Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Wonderful are the Leelas of Sri Sai Nath. This is my share of miracle I’ve experienced. This is the true magic of the powerful Nav Guruvar Vrat and sacred Sai Satcharitra. When I was young I was very close to our Baba but somehow got drifted away from Him due to living life and my ignorance. But now if I think about my past, I realize that I was miraculously saved every time for all the wrong steps I’ve taken. Baba introduced me to a wrong person with whom I fell in love only to make me realize the value to true love. That guy abused me financially, emotionally and even physically. But I still stayed with him thinking he will change and I was also scared of leaving as he used to threaten me with various things. Finally after 7 long years of torture I met a person online (Facebook) who stood by me and slowly and gradually I realised my lack of self respect and got strength to leave that relationship and also face the after effects boldly. I also had immense respect for this stranger who met me online by chance, and helped me so much. Long story short, he is now my husband. We are happily married for almost 5 years and blessed with a beautiful baby girl. My husband’s birthday is on 9th and my daughters on 27th which also adds up to the holy number 9. Thanks a billion Sai Baba. Thank You for everything.
Here is my second experience which happened recently. I moved to Australia in 2014 when I was pregnant. My husband came here 3 months before me so that he can find a job and set up house and other things before we join him. Luckily within a month he got a job in a huge MNC but then unfortunately within two weeks they terminated the position due to some internal conflicts. So my husband kept searching for other jobs since then. After me coming here I could not apply for any jobs as I was already 6 month pregnant. We used to manage somehow from our savings by keeping our spending very low. Then after few months I’ve delivered a beautiful baby girl. Everything was going well except income. It was hard for my husband to be stable emotionally with so much pressure but he did his best to remain calm and continue his search. He used to get calls and attended many interviews but every time someone else used to get selected during the final round. It was very heartbreaking to see him disappointed always. I would like to mention one thing that even though my husband was a firm believer in God he slowly stopped worshipping and believing due to some personal tragic happenings at his home.
So in this tough period I just told him that may be its God’s blessing that we are missing out on as he was capable to get a job otherwise. But he got angry and argued that God will not do anything and everything we have work to get things done, so why to worship Him. I tried explaining him that without God’s grace nothing will work out even if you put all your efforts. But he didn’t agree and said not to push him to believe in God. I was very disheartened. I was not sad that we didn’t have job because I knew some day he will get a job, but I was very sad that he became an atheist. However I kept my faith in Him and listened to Sai Satcharitra audio version and completed in 7 days. But still nothing worked out. My baby was 5 months by then and we had very less money with us. It was horrible. Then I decided I will go to India with my baby to introduce my baby to rest of the family and also because some expenses will reduce for my husband and hoped that by the time we return he will have a job. So I went to India and stayed for 5 months but still my husband was jobless. We had to return back to Australia and now that I have recovered fully from delivery I thought I will also start looking for work. But with small baby at hand I hardly found any time to sit and apply. Meanwhile my husband was very dejected and came to me and asked me what else should he do to find a job as he tried everything in his means and he is ready to do whatever I say. Then I requested that we both will do Nav Guruvar Vrat as I’ve heard many great miracles about this powerful Vrat. He said he will do but not because of faith in God but because of the faith in my beliefs. I was somehow Ok with that and I thought he will understand the power of the Vrat once he does it.
