Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. I would like to thank you Hetal ji and team for the wonderful job they are doing. You are really a blessed one ji. This is one work which has to be done with full heart and soul. You have laid your heart and soul on Sainath. Although I have experienced so many miracles of Baba. This is my first post in this blog. I am very thankful to Sainath ji who saved me from painful disease. In 2014, I was 22 years old medical student doing my internship. Sainath ji came into my life in May 2014. Before a month In the month of April I was diagnosed with endometriosis in my both ovaries. Those were quite big in size (approx 5 cms) for which doctors recommended surgery. But my parents were not comfortable and they were scared because I’m not married yet. So we decided to take naturopathy (Siddha) medicines. But I was not satisfied with their choice because as a medical student I knew a fully grown thick walled cyst cannot be treated just with medicines. Even then I didn’t want to intensify their fear for my future life. We continued the treatment for a year.
Still the whole year I was suffering with terrible pain which almost deteriorated the quality of my life. It almost affected the lower part of my body. I was not able to sleep or walk for long time .I was not able to concentrate on my career. Slowly the pain subsided in December and January. Finally in February 2015 I went for my routine ultrasound check up. Where my sonolgist gave a terrible news that there were multiple cysts which has grown up in size (approx 11 cms) and it has collapsed with all my lower bowel organs. My parents and me were shattered down. I knew there was no more time to waste. So we rushed up to the best gynaecologic centre in the state. Over There doctors said I have to be undergoing a laparoscopic surgery for cyst removal. In April 2015 I underwent the surgery. Before going to the surgery I prayed Baba whole heartedly and drank His Udi mixed with water. The cysts were completely removed. But the bad part of it was I happened to lose some of ovarian tissues and some intestinal tissues. I felt I had suffered for my past ill karmas. Then I was under hormonal medications for 6 months. In the month of November 2015, I went for my follow up. That day morning before leaving for hospital I had Udi with water and read Sai Satcharitra (which I used to read daily). It was really unbelievable for me how come I was reading that chapter before going for my follow up. It was chapter 34 where Shama’s sister in law was affected with plaque and tumour in lower abdomen and it was cured by Baba’s Udi. I felt blessed and relieved. Follow up reports said I was normal. So doctors decided to stop my medications and they called me for follow up after 3 months. I was very normal and healthy.
This Feb 12 2016, after having Udi with water I went for my check up. Doctor said my right ovary has a cyst but scan shows margins of cyst fused with normal tissue so it might be your ovulation follicle but the size bothers me (approx 4.5cm). Let’s wait for 10 days and redo the scan. If the size regress then it’s your follicle. Or if otherwise it’s the endometriosis cyst again and we have to start up medications again if it doesn’t resolve again we will be planning a surgery. I was totally collapsed. I couldn’t think of anything for a while. But amidst all the confusion I strongly believed in Baba that He will not let my hands this time. I prayed Sainath ji that please don’t test me this time please save my life. Even though For the next 10 days it was like hell I never left my hope on Baba ji a single bit. I was afraid to think of what I have gone through for past 2 years because of my health issue. All those sleepless nights and those days were I was not able to walk and sit on my own. I prayed Baba ji and surrendered at His Lotus Feet.
After 10 days, Feb 22 2016, I had Udi with water and left for scan. My ultrasound was redone and guess what, Baba never leaves anyone who surrender at His Feet. My scan stated that the size of cyst was 0.5 mm. Doctor said it was my dominant ovulation follicle. Nothing to worry you are completely normal and healthy. My eyes Just flowed with tears. I thanked Baba thousand times for saving my life. From then on my faith for Sainath ji increased 1000 folds. Dear devotees if we have unshakable faith on Baba ji a little more patience and surrender at His Lotus Feet, Sainath ji will surely come to rescue us. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raj Yogi Raj Parabrahma Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am so thankful to Hetal ji for developing this platform for Sai devotees to share their experiences and be a strength for each other during the times of trail. Nobody in my family was a devotee of Sai. It all started when i had a miscarriage in 2007 and i was into depression that i went to Sai Mandir to sit for sometime as my husband had to go somewhere and truly speaking i had no place to go. I was so shocked to see such a neat temple but at the same time was surprised to see railings (which are used to help devotees make a queue for Darshan) and i felt it’s so weird that a dog was sleeping in the main Darbar. I came out and told my husband that what sort of maintenance it was that the Pandit over there were not even bothering themselves to drag the dog out of that holy place. Which i later realized that dog has a role in one of Leelas after knowing Sai Baba ji more.
