Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am retired person of 64 years old. I am residing in Pune. Om Sai Ram to All Baba Devotees. First of all I am thankful to Hetalji and her team for maintaining this beautiful blog, so that all Baba’s Devotees can share their experiences here and by reading these they can boost their faith on Baba further more. This is my second post on this blog. First I have posted on 6th May 2016, which is yet to be published. I am Baba’s devotee since about 25 years and frequently used to visit Shirdi. Baba has done so many miracles in my life. Recent are as follows.
My first experience is about my mobile phone. My mobile phone battery was getting discharged frequently. I had to charge it 4 to 5 times in a day. But within an hour it was getting discharged. I had given my phone for repair. The technician had repaired, but told that if it was discharged again, then you will have to replace the battery. Accordingly I took trial for one day and it got discharged again. I presumed that battery had gone. So I purchased a new battery. But this new battery was also getting discharged frequently. This means fault was in mobile phone and not the battery. The technician could not find the fault. Then I have given it for repairing to another shop. He repaired it. But the problem was not resolved and battery was getting discharged as it is. This means this technician also failed to detect the fault. I was fed up, because two mobile repairers could not detect the exact fault. I have gone to Baba’s Q&A site and prayed Baba to resolve this problem. The answer was “By tomorrow morning your work will be done”. But next whole day this problem was continuing. In the evening I had again charged the battery and went to bed to sleep. Next morning I checked the mobile and surprised to find that the battery was not discharged. During whole day I had not charged the battery, but it did not get discharged. I am delighted that Baba has resolved my mobile phone battery problem. Further about 15 – 20 days I did not encounter this problem. After that again the problem started. I again gone to Q and A site and asked Baba why this is again happening and prayed Baba for resolution of the problem. Answer was “Problem will be resolved with other’s help. Your qualification and education will not be useful”. I thought that I have to show it again to mobile repairer. But it delayed for 4 – 5 days. Next day I was planning to go to mobile repairing shop, but surprisingly I have observed that the battery was not discharging. I understood that Baba has resolved the problem this time also. Now about 10 days have passed, but I have not encountered this problem again. This is Baba’s Leela.
My second experience is that my elder daughter and her daughter (my granddaughter), who is of 7 years old, were to go to Kenya. My son-in-law is working there. Their flight was on 7th August 2016 from Mumbai. But from 5th August 2016 my granddaughter had developed temperature, which was 101 degrees. I was scared that how they will travel. We had given her medicines, but the fever was not reducing. On 6th August I asked my daughter to put Baba’s Udi on her forehead and give some Udi in her mouth. She did this and within one hour her temperature became NIL. Next day they caught flight and reached Kenya (Nairobi) safely. This is Baba’s Chamatkar. I love You Baba immensely and be with me always till my last breath. I have nobody except You. Whatever I am today, it is only because of You Baba. You have given me everything, even more beyond my expectations, for which I am forever grateful to You. If any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, happened by me, kindly forgive me and destroy my sins, if any, of previous birth or of this birth. All devotees should keep faith on Baba unconditionally and see the miracles. Baba will not let you fall at any cost. Ananat Koti Bramhand Nayak Satchitanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: First of all my hearty thanks to Hetalji and all the team members for your ever-giving site by which all the Sai devotees can get chance to share their experiences. Hetalji, I am very new to your site since I have started reading this blog from two weeks above (2nd August 2016). I have thought so many times to share my experience in the monthly magazine “Sai Nirmalya”. But I have never got a chance or proper address to send my experience. On 2nd August I was very upset due to my career. Then I suddenly got angry on Baba and scolded Him also. I also get answer of my problems in Sai Baba question and answer book. But I really wanted some peace at that moment. Suddenly I entered in Google site miracle of Sai Baba. Then I got this blog and became very happy. Perhaps it is the blessings of Baba for which I am writing my experience today. Please correct it wherever necessary. Please do not include my name and email-id.
