Iss das k sir p se kabhi apna haath na hatana sai… Aur babaji 2nd devotee kp ek pyqara Sa babay dedo… Om sai ram…:)
Soooooooo true
U look to me ,I look to u
I have one pic of sai baba which is slightly different. Sai baba 's facing slightly in left side, even his eyes are also in left direction but when I keep staring at his eyes I feel his eye ball move and he see me .and I daily see that pic and talk to that pic daily night before sleep .
om sai jai sai jai jai sai.
To the 2nd devotee, I am glad that you have found the strength to surrender back to His Lotus Feet and I am sure He has many a bundle of joy delivered to you. Thank You Sai for listening to the pleas of Your children.
Jai Sairam
Saimaa…… help us maa.
Thank you Baba,Om Sai Ram…………………….
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
2nd devotee read sainath stavan manjiri and have udi mix water.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram
Baba ye kaisi situation aa gai….baba darr lagta hai…mujhe akele Hi kal sab handle karna padega kya? Baba aap aao na sab problem solve karne k liye….baba aapko aana padega aapki bacchi musibat me hai…akele mat chodna baba hame…aap aaoge na baba?
Bolona baba aap aaoge na baba? Mujhe bahut darr lag raha hai baba…plz baba be with us…..
Sister please dont loose hope, saimaa is there bcz he can't see his children suffering.Baba please blessed her with a healthy child.sai bless all of us with your kindness.we extremely need it.
Baba please 2nd devotee's wish should be fulfilled. She may be blessed with a cute baby. Thanks Baba. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Ram to dear Sai Devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
I dont knw wat to do..i asked baba for something and waited patiently for nearly 10 years.left everything on him as he said he will take care of it.but he wen all vansihed i hv lost everything.i feel like ditched by baba as he assured me in these many years by question answer,dreams and other signs..i did everyhting i could with devotion and tried to follow his m hollow,void,blank.lost..dont knw wat too do where to go..i had only him in my life but now its hard to beleive him…even doing luja,,naam japa not helping as i hv lost faith..wanna die but dont knw wats the 100% full proof method that i die surely..praying him to give me cancer or something so that i can die..dont want to live…i dont knw where to go wen he doesnot open his door for me..who to ask wen he ignores me for so long
Baba bache ki Pikar sun.
Sai mere,itni der bi na karna ki bache apni raah bhatak jaye. Pls take care of your devotee. My humble prayer.
Dear its hard time just wait for sometime
.. He is there he is listening you… He will surely come and Keep shrada and SABURI… If you are saying you don't believe sai then how can you think that… He will come running to you… Just keep faith… He shows miracles I have seen many but one should love love him from the bottom of your heart… You should not keep any doubts just believe… Read sai satcharitra in one day.. It will surely give you what you want… But one condition with full devotion and faith… May saiji bless you… Om sai ram..
Om sai ram
few days back I had a dream that my ex -bf proposed me for marriage. next mrng just like every normal day I open this experience blog I was just goin through the experiences what I saw was in one of the qoute of sai baba was written ur dream will come true .After reading that qoute my heart poped out .
And it came true ……. yesterday my ex bf proposed me to marry him . I was stocked .It was one of the unbelievable thing happend to me .
Om sai jai sai jai jai sai
From today night I am goin to start udi water I am goin to keep it in front of my sai baba photo whole night .and goin to drink it every mrng .
I read this in one of the experience early a girl had lots of pimples on her face she took udi water and got clean skin .
om sai jai sai jai jai sai
Om sai ram
i think i have given up on him…i have done nav guruvar vrat – 2 times for 9 days, 3rd time left after 5 days, read sai satacharitra, sent people to shirdi on my behalf with my prayers, have been praying to him since 2014 and now 2016 has started but he did not help me in one of the crucial things in my life, which i have been struggling since last 8 years & if he is really there, is not a big thing at all for him ! i think for others its either luck or he just helps only a few whose destiny helps them.
Dear devotee… Don't loose hope… Sai sabki sunta h… Keep faith and continue your prayers…. He is listening you… Aur vo jab dega na toh itna dega… Ki tum soch bhi ni pauge… Instead of sending prayers… Yourself go to shirdi… Just cry in front of him… He will give… He just want a ve from devotee… Keep faith… And if you can read then read sai satcharitra in 24 hrs … Om sai ram.. May baba bless you and give you what you want..
Om sairam. Make me prideless and egoless pa. Destroy my jealous , always becoming best attitude pa. Om sairam
Please pray for an Indian family staying in Sharjah, who's life is so miserable. They are struggling without money to pay for fees, rent, water & electricity charges and even for food. They are ardent devotees of Sai Ram. The husband lost his job in September 2015. Due to his age or some other reasons, till now he is not placed anywhere. The wife is a home maker. Daughter is studying and the fees for last term is not paid, which has to pay before 31st Jan.
Baba will definitely take care of this family. Is there a way for interested devotees to help them monetarily?
Om Sai Ram …Please give strength to my son to face and come with good results for his exam. keep my friend near to me always. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram …my friend is fine Thank alot for giving such fast reply baba.Please help him fix his app soon .Om sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
BABAJi! Please get me out of this stress. I cannot concentrate on anything. Thank You for being there for us always Saima.
Please bless the second devotee with a baby.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Sending lots of prayer 2 2nd devoteee..inslirational story..
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all