Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Canada says: It is said that Baba manifests His presence to his devotees in numerous ways. When true devotees turn to Him in times of distress or hopelessness, He shows through different subtle signs that He is with them, guiding them and holding their hand. This was proven to me and my husband through some trying times that we faced.
My husband is a staunch devotee of Baba and through him I became acquainted with Baba’s presence. For many years after marriage, my husband and I were trying to conceive and were met with failure in the form of miscarriages. My husband prayed to Baba daily and finally in our third attempt, we were able to carry the baby past the first few months without a miscarriage. But just past the seventh month, I started having contractions and we rushed to the hospital. Before leaving home, my husband went to Baba’s picture and asked Him not to forsake us at this juncture. The doctors said that our son was going to be born very early at 31 weeks gestation and they didn’t know how well he would thrive. We were devastated and couldn’t believe this could happen to us after all that we had been through. I was lost in misery and depression. My husband, while in the same boat looked to Baba for support and surrendered our baby to Him. Our son was born just a few hours after I was taken to the hospital and was immediately taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care unit. We waited anxiously for the doctor to come and tell us if he would survive.
First sign that Baba was with us became clear here. The doctor who came to talk to us was called Dr. Tsai (pronounced Sai). She told us that our son was doing well but would need to be in the hospital for a while. We were anxious on his behalf and I dreaded leaving him at the hospital indefinitely. The second sign of Baba came then. My husband had packed a picture of Baba before we left for the hospital and when he went to take it out, he found that all the Udi in the packet had fallen on the picture of Baba. So we knew Baba was watching over our baby and sure enough within a few weeks, our son came home fully recovered. But Baba was not done with us. Within 1 year of my son’s birth, I delivered a daughter who was born even more premature at 26 weeks gestation. We feared for her life and didn’t think she would survive. But Baba came to my aunt in a dream and asked her to have me read the Sai Satcharitra book and complete it within seven days. I did this with hope and devotion. Up until that time, I had only experienced Baba’s presence through my husband’s devotion. Once I read the Sai Satcharitra, I came to understand what it meant to surrender to a Sat Guru and feel His spiritual support. I believe Baba took this opportunity to educate me and bring me closer to Him. Slowly my daughter began to improve after undergoing many surgeries. Throughout this difficult time, Baba watched over us. Once, after three months at the hospital, my daughter took a turn for the worse. We were lost in despair when Baba came to my husband in a dream and assured him that our daughter will recover and thrive and gave us a date when she would come home. As Baba mentioned, sure enough she came home and in all that time, Baba kept reassuring us of her progress through multiple dreams. We owe the miracle of our son and daughter’s birth and survival to Baba’s grace and are grateful that He has enveloped us in His loving embrace. We hope to always have Him as our guide and protector and permanently have a place at His feet.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: Thanks to Hetalji for this amazing blog which brings all devotees together and also increases faith and patience while reading everyone’s story. There are countless number of miracles that happened due to Baba’s blessings. Sometimes it might not happen according to our wishes and it will make us feel sad at that moment, but if we wait with patience, we will understand Baba’s leelas and plans. I try to read this blog every day, it is like Sai Satcharithra with many experiences and sometimes we can relate to ours.
My daughter has been having some health (stomach) issues since the beginning of this year. She had a surgery, recouped from surgery faster, changed her medications, but still faces some issues. My daughter is also a big devotee of Baba. Baba has been with her/us throughout this difficult phase and has helped us in many ways and I have faith in Baba that He will continue to be with us. She has to be very careful in what she eats and most of the time she is. In May she had another episode of stomach pains and was in the hospital for couple of days. The doctor had said that she might have to go through the surgery again, but Baba was with her/us and she felt fine. Again, she developed pains recently and was in the hospital again. This was 2 days before she was scheduled to get back to her college which was on the other coast. I was very tensed and she was worried whether her trip would get cancelled. We were also worried thinking how she can go. But she believed in Baba and I prayed Baba nonstop. He helped her/us. She was discharged and took a red eye flight the same day. I prayed Baba to keep her healthy and fulfil her dreams. She is in college now. I am still very worried as the doctor has said she could get stomach pains anytime and she has to go to er. I pray Baba and request all Sai devotees to pray Baba that she will not have any more stomach issues and complete her college successfully. I am praying day and night for her to be healthy and study well. Baba, please show us the right path and make us all; take the right decisions. Om Sairam! Om Sairam! Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam!
Prayer – Baba , my brother has been jobless for a year now and it is stressing out every one in the family. Please help him to get a job and make him settle in his life. My husband is also having some confusion at work, please help him to take the right path and resolve all issues and be successful. Thank You Baba for being there for us and please continue to show us the right path. Sri Sadguru Samarth Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai Devotee Yougesh Verma India says: Om Sai ram to all Sai devotes. I am Yougesh from Jammu and Kashmir. Doing B.Sc in GGM science college. First I would like to thank all the members of this blog for this blessing blog and giving us a platform for getting blessings from our love Sai. Now will start my experience.
