Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Baba Blessed Us

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Norway says: I wanted to write about the Miracle Sri Sai Baba has performed in my life since some time now. This miracle is the conception of my baby Sai Ganesh as my mother addresses him as he is yet in my womb. More than a year ago i discovered there were issues in my horoscope and due to which i would face delays in conceiving a child. I would to always dream of being a mother this was like the uttermost important thing in my life. But when i learnt of the issue i was totally heartbroken and prayed hard. We did all the Pooja’s suggested and kept praying day and night for a child. I used to be restless and did not have patience. I wanted to be a mother immediately. As they say, man proposes and God disposes. Few months later i discovered i had a problem medically. This further broke me down badly. I tried to keep my faith strong in God, prayed strongly. Then is when i turned to Sai Baba. I started reading Sai Satcharitra everyday and somewhere i came across the miracle of Nav Guruvar Vrat. So i kept a vow to do this Vrat as per my abilities and visited the only temple here in my city every Thursday. (Please note i live on a foreign country and here there is only one temple in the city which is Ganesha Temple). I always visualized Ganapathy as Sai Baba and prayed. The Vrat went on well and was completed by God’s Grace. I was getting more and more anxious on this matter to conceive as soon as possible.

Few months past by this way with no results at all. We discovered we both had issues and normal conception was next to impossible for us without medical intervention. We were ready to spend as much as it takes but there was no private clinics here which offered the treatment. Our other choice was to get treatment in India. But for that we had to leave our jobs few months and be there which was not a practical solution. He only option was to wait for 11 months to get our turn for the treatment. This seemed like a distant dream and like decades away to me as i always longed to be a mother. I was broken and shattered. I wept everyday in front of God and prayed to Him to bless us with a child. This phase continued few months. Later one day, my mother met a Sai Baba devotee and discussed my case with her. This great lady ensured my mother that Baba would bless us soon and not to lose hope and keep our faith strong. She recited experiences with many people on the same matter.

Then my mother one day suggested i take Baba’s Udi in water for 21 days (21 because we are all devotees of Ganapathy in my house). I did not have faith in what she said still i gave it a try and had Udi for 21 days while we were trying to have a baby. Then that month the greatest of the miracle happened and i discovered, i was pregnant. My joy knew no bounds and all this happened without any treatment. Great is Sai Baba and His Amar Leelas. I bow myself at His Holy Feet. Today i am six months pregnant and as promised i am sharing my experience. Me and my husband continue to take Udi everyday till today. Sai Baba has blessed us with a son in my womb. Jai Shree Sai Ram. I trust in Sai Baba that he will continue to bless us and our child to be healthy born. We are facing a small issue with our professional life currently but i trust Sai Baba whole heartily that He will solve this as well soon. Bow to Sri Sai, peace be to all.

Got Job In My Desired Location With Sai Baba’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha! I would like to share my experience with you all, my dear Sai devotees! I am a Sai devotee from past 12 years. My first experience is, I was in Delhi where as my native is Hyderabad. I got married when i was in Delhi. So i was very much worried to come back to Hyderabad to stay with my family. I started to search jobs for Hyderabad location, but i was not success for first two interviews that i attended. I was so much depressed with that. Then i stared to read Sai Satcharitra mean while i got a call from a reputed company to attend for interview (work location is Hyderabad). I have attended the interview but i did not do well in the interview. I was so much confident that there is no chance to take me forward. The interviewer asked me to wait outside, I felt like to go away from the place but any how managed to sit for some time chanting Sai’s Name by looking at Sai Nath Photo in my mobile the chant was (Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai).

Here the miracle happened. Suddenly HR came and called my name without surname i though it is not me as i did not do well. So i kept calm with so much of sorrow, then i got a call introducing he is HR and i was selected in technical round and to come for HR Round i was surprised and filled with joy. I was selected for the company on the same day. With Sai Baba’s blessing, i was able to overcome lot of the issues and finally joined the company in Hyderabad. Another Experience is, After coming back to Hyderabad my home i decided to perform Satyanarayana swami Vrat in Satyanarayana swami’s temple. I invited Sai Baba to attend Vrat. I was blessed to perform Vrat very beside to Sai Baba’s cradle i sat in front of Sai Baba’s foot. More surprising is, a unknown girl came and sat with us till the end of Vrat and took Prasad. I consider that is Sai Baba who came as girl to attend our Vrat. Thank you all my dear Sai devotees for reading my experience.

