Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a working woman in teaching department in a private college. I have two sons. I came in contact with Baba in 2006. Om Sai Ram to all Sai Baba devotees. First of all I wish to congratulate and thank Hetal ji and the team members for such a wonderful work. In fact this blog is serving as modern Sai Satcharitra. I came across this website by chance. Baba took me in His lotus feet in 2006. My trust in Him has increased day by day. My life has experienced numerous experiences which we name as ‘miracle’ but today I am sharing with you my recent one as I promised my Baba to share it at my earliest. Actually being in a private job is a big challenge these days. After completing PhD, both me and my husband were looking for some good job opportunity. He has a total of 17 years and I have 14 years of experience. So we desperately looked upon for better job options in terms of salary hike as well as designation wise. Completion of my husband’s PhD is itself a great miracle that I’ll share in my next post.
So coming back to my experience, after a wait for around two years, we got an opportunity in other state. We both were so excited and shifted to new place in June 2013. Initially everything went well and we were so happy. But in due course of time, we felt that he has been appointed as director for name sake and for each and every little decision he had to ask for the permission of managing director. We were too shattered morally as well as academically. We had a lot of family problems as my mother was very sick and stayed with me only as my father died 20 years back and I have no brother and my elder sisters were busy in their families and unable to take care of my mama. We started searching for other options but in vain. My mother got critically serious in July 2015. I had to look upon my kids, job, mother as well. We daily prayed, cried in front of Baba. Please get us out of this hell. But somehow our prayers were not being answered (Actually Baba had some other plan which we could not understand then). I came across this website and did Parayan (as I believe that whatever we wish and do Parayan it is granted by Baba). My husband performed Nav Guruvar Vrats also. In November my Mother died which was a big setback for me and my family. Making the situation worst, our employers also started torturing us in each and every moment. We were fully shattered and thought of resigning a number of times. But the feeling of responsibility of our kids and regular expenses we could not dare to resign. We tried each and every college but of no use.
Then my husband came to know there are some opportunities in other state Uttar Pradesh. He went for interview. In the first round, they did not give very good response. We thought that may be Baba has some better option. But daily we prayed day and night. We could not sleep properly. Our kids were being ignored by us as huge turmoil was in our minds. I decided to start Nav Guruvar Vrat. Meanwhile his second round was also done. Just four days after my first Vrat, i.e. on Monday, my husband got a call from the institute that he had to appear for the final round. He enquired whether there is some hope, HR said yes may be he is called for salary negotiations. My husband went very next day. He had a talk with them and they said he had to join immediately. He said I need at least 1 month but they gave him only 20 days. He came back and resigned. Our current employers got very angry and refused to relieve him. They talked so bad and said do whatever you want to but we won’t relieve you nor we’ll give you experience certificate. We were again tensed but we constantly prayed our sweet Baba. Then both of us resigned and somehow they relieved my husband and said I have to stay for one month.
My husband joined his new job on Thursday only and we are so thankful to Baba that can’t be expressed in words. Although me and my husband have to stay away from each other but my Baba is always with us. My kids are studying in the best school here and doing really well and we don’t want to leave this city. But I know If Baba has selected this path for us, it will be the best. I pray to Baba to make my husband successful as he is a clear hearted person and does never get involved in politics. He is also a sincere devotee of Baba. May Baba bless all of us with the nectar of His blessings. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from London says: Hello to every Sai Devotee. I am 22 years old, biomedical science student (final year) from London and would like to share one of my experiences that I had in my life. I can’t express on how happy and honoured I am to have met Sai Baba in my life. As the only child of my family, I see Sai Baba as not only a Guru and God but also a Friend, Brother and second parent that I never had. I always talk to Sai Baba where ever I am and where ever I go. I never knew who I was till I met Sai and ever since that day, He made me into the person I was meant to be and the person I am right now. “Why fear when I am here” is one of the quotes of Sai that gives me happiness, smile, hope, motivation, inspiration, faith and the willingness to never give up. I am thankful everyday that Sai is in my life and I want to take this opportunity to share few my experiences that I had with you all. Bless you all, Sai will always be with you.