I am related with Baba more than 5 years. In my childhood days, I did not know about Sai Baba. But when I was continuing 10th class, one of my cousins (who is a great devotee of Baba) had said about Baba. Like all other Gods, I also pray to Baba, but not with much affection and love. But one day (exactly cannot mention the date) I saw a dream that Baba in a white cloth and a bag on His shoulder was coming to my house (particular to my room). By seeing Him, my eyes were filled with tears. Then Baba asked me what you want from me. At that moment I became strange and told to Baba, please You put Your hand on my head (only blessings). That is enough. I need nothing from You. Then suddenly I woke up. Then Baba disappeared. Till date, I cannot forget this moment, which is unforgettable. A week passed, but did not tell to anyone about the dream. But it was striking me again and again. Later, I thought is it true or had Baba come to my dream? Then after some days I told to my mother about the dream. Then my mother told me in tearful eyes that it is really true. Never forget Him till your last breath. Then my Shraddha and Saburi increased day by day upon Deva (Sai). I also did five Guruvar vrat for my matriculate examination. I was in hope to get first division in exam. But Baba gave me ample marks which were beyond my expectation. Then my family members’ joy had no bounds. Thank You Baba for Your blessings. Then I also continued +2(according to my dream college). Baba You are everything to me. Without You me and my family members are meaningless. This is the first miracle of my life. I have many miracles in my life. If I get chance, then would surely post those next time. But Baba my only regret is that I cannot feel Your existence like 5 years ago. Perhaps there may be some shortage in my Shraddha. Please never drive me away from You. Baba You are omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. You know all about me and my career. One year passed in vain due to my fault. But this year I want to continue my studies. Please help me Baba. I am just like a sailing sailor in deep river. You only escape me from those difficulties. Love You so much. Last but not in the least, please fulfil all the expected desires of all Sai devotees. And make their life peaceful (which is too difficult in this material world). Love You Baba so much. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA Says: Dear Sai devotees, I want to begin my experience with a big thank You to our Sai Baba who is omnipresent and always listening to His devotees. Then I would like to thank Hetalji for creating this wonderful platform for all of us to share experiences and increase our faith in Shirdi Sai Baba. I am a housewife with one kid and my whole world revolves around him. I moved to USA last year and started living here. I have visited Shirdi a couple of times and each time I got a very divine feeling. But from the last one year I have become more close to Him and started doing Sai Vrat. A friend of mine who is a big devotee of Sai Baba brought me close to Him.
I want to share my experience with you all. My son’s health was not doing well and the doctors prescribed doing some tests to determine the severity of the problem and said a surgery may be needed accordingly. My whole world turned upside down. I couldn’t stop my tears and prayed for his tests coming out clear and ruling out any surgery or procedure. I started doing Sai Vrat and prayed that his tests should come clear. We got the date for his tests and it was on the first Thursday of my Vrat and by second week we got the reports that his reports were clear. I was very happy to hear the news and couldn’t thank Sai enough. Sai Baba changed my life in more ways than one and he is my everything. He never neglects any devotee and always takes care of us. It is said in Satcharitra that Sai protects His devotees and it has happened in my case. He is listening to us and all our prayers. I am so thankful to Sai Baba for becoming a part of my life and pray to Him to bless my child with a long and healthy life. Faith and Patience are the main virtues for any devotee and Sai Baba or Sai ma as I fondly call Him is ever so sweet and protecting one and all. This is my first post here and I am very happy to share Sai’s leelas with you all so that we can increase our faith and devotion to Him. I would like to pray for the wellbeing of all children and may Sai bless us all. Akilanda Koti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Australia says: Dear Hetalji, thanks for giving us the opportunity to share the miracles of Sai on this page. I have encountered so many miracles since I have come to know Sai that it is just unbelievable. With each passing day my belief in Him gets stronger when I see how quickly He comes to the rescue of His devotees.
