Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Brother Vishwanathan.M from Mauritius says: Jai Shri Sai Ram to everyone in love with our most adorable Shri Sadguru Sai Samarth. Dearest Shri Sai devotees, kindly put on and fasten your seat-belt for a long roller coaster ride of sensations and wonders of our Shri Sai’s incomprehensible yet phenomenal grace! Thanking sister Hetal and team for their continuous dedication and never ending selfless love. All of you are inspiration for sharing real happiness. Om Sai Ram. I think a small introduction will fit in well for a better understanding. My name is Vishwanathan.M from Mauritius. Yes, as most of you, devotees might remember, I was blessed with the unique experience on Thursday 6th Feb 2014 after the noon Aarti at home with the holy image of our Shree Sai’s divine Face on the wall of my room. From that very day, this realistic belief and concern with Shri Shirdi Sai Baba only increased with each fleeting second. However the whole surrounding took a drastic change on 9th May 2015. My parents were already in China since 1 week then. It was a Saturday. Should I call it black day or burnt day? I still don’t know. As my daily habit, I woke up early for morning routines and got ready by 6.18 am to come down to the kitchen. After bowing to Shri Sadguru Sai and taking blessing, I left for office which is up to noon on Saturdays. My uncle who stays along in the back yard opened the main gate for me as usual.
At around 9.30 am, I precisely smelt something burning like rubber in the office upon which I asked my colleagues from where this smell is coming from and if they notice anything. Well to my surprise, they did not smell anything as such. Still I kept smelling the same, hence on my own I went and checked everywhere yet there was nothing. So as usual, I kept on chanting Shri Sai’s name as I understood it was not normal that I am smelling something which everyone around is not sensing at all. As soon as it was noon, I took the car and came home directly as usual. I met my uncle at the front door and he was along with the maintenance-boy whom I greeted. While opening the house door, I could hear some noise up. I was evidently suspicious. Immediately I went up the wooden stairs along with my shoes on to find out the reason for the noise and at that very moment I just could not believe what I saw, there was clouds of dark smokes rushing from my room. Obviously I understood there is fire inside, still thinking I will be able to extinguish it with a bucket of water or with a blanket, I went inside the room. It was a very bad thing to do. I could feel the burning heat engulfing all over the body, the flames were of orange-reddish colour and I straight away ran out of the room leaving 1 shoe while doing so. It was a hell like horrible moment yet I had to go through it. I rushed down and called my uncle who came running with the cleaning boy, they seemed to be even more shocked than me as they were here from the time I left for office. So they never expected not even dreamt that such a disaster will ever happen. The fire brigades, police investigators, central water authority, electrical board, neighbours and on top of all, the city media were present. It was a chaotic situation.
Recently I was told that I acted like an insane person at that time as I kept on shouting; “Baba, Baba, Baba!” It was a real chaotic mess in the upper floor. All the rooms turned out black due to the intense smoke. Thank Guru Sai, my parent’s rooms were closed and yet the key was in my room. I had to keenly search the key among the debris in the evening to sleep in their room. After everyone left, the house was in a wild state and that of my so called room was just unrecognizable like that after a tornado but here it was a fire one. Nothing was spared, simply nothing. There was no bed, forget the mattress, only springs were left, no cupboard, windows were blown out, no door itself, just total unimaginable burnt rubber-type waste and smoke. Chaos is only a word here, it was worst and unseen. Yet I took pictures of every rooms. I had to call my parent in that state of mind. While talking to my dad, I almost broke down but thank Guru Sai, I could speak. Being my dad’s habit, he put the cell on loud speaker mode by which my mom heard fire in my room. She just could not accept this horrific news and there was shooting pain in belly button (dad narrated later). Their main concern was my wellbeing and mom’s guilt was that she should not have left me alone. But then, what has to happen will definitely happen whether anyone is around or not! Everything was burnt, dark and smoky yet my faith was firm, brighter and stronger than ever. I am aware of the fact that everything happens for a reason. I do not know the reason but I accept the fact that our Sadguru knows what is best for us. What the Sadguru allows to happen, cannot be futile.