The next Thursday we started the Vrat and completed on march 10th. He still didn’t get the job. Then I started reading Sai Satcharitra and got a positive sign when I got an interview call for me as soon as I finished the Saptah. I expected that God will give me that job and attended with full faith. I also immediately started second reading of the Satcharitra and on the third day I got news that I got rejected. I was wondering why this happened and also thought I should stop praying too but immediately I thought whatever is God’s wish I’ll take it as His blessings. Then on 6th day (April 13th) of my Parayan my husband came and said he got the offer. If this is not a miracle then what do you call it? My husband was searching for job like anything for the past 2 years and he gets a job after 1 month of finishing the Vrat. How wonderful are His Leelas! But sad thing is my husband thinks he got this job due to his capabilities but seriously its God who has worked on his problem to get it solved. I pray that my husband should realize this and I pray that our sweet Sai Maa destroys his human ego and help him to surrender at His lotus feet. That will be the happiest day of my life. Om Sai Ram. Peace be to all.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. This is my first post here and I really thank the admin of this page for maintaining such a wonderful blog. It’s definitely increases our faith in Sai Baba. I can say it as the extended version of Sai Satcharitra holy book, I don’t know when exactly i came in contact with Sai Baba, but remember when i was young I used to go to temple with my friend on Thursdays. I concentrated more on tasty Prasad than any prayers. I came close to Baba after my engineering as i was searching for job very badly. One of the priest insisted me to read Sai Satcharitra book and i got job in one of the MNC. Currently i am working in same company, it’s been 3 years here. I would like to narrate few of the experiences which i had with Sai Baba. He is truly my everything. My day starts with His Name and end with His Name. I always ask others also to pray to Sai Baba if they are in trouble. I had been to Shirdi in 2015 with family. I always urge for more than 1 Udi packet as i apply it on my forehead everyday. After the beautiful Darshan, we went to collect the Udi packets and stood in queue. My father did not stand in queue as he was bit tired and i felt bad that i would be having 1 less Udi packet to our family. My mom and I collected Udi packet and moved further where my dad was sitting. My aunt started calling me and handed over another Udi packet in my hand. I asked her how she got 2 Udi packets. Then she explained that one old man dropped his Udi packet and let, by the time she picked up to give him the packet he was not to be seen. As i wanted more Udi packet, she came and gave it to me. I am sure that old man is none other than my Sai Baba who dropped Udi packet for me. I was so happy to take an extra packet of Udi. Thank You Sai Baba.
Another experience is I had ordered Sai Baba’s Prasad online. Due to some reason it was delayed. Hence i called up their helpline to check. Representative informed me that due to interstate parcel issues, delivery has been delayed. I requested him to send it as early as possible and also told that we are in need of Udi packet urgently. He promised me to send an extra packet of Udi. After some days i received the parcel with 3 Udi packets and with beautiful picture of Sai Baba, Last year my dad had applied for transfer of office. As everyone know government works takes very long time and my dad’s file was pending from many months. One day i was in Pooja room reading Satcharitra book and heard my dad taking to his friend regarding transfer. His friend informed that dad’s file is in chief minister’s office and yet to move. Then immediately i prayed Baba to help my dad and get the approval for transfer. After some 10 minutes, my dad received another call saying his transfer permission is approved. I was shocked to hear that. It was pending from many months and now once i prayed and it got approved. Baba did hear my prayer. I was dam happy. Thank You Sai Baba.
Recently was my friend’s birthday he stays in USA. I had sent an gift online with cakes and sweets. I wanted it to deliver on his birthday only. Unfortunately when the person came to deliver the gift box, my friend was at home only but his house does not have door bell. Hence the person returned without delivering and left a note at his door. When i got to know this i felt really bad and wanted the gift to reach him on same day. There was only 40 minutes left for 12 ‘o’ Clock (India timings). I emailed the customer care to deliver the gift same day but they said like delivery person has moved away from my friend’s place and gift will be delivered after 2 days. I was depressed at that point. Immediately i prayed Baba to help. Mean while my friend contacted that person and asked that person to come back. Initially he was not ready to come back and give gift. Later he somehow agreed to came back. My friend had the gift at exactly 11.53pm(India timings). I had promised Baba that i will post in this blog if gift gets delivered before 12. We cut cake on Skype and celebrated his birthday as planned. I was so happy. Sorry for the delay Baba my mistake. Now i have prayed for my friend’s job. He completed his masters from NYU and searching for a job. He is very true and hard working still he is not getting any job. Please Baba give him some nice job. Finally i would like to say all devotees that have faith and patience, Baba will hear and answer all our prayers. Thank you.