Sai Saved Us From A Huge Fire At Our House

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Madhu from India says: Sai Ram. I am a devotee of Sai Baba of Shirdi and Puttaparthi. I am grateful that I am lucky enough to have got Darshan of Sathya Sai Baba in my lifetime. My parents and I had come back to Chennai after a mini vacation of 4 days to Sri Lanka. We had reached home at around 6 pm. All of us were extremely tired so we went to sleep around 9 30. I slept in my parent’s room on the floor near the door as there was a lot of power fluctuations and only one AC would function in our home at a time. As we were very tired after the travel and all of us had to go to work from next morning, we fell asleep. At around 10:15, I felt like my neighbours were calling me from my hall. First I thought I was imagining in half sleep and I tried to go back to sleep. Then I heard their voices again. I also felt someone knock our bedroom door. I was scared thinking, who has entered our house and why are they knocking? So i got up and opened the door and went to the hall. It was pitch dark and no more sounds were heard. But immediately I felt the choking smell of a fire and I could see smoke even in the mild darkness.

I immediately woke up my parents and we discovered that our UPS, which was turned on for charging purpose, was on fire. We immediately turned off the mains and started to call the neighbours. We failed to extinguish the fire in time due to the utter darkness and the heavy choking smell. Within minutes, the fire spread to my beds and my wardrobe and the fire could be seen coming out of the windows. The fire engine arrived after an hour and put out the fire. Our entire house was destroyed in the flames. There was extensive damage everywhere. But with the help of Sai, we got a contractor who rebuilt the house back to its old state within a span of only 3 months. Even now, people ask me, how did you wake up? I can only say that it was Sai Baba who had knocked my door repeatedly to wake me up. If He had not woken us in time, I would not be here to write this story. Sai Baba had saved our lives and I will always be thankful to Him.

Got International Driving License Because of Sri Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Brother Srinath from India says: Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha. I am presently working in Bahrain as a safety engineer. I got this job just because of Sri Sai Baba Blessings only. Here is my recent Experience. I was trying to get driving licence from long time. From last 2 years, i was trying for it. Even i failed 2 times with simple mistakes during my test drive. Yesterday on Diwali occasion i got test date and i went for driving test. In my heart, i was chanting Sri Sai Baba Name and praying Baba please help me. I was waiting in driving test office for my turn, that time i prayed Baba please help me and give me confidence to drive without any fear and mistakes. Also i prayed Baba that if i pass in test i will post my experience in this blog. Traffic Police called me for test drive, that time climate was very dark since test held at 5:30 pm. There was slight rain also falling. Then the police man told me start and go. I started vehicle and moving it was very nice and good. The police man cooperates with me in all angles. Finally, i passed the exam just because of Sri Sai Baba blessings, all because of Sri Sai Baba only. Thank You Sri Sai Baba. Om Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba Helped Me With My Eye Problem

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am working in Software company as Senior Test Analyst. Sai Ram Hetal Ji, First of all thanks to you for providing a forum which helps us post our experiences with our beloved Baba or Sai Appa. It is a place which makes us believes that Baba will help us no matter what wherever we are. A place where faith and devotion meets reality. Baba has been a part of life from past 6 months. I have been experiencing a lot of His Miracles and i am posting one such over here. From past few weeks, i have been experiencing problem with my right eye which keeps twitching badly making me unable to peacefully do any work. It’s been happening so frequently and continuously whatever i tried the problem its get resolved. Hence i applied Udi to my right eye and prayed to my Appa that if my eye twitching problems solves i will post my experience and the problem got solved the next day itself. Hence here I am posting the experience. Thanks Sai Appa for helping me and I hope that You will be with me in all my problems and help me fulfil all my wishes. Om Sai Ram.

Bless Me Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I don’t have any experience in my life. I am a devotee of Baba. Please Baba help me in my exams and job. You know my situation. I don’t have anything now either qualification, money, experience. I experienced that just by hard work and effect we can’t achieve anything. I came to know I can’t achieve anything without Your blessings. I don’t know what to do now. I want to be qualified. Please guide me Baba. My family wants financial support. I want to settle down in my life. Bless me. Baba help me Baba.

