Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you very much Hetalji for providing this platform and be able to share our experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba. Today, I would like to narrate few of the miracles that I experienced in the last week. Last week, I got a dream in which I was standing beside Sai Baba’s Samadhi looking at His idol in Samadhi mandir. With Sai Baba’s grace I could come to conscious state at the same time, I felt million thanks to Sai Baba and was mesmerised at His miracles as Baba wanted me to remember that He is with me so he awoke me. But I am unable to understand what Sai Baba was trying to tell me with this dream. But one thing I can tell you was that I was very happy and delighted standing there staring at Him and feeling the bliss.
Another miracle is, in my house they were looking for marital alliances for me and recently one match came to me and the girl was a dentist. Initially I rejected the offer because my mother said that Purohit said that our horoscopes did not match. Being sceptical about the unwanted happenings and with the thought that Sai Baba did not give me any sign whether she is the right one or not I told my mother that lets us not consider her. But after few months, the girl’s side again contacted us via other marital links, but we were in no position to take any decision whether to proceed or not as the kundali did not match and Baba was also not giving us any signs. It was bothering us. So again we did not respond.
Again after a month or so we went to Shirdi. We had a pleasant darshan of Baba and while we were returning back to Hyderabad my cousin called me while I was getting down from Shirdi bus in Hyderabad. He usually never calls me even if there is urgency, only my uncle calls on behalf of him. When I took the call he said that he had received a match request from his wife’s side and the girl’s family is good. Based on the conversation I sent my photo and requested him to send her photo. Coincidently, the family was none other than the dentist girl. I thought this time Baba had signalled His divinity as He made this connection post Shirdi trip. So we said yes as the family was also known via by my cousin and hence we were ready to see each other. Her uncle who stays near my house in Hyderabad came over to see me before they showed her to us. Finally it was decided to see each other on July 9th based on auspiciousness. Lo this was another signal from Baba it was a Thursday. I began getting interested with the girl based on the fact that family was good and had good moral values. Her uncle came to our house and revealed that the girl was rich. I personally as a person is never into the property because I feel person is important and I believe that good companionship matters most, property will come and go. However destiny has its say and the night before we were supposed to meet, we got a call saying that girl’s grand mom was unwell and so the activity was postponed. We waited for couple of weeks and then I thought maybe they got a better match and left it. But after 3 weeks they consulted us and said that they would arrange for our meeting in 10 days as auspicious days are yet to come. We waited again. But this time I thought whatever happens is due to Baba’s wish and He knows what is right for me and when to give me. Over the month I forgot about this as we did not receive any communication. But whenever I used to think of her Sai Baba in some form or other would appear to me, making me get anxious. But my heart used to tell me if she is the right person in my life, Baba would let me see her. May be my indriyaas are giving me an illusion.
Months passed and one day we heard from one of the marital brokers that the girl’s family was interested but they thought we don’t have enough property to match with what they have. I felt bad to start with but later thought that not everyone thinks alike. But she used to come constantly in my illusions and whenever I thought of her Baba appeared to me in some form. Recently I thought seriously if she is destined for me, Baba should come in front of me. Suddenly I saw car passing by which had Baba on it and many other vehicles.
Dear devotees, I am having mixed feelings as I am unable to concentrate on other matches but my belief in Sai Baba is making me feel more confident and think of her most of the times. I really like to pray to Sai Baba that, please provide me the wisdom to choose a right life partner in my life be it this girl or another and let my faith in You increase by marrying to my life partner. But Baba I don’t know why my thoughts are floating around her even without even talking to her. I don’t know how she thinks about life and whether her expectations would be in line to mine, but something is pulling me to think of her and believe for time being that she is the right one. I don’t want to seek what I want but I would request You to provide me what I need. Please Baba help me in coming out of this anxiety. Today being Thursday I went to temple, in between my pradakshinaas I thought of her for split of a second and then I wondered how Baba would surprise me, while coming post my darshan, some akshathaas fell over my head from the roof and no one was standing beside me. I felt emotional again. Dear devotees, I am currently controlling my emotions as I don’t know what is happening to me as Sai Baba hasn’t given me permission to see her but she is in my thoughts and slowly subconsciously I started loving her without even knowing anything about her and her interests. I am feeling very weird. Sai Baba please help me to come out of this sooner and help me find a right life partner. Jai Sai Ram!.