This experience is something that I will never forget. It happened few months ago (2 months ago maybe) while I was at home. It was my day off from university so I was spending the time doing some university work and also some relaxation. I was watching TV and suddenly I felt a strange popping feeling of my left calf muscle. I ignored it first because I thought it wasn’t serious since I did not feel any sort of pain and was able to walk. However, few hours later, the popping sound started to get severe and I felt sort of a numbness of my calf muscle and my whole left leg (just the calf muscle area) started to get inflamed and big. I knew my instinct and intuition told me that I might had a muscle strain injury. I want it to confirm these symptoms so I went online to search up and found bunch of causes that relates to my symptoms and it confirmed that I might have a stage 3 muscle strain which is sever type of muscle calf injury. However, I kind of got worried when I saw other possible suggestions and one of them really scared me. So I said to myself, I would go to the doctor next day to have a check up. The pain was so severe that I could not walk and needed my mum to help me go up and down the stairs. When I was ready to go to bed, something reminded me out of the blue about the stories from Sai Satcharitra book. How Sai gave Udi to devotees to apply on the affected area or made them to drink with a glass of water and they were healed from that. So, before to bed, as always, I prayed to Sai and applied Udi on my forehead. I prayed that my leg should go back to normal and then applied Udi on my leg too and went to sleep.
The next day as soon as I woke up, the pain, numbness, inflammation just everything disappeared. I was jumping, I was running, I was able to walk, just everything. I had no words and just prayed to Sai and thanked Him. There are many other experiences of Sai and this one is one of them. In my point of view, when pain overwhelms our heart and soul, it can control us sometimes and we may lose strength and hope. Properly we don’t think right or act right and we may ask all the questions with the starting word “why”. But always remember, Sai is aware of everything, from past, present and future. Everything is going according to His plan and all we got do is, have patience, faith and trust. He will never hate or abandon anyone, He loves every devotee. He guides us, protects us, loves us and cares about us always. Everything will happen according to His time. The answers, solutions and what’s best for you. He will fulfil your innermost wish and desire, all we got to do is have faith, patience, trust and to never give up. Sai’ blessings will always be there. Sai lives within us. Our heart and soul is the temple in where He lives, in each and every devotee. This is my first submission into this blog and want to say thank you to every devotee who read my story. I will keep posting experiences in the future. Bless you all.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Jai Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram. I am praying to Baba right from childhood. I became more devoted after coming to US. I have always experienced Sai Baba Blessings and Miracles. I am lucky to be Sai devotee. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram. Let us always have Your blessings and thanks for everything. My daughter experienced positive results in exams and has always strength to face challenges. She prays to do Sai Satcharitra when she had tough exams and she could do well with Sai blessings only. Once she had to do a crash course for organic chemistry. She felt quite tough and got low scores. She was very sad but she had strong belief in Baba and prayed to do Sai Satcharitra. Next day after the prayer, her class mates were going to a different class with better experienced Teacher, my daughter also followed them and attended the class she came to know that this teacher is very experienced and giving more help. Later she got very good grades and she did Sai Satcharitra as prayed and felt very blessed.
Sai Ram please bless my daughter to get good results and help her to make correct decisions for further studies. It is a miracle we have experienced and seen by my daughter firstly. She could see Sai Baba face formed around an Om sign kept on the front door facing inside. We were very lucky and happy to have this blessing and shared with friends and relatives. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram. I am blessed by Baba during health problems, once i was diagnosed by cysts. I was referred to Oncologist so i was very scared and prayed to Baba to do Sai Satcharitra. I saw the doctor on the day i finished the Parayan and was blessed by Sai Baba to hear that its normal. I have now ortho problems having severe neck and leg pains. Please bless me to free from this karma. My husband is also a devotee of Baba, he finished Parayan on last Thursday and went to Temple for Aarti with Prasad. Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram. Please bless our daughter to fulfil her wish. “Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am mother of 2 kids who lives in a foreign country. Where ever you are with true faith and devotion, you can meet Guru and His blessings. Om Sai Ram. My mom and dad are great devotees of Shiridi Sai that’s how I started praying. There were lot of incidents in my life which made me lose faith in God and even questioned several times is there really God. Then with the help of friend who truly believes in her guru, Looking at her and my mom who never lost faith even in the hard ships of life then I started to think may be its me who is lacking something to see God. It took me a while to get faith and then slowly started believing again that’s when I saw Baba’s miracles in every walk of my life. Sometimes I can feel His presence in my life.
