Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: More than 15 years I attend spiritual talks generally and I also learn yoga and meditation and practise them. Few years before year 2011, I received one photo with Gurus and I would pray to all for blessing. As I used to attend spiritual talks during one of the talks I received Baba’s Photo. The day I received Baba’s Photo, I put it in my room. I would say Baba’s mantra everyday and I even downloaded Baba’s photo in my hand phone. At times, I use to wonder why I am saying this mantra and why I downloaded Baba’s photo in my hand phone. My first visit to Shiridi was in the year 2011. My Shiridi trip was scheduled to be in March 2011, I was very excited and was looking forward to go to Shiridi but however in Jan 2011 I was informed that the trip was cancelled by the organiser. I was very upset that I did not get an opportunity to visit Baba in Shiridi. In February 2011, my aged father became very ill and he was hospitalised. End of February he passed on. We had our prayers for one month which lasted till end of March. Then it occurred to me that Baba cancelled the trip in March for a reason. Subsequently the trip to Shiridi was scheduled in September 2011 and I got the opportunity to receive Baba’s blessing in Shiridi and this was my first visit to Shiridi. In the last few years I got the opportunity to visit Shiridi another two times and received His blessings. I feel His guidance always.
Beginning of last year, my friend told me that there is a Baba temple in Singapore. I wanted to visit the temple but could not make it, In September 2015, I did a blood test as for general health screening. The tumour marker reading was very high and I was referred to the hospital. As I could not get an early appointment to see the specialist the Medical officer told me to admit myself in the hospital, so that I could seen by specialist early. I was not prepared to be admitted so I told the doctor I would come back two days later. Two days later I packed my things and I looked at Baba’ photo and said I surrender to You. I saw a smile on His face (I have been seeing the Photo everyday but this is the first time I saw the smile. This gave me confidence and I was cool and calm. At 9 am, I was in the hospital (A&E) to be admitted. The Medical Officer (MO) attended to me and told me to wait for admission. I waited nearly one and half hours and I saw the MO again and he told me the hospital has no more beds for me to be admitted and told me wait till they find admission for me in another hospital.
I waited for another 2 hours after that I received a call from the specialist clinic with an early appointment to see specialist. I was very happy and went to see the MO and told him about this and said I don’t want to be admitted and will see the specialist in two days. He agreed and told your fees for today will be waived. In my heart I thanked Baba for the miracle and went back home. (431) ( My each visit for medical I see Baba’s photo and say I surrender to you and I see a smile on his face). He told me this is very serious I have to sent you for another blood test and CT scan for the liver. During the scan I just thought of Baba. My next specialist appointment was on 22 Oct 2015, I will go to Baba temple in Singapore and then go to see the specialist for the result. This is the first time I went to this temple and it happen to be the Punyathithi day of Baba. (What a miracle, I thanked Baba for inviting me on this day). After the Darshan, I went to see the specialist, he told me that my liver is in good condition and the tumour marker reading has dropped a little. He referred me for more test in the following weeks. I received a message from my friend on how eating asparagus can bring down the tumour reading. I took it as Baba’s message and started eating the asparagus. The scope for the stomach and colon was cleared and the pancreas scan was cleared. The specialist was surprised and told me he wants to do another blood test and the test was done in Jan 2016 and the result showed normal. I thanked Baba and promised Him I will share this experience.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Special thanks to Hetal ji for letting us post this and share this experience with all the devotees. May Baba bless you with health, wealth and prosperity! Dear Sai Baba’s Children, today I am going to share with you a miracle of Sai Baba that just recently happened that saved my life. I live in USA. I am a firm believer of Sai Baba since 2003. Sai Baba came into our lives through my cousin, when she first introduced me to Sai Nav Vrat. Since then, I (we) feel His present every day. On November 1st, I was going to my home from work. It takes me 2 hours. While I was driving I show a car in front of me that said: ISEE302. I did not pay any attention. However this car was in front of me untilled I reached home. So in curiosity, I thought let’s open Sai Baba’s Prashnawali to see, what Baba is saying. This is what is said: “There is a danger of untimely death. Let one night pass. Do not sleep at night. Remain awake, then you will be free from calamity and get success” However, I did not pay any attention to it. Then on November 7, 2015, I was browsing through website, reading about Baba, and an advertisement popped on my window, saying ask questions to Durga Prashnawali- So again in curiosity, I opened and scrolled my figure on the screen and I received number 8: which read the following: Give up the thought, This task has fear of death.
