Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Baba Blessing In Every Step Of Life

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hi Hetalji, Om Sai Ram. I am a devotee of Sai from US and this is my third post on your blog. Please don’t disclose my name and mail id. This story based on the Baba’s blessing on my marriage and how sour married life turn to sweet with His blessings.

I have completed my B. Tech in Computer Science and was doing job in one MNC in Bangalore. Parents started searching guy for me and one day I got a mail on office mail id that someone asking my parent’s contacts. I asked my elder brother who was also working in software industry in Bangalore. He told me to share his number with that guy. Then things proceeded and our marriage was fixed. I could guess some issues were there inside his family. As all had little bit dependency with the guy, everybody was insecure and wanted to keep that hold to get some money. Although I was not sure that time but I could feel as I was in contact with him before marriage. Before starting from Bangalore for marriage, as we are devotee of Sai, me and my elder brother sent an invitation card of marriage to Shirdi through an unknown person who was going to Shirdi by bus. Frankly although I had sent card I was so much confused, nervous to this new change of my life, that I felt that I had not invited Baba full wholeheartedly. Simply I sent and also didn’t expect that He would come.

I have a photo of Sai in my home brought from Shirdi long back. I wanted to do namaskar to that photo before going to mandap. But during that phase I was blank and forgot everything. So many miracles happened on my wedding day, I am sharing only one which is one of the most unforgettable incidents of my life. On our side, marriage used to be done at night. Barat reached and marriage started. At around 2 o’ clock at night, when the bride’s hand to be tied to groom’s hand function started. All of sudden, drizzling started just for few minutes (hardly 5 minutes). I could hear the sound of rain drops while sitting in mandap as some water drops falling on the canopy of mandap. Then it stopped within few minute and my full family was giving blessings through gifts. My marriage got over and I came back.

Then I was talking to my elder brother who told me one incident happened on my wedding night which I was not aware. As it had started raining, my mother told my brother to check mattress and all on the terrace in the fear that they would become wet. Exactly that time when my hands were being tied with my husband. As this is winter (January), it never rains our side. Even I stayed for 15 to 20 days in my state, I have not seen single drop raining except during those five minutes raining of my wedding time. My brother told me that when he was coming after checking the mattress from terrace, he saw one old man was standing and lot of dogs surrounded him. He asked foods by indication and somehow my brother felt something different in him. So he ran inside the house and he saw that one full plate of all dishes was kept on dining table. Without thinking anything, he brought it and gave it to him. He had it by sitting near the decoration of my marriage and also feeding to dogs who were sitting with him. The dogs were not barking at him and only following him. Then he started dancing on the shehnaai music which used to be given during hand tie of bride and groom. Then he started moving with dogs and he went away. Although I have not seen that old man, I don’t know my internal feelings always tell me that was none other than our Sai. I have faced lot of issues in my married life three years, as they are insecure due to my presence and wants money from husband. But as time moved, the people who were troubling me gradually moved away from our life. By His grace, now I am leading good married life In US with my hubby and daughter. No matter who are against us, He will be with us. Just a little bit patience, He will definitely come for our rescue. We are human beings; please forgive us for all our faults. Oh Guru, please be with us and guide us in every step of life. Om Sai Ram.

Got Job by Lord Sai’s Grace

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Sairam Hetalji and Team, previously my experience has been published as: http://www. shirdiSaiBabaexperiences. org/2016/06/shirdi-Sai-Baba-miracles-part-1324. html#experience1 . This will be a continuation of that experience. Dear Devotees, first of all I thank our Lord Sai Bhagawan Who is most merciful and kind for giving me inspiration to pen down this experience and for making Hetalji and her team for being the divine channels of this experience to all readers. As mentioned in my previous posting, I succeeded in obtaining permanent resident status here on 9 Sep 2014. At that time, I was searching for job, as my contract which originally ended on 4 Aug, was extended only for 3 months up to 8 Nov 2014. However, that was really a miracle, as it enabled me to get PR status. From 8 Nov 2014 to Mar 2015, I was working at the same place without salary, while searching for the job. At that time also, I was helping my sister to finish up her Master’s thesis write up due to her situation, which I am unable to explain. By Mercy of Lord Baba, I managed to attend a career fair meant for locals, as stated in the newspaper, but when I called them, they allowed PR to attend as well. It was around end of April 2015. It was there, I met a recruiter from a company. I explained to her that I was looking for a job, and although I have a PhD degree, I was willing to get any job or switch in career even with lower salary. She mentioned that they had no vacancies now but she would get back to me when they had and said that the salary also would be quite low (at least 30% less than what I used to get). After that, time passed, I applied for more jobs, but only had interview from 1 more company, which I failed. 3 months later on July 24, 2015, I suddenly had a call from the recruiter, I met at the fair. She asked me if I am still interested in a position and asked me to send my CV again. She scheduled for my interview on July 29, 2015. I was a bit sad that it was Wednesday, but anyways I was excited and desperate for job. Sai Brother Abhi posted on this site that he was going to Shirdi for Guru Pournima (31 July 2015) and I sent a prayer request on Monday, July 27 for my job. By our Lord’s grace, interview went well on Wednesday. I requested salary of 25% less than what I used to get previous year (especially since I had 9 months gap). On Thursday, 30 July, without doing any referral check, they offered me the job. And, on Friday, the day my prayer request reached Shirdi on Guru Pournima day, the recruiter called me to say, she proposed to the bosses to offer me 15% higher salary than what I asked, as she feels it will be more fair for me. What amazing kindness our Lord Baba showed. I can never forget His grace. He also made it possible for me to help my sister with her work during my gap time, because if I was working, it would have been more difficult. Oh Lord Sai, I cannot thank You enough. At the moment, after 1 year of working, my company was in financial trouble and could close down soon. However, I know my Lord will protect all, and bless me in my quest to find a job that He knows I can do well and be happy with it. Dear Devotees, keep having Shraddha and Saburi and trust in the Lord, His timings and ways are simply perfect as He is the great wirepuller of the Universe. Om Sairam Jai Sairam.