There is one particular instance where I could really see Him. I was using my home computer and suddenly it got hacked making unbelievable noise asking me to call a particular number to resolve the problem. My mind was in a panic mode and without a second thought i called the number and the guy who picked the phone on other end asked to login to some link. My internet was not working then he said i will send someone to my home to resolve and asking for address as where i live I said I will give him a call back after i talk to my husband. I was so desperately trying my husband’s mobile. He didn’t pick up a call and then internet started working so i gave the same number a call again. Then a male Indian voice picked up and asked me what’s the problem. I explained everything and then he said this is hacking and never asked me to share my details and its very dangerous. That moment I felt Baba was speaking to me and He just pulled me out of great great danger. It’s a miracle. Om Sai Ram. I hope to see more miracles of Baba in my life and share more and more of His Leelas. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I read the blogs often. This is a great platform for Sai Pa’s children to share their experience. Thanks for hetal ji to maintain this blog. This is my first post sharing here. I experienced lot of miracles shown by Sai Paa. I want to share the recent one which was Baba’s Udi miracle. Overnight, i got severe cold and headache. The pain continues and I can’t able to work in office, but I continue my Sai Paa’s Pooja as doing regularly. I went to pharmacy and bought tablet for headache and I kept near Baba. When I tried to take tablet, I felt like Sai Paa’s Udi is more powerful than the small tablet. I was thinking whether to take tablet or not. Finally, i decided not to have tablets, Udi will surely cure my disease. In Morning, I started to take Udi mixed with water and while drinking, I prayed Sai Paa that “Sai Paa, this Udi is more powerful medicine You gave me to cure my illness, so I am not going to take any medicines. Please cure my health problem”. I took Udi whenever I felt heavy headache, high cold, mixed with hot water for steam vapours and took it with tea. In 4 days, my fever and cold was cured without any tablets. I used to read Satcharitra at least one chapter per day. On the day of my cold started, the chapter I read was Udi miracle which cured so many diseases of Sai devotees. Sai showing His blessings in each and every way we are going in our life. I love You Sai Paa so much. He is our real father and mother and everything. No one feel alone in this world when we feel Sai in everything. My soul rests at Your feet “Sai”. Love You Sai Paa.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Ram to all, I like to share my experiences with you all and thanking to Lord Sai. Thank You Sai for giving me this opportunity. Now I will explain how Baba saved me from every problem. Firstly, He made my marriage, I loved one person and he was my relative but my parents rejected my love, I prayed Baba to get married with the person whom I loved, and at the same time I asked Baba who was correct to me and what is good to me and my parents. Finally, I got married with another person who was correct person to me and he loves me a lot and he cares my family. Thank You Baba for giving me a good person who have the quality’s that i expected thank You so much.
At Andhra Pradesh, tenth class results are based on grade points like 9.0, 9.2, 10 etc. I asked Baba to give 10/10 for my sister. He gave 9.7, satisfied results thank You so much. Finally, He saved my life from current shock, we stay at the 3rd floor of the apartment. One day I washed cloths and I have to keep them on the rope. At that time, my Saree was fully watery. It fell on the current wires which was on street side. I got shock and fell down. I prayed Baba at that time. Air came with high density. I was praying Baba and guess what happened, yes you are thinking right. With that air, Saree fell down from current wires. Baba saved my life and I have PCOD problem. I applied Udi on my stomach and daily a pinch in my mouth. Now it is gone, I was surprised. Thank You so much Baba.
Prayer for Today: Baba Save My Loved One’s Life – Anonymous Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sairam. Thank you so much Deva. As prayed by me, I was able to be in your shrine for more than two and a half hours and had a very close darshan of yours for arthi. thanks once again
Happy Baba's Day to All! Thank You soo much Sai Baba for all that has happened so far and also all which is going to happen, this is surely a result for your words which i was earnestly following, "Faith and Patience", Thank you soo much for Everything, Keep Smiling Always, Our Sai Baba is there with us to help us at all times :):)
I have prayed you soo much. With all devotion i have done poojas and vrats. I continously read satcharitha. I donated food, money whenever i felt and you suggested me. Above all I put complete faith and with a lot of patience since three years for your miracle to happen in my life. I believed that only you can help me in making my parents accept despite all odds. I took all pain during the fights that happened at my home for my love. Baba im a girl close to 30. I have been constantly chanting your name all the times. Baba now why have you given me this punishment?
Despite all tries through all ways, my parents said no and mentally tortured me so much. After all these my guy who is now 34 got fed up and broke up with me and moved on. He already said ok to look for a girl for him to his family. Baba since two weeks how stress and pain I am undergoing you know it.
Baba after my parents said no on last to last saturday i still didnot loose my faith or confidence on you. I still believed that you will show miracle to me. But this Sunday it was a big shock to me that my guy called me up and said im fed up and want a break up. I decided to move on and already told to find a girl for me at home. Since that day i had severe fever and hospitalised. You know it very well baba. Now the guy is not ready for anything anymore.
Baba I prayed so badly. I told to you too many times that if you want punish me for my past karmas please punish me differently but not like this. Now what is left to me baba. Baba even in these 5days during my illness, i only chanted your name, you know it very well baba. Now what is lfet for me baba. I begged you to come in my dreams and guide me. I told you i will accept whatever you tell me in my dreams. But you never came in my dreams atleast at this point of time when i required you more than anyone. Why you given me this much big punishment baba. Baba i asked you to show me miracle i begged you that you are the only one who can help me but you also left up your hands along with my parents and my guy. Why only me baba?