After few months, i got really desperate to have a baby and someone told me about Sai Vrat and i started keeping fasts. And on the completion of 7 or 8 fasts, i came to know that i am pregnant. My happiness knew no boundaries. Another incident happened during my pregnancy, i used to eat Vibhuti everyday (which i had kept at home) in the faith that the Vibhuti will keep my child safe and healthy inside. One day i saw Vibhuti has got finished and i won’t be able to have it the next day. I was so tensed and upset. The next morning, i saw 2 small packets of Vibhuti lying near Sai Mandir at my place. I kept asking everybody but nobody knew where it came from. I know my Baba gave it to me. My faith strengthened. My latest experience was my daughter could not get admission in any school in the city. People were asking for hefty donations which i never wanted to pay. I started reading Sai Satcharitra and finished in a week and even started with Vrat. I used to ask everyday from question answer site and i used to get positive answers that i should remember Sai and work will be done.
I prayed Baba to help my daughter get admission in the desired school before i complete sixth fast, and to my surprise just two days before my sixth fast i got a call from the desired school that they are ready to give admission to my daughter if she passes the interview which i knew will be outstanding because Baba is with me. And yes my daughter got admission on Wednesday, just a day before my sixth fast. Baba kept His promise. I am so thankful to my Baba. I had promised that i will post my experiences once admission will be done. Sorry i am posting it a bit late but Sai with His miracles keep reminding His devotees of His immense love and presence everywhere. I really love You Sai. Please be with me always. I will surely go to Shirdi with my husband and daughter when my Sai will permit us the same. Baba fulfil other wishes too and please bless me and my family with Your love always. Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I want to thanks Hetal ji and team for providing such a beautiful platform to Sai devotee for sharing their experience. Namaste all Sai devotees. I am adherent devotee of my Sai. I am born and brought up in Jharkhand and live in Delhi since 2010. I am working in IT company. I am working in this company because Sai helped me out for this also. I have gone through many miracles of my Sai in which I want to share my recent experience. On the occasion of Diwali in 2015, I went home after 2 years and when I came back Delhi, I started feeling very bad like. (Sorry if I am not able to express my feelings here also) I used to feel very weak from inside, I felt that I am packed somewhere, I used to cry only, my mind was not stable, I started thinking that “I am going to be mad”, all the time my mind used to think negative things but I don’t no what, according to me my heart beat was very fast and every small sound was hurting my ear, I went to doctor but she told that your blood pressure is normal and no need to worry. She gave me three days medicine but what was happening with me, I couldn’t even explain and I didn’t know how could I explain my problems, I was continuously losing my control over my mind, but in bad time no one understood me except my Sai.
Baba was only standing with me, I always pray Sai that Baba You know my situation please save me and get rid of this. I also took Baba’s Udi and told that Baba please save me, I will do Nav Guruvar Vrat, day passed and while seeing my bad condition my best friend who lives in Bangalore came and he took me to the Sai Baba Lodhi road temple and when I entered there and took my sit in front of Sai Baba first time. I felt fresh and relaxed with positive energy of Sai Nath like Sai was giving energy when I was looking into His eyes. I got mental peace and from that day I started getting cured, and whatever bad or negative things entered in my body has gone and now I am cured, it could happen only because Sai Ram was helping me, He is with me in every good or bad situation. He is listening me, watching me and also warn me when I walk on wrong path. He even take out from worst and hell situation. Sai without You I am helpless, You are my father who hold my hand and always protect me. Sai my father please help all of Your devotee in darkness and enlightened or life. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Sister Aparna from India says: Thanks to hetal ji for keeping this website alive with so many inspiring stories of Sai helping us all devotees. I am a doctor by profession but would like to give it to my Sai since He gave the degree on my hand on my birthday like His gift to me. Though i never realised Him till teen age, He was always there when i look back into my life. I have had many experiences where i have felt His presence with me whenever i have called Him. Though i joke with all about how i scold Him at times and sometimes really cry why He does not talk to me in person, He gives the message in numerous ways. Even today when i was distraught, He gave a message to light lamps with ghee which i did.
