Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Got H1 Visa Because Of Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Hi Devotees, I want to share my experience with Sai Baba regarding my H1 Visa. I am devotee of Sri Sai Baba since some years but more devoted to Sai Baba from 2011 onwards. I came to US in 2012 by resigning my job in India (By that time, I have 10 years experience). I thought that I can spend some time with family for 6 months and then thought to start my job once again. So I have applied for H1 in 2013 March, but in lottery it didn’t picked up for me. I have lost my half of my money from consultancy. Later onwards I was just spending time like that and thinking about job because I have to apply for once again 2014 March and if I get selected in lottery and everything goes well then I should suppose start work on Dec 2014. So I was very much depressed since April 2013 onwards by looking at gap about my job and I did Sai Baba 9 Vrat from April onwards, am unable to come out from the depression so continuing my 9 Vrat till 21 weeks and doing that Pooja continuously. In June 2013, I went to India. There I went to Shirdi, by seeing Sai Baba I cried like anything and I prayed Him to give me a job (I know that my visa rejected completely and I have to wait till December 2014 to do job if I would select in 2014 Lottery). I was back to US after one month and continued my 9 weeks Vrat. Actually I have H1 visa (Just petition approved and stamping not done) from 2007 year. When I enquired in 2013, everyone told me that it’s won’t work as already crossed 6 years.

In Oct 2013, when I was talking with different consultancies like Kforce and some other consultancies, I came to know from KForce that I can utilize previous visa (which is petition approved) and have to activate it if I can get job and with client letter. I got some hope but by that time I didn’t have petition number also with me. I sent mail to my past company, luckily there gave me just petition number for H1, with that petition number I got my I-797 form from USCIS. From November 2013 onwards I started searching for job, at the beginning I was very sincere and used to tell them that I have resigned 2012 and taken some gap and now planning to do job. But none of the consultancies didn’t believe me. Then I started lying that I am doing job and I am on H1, but in so many consultancy interviews, I have failed due to lot of questions on Visa like what visa I came and what Visa I am in US like that and they don’t believe me that I have 10 yrs of experience because of visa problems. Every day Thursday I used to do Pooja for Sai Baba Vrat. I prayed God very sincerely.

In January 2014, I have got selected for one company and they gave me client letter and they asked me join in within a week. So immediately my employer took client letter from them and started activated my 2006 visa. But immediately the next day, company not selected me as I didn’t have submitted my SSN for background verification. As I didn’t have SSN by that time I didn’t applied. Sai Baba is there. Because As my employer got client letter, applied, my visa got approved within 4 days without any RFE in February 2014. Really if Baba’s grace is not there, then I would get RFE. As I lost my job, I would get my RFE then there is no chance for me to activate my visa once again because client won’t provide any documents. Because of Sai Baba and I did 21 weeks of Sai Baba Vrat, I got Visa without any RFE and then later I have selected for another job with activated visa. This is really miracle of Sai Baba only. Now I got permanent job. Thank You Baba. This is all happened because of You only. I bow to Sai Baba. Sai Baba blessings are always with us. Jai Sai Ram.

My Sai Baba’s Anubhav

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee says: Om Sai Ram Hetal ji. First of all I must say thanks to you for such a wonderful blog. Here is my experience at Shirdi. Shirdi is my Sai Maa’s Home I regard as my mom’s home (Mayaka). Sai Baba please help me to write my experience. Be with me Baba. We used to visit Shirdi 2-3 times in a year. But however one year went blank. We were so sad. Every day, I was praying to Baba for calling us to Shirdi, and at last the day came and Sai called us. Me and family went to Shirdi. We were so happy being there in Shirdi. We decided to stay at least for 3 days over there. But as you know in Bhakt Niwas they are not allow to stay more than two days. We had nice Darshan of Baba Sai. We had our lunch in Prasadalay. I wished to attend Kakad Aarti but I said it is not possible as my son is too young, that he couldn’t be able to wake up early in the morning. We spend our two days happily with Baba and the time came to return back to Bombay. My son asked for staying one more night in Shirdi but as we already had our tickets of Luxury bus it was not possible to stay in Shirdi. We even left our room. While coming out of Bhakt Niwas, I prayed to Baba that “Baba, my son and even I want to stay here for one more night but my husband is not ready as he had some work in Bombay. Baba do some Miracle and make us to stay here. Please Baba.” Then we left the place.