Anonymous Sai Devotee Sai from India says: Hi every one. This is one of the devotees of our lovely Sai pa. This is my first post in this blog. Thanks to Hetalji to give a wonderful platform to share the blessings of our Sai pa. I am a new child of our Sai pa. From childhood I believed in God but I didn’t feel better at all. Hence I didn’t believe God. But when I knew about Sai pa I belevied Him strongly. I would like to share my experience with our Sai’s children.
Sai pa is an ultimate rock star for us. I planned to have a 9 Thursday vrat and also I started it last month. Today is the 7th week vrat, I completed. At starting the vrat I didn’t have this much believe in our Sai. But now I completely surrender myself to Sai pa’s feet. Beginning of my vrat often I realised that Sai pa was always be with me, whenever I went out I saw at least once at anywhere as a way of picture or the word Sai by this I believed always Sai pa was with me. Due to some problems I discontinued my higher study. Thereafter I didn’t go college for 2 months. Within this period I found out our lovley Sai pa. First of all I wanted to start the vrat for reducing my worries and solve the problems in my marriage life. But I didn’t know that the great lovely legend Sai had another plan for my happiness.
When I finished 3rd week of vrat the amazing turn in my life happened that again I joined my college and continued my studies now with full of happiness and also with our Sai pa’s blessings. Till now I can’t believe this. When I went college for request for rejoining and continue my studies I had a lot a fear myself. But I believed my Sai pa and chanted Sai Sai in heart and the miracle happened, the Head of the Department didn’t speak hardly even one word and gave the permission for joining again, but he is always scolding everybody. Just imagine my situation; the semester examinations were starting within 3 days when I went for asking the permission to continue my studies. That was an amazing experience with my Sai pa. In office room nobody scolded me. When I walk horribly and terribly for some formalities I crossed the office room just one second I saw the Sai picture on System. One of the college staffs was browsing something related to Sai, so the picture had appeared on the screen, even though my college is Christian college. At a moment I realised about the power and blessings of our Sai pa. That was the last working day of college before the Diwali holiday if I had missed that day then it was impossible to continue my studies. Finally with Sai pa’s blessings and grace I wrote my semester examinations without any problem. I also believe that Sai pa would help to clear my result without any failure.
Already I told that today I completed my 7th week of vrat. Today also I have a good news by Sai pa. My boy friend got a job which was nearby our Sai pa’s temple. I felt very happy and I was jumping with joy. All happened only by Sai pa not by my fate I am assured. My fate has slightly change with some good things one and only by my Sai pa. See that how much our Sai loves us? I hope that Sai pa would also make a good turn for my marriage life with one I love. He is very angry person but I believe strongly Sai pa, one day Sai pa would reduce his angry and change his mind. I know this will happen soon by Sai pa’s grace. I don’t say just by words but I say from bottom of my heart that Sai pa is great. He is still living with us. Lovely God is Sai pa. Believe Sai pa always. When I am depressed about something I just see the picture which I have enclosed with this post. I think that the message is for me Don’t Give Up, Your Miracle Is On The Way. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. . . Sairam unbeatable God for the whole world!

Sai Devotee Sai from India says: Om Sai Ram I am from Andhra Pradesh. Recently we are transferred from Nagpur Maharashtra to Andhra Pradesh. Since last twenty years we were in Maharashtra. Om Sairam. Dear all Sai devotees my name is Sai. Thank you very much for this blog administration. Really we were feeling bad after we were transferred from Maharashtra because Shirdi is very far from here. When we were in Mumbai and Nagpur we frequently visited Shirdi. Now I realised that Baba arranged everything that time. Somehow we did not realise and always asked transfer for our native place. But now each and every moment we are missing Baba. Already in this blog I have posted two miracles of Sai Baba. Really He is listening our prayers. Now this time I am writing about how Baba helped my daughter in her education.