Again I did not pay attention, and ignored it. But Baba did not want me to ignore this message, so finally the on November 8, 2015, my colleague came and hand me a paper, since I am her supervisor, she showed me that Bus #302 was late due to some technical problem and that is why she was late. Now I was thinking, why did Baba gave me this number again, what is going on? I, then with putting all my doubts aside, with firm faith in Baba, told myself, I am going to do exactly what Baba has said in His Prashnawali, which is to: Do not sleep at night. Remain awake, then you will be free from calamity. So the whole night I did not sleep, I performed Maha Laxmi Mata’s Pooja, Yamaraj dev Pooja (which Baba also had ordered me to perform to avoid Akal Murtu Yog or untimely death), Bhagwan Dhanvantri dev Pooja, (God for medicine) and of course our beloved one and only Shree Sai Baba’s Pooja. I thought, what better opportunity will I get on this Dhanteres, then this, to stay up all night, in chanting Baba’s name, and performing Sai Maha Laxmi Pooja. Therefore, I performed the Pooja until midnight, and then watched a devotional movie: “Ma Parvati”, a telagu movie dubbed in Hindi. As per Baba’s order I went to sleep at 6:30 am at sun rise.
Now on November 11, day of Diwali, I made a little Rangoli. While I was making Rangoli, a later “PA” appeared on my Rangoli plate. (Please see the picture) it appeared in Hindi but without any lines. I was very happy to see this and I though Sai-PA has come to celebrate Diwali with us. Later that day, I went to work, and I was at the cashier counter, a men comes to me, shows me the Gun and asks for money. I was the only one there, so I corporate with him, and gave him money, but it was only a few dollars. So he gave me an angry look, and stood in front of me pointing the gun directly at me for about five to ten seconds, like if he was making his final decision whether or not, to shoot me or not, but who can dare to hurt Baba’s child, when Sai is protecting him/her. The guy did not hurt me at all, and left. I was terrified by this, and prayed, and thanked Baba thousand times for saving my life from “Akal Murtu”. That guy is now in police custody, and with Baba’s grace, I am back to my normal life routine. Before Baba’s Samadhi, as we known by reading Sai Sat Charitra, Baba used to forecast devotees’ future, and warn him/her, and use to save them from calamities, and even today He is doing the same, like He saved my life. Shree Karuna Avtar, Shree Bhakta Vatsal, Shree Devo ke Dev, Shree Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Prathima from India says: Hi Hetal ji, I have Promised Baba that I will tell my story to everyone through your website and somehow it got delayed. I am living in Hyderabad and working in Liquidhub as a software Test lead. Once again thank you for the fabulous job you are doing. God bless you! I am born with a beautiful life, but once i became the disciple of Baba, my life is blessed. I do not know anything about Baba but has been praying Him from a long time. But i became His true disciple 4 years back after my friend suggested me to read Satcharitra. This book is Bhagavadh Gita to me. I always had the dream to read it but i never knew that the moral of it is given to us in the form of 52 stories by Baba. Since then I had so many experiences I am writing about the latest one. I have a 6 year old son but I wanted a second baby too for which my husband was against. But i kept praying Baba nothing for successful for 6 long years. I started Nav Guruvar Vrat. We went to Shiridi in the month of Nov 2014 I have dropped the coins i kept in my Pooja and i wished i should have a baby girl very soon. We have returned from Shiridi on 18th November and my pregnancy got confirmed on 28th of November. I was overwhelmed it was a long wait but He blessed me at the right time.
It was my brother’s marriage on 7th December, i enjoyed thoroughly all the wedding occasions before my delivery hence its timed right. I am very cowardly girl i become sensitive to the issues around me. There were a lot of cases like early abortions, early deliveries in 7th month throughout my pregnancy. I had severe vomiting too much of acidity. I only believed in His Udi, i took His Name each moment and each second of my life throughout my journey of 9 months. I asked Him to deliver my baby safely and through normal delivery. My Wishes, healthy baby, normal delivery and a baby girl and He blessed me with all these. It was not easy i had so many thoughts in my mind so many instances but at the end its only His power which picked me from death. Yes I was admitted in to the hospital as i had gestational hypertension but they were no pains for 3 days in spite of inducing. I was walking, squatting praying nothing worked. I visited Baba question and answers it said you will be saved from death. I was very much low after this but kept praying as i could do nothing.