One experience i recall was how He helped me and my mother in getting to Pune from Shiridi. We were stranded in between since the night deluxe bus we boarded dropped us many km away from the station in the middle of the night. We were very tensed since it was a very desolate region and pitch dark area with only we two ladies and a tea stall and all kinds of truck drivers etc looking at us strangely. We just went into the tea stall and prayed to help us get some conveyance. We waited for many hours after which Sai Himself came on a paper distribution van which stopped at the tea stall and he offered to drop us safely at the station! Did not understand where form the van should appear and why he should stop at that tea stall only even when he was getting late for the early morning paper to be distributed, all His grace. He is always with us even when we don’t remember Him and are absorbed into the worldly activities and showers us with His unconditional and unlimited love. Only He is our soul mate in the true sense-only He knows what we can do and what we are truly. He is our only soul mate in the truest sense.

Sai Sister Vidya from India says: I am a dental student at Bangalore. Since beginning of the course, I was scared into this path as my hand work in practical aspect was very bad, which is very important in this field. Once it happened that I got a patient who wanted to get his missing tooth replaced. I prepared a denture for him, but to my bad luck, it did not fit in his mouth. The patient being very short tempered started pestering me all the time. I took risk and did his denture again. And before giving it to patient, I sprinkled Udi on it and prayed Baba. When I inserted it in patient’s mouth, it did fit properly and to my surprise, patient was happy too. My joys had no bound after this. People reading this might feel it silly but it was a big challenge for me. Only because of Baba I was able to achieve it.
I am in another department now which requires good hand skills. Please bless me in this matter Baba. I want to finish bachelors and do my masters abroad. Please help me concentrate on studies Baba. Please make me stay at Your Feet without getting disturbed by worldly distractions. Please give me all the strength to fulfil my parents hopes on me. Please take care of my family and protect us from all the evil eyes surrounding us Baba. Bless me with good and trustworthy friends. Help my friend to clear his exams. Thank You so much for making my father to recover fast from appendicitis surgery. Bless all the devotees who seek Your help Baba. On Sai Ram. Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaja Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: First of all, i would thank to founder of this page allowing all the Sai devotees to share their feelings. It’s really wonderful idea to connect people. I am a girl from Bangalore. I am working in a company. I am not very happy with my life as i did not got what actually i wanted. I had a very good friend of mine from my hometown we were in love since 7 years, and it’s really becomes difficult if people don’t understand this ask us for arrange marriage. Loving a person for seven years and then asked to adjust in an arrange marriage is next to impossible still I did this somehow i managed. As all says 1 year of marriage is difficult so is mine even till now i face problems. I was in totally cut off with my love, somehow i came to know he was not in good condition, didn’t got job and struggling like anything. I don’t know what happened me that day i was sitting in the bus thinking of him and somehow my hands got joined remembering Sai Baba and praying for him, Believe me at that moment what i felt cannot explain. After this, i went to office and had daily routine at around 4:30 I got some message from one of our common friend saying he got job. I was so amazed only words came out of my lips were “Sai Nath Sabki Sunta hai”, the best experience i had. Be with Sai and Sai will be with you, do not lose hope on Him for a single minute and you will see how things happens. Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram…im just a small admirer of sai…i know sai since 2013..before that i never know about him what a unlucky i am..i'hv been not well for 2 years..tried all sort of medication and i have prayed to sai..but i hv never done any vrat i just always sit and pray n go to sai temple..i hv read Sai Satcharitra i always listen to baba song and aarthi..i always think of him..i always beg him to do miracle on my health parents are everything to me..but i can't see them worrying about me..i dun hv anyone accept sai, n my parents..i hv been praying n praying n hoping sai baba will one day forgive me n accept me as her daughter n cure me but i dunno what will make him come..nowdays im scared to see doctors n went out..i'll panic n i dun know how to explain the feeling only sai knows but why he not coming..i hv drank udi..he always be there if i think of him in form of picture but always give me false hope..i just want be healthy n tc of my parents..i know my karma killing me but its been so many years i hv been suffering. never i been do any small good things in my life? pls everyone pray for me pls..i just want to be healthy n tc of my parents..