Miracle1: My daughter is studying 9th class. Born and brought up in Maharashtra, but because of my husband’s transfer we shifted here. This place is completely village, only regional language telugu is in. They are given importance. My daughter is facing language problem here. After that here education is also totally different from Maharashtra. CBSE schools. We are worried about this. But slowly we are adjusted here. Here my daughter’s school sections were divided every year on the merit basis. My daughter was in lower section; she was feeling bad and wanted to go to higher sections. Exams were also conducted and she had topped in her section (because of Baba’s grace only). But in schools they were not dividing sections. So my daughter was always worried about that only. In between she performed Baba Nav Guruvar vrat also. At last Baba listened our prayers and she was promoted to higher section. That day it was a Thursday. She felt very happy. Because of bab only she got a chance to promote to higher section. Lakh lakh shukriya hai (thanks a million times). Baba please bless us. Har pal hamara sath rehna (always be with us). Please don’t leave our hands.
Second miracle is my sister was all of sudden down with dengue fever and admitted in hospital. So I went there. Her platelets count was very low. So she was in hospital. I have Baba’s Udi in my hand bag every time, and I gave her Udi. After one day her platelets count increased by seven thousand because of Baba’s Udi only that happened. Now she is discharged, feeling better, because of Baba’s grace only. I am waiting for Baba’s another miracle. Please Baba Har pal hamara sath rehna( always be with us). Om Sairam. Lak lak shukria Baba (thanks a million times). Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: So I found this awesome blogging site just yesterday when I was searching Saiji’s quotes and teachings and His miracles. I instantly became happy to see all the experiences that have been shared here and that lit up my mood in one go.
I would like to share this experience of mine even though it may not mean anything to some people but this means a lot to me. I am in love with this guy and we are totally in love with each other. I go to Sai Baba mandir with him too and so I know that whatever is happening is under the eyes of Sai Babaji and that He is with me. It’s been a trend that I and the love of my life we fight a lot. We fight like animals and then get back together being in love like we never fought. We have reached and crossed every limits of fighting and still come back to each other because of the love that we have. We fought again and things got too serious like every time and still new like and unlike every time.
I started reading the blog yesterday night and I was thinking that my Saiji has always been with me I just don’t realise it. I have often asked Him for certain things which He has always tried to give me as I see His efforts and whatever He doesn’t give me, I eventually understand that that too has some good in it for me. So I have this eternal faith in Him that whatever He does with me is for my own good only. So I left my love and I became extremely calm and thought to myself, if Saiji wants, he will come back to me and he will admit for his mistakes. And I was thinking that I too would share my experience here. And then he texted me and things became better and again worsened this morning. I had decided to go and meet him in spite of everything and we met and I had no expectations that things would become better. But they did! He apologised and made me apologise too. This would mean nothing to some or all of the people but it means a lot to me. Because I have given my heart to him and Saiji has brought him to me. He is a wonderful guy and I would love to spend all of my life with him. My faith in Saiji has only grown over the past few years ever since I started to develop my faith in him because of a friend. And I will always be helpful to that friend of mine who brought Saiji in my life. And I am always thankful to him. There are certain more experiences that always tell me that He is with me. He is everywhere. Everywhere, we just need to look to Him and He will make His presence felt. I was reluctant to be posting this but right now, while studying I suddenly got this thing in my mind that I should post this. And here I am. Om Sai Ram Sabka malik ek hai. Jai mere Sairam ji ki.

Sai Devotee Divya from India says: I am basically from Chennai. In this blog I would like to share how I was pulled by Baba towards Him and how my faith started growing followed by miraculous and joyous experiences there on. First of all I would like to thank the administrators of the blog for providing space for the devotees to share their mind boggling experiences and also to the people who share their experiences because they are the ones who truly inspired me to post my experience too. I surrender this post at the foot of Sai Baba and request His pardon if there are any mistakes. Hope He will be with me all along and help me in completing my post.