The investigation could not be concluded as nothing was sorted out to be the cause for this ravaging fire. The insurance has already expired and was not yet renewed. For no practical reasons, some so called close people openly said: ‘Oh why couldn’t Your Baba saved your room in which He appeared?’ Others said may there was ‘Sani dorsh’ (Saturn Impact) in your horoscope and that’s why this happened that too on a Saturday. Some said ‘how many times we told your parents that there are so many evil-eyes and jealousies on you! Now see where all these accumulations have finally led!’ Whatever others said did not make a change in me as I strongly feel Shri Sai kept me under His wing all the time. Not even once did my parents say a word about what happened. My mother was extremely grateful that not even a single burn was on body and I was indeed safe. The total damage was massive costing a lot yet with Shri Sai’s divine providence, the whole house underwent a major re-looking. All savings were being used. Interior decors are sublimely exquisite and it is unimaginable that within such a short period of time, tremendous changes took place. After all, everything is for Shri Sai only. Nothing is ours, just nothing! His Will, will be done for sure! Who are we to object and argue? Is it going to change anything by doing so?
Exactly one year after this incident, I was in India for a pilgrimage trip coordinated by the best planner ever- our Sai Samarth only! Firstly to Tiruchendur Muruga’s Temple at the sea-shore. To Isha foundation, Coimbatore and finally to our heaven on this earth : Shirdi! Every single atom in Shirdi is divine for the fervent soul. Sitting in the Dwarkamai and singing the Dhoop Aarti are unforgettable moments. Which child will not feel contented at the maternal house and most comfortable in the mother’s lap?! The whole month of May 2016 is astoundingly unbelievable yet true. Every single detailed is meticulously handled by our all in all, Shri Sai Baba and yet He seems to remain aloof from everything. Coming from the pilgrimage trip, my mother had to attend a graduation at the Royal College of Surgeons in Bahrain. By Shri Sai Samarth’s grace, I only had to accompany her. We had to go to Dubai first and stayed in the Oberoi for four days which was like an adventure. All our seats were reserved in Emirates Business class which was like unimaginable. The cabin crews were very committed in attending to all needs and even advice about the Emirates Skywards which we never knew its meaning nor existence. Everything went on by the loving grace and definitely it was beyond expectation. Recollecting those moments, make emotions to surge to its highest level and bring tears indeed but not because of what happened but because of His matchless love! Yes, this abundance of Sadguru Sai’s unconditional love, makes one to cry like a baby and dive in the vast ocean of gratitude.
For our sure security, our parent takes measures and provides the service of bodyguards and so on. But certainly, let alone die, no one is really prepared to be burnt for someone else, yet Shri Sadguru Sai Baba has done it again. That same room’s wall had the miraculous appearance of Shri Sai’s face along with His life size picture from Shirdi on my first visit, full of holy books on Shri Sai’s

Sai Brother Jaskaran from London says: I have started believing in Baba 2012 and since then I have experienced so many Baba’s miracles in my life. Wherever I am today it’s all because of my Sai ji. Today I will share a part of my experience while I was in India. I left India when I was 15, last year in November due to my visa problem I had to travel back to India because my visa expired long time ago and I have no family in India. All of my family settled here; my parents and my husband’s family. It was most difficult decision which me and my husband had to take, because if I leave England I might not be given permission to enter back for at least one year because of my immigration history and staying alone in India is very risky and especially when you haven’t been to that country for 10 years. However me and my husband decided to take this step because it was really getting tough in UK. We prayed to Baba only let us take this step if You are going to guide us because everyone was against this decision so it was more difficult. And we only been married for 6 months that time and getting separated after 6 months was unbearable. We reached India on 30th November 2015, this is first time my husband going to India and he was only there for 9 days and we had to complete our court marriage in 9 days when we didn’t know anyone in India. Baba helped us so much; our court marriage was done on the last day of my husband’s travelling back to London.