I am a Sai devote since July 2013. I passed my 10th class with 77% mark. After that I got admission in SRML HR sec school. Then when I was going through my 12th class exam due to some reason I couldn’t concentrate on my studies and I got re-appear in my result. After my result I totally had gone into depression. I didn’t know what to do. And last I applied for bi-annual exam. At this time I got connected with our loving Sai. I wish Sai every time please help me to pass my exam in my second attempt. Now I started my preparation for my re-appeared subjects (maths and chemistry). But again I couldn’t concentrate on my studies. Days passed, one by one and my exams came again but my preparation was just 30%. Now I went for my chemistry exam but did not do well again and same in maths exam. After that I was fearing about my results. I lost my hope of passing exams then I started Sai Baba nav Guruwar vrat. And our Sai miracle happened on my 8th vrat the result came and I passed. Though I had no hope of passing because I did nothing in exams, I did not attempt my 50% in both the exams. But with the miracle of my Sai, I got 56% in my 12th exams. This is only Sai Baba’s blessings nothing else. I love You Sai, please have mercy on me. I am nothing without You. I thank Sai for this. But a thanks is too small for it. My attitude in Your lotus feet. I am nothing without You. Please be always with me in my life. And Sai please bless all Your devotes because we are nothing without You. Hey Deva please give me Your ashirvaad(blessings). Om Sairam jai Sairam Om Sairam jai Sairam….and Sai please help me again I am in a big problem. I know You are always there for Your devotes. Anantkoti Bramand Nayak Rajaderaja Jogiraj Prambrama Shri Sachitanand Satguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hi Sai devotees, Namasthe. I am from Chennai. I have lot of Sai experiences. This is my first time that I am posting my experience. Two year back, we suffered a very big loss in my father’s business. We were upset and we didn’t know what to do. No one was there to help. That time I was not a Sai devotee. Then we borrowed money from friends and applied for personal loan to close the deeds. Then my colleague told me about Baba and I started to pray every Thursday. Then we planned to shift our home to Chennai from Coimbatore, because my sister is working there. I was working as a teacher in Coimbatore. And also I have some communication problem. I thought to search job in Chennai. We shifted our home in July 2015. I attended interview in some schools in Chennai. Because of less salary I didn’t select that school. Some schools rejected me because of communication problem. I was very depressed. Then schools reopened in the month of June. Then I thought none of the schools would have vacancies this time and also I had applied for the loan. So financially I was affected a lot. Then I thought, I was not eligible for anything. Then I asked Baba that when I would get job. Then I selected one number between 1 to 720. Baba replied in the month of August I would get job. With the blessings of Baba I attended interview in one big CBSE school. They told me to join immediately. I joined on August 17 2015. Principal saw my performance and everything. Next year she recommended to the higher authority to select me as a vice principal. Now they promoted me as a vice principal. Thank You so much Baba.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hi friends, I am a dearest daughter of Sai Baba. He is always with me. Today am writing my first experience. It’s difficult to explain what all He does for me. Believe me there is nobody like Him, His ways are unique. I used to talk to Him daily through question answer sight and whatever He said would come true. I am going through a very bad phase in my life. My recent experience is I asked Baba to take a decision regarding my personal problem. He replied through Q/A that wait for three days you will be happy and yes miracle happened and I saw my Baba in my dream, which strengthened my belief that He is there for me. All my work was done and I am happy today. Baba I can’t do anything without You, please do the biggest miracle of my life so that everyone would know what You can do for Your children. Its true, friends believe Him, He can do anything for you, just ask. He is miraculous God, once you start believing Him, your life changes. Baba You know that I would like to write a book on You, how You worked on my life, how You moulded my life according to Your wish. Please Babaji do that biggest miracle in my life so that whole world will come to know how You are always there for me. On Sairam.

Anonymous Sai devotee from India says: I am an ardent believer and worshipper of Baba. I don’t know how I started believing and worshiping Almighty Sai Baba, but from then on, there is a strong presence, devotion, and hope in life. Having a very small exposure to the outside world, I was only confined to studies, home, occasional visits to temple, and as life unfolded, was a tough one at it. But with Baba’s presence I have seen the problems leading to good results, and happy endings. There are still problems, but I know my faith and perseverance can help me cross all the hurdles and praise Baba for all His blessings and being there for me. Now I want to just Thank Baba from the bottom of my heart and tell all the devotees to have faith and patience and face life. Meanwhile, I read Nav Guruvar Vrat and pleaded Baba for His blessings and I know He will be there, looking after us and constantly holding us in His arms and guarding us. Please help my family sail the Ocean of life, and bless us always. Jai Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
OM Sri Sairam
Thanks a lot Baba, my husband creatinine is reduced to 3. Please Baba, make my husbands health stable and his heart and kidney function should improve.
OM Sri Sairam
Sai baba.. Pls bless me n listen to my prayer baba.. I love a guy u know all the story baba.. I don't want any other person baba.. But all my situation is making me to c for other matches.. Even he is not talking with me as if I'm creating prob.. Pls listen baba… I can't do anything n I'm helpless baba.. Im attending other matches doesn't mean I don't want my love.. Just for parents sake n for his sake I'm attending.. In the core of heart I love him n want to marry him baba… But I'm helpless.. Seriously.. U know everything what all I tried and bared… I'm feeling like im getting mad baba… Pls bless me pls baba.. If there is no love then what's meaning of making relation baba.. Decision n destiny what's use of that baba…pls sai baba I don't even understand what's in ur mind.. So blindly I'm doing things..