I was very first introduced to Him when I was studying my 10th std. One of my relative took me to a Baba’s temple at Chrompet, and the temple was popularly known as Vibuthi Baba temple. [Because on a particular day night (Don’t remember the exact occasion) Vibuthi (Udi) would be shed from the mouths of a five head snake which acts as a umbrella to Baba in that temple. The next morning on opening the temple’s door we will be able to spot Vibuthi near Baba’s feet.] When I was taken to the temple, there was no power. Though I didn’t know Sai Baba much nor had too much affinity towards Him then, since it was my first visit to the temple the power cut disturbed me sentimentally. Above all, the florist sitting outside all of a sudden questioned us why did you bring this power cut with you when you came and I felt so bad. So I prayed Baba that power should come back before we leave the temple. And to my surprise, after the priest performed the aarti and when I was to get my turn of prasadham, the lights glowed!! It gives such a pleasure to recall it again and share it with you all. From then on my life started a new journey with a firm belief in Baba. My 10th Std marks was another miracle. I will share that and other few experiences in my next post. I pray Baba to bless each and every soul in this world to have good thoughts and deeds and I also pray that He be with His children in their happiest and toughest times of their life and guide them on the right path every time. May we all have loads and loads of faith in Him. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Devotee Kavitha Senthil from India says: I am Kavitha from Thanjavur. A year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I felt a lot and my family got upset. Then my husband who is a devotee of Baba usually told that I would be cured. Then we started our treatment. Crossed 6 chemotherapies followed by left breast removal. During the surgery I was given with anaesthesia. But to my surprise, I was able to diagnose everything during surgery, but not pain. I could even hear my beats of my heart very closely. Finally I was back to form. But when we were going for check-ups every time, I used to place my file at the lotus feet of Baba. And now, I am completely alright and because of Baba only I was able to undergo all chemotherapies, surgery and radiation cycles without much pain. Even doctors were surprised how I could withstand all. But I know, my Baba saved me all the time. Now I am leading a normal life. Thanks to Saipa.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Dear Deva. Please forgive me for the mistake I did. Sorry Deva. Thanks
Please forgive my parents. I see them as innocents. Whatever words they uttered is of mere innosense, ignorance, they didnt do anything wantedly. Please have utmost care for them forever. Please i beg for forgiveness on behalf of them, pls show ur unconditional love for them.Please
Om Sai ram to all!
To all the Sai devotes. Make Sai happy by doing five day pooja. This is a simply and powerful pooja that every one can do to fullfill your wishes. Please follow the procedure as below:
1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but thursday is preferable.
2. One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.But time of doing this pooja should be same for all 5 days.
3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
5. Offer one fruit to baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting sai sai sai or any other mantra that you like..
7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly in the holy feet of Baba for his blessings.
8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people.
Thank you!
Om Jai Sai ram blessings!
Thank You for Your sweet miracles O Deva.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram _/_
Thank u deva saving me from pcods and from marriage alliance in which i was not interested.
Hey SaiNath Babaji why are YOU not listening to my prayers Babaji, i am facing this pain since many days, i am also applying Udi daily,i have a lot of tension regarding this issue, please Babaji please cure me and forgive me for my sins Baba, please Babaji bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji cure me Babaji please
Sainath deva please forgive my deeds in past
You are our malik raksha karna deva
show us the right path
Please deva turn the things possible which is impossible
Tomorrow 9th Thursday of the 9 Thursday vrat of my parents please fulfill their wish sainath bless us with auspicious function sainath
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram
Last devotee, hats off . Chemotherapy is not a normal thing…And u r right baba will always be there for the ones who love him purely.. may God bless u.. did u realize, ur husband is never less than a god.. there are hardly people like this who support wife to this extent. And that too breast cancer.. humanity still exists.. and he is devotee of baba too.. all devotees of Baba are pure hearted people.. Hail Sai Ma
To the devotee who posted about love.. great that he came back and that too with the blessings of Baba.. yes you are right relationships that are kept in the hands of Baba are never a failure… And you have mentioned don't know if my story means anything to you all or not… Absolutely it means a lot to us.. love is what everyone needs in life..Only a person who doesn't have one in hand realizes how important it is… Remember this life long "Sai Thathvam Prema Thathvam"..He supports love for sure… May God bless u both and u both will thetered​ with love life long.. Hail Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless everyone with good health and be with us thandri and guide my children you know that from May-3rd my son exam are going to start deva please be with him and show your blessings thandri.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much Sai Baba.
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all