Today’s Prayer: Request For Strength To End Meaningless Marriage – Anonymous Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om Sai ram…Dear admin,kindly post the Sai baba pics with wordings in English which will be helpful for non Hindi reader devotees like me..Om Sai ram

  2. Om Sai Ram. Thanks to Hethalji for this wonderful platform to share experiences of Baba devotees. Iam a Baba devotee for last few years,but became more closer to Baba since last year when I had to face few hurdles in my life. Baba drew me closer to Him like a string being tied on to a bird's foot and being pulled closer to Him. My husband had to go through a surgery last year and it's ony because of my Baba's blessings that everything got cured. Since then Baba is there with us guiding us,blessing us,advising us,healing us etc etc. We always feel His presence with us. Last year I had to visit my elder daughter to her University abroad and had to leave my younger daughter with my brothers and family. During this time she fell sick,she gets tummy ache soon after she eats food and the pain become severe later. The doctors gave some medicines but didnt find any relief. Then my brothers took her to a gastroenterologist. He advised to go for a ultra sound scan.I got soo worried and I started crying and praying to Baba. I couldnt be near her and prayed to Baba to cure my daughter. Later the next day my husband called the same doctor and then he said he will do a blood test and if the test results are normal we can avoid the scan. I entrusted everything in Baba and told my daughter to pray to Baba and take Udi theerth before going to the doctor and she did accordingly. Only because of my Baba's divine blessings the test results turned out to be normal and the doctor said she just have acidity problems and prescribed few tabs.My Baba was with my daughter throughout in my absence and saved her. Thanks a lotttt Babaji.I still have a lot of miracles of my Baba. Ananth Kodi Brahmanda nayaka rajadhiraaj yogiraj parabrahma shri sachidanand satguru sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

  3. My life means your love,care,mercy,protection and blessings only.When you dont love and care me, who else will?..Please take care of me till my last

  4. Baba please u have to help me this time. I promise to never take things for granted and be relaxed and careless when it comes to important work like this. Saima please please i am stuck. Aapko meri kasam Baba, please aapko kaam karna hi hoga Baba. Please i don't have the strength for another failure Sai ma please i will give up after this. Aur test mat lo mera Baba. I am at ur mercy. Baba please please mera kaam karvado. Happy Mother's Day Sai ma. I love you. Om Sai Ram.

  5. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om sai Ram.

  6. Happy Mother's day ma maa… my saimaa.. We are nothing without you maa ..always shower your blessings on us maa.. keep your blessing hand on our head maa.. we feel safe and secure when you are with us..never leave us..don't make us orphan maa..hold us tightly like a small child maa..bless us maa..

  7. Baba.. you are like our mother.. a mother can never see her child crying, but am crying day in and out, but its like you have abondoned me..

  8. Sai Baba…i thought ki atleast yes and no chit method se to aap mere questions Ka sahi answers doge… but maybe i was wrong …. u always play with my feelings… u really don't value my trust and faith upon u….i really feel bad when i read that u give correct answers to other devotees then why not me???? Why r u differentiating among your devotees…

    • I too feel the same.. Baba's question answer site always gives hopes , but they are not turning true for me. Baba has left my hand… and i feel shattered

  9. Sai maa ever since u entered in my life I have been asking u same question so far , but u haven't answered me yet.
    Sai maa plz give me strong indication.
    Bless my family n frnds
    Love u sai maa happy mothers day. I love u a lot.
    Om sai ram
    Gurudev datta ☺

  10. Om Sairam,

    Baba thank you for everything that you do for us.
    Baba Happy Mother's Day!!! Baba please guide us, guard us and protect us from everything. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes that we may have done knowingly or unknowingly. Baba we need your help. Baba please help us and always keep us at you Lotus Feet. Baba Thank you for everything that you do for us. Baba please keep Your Hand on our heads. Baba please bless us with health, happiness and long-life. Baba thank you for everything. Jai Bolo Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!!

  11. Om Sairam,

    Baba thank you for everything that you do for us. Baba Happy Mother's Day!!!
    Baba please always guide us, guard us, and protect us from everything. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes that we may have done knowingly or unknowingly. Baba please bless us with health, happiness and long-life. Baba we need your help. Baba please help us. Baba please always keep us at you Lotus Feet. Baba please always keep Your Hand on our heads. Baba thank you for everything. Baba please forgive me for my mistakes. Baba Thank you.
    Jai Bolo Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!!

  12. Om Sai Mehma Mehma .. Deva I surrender to your lotus feet .. kripa kato Prabhu kripa karo .. Om Sai Ram

  13. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

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