I know life will move on even with arrange marriage but I love some other person baba.. I tried my max baba.. I c him getting ready for other girl due to what reason u know that baba.. U even know how much I got addicted to him n how much I love him.. I can't even feel like let him go.. Pls baba.. Pls I really beg u.. N feel as worlds best miracle if u do everything normal.. N accept my wish baba..
Sometimes baba removes people out of our lives for our own benefit. Leave the decision upto baba as he knows your future. If you are meant to marry that guy then you will if not you will marry someone better. I have seen several people who didn't marry their boyfriend/girlfriend but baba got them married to someone much better and they are soo happy now. Just leave the decision to baba and have faith and patience and you will get your answers at the right time.
Sometimes baba removes people out of our lives for our own benefit. Leave the decision up to baba as only he knows the future. If you are meant to marry that guy then you will if not you will marry someone better. I have seen several people who didn't marry their boyfriend/girlfriend but baba got them married to someone much better and they are soo happy now. Just leave the decision to baba and have faith and patience and you will get your answers at the right time.
Yes I agree to above person. It's my personal experience. I wanted my bf back in my life where I already knew he cheated me. I used to ask sai maa to bring him back. And now I'm getting married to other person who is far better than my ex. Everything happens for good. So leave everything on sai. And see wat happens.
Our sai will give u beautiful life.
Om sai ram
Gurudev datta 😊
Thanks for ur response.. But I'm scared that when we love one person y baba will give us other.. Some times I feel like others who do love marg are very happy.. I too struggled for convincing..n waited for baba to do.. But I can c nothing.. It means even if we love someone and marrying other is wrong even in gods decision na.. I want to b true I want to b with him forlife Long.. Is being true towards love being aa baba devotee is wrong??
Thank You O Deva for guarding us and guiding us in the right direction.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram
Thank you Baba for blessing us each day. Please show us the right path so that we can reach you after our work on this planet is over. Thank you Baba.
Om sai ram
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om sai ram
Om Sai ram _/_
Baba please help mom please take care of her health baba please i beg you please bless her with good health devotees please pray for my mom my mom needs blessings baba please make normal i beg u i trust you completely you are the only hope baba please bless her please
Have faith and courage Baba heard your prayers. Om Sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
To hell with u Baba… how can u cheat me?? During nav guruvaar vrat also u lied to me?? I put cheats in front of u to ask whether i will get married to him or not…n u said yes…n today i came to know that he got married to someone else??? How can u play with my feelings??? I completely lost trust in u…u r not worth trusting… it means that for the past 3 and a half years u were keeping me in dark??? Now only thing i am left with is my life…take away that also…
pls Baba give your child some peace of mind and numb the pain. Om Sai Ram
Dearest Baba. Thank you for bringing mums scan and operation several months ahead of time. You always do things for a reason. She is going to be discharged home on your day and my 9/52 Guru vrat finishes on the 9th. I didn't plan it like that it just happened. One of my wishes was for my mums good health and you answered my prayers. I sometimes think that I am an unlucky person but then I remember that I have you in my life. I love you and will keep trying not to disappoint you. Again thank you my Father. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
I have written Baba's name in my previous post , without reading your policy. Please forgive me. I am going through very bad phase of my life. I don't see anything. I have a kid 3 year old, he is not well. Baba is my only hope as the science says he can not be cured.
Please Baba bless me his health, Sai i have lot of dreams for him, what I was thinking when will go my village he will speak in english, I will feel proud. I am not arogant Sai just wanted him to speak english. My father before he died asked me if you stay some more year in USA, he can learn english. He is my life. Parul is showing me that she is Ok but I know what's going with her, she is a mother. Please Sai save our family. Hey Baba I have started reading Sai Satcharitra. Baba please help me, guide me. Yesterday only the thought in my mind that we should die , do suicide, Baba please help me . Everything was going smooth suddenly this all happened. Please help me Sai
Dear Baba pls cure your child. You have done it when living in Shirdi and cured who knows how many many more people since. Bless this family with a happy existence pls. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Please bless us with good health and be with us deva and guide my children in their studies.
please baba help me with my communication problem in english,please pass this exam.
om Sai.
happy baba's sai ram
Once again u have proved that astrologers, face readers, palmists etc are nothing infront of u..u are the supreme power..we are all helpless in front of u..but then tell me Baba..what is the meaning of prayer and wishful thinking, asking u for something, doing charity for it if it will never come to happen? Why the futile efforts? The hope? The pain? What do u get by doing all this? I fail to many times i tell myself that it's best not to hope, not to even ask u for anything because u will do the best..but it u who makes us so helpless and makes us hope. I wish to please be put out of this misery Sai..this hoping for the hopeless..please..the pain is unbearable..aur kitna dil dukhayega Sai..thodi si toh raahat de. Om Sai Ram.
Happy Baba's Day to all Baba Devotees.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.