We were waiting for bus. We waited for two hours but it didn’t come. My husband got angry on agent said it never happens, let me call. When he called the answer was, Bus had already left, now it has come out from Shiridi. It seems, there was double booking on your seats, now nothing would happen, you have to stay in Shiridi. Expect my husband we both were happy. (As I know that it is my Baba’s wish) My husband angrily said now where to sleep on street or what? I said Sai will make arrangement for us. He is with us. But my husband was not ready to stay in Shirdi. (Actually my husband is also devotee of Baba. But I don’t know why he behaved like this). He even tried for S.T. bus that was also not available. Then we returned back to Bhakt Niwas. We slept in hall. Suddenly my husband suggested that let’s go for Kakad Aarti. We went for Kakad Aarti. There we found nice arrangement for devotees. We could even sleep in hall. We spend whole night with Baba. In the morning, we attended Kakad Aarti. See how Baba fulfilled our all wishes. My husband came to know about his mistake he did. He asked me that should I say sorry to agent? He also said sorry to Sai Baba Ji. At afternoon we left for Mumbai happily.

Miracle Medicine-Vibhuti

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Sri Lanka says: I am ordinary devotee of Baba. I wasn’t a devote to Baba from my child hood. I recently was blessed to worship Baba. Like Baba says my time arrived recently to devote myself to Baba and now I completely trust Him infinitely. I recently left abroad from my country for employment. It’s been just few weeks and I still haven’t got an employment and seeking for one, and I solely believe I will get the right one as per Baba’s plan. So now that I am unemployed and staying over at friends place, I do not have much of a financial stability. After 3 days of arriving, I started having a severe back pain and it’s was really bad at times I couldn’t stretch my arm. I was really scared and worried since it was spreading from the exact centre of the top spine. I was in a such a state I couldn’t tell my family back home, since they’ll start worrying and at the mean time I can’t access any hospitals here since lack of funds and it’s big procedure since now I’m a foreigner and haven’t got any job. Even before coming here I looked up in the Internet and was aware of where Baba Temple is situated close by, a day which I was feeling better I made time for Baba and managed go to the Temple. Worshiped and prayed for a job and good health having this back pain in my mind. Having worshiped Baba, I came out and took some Vibhuti with me to take home since I didn’t have any at home. That night my back pain was getting bit bad and I tried whatever medicines which was at home and nothing answered. I somehow fell asleep that night. From next day night I started applying Vibhuti in my back, mixing it with some oil from the lamp. Continued it for the following days and I started feeling better in the mornings. Finally now it’s reduced a lot and the signs of pains are diminishing. Thanks to Baba and I really was amazed and I almost teared when I woke up on the first day without the pain. I wanted to share this whole heartedly with all other Sai devotees. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Maa Is Always With Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: I am a Sai Maa devotee since last 3 years and experienced numerous of His Leelas and Miracles in my life. I came to Canada almost a year back and wanted to have a Job desperately. After 2 months, I got a break in a small company but good team. Salary was much less than my expectation. Still I started considering this is what Baba has chosen for me. I had a tough time as my commute was difficult and during snow fall travelling in bus was difficult. Still I continued as Baba was with me to safe guard me and motivate me every day. Team was ok. Owner of the company really liked my work. After 11 month, I started looking for change. I got couple of interview calls both were scheduled on Thursday. I wanted these jobs desperately as both jobs were offering good pay packages. With the 2nd company, I got call for 2nd round. That was completely technical and made that clear to them. Still they wanted me to try. I had 48 hours, had to make a presentation. I prepared one, went there on Monday evening for the presentation. I asked Baba before leaving my place to stay with me all the time. To my surprise the moment I entered Board Room of that company, the owner of the company was sitting and she  had Baba’s ring in her hand. There was no limit to my joy. I was having tears in my eyes and I was talking to Baba that “I was requesting You to come with me and You are already there to handle everything. Next day, I got call from the company that I have been selected. I got offer letter with Baba’s grace on Thursday and here again Baba bring in surprise for me. He knows what all I wanted. Thank You Sai Maa. Love You so much. I am here in Canada only because of You and You are the only one who is here with me. Please stay with me all the time. Please Baba.