Baba there are many devotees who were blessed with their love marriages. Why not me baba? What such big mistake i did baba?
Why have you given me this big punishment baba. I trusted in only you. I raised my arms for your help and to catch hold of me in falling down. But why you left me all alone baba.
I have nothing left with me baba and i have nothing to say more.. I am totally lost now. I lost me and my life. No one atleast you could understand my pain. You have proved that I am not your eligible devotee. All i am now totally shattered and depressed
Baba is our mother. He will surely give us wat deserve more than what we desire. So dear sister baba will surely bless you with a better life. Please hold on for sumtime with the same faith and patience. Better life is waiting for you. Om sairam.
Dear sister, today I went to Sai temple and prayed to Sai baba that he should unite you with your love. I really want that you should reunite with your love. How can your parents reject such a nice guy? You should talk to your guy to do registered marriage. There is no other solution.if you marry someone else you won't live happy. You should talk to Amit ji of shibpur temple in bengal. Just search his name on Google and send him email about your situation.
I really feel sorry that you are suffering so much and Sai Baba is not listening to your plight.
Take care of your health.
Send email to jaya wahi. She's on facebook. I really pray for you that you unite with your love. Please take care of your health.
Dear devotees,
Thank you for you replies and wishes. Everything is over wit my life now. I tried to convince my guy but he is also not ready to marry. I asked him for one more chance but he denied as he got fed up. I said i will try to come out he said he cant do now anything. I said to him that i will not stop you for looking matches for you but atleast in meantime if i convince my parents and if they are ready will you marry me. I asked him to not to reply if his answer is no coz i cant take a direct no answer from him. He didnt reply which means no. I tried all means to comvince him yet he didnot accept and more interested in me. I know he is 34 now n his timeis ticking and he waited for me since three years. But i too tried alot times, took pain to convince my parents and i am still ready to do so. I didngive up. I still want him only but I dont know what is left in my life more. I am shattered totally. Baba didnot help me at all. I think i am not baba's eligible devotee. Even now i pray baba to ask the guy to msg me and reunite with me but baba seems he dont listen me and prayers. I am going mad and i dont know what I will do with me and my future.
What is the guarantee that he will get a new life partner so suddenly.He is offended due to your father's behavior . His ego has grown up now.
Now just wait what's come in your plate now. I don't think he will get
a new life partner suddenly. If he is in your luck no one can can snatch him from you. If not then don't lose hope , May be you will get better .
You are becoming a sandwich between the ego's of your parents and your bf now.
Focus on job dear. Do volunteerING in orphanage or temples.
Ye pyaar vyaar sabke naseeb me in nai hota. These people even don't care about their wives and kids and leave them for others. It's all maya….
Dear devotee Baba has not abandoned you, your boyfriend has. If he loved you as much as you loved him, he would not be looking elsewhere. Baba has saved you, even though it might not feel like it at the moment but just hang on in there. Good times will come your way and you will, like a lot of us on this website, will be thanking Baba from the bottom of your heart for giving you Mr Right. Have courage and faith. Om Sai Ram.
Yes you are absolutely right…if your bf loves you so much he would never look for other gal.sai baba did this to you only to make you realise and show you how the person he is.see everything is not meant for everyone..if you blv in baba then leave it don't ask baba to prove his love towards you..he knows wht is good and wht is there for you in future…try to see the future baba is not bringing you in your life for certain reason and it shows in his behaviour.if your bf love u so much he will understand your situation and will stand by your side..mrg is not everything in life..there might come problem in your future life if you both marry after that will you again blame baba for this??..I know it hurts alot it has happend many a tims with me too I asked baba to guide me in my dream or to show me the way but he didn't do rather he came and saved me from the problem..everyone has problem in life just see how lucky you are that atlist you have job parents education food you should b thankful to god..let sai baba decide don't worry he is really there and will.definitely answer you..
Om Sai Ram
Baba Please bless my son and be with him
Pls bless this devotees son Baba. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
O Deva, Thank You for allowing us a little space in Your heart. Be with us and strengthen us, emotionally, spiritually and mentally O Sadguru. Thank You for all the Love and Happiness O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
ॐ श्री साईं नाथाय नमः
Jai sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Omsairam.baba there is lot of tension on my head.i want a caring partner.
pls help me to choose correct choice. pls be with me always…pls help me saimaa in everything…pls take care of my parents health..jai sairam
Om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,om sairam,
om sairam,om sairam,om sairam..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, om Sai Ram
OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Jai sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba .. I.prayed u day in and day out. I slept chantinh your name.. for last 10 years am sufgering.. now even my mom-dad lost trust in me..everyday i go to sleep now, I don't want to see the next day sunrise.. Why are you punishing me and torturing me.?
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all