Sai Baba And His Blessings Are Always With Us

Sai Devotee Sumita from India Says: We think of Sai Baba and He is always with us. Firstly, I would like to thank Hetalji for creating this site My family and I are the devotees of Sai Baba. He is always with us. We try to visit Shirdi every year for Sai Baba’s blessings. We have many experiences, whenever and wherever we have any problem we think of Him and the problem gets solved. Last 6 months as I have subscribed to this site, I read the mails I receive with many experiences shared by people on this site. Recent experience I would like to share with everybody, as this is my first experience I am sharing on this site. I wanted to take my mother to Rameshwaram Temple as she had been telling me for the last 2-3 years. But we were not able to plan it. This February 2016 with my office colleagues and their families we made a plan and booked train tickets for May 2016. In April, this year it was very warm and everywhere it was very high degree, my sister and brother felt that it would not be good for my mother because of her age. Although I and my mom were ready to go, we waited until May 15 not cancelling the tickets, but finally we cancelled mine and Mom’s tickets and my office colleagues 14 members went. We were very much sad as we missed on Rameshwaram, Trivandrum, Meenakshi and Kanya Kumari temple. In the meantime in May itself I and my mom were able to make to Kashi Vishawanath temple. Very good darshan we had, and by the God’s grace the 3 days when we visited, it was not that hot in Varanasi. Again I requested my office colleagues to make a plan for Rameshwaram. June, July we were not able to make. I prayed to Sai Baba for Rameshwaram darshan. Finally one day we booked the flight tickets as we had continuous holidays in August. We had good darshan everywhere, Padmanabha Swamy in Trivdanrum, Kanya Kumari temple, Rameshwaram, Tiruchendur, Meenakshi Temple. We were back yesterday and very happy as everything went very well. I am grateful to Sai Baba for making our pilgrimage tour very pleasant. Even though all the temples were crowded we took direct darshan tickets and somewhere hired guides, we got good darshan. Everywhere after having good darshan I thanked Sai Baba, He was always there with us. 2-3 places I saw His photograph while travelling i.e. on the shop board, or inside the shop. I used to thank Him. It did not rain anywhere. The people we met whether it was guide, driver, etc. all were good. The tour traveller was also helping and we had the darshan of 3 more temples which are very famous in south. After coming back from Madurai I told my mother, God takes care of us, because if we would have gone by train it would have been tiresome for us. Flight tour was more comfortable from Mumbai. I thank Sai Baba for such a good darshan.

Udi, Blessings Of Baba

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all Baba devotees, Hetalji thank you so much for making such a wonderful platform where we can share our Baba’s leelas. I am a 22 year old devotee of Baba from Delhi, this is my second post. I asked my Baba that I want my experience to be posted on Thursday and as every time He has fulfilled my wish. Another experience is that my dad is a cardiac and diabetic patient and he has gone through by-pass surgery last year. After sometime of his surgery his sugar levels were out of control and I forced him to consult a doctor and doctor added one more medicine which he never liked but had to take it. In between I started giving him Udi mixed water every day before sleeping. After some days he stopped that newly added medicine without consulting doctors and I was afraid of his diabetes level and his kidney functioning report. As I remembered once doctor said his diabetes has started affecting his kidneys and his feet were swollen which is a symptom for kidney diseases. I was in so much threat and forced him for tests and in my heart I knew Baba’s Udi is working and I promised Baba, if reports come fine then I’ll post on this blog and yes reports were normal except cholesterol but I know that will be in control too by Baba’s grace. Bolo Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Shri Shirdi Vasaye Vidmahe Sachidananday Dimahe Tanno Sai Prachodayat. Om Sai ram

Sai Blessed My Husband

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Australia says: I live in Australia; I have one son, one daughter. We believe in Sai. I am posting my experience for the second time. I would like to thank Hetalji for creating this wonderful site. Almost every night before I sleep, I read these experiences and get more confidence and peace of mind. I promised to Baba that I will post my experience in this site if my wish comes true but I am sorry for posting it very late Baba. I prayed to Baba regarding my husband’s job and did Nav guruvar vrat also; at last Baba showed His mercy on us and gave a good job. We are very thankful to Him. Now again my husband’s job is in problem, please Baba save us from these worries. I will start doing nav guruvar vrat again from next Thursday but mean while please bless my husband with good job and health.