On the 4th day they put me on drip and it worked the pains were unbearable i felt like i am dying. Epidural did not work and suddenly my doctor noticed the baby’s heart beat went down, i was rushed to emergency C section, i was given anaesthesia, i was all set for a surgery and they checked my baby’s heart was normal and the baby was coming out so they again did normal delivery and yes it was a baby girl. It was heavenly moment i was so proud of myself for having Shraddha and Saburi and I am overwhelmed He blessed me. Entire hospital staff was praising me and i became popular and i thank Him to the core for this proud moment. I can never forget that day in my life and i keep remembering it everyday and thank Him for all the love He showered on me. Needless to say bow on His Lotus Feet and pray and all your wishes will be answered. Love You Sai Maa.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: First of all, I would like to thank you Hetal ji for creating this site and all Sai Baba’s devotees for sharing their experience, it really gives peace and confident to other devotees that their wishes will come true. Baba please forgive me for all the mistakes which I did in the past and not remembering You but now I want to dedicate myself in our beloved Sai Lotus Feet. This is my second post and I have mentioned in my earlier experience that My sister and I did Nav Sai Vrat to get a job for me. I got the temporary position because of Baba’s blessing. I promised Baba that when this job will become permanent I will share my experience with all my Sai devotee friends. From the last 2 months, I was really working hard at my workplace and praying to Baba to do something for me because I liked the atmosphere and my boss was really nice and she was supporting me, even I needed some improvement in certain areas. My sister who is a staunch devotee of Baba again insisted me to do Sai Vrat again starting from an auspicious day Makar Sakranti.
During first week of January on Thursday on my Sai day I got a news that they want me to offer a permanent job. I was so happy and couldn’t believe that I have just thought of doing Nav Guruvar Sai Vrat and my wish is already going to come true. I was feeling very anxious that what would be the salary because I heard from somebody that they are planning to offer a certain amount which was good but I don’t know why I was expecting little more. Then my sister told me a story of Raghunathrao, from Sai Satcharitra (Chapter 29), who was serving in some foreign mercantile firm in Bombay. As he grew old, he was not able to attend to his work properly and so he had to take leave and rest. Fifteen days before the final settlement, Baba appeared to his wife (Mrs. Tendulkar) in her dream and said, “I wish that Rs. 100/- should be paid (settled) as pension, will this satisfy you?” She replied “Baba, why ask me this? We fully trust in You”. Though Baba said Rs. 100/- still he was given ten Rupees more i.e. Rs.110/- as a special case”. My sister assures me don’t worry and have faith in Sai Baba and really it was true miracle because I really got an offer more than I was expecting. I felt so emotional and thanks to my Sai Baba that how You help all Your devotees. I want to say to my Sai please forgive me for all my doubts and mistakes. Please don’t go from my life and remain forever in my heart and shower Your blessing to everybody who is in need. Thank You my Sai for everything. Om Sai Ram. Bow to Sai Peace to all. My Soul rests at Your Feet Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetal ji for your wonderful initiative of providing us platform to share our experiences. I have the habit of reading the blog daily as i imagine sitting with all the devotees in Dwarkamai and looking at You with tears filled. It gives everyone tremendous boost to carry on with our daily endeavours as we can connect with the confidence that You were there making Your devotees happy and rescue them from problems. I am going to share one experience that i had recently. I wanted to purchase a house. My parents and i were looking at different apartments flats etc, however we were not happy either with the budget nor with the design, locality etc. I wanted to live in an independent house as it would give me flexibility of constructing a good Pooja Mandir. I prayed Sai Baba to bless me find a good house with a reasonable pricing.
As He showered His blessing, we came across one beautiful independent house. The owner was in urgent need of money and he wanted to sell to someone who can give him money immediately rather than some bank loans. I had cash in my hand and i went over to give advance and booked the house. I just prayed Baba to help me find a good house, but His miracle is such that He enabled me to find a very good seller. The seller was very much confident on us that during registration he denied taking balance amount as it was getting late for him. He just told us that he would give his account number and asked us to do online transaction and he left to his city. In the meanwhile he had some other personal emergency to take care and he forgot to mail us his account number. After a week or so he gave his number to us asking us if we can give him the money. Happily we gave him the money. We all talk about how the world and society are changing in bad ways. With this incident, i can confidently tell you that Baba’s devotion is making us all be His good followers and not harm but help others. This situation could have been easily exploited by me, but Baba gave me that sensibility and morals to be ethical and do what Baba would have liked. I was very much surprised how in these days also people have faith on each other. May be the seller saw some glance of Sai Baba in our family. Next time before doubting others this incident gave me that confidence that believe in people but be cautious.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Firstly thank you to hetal ji for this service and letting devotees to share our experiences and I am very much humble and thankful. God Bless you. I am waiting to get a job and finding a match from quite some time. My friend told me that she has done Nav Guruvar Vrat and she is blessed with her wish by Baba. I wanted to do Nav Guruvar Vrat but i cannot do it now for some reasons. My friend suggested me to do Shri Sai Divya Pooja which is easy to perform. She pinged me on watsapp regarding Shri Sai Divya Pooja on Thursday morning and i decided to start Sai Divya Pooja immediately. I brought the flowers from my near store and performed Pooja very well. When i was in kitchen i suddenly heard a sound of a flower falling and then I turned to Pooja Mandir and saw a flower fallen on the ground and i checked in the Mandir which God’s flower was fallen, to my surprise all the flowers were in same position as they were during my Pooja. I have no clue from where the flower has fallen. I am very happy to see that flower as it is a blessing from Sai Ram and heard from my friend that it’s a sign from Baba that all my wishes will come true very soon. I was really surprised and asked Baba in ‘question and answer’ site because i could not believe a flower falling down which is really a miracle/magic for me to believe. Then here is the answer from my Baba: “Chant my name all the solutions will reach you in 21 days and Shiva will come in your dreams” I am very happy. I am waiting for the day. Love You Baba. Always chant His name and He will definitely answer your prayers. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Hi friends,
I need guidance from you all and i'l take it as guidance from Sai.