Then I had to go stay with my extended family whom I haven’t spoken to for 10 years. We had to wait for 5 months to meet the requirements of visa application and It was really difficult for me and my husband to stay apart so I started forcing him to tell the solicitor to apply in March when we really should be applying in May. So she booked the appointment for 8th march 2016, I was so happy and one night before the appointment I received a call from my husband that it has been cancelled because our lawyer wasn’t sure whether I will submit all documents when attending appointment or she submit in London directly. I got so angry with my husband, I fought with him so much; told him to change the lawyer in ager, I fought with Baba so much I told him so many bad words but after sometime realised that maybe it happened for a reason and of course Baba saved us and stopped me attending the appointment because if I attended that appointment straightway I would’ve received rejection which means going to appeal which will take months after rejection.
Then she booked appointment for 23rd march 2016, I don’t know what came in my mind, I called my husband told him to ask the lawyer if there’s appointment for first week of April which means we will have paperwork for March as well. So he called our lawyer and she told us that you are lucky you called because there was only one space left for appointment that day. And then we husband planned to visit me and this is the first time we planned to go Shirdi, everything went to nicely. We did Baba’s Darshan in Shirdi for the first time and we loved every second of it. From there we directly went to my appointment, I felt very lucky that I took Baba’s blessings before my appointment. In February I started doing Baba’s 9 Thursday fasting and this time I enjoyed fasting so much. During this I used to spend quite a lot time with Baba because I was alone in India. In April after applying for my visa, everyday I used to wait for their call or message, I completed my fasting on 14th April, we received no answer, another Thursday gone and I got call my friend that she received her visa when she applied same day as mine. That day me and my husband broke completely and we cried so much and thought they will take very long to decide my application because of my overstay in England and generally they will straight way reject my application if I overstayed in England and I asked Baba to show me sign that You will grant my visa (to answer me you give me a flower) next day afternoon my grand-mum (who travelled from Canada to India urgently because I was getting life threatening messaged from our far relative) told me that some Baba gave you flower, He was wearing orange clothes and told you to keep flowers everywhere in the house. I was happy when I heard that but I that period was so difficult due to problems in family that I didn’t want to take my hopes high and what If I get answer in negative.
My fight with Baba continued, when I was sitting with Him, from nowhere a cockroach came out of the table where Baba was sitting and went straight underneath my suitcase and when I went to remove the cockroach from my suitcase, there was lizard sitting underneath the suitcase which made me to remove my suitcase outside and that time I felt Baba telling me to get ready, it’s time to go! But again I thought its me over thinking then on 3rd may I received a call from my husband that they made a decision on our application and they sending to Jalandhar blue dart office. Oh my god! My legs were shaking, I could not just talk, I was happy but very very nervous and scared. So next morning on Tuesday I went to pick up my parcel and they said they haven’t received it, call on Thursday to check if we got your parcel. These two days were most difficult for us, it was decision of life and death. So on Thursday, I went in the afternoon as they called me that it’s there now. That half an journey to their office made my body numb completely and this side my husband is very nervous, panic, scared to know the decision. As soon as I open the parcel the first line I red “your application is successful” Oh my Baba, You saved us, You saved us. That one line changed our life. We owe You everything my Baba. Then straight we went to Baba’s temple in Jalandhar and of course I was over the moon to found out that finally I will be going back to my home. This all happened because of my Baba only because of Him, I love You Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from Singapore says: I am a girl in my mid twenties, who don’t have many people in my life. My parents and my boyfriend mean everything to me (other than God of course). So this story of my experience will tell you how Baba gave my everything back to me. 2 months ago, my boyfriend of 2 years told me that he wants a break from me for 2 months. I was shocked. The reason he gave was that we kept arguing always so he wanted us to take time away to go figure out what we really want. I said we should be spending more time together in order to get closer, not the opposite. But he refused to listen. From that day onwards, I had no contact with him at all for about 3 weeks. No message, call or meet. I cried to Sai Baba everyday, whole day, almost every second. I was depressed and could not focus on anything. I did not try to contact my boyfriend for fear of him thinking that I am being clingy and pushing me even further away. I prayed and prayed and prayed to Sai Baba so hard. I asked for a miracle to get him back. I vowed to do so many things if I got my boyfriend back, including offerings, donations, Nav Guruvar Vrat, reading Sai Satcharitra, Ganesh Mandir 108 phere and many chanting mantras. But nothing happened. Then I told Him, if You can’t do anything, I have to do something, and I made a plan to cook up a story that was all a lie in order to find an excuse to call him to say that I need to meet him urgently because I have a problem which involves him. I do not wish to share the fake story I told him here, but it was a horrible lie. However, I could do anything to get him back so I told Baba, I know it’s a lie, but please support me in this, I am using this lie as an opportunity to meet him and hopefully can get him back by convincing him.