Experience Story

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Post related to my room’s key. Om Sai Ram, I have experienced Sai Pa’s miracles numerous times and my Deva has been always with me. My recent experience is related to my room’s key. When I was at my work site I wondered that if I forgot to keep my keys in my bag? I was praying to my Sai Pa to please be with me and I was wondering that it should be in the bag by my Sai Pa’s grace and guess what it was there only and this time too my Sai pa kept my belief in Him and I always know that He is with me, with my family and all devotees. So, have faith and patience in Him and keep worshiping my Sai Pa. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Jai Sai RM Jai Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Satguru Sai Namo Namah Jai Sai Ram.

Β© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om Sai Ram. I see a lot of devotees from australia. Im from melbourne and i would like to meet like minded people who are from Melbourne so we can go to temple together or do poojas and bask in His grace. Do join the group i have created on facebook for this reason. Search for Sai devotees of melbourne group. Looking forward to talk/ meet you devotees.

  2. Om Sai Ram to Sai family. Can anybody tell me how to send our prayers to shirdi. Because sometimes even if our relatives are going to shirdi we can't send our prayers with them because of privacy. And until Sai Maa calls we cannot step into shirdi.So please suggest me how to send our prayers. Thank you.

  3. To the 1st devotee, you are very lucky to have Him come attend Your wedding.

    O Deva, keep Your Grace on us at all times.

    Jai Sairam

  4. Om Saibaba, I wanted to post an incident that happened this week, it is blessing from Saibaba. I play volleyball, once a week, eventhough I did not play for week, and my right hand middle finger nuckkle was swollen all of a sudden. I could not bear the pain, do not know the cause. I prayed to Saibaba with faith and applied udi on the nukkle and with in two days the swelling was gone, and the pain also is very minimum now. I did not see a doctor.
    My comment is please have faith in Saibaba, his blessing will always be there. Om Saibaba.

  5. Saima please save me. U know everything that's happening in my life. So confusing and not able to take sides. Can't figure out which s best and neutral. I was once neutral. After facing hardships I was in survival mode. To protect me from negatives I needed to be more negative. I donor and can't figure out still which s good decision to be. Now facing health issue. Anxiety s reduced by ur grace baba. Ii decided yo take only positive. But dono Wat to do if respect has to be compromised. Please always be with me Saima. Om sairam

  6. OM Sri SaiRam,

    Baba, I am suffering with feaver since yesterday. By Tomorrow I should be alright Baba. I should get good sleep tonight Baba.

    OM Sri Sairam


  8. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram πŸ™‚

  9. Recently i had thyroid test along with other tests. I am having severe hair fall. Only tsh was done and it was 6.19. Just 6 months ago it was normal. In these 6 months it has increased.But i know Baba was testing me. Before if sych things happened i used to fight with him and stop talking with him. But these days HE is changing me so i was quite but internally i knew he was testing me. When i saw doctor she suggested for t3 n t4 tests and said uf those results r normal no need for medication. As expected t3 n t4 are normal by his blessings. I should go for these tests again in few weeks but i know results will be notmal by his blblessings. Thanks Baba.

  10. Sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram😊😊😊😊😊

  11. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.


  13. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai ram

  14. Om Sai Ram
    Baba please bless my family with good health and be with us deva and guide my children in their studies.

  15. Om Sai Ram

    Dear SaiBaba,

    If you are reading this, my only request for you is to keep my family healthy and Safe. In all these years of trouble I completely misunderstood you. I am huge devotee of you Baba. I hope you always listen to the prayers of my family and me. Please forgive me and my family if we did or may do any mistake. Be with us every moment and cherish us with your beautiful blessings.

    Bow to Shree Sai, Peace Be to all.
    Om Shree Sai Nathay Namaha

  16. Thank you very much Hetal Ji and Team for publishing my experience. I am the second devotee, and as my experience is posted, i am into my 1st week of a new job by Sai Appa's grace.Praise be to our Lord Sai, Thank You very much Deva. Please bless all devotees. Om sairam. Jai sairam.

  17. tandri sairam naa bharta ki ventane repu jarige interview lo success vachhi udyogam vachhi maa jeevitalu baagu padetattu chudandi tandri, anni vidhaluga odipoyemu tandri, meere maaku udyogam ichhi mammalni rakshinchali tandri, yiyanaki udyogam vachhetattu chudandi tandri, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, naa bharta ki repu jarige interview lo success ayyi ventane aa udyogam vachhetattu chudandi tandri, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram, sai ram,

    LOVE Swami Venkataraman Sai Guruji

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