Baba baba please please help me. Please show me mercy. Baba I am going mad. My guy is also going mad. Baba my parents are not understanding my pain. My guy broke up with me but still he is also not gud like me. Baba everyday i am praying for your rescue for your mercy. Please please please i beg u badly. Please i dont want to loose my parents or my guy please. Please i am going mad. Please baba please. You know what conversation had happened between me and my guy. Baba please please pleaseplease i plead you. Baba please help me. Baba please show me mercy. I am begging you my life with my guy. Please show me mercy please baba. Please baba. Baba its a do or die to me now. You know what I want and I want it in right way to happen. Please i will die now. Please mercy please mercy baba.
It shows he never loved you truly . How he can leave you like this? Why are you so much bothering about him if he can give you so much trouble like this ? You are lucky that you were able to see his true colors now. Wait and see if he comes back to you but don't spoil your health like this. May be he will realize his mistakes and come back to you.
om sai ram .. om sai ram.. om sai ram.. om sai ram.. om sai ram
pls help me sai ..please
O Deva, be with us, in our hearts and minds, in every thought of ours, every word of ours and every action of ours 🙂
Jai Sairam
O Deva, be with us, in our hearts and minds, in every thought of ours, every word of ours and every action of ours 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sairam.only you can save know past should not have any effect on my .love is always love.and coz of my emotional nature.i have loved himso much baba. keep him very happily .this is my prayer.i know he would have forgotten me completely….men are like that….and his condn is like that…its ok baba he has fooled me..only you have to bring me out of this sorrow☺☺☺
dear devotee:please dont say like this..i am a guy my gf left me alone i loved her so much it is already 4 months of when she left but 24 hrs in my mind she is there i know she already forget me and started her new life but i am still not able to overcome and hoping that one day may baba make all situations favourable and give her saddbuddhi to realize her mistakes so that she will come back..lets see what sai ram
I have been waiting for 3 + years but nothing happened. Now am done with waiting. It's true men have higher tendency to cheat. They like to cheat emotionaly than women. You are an exception. Yes itstrue, it hurts very much. But there is no other option. How can Baba helps you in this matter? My husband has refused to talk to me now altogether and is a Sai Bhakt too. He is having parties at his home and going on vacation. Am living like a prisoner with no fault of mine. It's all our pat karmas . May be I had done wrong with him and my MIL. But now everything is over.I thought a Sai bhakt never do anything wrong but I was wrong. My daughter is also suffering emotionally very much. But for my husband and in laws their ego is greater than my daughters life.
This is ghor kalyug. Anything can happen.
Sai I have 1 more month . Please show me your miracle. Please have mercy on me.
Om Sai Ram,
Baba, Please save my father from serious viral fever.
Om Sai Ram.
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Bless me baba…lov u
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Please help me to concentrate more on studies baba please
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
om sai ram
Dear devotees, Im in dubai,I need udI.. how can I get ? Could u please advise…
Om Sai Ram
I lov u baba sooooooo much…never ever leave me alone
Please contact Sai Sanstha in Shirdi. They will send you udi.
If you can't get it, write back to me. I have udi, I can send it to you. Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Baba pl bless my son and stay with him and cure my daughter's health problem
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all