So I called my boyfriend around the 3rd week, and he agreed to set a date to meet a few days later to help me solve the fake problem I told him about. When I finally met him, we spent a nice day together, But at the end of the day he broke up with me, saying that we have too many problems, and he said he had cheated on me by sleeping with someone when he was overseas. I was devastated, Totally heartbroken. That my boyfriend did this to me, and also that Sai Baba let me down. I stopped praying to Baba then. I stopped praying to any God. I was depressed and could not do anything. I asked my boyfriend after the breakup if we could still continue messaging as it will be easier for me to cope with this and he agreed. I did not know if I still had hope or not. Then 2 days later I started talking to Baba again, saying that please make him want me back, and make him run back to me and struggle to get me back the same way I struggled to get him. Even if You think he is not good for me, please at least make him want me, then only my mind will get peace. And Then 4 Days After The Breakup Came The Miracle. He asked if he can call me and talk to me. So i talked to him, and he said that he was not happy about what he did to us, and that he wanted me back. He said he had not slept with anyone, but had lied about that just to get away from me. But, he said that he did indeed had feelings for another girl during his overseas trip whom I thought was his close friend only. But he said after he left me, he realised that he can’t stay away from me and was in a lot of pain while away from me. He was really down and really wanted me back and was upset with himself that he did this to us. So after telling him that he has to stop everything with the other girl and I will not tolerate anymore lies, we are back together now.
So everyone who is reading this, don’t ever give up on Sai Baba, He may seem to disappoint you at first, but when the time comes, He will give you what you want. Earlier I had gotten so many hints that I will not get my boyfriend, but I did not give up on my prayer and faith. And see where I am now. So please, you don’t give up too. Baba is great, Baba is everything. Even if I thank Him a billion or infinity number of times, it’s not enough. He gave me back my life, my soul, my happiness, my everything. He will do it for you too. Even if people tell you that someone is not meant for you, don’t listen to them. Just pray to Baba and never give up. You will get what you want, have faith. Now I am slowly completing whatever I had vowed to Sai Baba to do when I get my boyfriend back. Om Sai Ram, Sri Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Koti Koti Pranam to Sai Maa. Om Sai Ram to all the devotees. And Thanks a lot to the team maintaining this blog. I want to share a miracle that happened today by the blessings of Lord Sai. My husband is a civil engineer. He got this degree only through Sai Maa’s blessings. After he completed the course, he started job hunt. When he could not make it in the hometown, he went out of state to find a suitable job. He was facing hard times trying to live with a very less amount of money. I had kept the Nav Guruvar Vrat for his job. It was really hard to see him struggle like this. We were praying daily to our Sai Maa and we knew He had planned something great for us. Every time my husband gave an interview we got a positive feedback but nothing was getting finalised.