Six months back when I was waiting for my friend near bus stop, a little girl about 6 or 7 yrs age came selling some books. I did not wanted those books but she said if you don't want the books at least get me lunch, I'm feeling hungry. I don't want to give her money as I already had bad experience giving a small girl money. At the same time, I dint see any hotel nearby. My kid was also sleeping on my shoulders. He was little heavy for me so I got into my friends car as soon as he came and did not offer anything to the child.
But it was baba's punishment to me, I was not able to have my lunch as planned with my friend and also elsewhere as my kid was cranky when I sit to eat (only that day). But from that day, everyday I was constantly remainded of the "get me food" words of that girl. I passed by that bus stop few times but that poor girl was not found. I feel I have committed a sin and what can I do for baba's forgiveness?
Yes its a sin. When you were having money you avoided her just for lunch. Ask forgivenes from baba. Do naam jap and feed as much girl child you get from any place. Never ignore any hungry person asking for food.
Dear Sister,
Dont worry and feel bad. You didnt do it intensionally but it had happened with you. The biggest thing is you realised then and there for which until now you are feeling bad that you were not able to feed that little lad. Do not worry baba will understand us all our hearts and the way we think. Please feed any other girl or girls of the same age. Baba will forgive you and bless you.
You know and every devotee knows that baba feels happy and services when we do service to the people who need. So dont worry. May baba bless you
Thank you both for your reply.I feel little light after confessing my guilt here.i'll for sure donate food to girl children
Donate money in Sai temple of your locality which feeds thousands of poor and hungry people and you will no longer have a guilt. realizing itself is repentance. God makes only those persons realize whom he wants to take in his special care
Thank You for all the love and happiness O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai
day before yesterday in evening i was feeling guilty about the mistake which i did at last moment in my relation i was thinking instead of doing that i had to bear the pain as i was hurted more then my tolerance limit along with my mother also hurted alot due to that so because of anger i did that but that was not intentational i never wanted to hurt anyone at any stage and this time also i absorbed lot of things lot of pain, i feel proud of my life since my childhood as i lived till i asked my baba if you also think that mistake is done not intentionally and you know the whole situations and events then wear blue colour cloth in shirdi yesterday and my baba weared blue colour cloth yesterday and today also hence by this i am feeling relax now i wanted to post this yesterday only but my net balance was over.i hope the baba will do the justice about all those incidents took place in my relationship and hope to give saddbuddhi to her and made her realize sai ram
Oh God you are missing her so much. How can that girl leave you? I wish my husband had loved me like that…poor girl she is missing such a golden heart. My ex husband has no compassion for me or for my daughter except his mother. He has no fear of law or God and above all he is a Sai Bhakat.
Well now you keep your hopes up… Just keep praying. At least you have realized your mistakes but my husband still blaming me for everyhing. He has no pity on his little daughter also.
He has kept Sai idols in his office tables but I don't think he is following any of Sai teachings.
You are such a kind heart who is crying each and every day for her. May Sai baba give back your love.
My situation is totally upside down .its all because of my past karmas.
Om sai ram _ / _
Om sai ram. Sai Baba Journal
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai. Thank you Baba for all the blessings You shower on me. Please help me remove the trust people again. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Thankyou so much you have given back the things which we had to get 16 years back.thank you so much everything is coz of you and my mothers of my father and brother. Give me peace of mind. Tc of sivabalan.😴😴😴😴😴😴😅😅😅
Cab you elaborate what did you get after 16 years? It will increase out faith on sai baba.
Om shree sairam… Thank you so much baba for being with us… Today I completed 4th day parayan of satcharitra and gurucharitra by Baba's grace without any obstacles thank you so much baba thanks a lot babaji… Om sai shree sai jai jai sai… Om shree sainathayenamah… Jai sainath… Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanandh samarth sathguru shree sainath mahraj ki jai…
The second experience about escaping death is very interesting one and increases my faith in God.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my son to clear his exam and bless my family with good health
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all