I am a devotee from Australia. My recent experience was when I called out to Sai when my husband was getting angry and upset, I just asked Sai to calm him and finish his anger and immediately my husband changed from an angry person, when I spoke and explained things to him. At that moment I was also praying that Sai I will share my experience with the devotees if this happened, and this I am sharing it with you all. This may seem as a very trivial issue but for me it shows that now I have discovered that Sai He is with me always. Thanks Sai for everything. Also I ask for my dad’s health issues to be resolved quickly and my brother’s and sister’s financial situations to improve. Please Sai You know how I am suffering because of these things, please rescue me from this suffering. I have complete faith in You and Your powers, please, please help me by helping them Sai, I will be forever indebted and grateful. Sabka malik ek hai ! Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am small devotee of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. Om Sairam to all. I have many miracles that have happened in my life. Sai Baba is my father, mother, friend, guru, everything. I love You Baba. I would like to share one of my miracle happened in my life. My husband is working in private hospital as IT Manager. Due to some reason his hospital was not running and salary was also getting late, for the last 3 years. There is no increment in his salary. I kept on praying for increment. Because home loan, daughter’s school fees, day to day expenses were increasing. So I decided to have 9 Week Vrat. As I started there was speech about increment, now I completed three week of vrat he got increment of Rs. 5000/-. Thank You Baba so much. I promised You that I will post my experience if I got increment. Today I heard that my husband got increment. Today itself I posted. I love You Sai. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Jai Sai Ram to all devotees. It is my experience that many times what is told in the Sai question and Answer is very relevant and correct in our real life scenarios. I had to register my son at his school and could not find an important document. I searched almost everywhere I could, and then in the question and answer site, it said you will receive good news through your mother and sure enough my mom found out the document in the same drawer where I had checked so many times before. Sai Ram Ki Jai Ho.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Wonderful experiences all.
O Deva, Thank You for being with us at all times and and holding our hand as we walk this life, we are blessed to be have found You.
Jai Sairam
Baba as you know my elder son who is 13 yrs now used to love me a lot. From past few months after coming here he changed completely. He is not close to me now. There is no bonding between us. Everyone from his childhood used to say that i pamper younger one more than elder one. Even he started saying so and moving away from me. He is not listening even to his father though both have become too close now. Baba am i losing my son? Did i do mistake ? Dont i love my son? Baba please help me i want my son back.
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
Sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram
Baba, tomorrow Amma's sandostatin injection and review on Amma's scan report. I pray that her report shall be normal.
Dear Sai Devotees,
I am a Sai daughter, doing my first year of engineering in Australia, far away from home. At home we have many, many problems between my parents and family, i cannot discuss them openly due to a few compulsions but the matter is that I am currently writing exams and I cannot focus. The issues at home are getting to me as i cannot bear to see my mother in pain. I am unable to study and all my papers are going horrible. If I fail I will nof be able to face anybody and will not be able to live with the guilt of making my mom's sacrifices and dreams go to vain. Please pray for me, please ask Sai to help me pass, it seems he is not listening to me, please pray for me, I need your blessing. Please ask our Sai to help me pass somehow I am in a lot of pain right now and do not know what to do. Ya Sai help me.
Your Daughter.
Dear… Every time you start studying take sai naam before that… Baba will increase your concentration… And your focus should be in your studies.. thinking about th prblm at tour home.. can never solve it.. but if you will study.. and work hard… Get good grades and good job then you can make your mom happy… after your sucess… She will forget all her pain… your duty is ro study and if you do it with full faith all problems will get solved…
Read sai satcharitra daily once your exam get over
Baba bless you.
Om sai ram
Sai daughter 🙂
Dearest Baba pls help your child. Bless her/him with faith. I know how hard it can be trying to have faith when you feel your world is crumbling around you. Pls take care of this family and make their worries small ones. Om Sai Ram.
Thank you so much for all your blessings and prayers everyone. It means so much to me. I will read the Satcharitra every day and I will keep faith. Your prayers mean a lot to me so thank you! I hope Baba will give me a chance, forgive me and help me.
Oum Sai Ram 🙂
Jai sai ram _/_
Please fix our journey to India on March 28th.please conform it.bless me make my desire .om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Thank you very much Baba for curing my sons stomach pain.Today after eating lunch my son stomach started aching very badly. So I prayed Baba and apply Udi on his stomach and also gave Udi Water. Within half an hour he got fully relief. Thank you Baba.Please Baba save my husband and son from this black magic power.
Your Beti
Om Sai ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much baba for helping me to get rid of my back pain.Om Sai Nathaya Namaha!
Om Sai RAM
Please baba bless my family with good health and be with us deva and guide my children in their education thandri.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Babaji……show me the right way….love you sai……give me peace of mind…your the only person who can help me……….
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
om sai ram.
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om shree ram
Om namaha shivaya, jai hanuman, jai ganesh, dattatreya, jai durga, tirupati balaji ki jai, baba ki palkhi, jai murugan,
Dattatreya, om namaha shivaya, jai ganesh, jai hanuman, baba ki palkhi, jai muruga, jai durga, tirupati balaji ki jai