Before 2 days he had an interview, they asked my husband to wait as the results were to be declared then and there. He texted me and asked me to pray for the results. I opened the live Darshan of Sai Maa where I could feel He was smiling, I kept on praying. As soon as I prayed my husband was called inside by the director and he was told that he has been selected. There were very less chances for him to get selected and it is a complete miracle how it happened. Today he went to confirm about the joining, again I was praying and getting positive signs and finally he got the joining date in the next week. Thanks a lot Sai Maa for being there with us always. We love You a lot. One more miracle happened today itself. My husband was doing a certification course and was studying to appear in the final exam. Today when he went to appear in the exam he was told that throughout the training he has performed excellent and he has already passed the exam. Soon he will be getting the certificate without even appearing in the exam. Thanks a ton Sai Maa. Keep us under Your wings always. Om Shri Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a software professional and I know Baba since 2009 but realized His love and grace few years back. Om Sai Ram Many thanks to Hetal ji for this wonderful platform. May God bless you with all the happiness always. This blog has become my life fuel now. I have posted my experiences earlier also. This is one more to that series. Thanks Deva. My laptop webcam doesn’t work since ages. On Sunday, I tried to fix that, I thought that some drivers required only so let me just try. I sat for around 4-5 hours but could not get any success. Finally I decided to leave that as it is, and just went to drink water. Then, I recalled about devotees’ experiences about their phones and tabs started working after praying to Baba. So I too prayed to Deva, that I have tried all my ways and now praying to You, please fix it now, You listen to all, please listen my this prayer too. And I just came back to shut down my laptop after giving the last try of that day, and it worked. My update got successful, the message I was dying to see on my laptop appeared. I turned on my webcam and it was working. Sai Deva heard my prayer again. Thank You Baba. But You know so many other prayers are still pending and I am so restless these day. Please help me out with those issues too. I know it’s me who lacks in faith but even for that firm faith I pray to you. Please Baba bless me. Thanks to all devotees for reading this. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am the lowliest devotee of Sai Baba from U. P. I have experienced many many blessings of my Sai Baba upon me. I have always seen Him standing beside me. Whenever He sees me in trouble He Himself comes and gives me the directions that lead me come out of the trouble. At the time when my son’s result was withheld along with other 16 candidates, Sai was the only one who assisted me to approach the controller of examination in lucknow and then within 15 days only the result was announced declaring my son pass. I am so very grateful to Him. The second experience is the marriage of my daughter. I saw Him present at all the rituals and managing every activity related to the marriage, otherwise we many a times experienced things going beyond our control. Thanks to Baba for being kind to us and showing His love to us. Moreover we had always requested to send a suitable match for our daughter as we were finding it to be an uphill task. He did that task as well for us. We didn’t had to go anywhere, really. He brought an alliance Himself at home and we were amazingly shocked. Within a month she got married. We are really grateful to Baba for all He did for us. Thank You Baba. Thank You so very much.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram _ / _
Om SaiRam
Om sai ram
Gurudev datta 😊
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
OM Sai ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank You O Deva For Your Sweet Sweet Miracles 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Shree Sai dearest blessed readers. Please find the continuation of experience 1 since it has been published only up to 75%.
full of holy books on Shri Sai’s practical teaching from various authors, yet my priceless SatGuru Sai accepted that blazing fire just to save His devotee life! Who will do this & who can do this?!!!
Dear readers of this blessed forum, all this happening is very much factual as being part of it. A sincere devotee will never dare to create stories as he is aware of the truth that Shri Sai’s divine eyes never blink even once.
Thanking you all for taking your valuable time in reading.
Everything is perishable! Knowing this, enjoy the present (make most of it without regrets) with the One who really cares for you in all times – Your SadGuru Sai Samarth!!! His love is incredible!
Jai Shri Sai Ram.
From Vishwanathan.M
Om Sai Ram! Thank you for sharing your blissful experience Sai brother. It just instills the belief of Sai's benevolence more and more than we can ever imagine.
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless my family with good health and show mercy on our children and show right path deva
om sai ram
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all