My Sai Baba Is Very Kind, He Listens Everyone’s Voice

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am very much follower and devotee of Sai Baba. Whenever I am in trouble, He always saved me and gives a right message from this blog. So hats of this site who is maintaining a sincerely for all Sai devotees. Nowadays my husband is much tensed from his business and doesn’t want to talk to anyone (family people). Yesterday, I prayed to Sai that please help me to get the call from my brother, usually we call in every weekend. If I supposed to call my brother and my husband would get angry on me (Even we have borrowed money from my brother). So I desperately pray to Sai Paa that please make it possible that my brother‘s call will come within 9 pm. Surprisingly its very shock, around 8:30 pm my bhabhi called up to my husband’s mobile and saying that their kid was called up unknowingly. Within that moment tears rolled in my eyes and we talked up to my brother too. Really its miracle, otherwise they wouldn’t have called up and if would call my husband would have scolded me. Thank You Sai Paa, I can’t express how it’s important for me and I can’t share this with my parents and sisters even my husband also. That’s why I post this my wonderful experience and gratitude to my Sai Paa. Sai Paa, please bless my husband to get success in his work because he is very hard worker and he do fast in every Thursday. Already we lost many things in our life (flat, money). Even though my husband is very kind for who is in financial trouble and helped big amount. Baba, You know it very well how we have gone through the tough phase. Please bless us to come out from all our problems. Give us good health, peace. Bless my child in her studies because she is very much devotee. Om Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Unbelievable Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Anandhi from India says: I am from Chennai, Adyar. Even though, I live in Adyar for years, I don’t know there is a small Sai Baba Temple near our house that too next street. One of my family friend called me while doing Annadhan. That day was Thursday and before weak only, I started 9 weeks fasting. I felt some peace after visiting Baba. We were expecting some money for one purpose but couldn’t get any collection. But by Baba’s Miracle, I got a buyer for our property within 2 days and by Saturday Baba solved our purpose. Even now, I couldn’t believe it happened. I really thank Baba for His kindness and love He showered on us. From then, I am visiting Baba regularly and whoever I meet, I praise Baba and ask them to visit this Temple. Not only that, one property gone out of our hands, I prayed Baba and again while writing this, that person who told I sold, called me and told he will wait for even 10 days and to pay just token advance is enough. Except Baba, no one can do this miracle because Today morning they told deal finished. Even now, I visited Baba and came back. I will upload Baba Photo so that whoever read this will get Baba’s blessings. Miracle continues. Jai Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. O Sadguru, be with us and teach us how to be patient in the face of adversities and firm in our Faith on You 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  3. om sai ram sabka maliek ek baba g i love you sooo much baba g i will post my experience soon i knew baba g,you are with me every moment and watching everything baba g please be with me,baba g you knew very well what i want .baba g please help me and give me your blessings i needed most…om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram sabka maliek ek.bolo jai sachidanand sainath gururaj maharaj ki jai..

  4. BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please be wit me.SAI BABA please bless me.OM SAI RAM

  5. Baba i have only one request now, if that is not going to happen this time then don't let this happen either. Bas, baaki apko jo karna hai karo…no more false hopes and "signs"'s mostly just us misterpreting common things and then asking u for things we don't even deserve. Please i am not angry and i will never lose my faith in u, but if this one thing is not going to work out like everything else in my life at the moment, then so be it. I will take it as me working out my past karma. But please no more false hopes. Jab baaki sab kuch bhi bura hi ho raha hai then ek aur sahi. Concentrate ur energy on other people and keep them happy and bless them. I will find a way to be happy in their happiness. I am not angry, u are my mother and there are so many other things u have done for me and so many other times when u were the only one wiping my tears. But life cannot always be a bed of roses na. Koi baat nai, ur wish is the last word u are the supreme authority. Please stop giving us false hope through ur answers, be real for once and say it yaar agar bura hi hona hai..people suffer much worse. I will not l Ieave u but please jhooth mat bolo aap. Please. I leave everything at ur feet as always. U took him away as well, i am wishless and hopeless even in that respect. But yet, i will always love u. Om Sai Ram.

    • Yes, don't believe in signs for something that relates to your heart. Wish and pray for the best and let it go. Let the healing begin. Maybe God will bring someone to your life who will make you very happy and stand by you at all times. Maybe God will find a way to make things work for him and you. You don't know. But expecting a certain outcome and not starting the healing, will hurt you. I know. I have wasted so many years like that. I regret it too now. Now I just hope for the best. believe and pray that something very good will happen in your life. Whatever it is. 🙂

    • You stole my words .. this is what I was thinking about Sai Baba …I am praying for the past 6 years but nothing happen .. instead it's out of control now.Sai is helping the mean people but honest people are suffering too much. Mean people are enjoying their lives and honest people are just suffering and suffering …..sometimes I feel not praying to him but I pray not for me but for my closed ones.

    • Sai maa is already with us. It will take lil more time have patience and wait and then see sai maa's miracles.
      God bless u all
      Om sairam
      Gurudev datta ☺

    • According to our karma also it will take time, don't blame anyone because it is we created our destiny, baba is helping us achieving our desires in right way and right time by taking from us nishta and saburi

  6. Om sai maa plz deva kaho na apne mere lie kisse chuna hai
    I need u deva. I love u alot
    I am waiting since long time.
    Plz kaho na sai.
    Om sai ram
    Gurudev datta ☺

  7. Baba for the past one month i am having all bad dreams coming in my mind.. I want my life to be happy.. Please baba save me…

    • you are really true devotee of baba, i have not been able to do so till now inspite of thinking to be so innumerable number of times, so much unsuccessful person i am .surely baba will bless you happiness,you deserve his bliss , om sai ram!

  8. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂

  9. who has experienced Saibaba's questions and answers in Madhav Rege's book? I want to know how it works and helps? Any one has experienced?

  10. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

  11. Om namaha shivaya, jai shree ram, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, baba ki palkhi ki jai, tirupati balaji ki jai, jai durga, jai murugan, ram navami, why fear when bava is near

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