Sai Brother Rajkumar from India says: An enormous and fabulous praises to Hetal ji for maintaining this blow. No words can describe her efforts to create such a wonderful blog of another Sai Satcharitra. Baba has been with me from many long years, but, I realized it only in 2010. Since then, many many hurdles and many cries, sorrows, grief, whatever Sad words I can use have passed upon me and are still passing on daily basis. But every point, Baba solves the issues. I had recently joined an organization, March 2016, where the Background verification (BGV) is bit stringent, however, not to that extent. Though, all my documents are intact and all are real, still, I had a doubt of one offer and relieving letter, of a company which I had worked in 2005. There were many issues with it, and I had been chucked out from a reputed organization due to it, as they had very very stringent verification and they found out that it was not up to the mark.
Since, I have suffered a lot in my career and have not grown to where I wanted to be, still, I used to pray to Lord Baba, My Deva to solve this BGV issue. If I had to lose this job, my wife, warned me to move out of my life as I have never ever given any happiness for last 5 years. Due to this, it made me think very negatively and even to the last of the last attempt of life, hope all understand what I was thinking. However, I just checked in today, 21-Mar-2016 that my BGV is Clear and Green, which means, I am in no serious issues. Wow, What a Mahima is my Deva’s Leelas. Just mind blowing. Cries after cries I had in my heart but couldn’t pour out in my office. Baba, though I am under the most of most Utter poverty, kindly help me to get out of it and lead a normal successful financial life without any hassles and issues.

Anonymous Devotee from UK says: Om Sai Ram. This is my second experience on this forum. I just want to thank Sai Baba from the bottom of my heart for giving me the best gift of life my baby boy. I started to visit Sai Baba Temple regularly on Thursdays after I visited Shirdi in Feb 2015. I never expected a Miracle to happen like the way it did. I prayed to Baba to fulfil my dreams. One Thursday the priest announced he has 9 coconuts and would like to give these to women who are trying to conceive with difficulty. However he did mention if you do not get a chance this year to receive one then come next year as this is something they do annually if they can. I put my name down on the list and was told to come 3 festive days and on the third day they will give the coconut and explain how to pray and keep it. When I was given the coconut we were told to keep in at home in a scared room and pray to the coconut like you would pray to Baba. The priest said within one year your prayers will come true and Baba will give you a gift. I thought that was wonderful and never ever imagined something so special coming true like that. I believe in Baba a lot anything in my life I gave to share with Baba worries and happiness. I always believed whatever may be will be but have faith in Baba. He will listen and talk to me. I conceived and baby boy arrived in Feb 2016. I had a smooth pregnancy and had a C-section, I was extremely scared and worried but Baba gave me a pleasant surgery and recovery. What a miracle this is, I went to Shirdi in Feb 2015 and a year on my gift from God arrived. The priest was right within a year I had my dream come true. Om Sai Ram. Thank You Baba, love You.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Baba, I am writing this post to You. At first, I would like to thank You for helping me during my tough time. When nothing seemed to be fine, only You rescued me otherwise I don’t know what would have happened to me. I can never forget that time when I was into deep depression, feeling very lonely and alone. I could not sleep, had to take sleeping pills to rest my mind. All this was badly affecting my family life and of course my health. I started losing faith in God. I was feeling badly depressed and alone because I was staying in a different country, far away from my near and dear ones. Earlier I used to be a very cheerful girl, but suddenly everything changed and I became depressed and sad.
Then few of my well wishers advised me to pray to Sai Baba. They assured me that everything will be fine if I build my faith on Him. I followed them and now here I am, Perfectly Fine and happy. All because of Baba’s blessings. He has strengthened my faith in Him by helping me as if I am a small child. Even now whenever I am slightly depressed, i talk to Baba and He takes care of everything. He is truly a saviour. And of course I would also thank my friends who showed me this path. By writing this article, I would like to tell all the devotees of Sai Baba who are currently going through a tough time, that please do not leave His Feet. However tough time it is, He will surely take you away from all the worries. Baba please please be with me and my family always. We need You and if we do anything wrong, please guide us to the right path. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am living in Chennai. First thanks for Hetal ji for posting my experience with Baba. Before 2011 I pray to Baba and visit Baba’s temple but not with much belief in Baba. One fine day my hostel aunty called me, we both were discussing some general things. My hostel aunty suggested me to go for second baby since I have one girl baby that time. She told me “Sai Baba will bless you with boy baby”. Later on that night Baba came into my dream with white dhoti and karpon. Baba told me “You will bless with baby boy”. I am really surprised and very happy that Baba came in my dream and blessed. Later few months, I got conceived. I am in confusion whether Baba words will come true or not. On Jan 29th 2013 I delivered baby boy with no pains in normal delivery. I am very happy and so thankful to Baba for His blessings. Baba always take care of His children. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki jai. Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Jai Sai Ram

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Jai Sainath
Dear SAI devotees, kindly help me pls about Gayathri Mantra Chanting.Is it okay for ladies to chant during those forbidden days?.Having non-veg food on a day chanting Gayathri Mantra?.Pls someone clarify this for me.Thank u.
O Deva, Thank You for working things out without our knowledge and blessing us with Your miracles 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram _ / _
BABA please bless me that i shall marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
BABA please make him pass the interview also and please make him get selected in that service.OM SAI RAM
Thank u baba
Please bless my father please do not leave his hand
Babaji bless everyone with mental peace
Dear 5 th devotee,thanx for sharing…ur experience is faith boosting in my hard times i m in same situation as urs so much. love you.i received udi from shiridi.atleast you are with me.😀😀
Thank u baba ji for my results.I know without your blessings I would not have made it to the list.thank u sai ma and plz be ever be with me and my family.sorry for any mistake on my part please forgive me deva.
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Saii shri Sai jai jai Sai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om shree sairam…
Thank you so much baba for being with us…
Protect us baba please bless us your sacred UDI has the divine power baba thanks a lot babaji…
Om sai shree sai jai jai sai…
Om shree sainathayenamah…
Jai sainath…
Akhiland koti brahmand nayak rajadhiraj yogiraj parabrahm shree shree shree satchidhanand samarth sathguru shree sainath maharaj ki jai…
om sai ram.
I am very glad that Baba chose me as his devotee.I feel really blessed.I got my job on Thrusday 😀 very happy to feel miracle of Baba.I was waiting for 8 months to get a job.I prayed very hard and performed Sai Divya Pooja ,Nav Guruvar Vrat and read Satcharitra.Waiting with patience is the best solution.I know waiting is very tough task.One should definitely go through the tough phase,we cant get the result soon but that tough phase and that waiting can be turned little smooth by Baba's Grace.So we should pray for that,because he knows when to gift us.I used to read hanuman Chalisa every day to ease my tough time.I also observed fasting on Sankatahara chathurdi and got my interview scheduled on the Next day of ganesh chathurdi.Interview got scheduled on Hanuman's day and got partial result on Ganesha's Day and finally Confirmed on Baba's day I.e on Thursday. I feel its a complete miracle of Sai Ram.
Tough phases always comes in our life pray Baba to make that journey smooth.And he will definitely fulfill our wish one fine day and that day you will forget the trouble you went through.
Jai Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om sai Ram, om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
OM sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram. Baba as you know today is very important day. Please baba unite us baba please. Today ll decide if we will be together or not. Sai give me strength to get through this. My love for him was pure n true baba. Please baba i beg you. Please bring us together
Please baba please.
Dear 4th devotee,which UK temple they give coconut ?. I want one of my friend to have a baby.Om Sai baba.
Baba help me regarding my health issues
Please dear baba, help me regarding my health issues. I will post my experience soon…
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all